When Obama talks.........

Dean Parisian

Active Member
the market shudders.

Pass the 12-year I need a sip to get straightened out after the carnage today. Maybe you too were watching CNBC and saw the One answering questions TOTALLY out of touch with what's happening to the market. If Bush did one of these things, the media would have been jumping all over him.

Obama is clueless with what's happening and the market is going to force him to deal with the situation immediately and his star, Timmy G. isn't in sight. The European banks are ready for a melt-down, the derivatives debacle is still unanswered and no one, not even Bernard Madoff is in jail.

All of the liars who fudged numbers on home loan applications, all the appraisers who worked in collusion with bankers, mortage bankers and real estate people to get a deal done, the Wall Street crowd who securitized all of these Fannie and Freddie government backed mortgage pools and of course the fine fellows in the halls of Congress who blessed America with the mantra of everyone is entitled to home ownership.

America wants something for nothing. Boy, did we get it.

Dean Parisian
You expected something different?

Nobody can polish a turd, not even Obama.
It is uncanny to watch the DOW start dropping the SECOND he starts talking--then not recover the rest of the day.
Yeah it's a shame, we were livin' large with no worries when Bush left office a month ago.
huntindude = obamadude

huntindude = clintondude

huntindude = commiedude

huntindude = socialistdude

huntindude = hillarydude

huntindude = huntrezdude

huntindude = E(d*y/pie - 73.01 + 0) / 0
What is it you like to suck on that's big & tasty? kind of creepy.

Just because I don't blame Obama and the dems for the economy doesn't mean I'm a fan, I suppose compared to Bush and crew I like them. judging from the elections seems I'm not alone now doesn't it?

By the way I don't live on or hunt the rez. it's as if Bush managed it, trashed and broke.
More worried he couldn't fix the mess Bush left behind than about Obama himself. besides, a year ago Hillary was the front runner to president today so I doubt they were sweating it a lot.

This is a wreck created under republican rule with bipartisan help. Obama is the sap who worked for the right to get blamed for it, anyone who doesn't understand that is as dumb as Obama is for taking on the task in the first place.
what does wall street want? some more phoney stuff so they can line their pockets, the underlying budget problems are purely right wing caused, and the meltdown mortgage mess happened when the republicans had full power, Come get the big loans? no SSN required remember?. To blame this on anyone else is absurd, If Clinton were in office this wouldn't have happened, there are a bunch of idiot democrats for sure, but the deregulation, the poorly run war, the inability to do something about the health care mess, the top down tax cuts, those are and always have been right wing babys.
>You expected something different?
> Nobody can polish a turd,
>not even Obama.
All through the election the "kool-aid" drinkers were saying he could turn a turd into gold!Now what happened after the BIG win!!!!!!!
Who was president when most of the banking regulations were either completely abolished or several curtailed? Who was President when Alan Greenspan bailout Long Term Capital Management. Who was President when the term "too big to fail" came into use?

Don't drink the koolade. Clinton inflated the dot.com bubble and was also instrumental setting the stage for the Housing bubble. W did his part by having horrible monetary policies. Greenspan was the court Jester for both and bears more responsibilty then either of those two.

Wall Street is reacting to it's total lack of confidence in the handling of this mess by Obama and the idiot he put in charge of the treasury. Wall Street is a forward looking index and the market is saying the bailout will have no real impact in regards to turning the economy. Also there is real concern about the amount of money being borrowed and spent. It surpasses anything even Bush did on his watch.

The Fed is in full fledged mode of throwing out the dollar and turning it into toilet paper. We are reduced to begging China to continue to purchase our debt even as they are attempting to move their economy to a consumer based economy so that they can consume the fruits of their own labor rather the exporting their goods to U.S.

It isn't all Obama's fault but he has an inarticulate dunce in the treasury and everytime the President gets in front of the camera he scares everyone so much with his words that people pick up there phone and yell "sell, sell!!!" He should tone down the rhetoric and turn up his famous charm.

