What's your guess on score?


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Guesses on score?

Another view -


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"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
330" gross


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I sure thought he is bigger than the guesses so far. My judging skills aren't the best, but I usually "under" judge than "over".

His second on his right side is close to 18" I think and his 4th on his left side is long. I guessed him in the 355 range and with his couple extra's, I gave him 10" with his two extra's. That puts him in the 365 range?

G-1 17
G-2 20
G-3 16
G-4 17

G-1 17
G-2 20
G-3 16
G-4 17
G-5 4
G-6 3

49" beam
49" beam
50" mass
37" width

343 is where I put him at.. its all in the fronts love em
305? 315? You guys should pass on him so I can shoot him:) If that bull doesn't break 360 I'd eat your hat. Not too often you see that kind of tine length. Using 15" from base of horn to tip of nose, he exceeds or is close to 20" all the way through except for his 5's. That's a great bull with a ton of character.
I think his main beams are longer than your thinking. That bull should be around 30 inches across his brisket, which would equal the length from his base to his sword. And he appears to have about 23 to 24 inches beyond the sword
First two comments are absurd....Bull will go 335 plus all day and twice on Tuesday!

"I'll see you all this coming fall in the Big Rock Candy Mountains!"

Great bull. Somewhere between 340-360. I realize that is a big range, but scoring on the hoof is tough for me, especially in the velvet.
305 what the!

Look at the main beam length relative to his head, same with the fourths. I'll give him 4 or 5 more inches in point length and the same on beams both sides, maybe a few inches on the mass. Maybe 20 to 25 inches total gets you to mid 360's. If he's a young slight built bull maybe I'm high, but if he's a big mature bull maybe I'm low.

Having said all that, this is why judging elk worries me for my upcoming Utah hunt. So keep them coming. I need the practice and these discussions help a great deal.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-27-15 AT 06:08PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-27-15 AT 06:07?PM (MST)

___R __L
G1 11 11
G2 14 14
G3 12 12
G4 20 20
G5 8 4
G6 - 4
E1 3 -

MB 50 50
Mass 28 28

146 143

spread 40

Judging in velvet is impossible to be accurate. I'll say he will be in the 330-350 range depending on mass.
It's not impossible to be pretty accurate. I hope somebody nails it and you can compare to these numbers. You can estimate the length of his face from the base of antler to the nose to be around 15-16". His points are straight, but still pretty long, especially the 2, 3, and 4.

I'm not trying to gift or be conservative, just accurate.

Beams: 51
first 4 tines roughly 16, 18.5, 18, and 19.5 (over 20 on the left)
the right has a 10.5 5th tine
the left has 3 crummy tines 1.5, 5, and 3
fair mass, 27" each side
39 on spread

Add them up.
I Might know the Guy that got the Pics!

Just a PISSCUTTER to them Boys!

Possibly what they'd call a Meat Bull!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

he is a great bull! I wouldn't be passing him up.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
>Judging in velvet is impossible to
>be accurate. I'll say he
>will be in the 330-350
>range depending on mass.

LMAO, do you actually think there could be a 20 inch swing in the amount of mass there is? most mature bulls will have 27"s of mass per side, I have found that to be a pretty accurate number to use for mass when dealing with mature bulls.

This bull is a lot closer to 350 than 330.

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
>>Judging in velvet is impossible to
>>be accurate. I'll say he
>>will be in the 330-350
>>range depending on mass.
>LMAO, do you actually think there
>could be a 20 inch
>swing in the amount of
>mass there is? most
>mature bulls will have 27"s
>of mass per side, I
>have found that to be
>a pretty accurate number to
>use for mass when dealing
>with mature bulls.
>This bull is a lot closer
>to 350 than 330.
>Page on Facebook.

Nope, probably should have said mass and other factors. Most people overestimate a bull in velvet both mass and length from my experience. I Added up to around 340, just a tad under with deductions. Gave myself 10" either way because it's in velvet and I'm judging from 2 photos...
One typo and the World has stopped turning. LOL Wish I was as good as those great guys.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Sorry, I don't understand the comment about, "one typo and the World has stopped?"

Bess is correct, even if this bull would go 350, even 360, probably not big enough for the boys who got the pic. Not braggin' just not the size they hunt for.

Assassin, you are correct, you know those boys too. I grew up with him, but moved away.
>Sorry, I don't understand the comment
>about, "one typo and the
>World has stopped?"
>Bess is correct, even if this
>bull would go 350, even
>360, probably not big enough
>for the boys who got
>the pic. Not braggin' just
>not the size they hunt
>Assassin, you are correct, you know
>those boys too. I
>grew up with him, but
>moved away.

I'd like just Once to take one of their Meat Bulls!:D:D:D

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

Robin read 2nd post, 305 vs 350

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
These low ball scoring posts crack me up every year! I'm not an elk scoring expert by any means but I would bet that he's much better than a 330 bull! My guess is that bull is pushing 370 but there's only one way to know for sure! Good luck if you're hunting him. He's no doubt an awesome bull with sweet character.
Since this bull isn't done growing, we're all guessing where he'll end up. Based on what I'm getting for score at this point and giving a bit for further growth, I'm guessing he's gonna be around 355-360" when he rubs out.

He's a helluva nice bull!
Guarantee 360+. Awesome bull!!

I don't think there is any other quality
so essential to success of any kind as the
quality of perseverance. It overcomes
almost everything, even nature.
-John D. Rockefeller
For those mocking my first "guess" of 315 - well, I will forgive you, you are probably newbies to the site and not in on the inside joke. Berryblaster is probably closer on his guess than I am! He is using the MM Hero System of scoring. I am using the MM Standard Critic System. There is a big difference. HA HA!!

Seriously though, my brother has a bull on his wall that reminds me a lot of this bull. Epic front tines, but relatively short main beams and regular 3rd's and swords. Good, but not phenomenal mass, and not overly wide. That bull scores right at 340, so I will give my best educated guess to say that this bull is in that neighborhood too.

So let's say 343 1/8 just for grins.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:


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