Regardless of what he does we will see more down days ahead. The worst is yet to come.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-09 AT 09:37PM (MST)[p]Piper - what the hell are you talking about?, all problems in this world and this economy were caused by the republicans, man you are on some crazy crack and drinking some heavy duty moveon.org koolaid. The dems mandated to the banks that they make loans to people who couldn't afford loans. So the banks, freddie, fanny and every other tom, ####, and harry made loans to people that couldn't afford them. For a while it was great and they were making mucho dinero hand over fist selling the mortgages, packaging them and repackaging them and selling them all over the world to other banks, institutions etc. Then when the people that couldn't afford the loans in the first place started defaulting on them - the dems went Gomer Pyle and said well goooollly, surpriiiise-surpriiiise we have a problem. Look at the facts, The Bush Whitehouse, McCain and others tried to push congress to get a handle on this and they were shut down. Barney Jabba-The-Hut Frank, Schumer, Dodd and other dems said you guys are whack - Freddie and Fannie are just fine they are doing better than ever. There is plenty of blame to go around including Bush for wanting to also get a bunch of people in homes. The problem is when the whitehouse figured out that this was a dead end they didn't slap the frickin dems silly, and sell their position and shout it from the rooftops. Oh and by the way - greedy wallstreet and alot of the CEO's and alot of the wallstreet bankers. Guess what? - They are DEMOCRATS.
Take your blinders off.
Tyring to blame the dems for what they may or may not have pushed for prior to 6 years of full republican control is pretty weak. if the all knowing finacial wiz kid conservatives knew this was going to happen since the dems screwed it up why didn't they fix it when they had the hammer? they were not only clueless they took credit for the economy up until a couple years ago.

This is a bipartisan disaster with no cure by either party. it would be fair to say the republicans rode the bomb all the way to target, and the dems were full of crap to say they could stop it and prevent a disaster. we get it, and we're in this together, if more effort was spent trying to fix it than placing blame we might all be better off.

You really do seem to be a stand up guy so I'll give you some advice my dad gave me long ago "You can't argue with drunks and morons". I've tried it and my dad was right.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-09 AT 08:50AM (MST)[p]HD,
My response was to Piper, who thinks every ill in the world was caused by Republicans.

The fact is that Obama did inherit an economic mess. The fact is that he has scared the markets by his rhetoric and the way he has conducted himself in front of the camera. The markets don't like mixed signals and both Geithner and Obama have sent numerous mixed signals.

Nationalization of the banks is being discussed by members of both parties and yet Obama cannoy offer a clear and understandable position on nationalization, Geithner has a clear idea of how much money the banks are going to get: $2 Trillion but looked like a deer in the headlights when asked for anything approaching a plan. I am not saying the Republicans would have done any better, I am saying the Democrats are in charge and they were elected to lead. So far all we have gotten is exactly what Bush would have done.

Nemont- I only know the republicans were in total charge when I was bombarded with ads saying come borrow, 100% cash out, no SSN required, I know if the president can bomb another country tomorrow and do a bunch of other extraordanary things, he could certainly have curtailed the bad money loans, espessially with the help of congress. I know the federal budget during Clinton was once 1.3 trillion dollars, and during Bush it was over 3 trillion, quite an increase I would say, Using hindsight I know the war was grossly mismanaged, I know that next year Americans will spend over $8000 dollars per person on health care, averaged out, twice as much as many other industrialized countrys, and efforts to change that will be met with stiff republican resistance, I also wish Barney Frank and bunch of other Dems should be locked up in prison with a few wall street bankers.
>Nemont- I only know the republicans
>were in total charge when
>I was bombarded with ads
>saying come borrow, 100% cash
>out, no SSN required, I
>know if the president can
>bomb another country tomorrow and
>do a bunch of other
>extraordanary things, he could certainly
>have curtailed the bad money
>loans, espessially with the help
>of congress. I know
>the federal budget during Clinton
>was once 1.3 trillion dollars,
>and during Bush it was
>over 3 trillion, quite an
>increase I would say, Using
>hindsight I know the war
>was grossly mismanaged, I know
>that next year Americans will
>spend over $8000 dollars per
>person on health care, averaged
>out, twice as much as
>many other industrialized countrys, and
>efforts to change that will
>be met with stiff republican
>resistance, I also wish Barney
>Frank and bunch of other
>Dems should be locked up
>in prison with a few
>wall street bankers.

So you choose to ignore anything "bad" that happened during Clinton's term in office in order to continue to feed your irrantional hate of Republicans?

Which democrat raised alarms about the mortgage industry and demanded hearings? Where was the loyal opposition when the Republicans controlled congress?

I wouldn't hang my hat on what a deficit is during any presidents term because President Obama is going to have larger deficits then any president in history. He may intend to cut it in half by the end of his first term but the road to he!! is paved with good intentions.

I am curious why you don't blame the central bank for it's role in the entire credit mess but of course all things bad are Republican. Well the Democrats have 100% control now, we will see in a few years how all that will work out for you. I suspect that you will be worse off in 4 years then you are today.


Lets look at the facts though, the dems messed around during the Clinton years making a climate bad things could happen in. the republicans then took full control and not only didn't fix the dems screw ups they added to them and doubled the debt.

A couple years ago Bush and his chronies were taking credit for the robust economy, at the end of Bush's term the economy crashed and Bush started the bank and auto bailout plans. then Obama says he can fix it and adds to Bush's socialist handouts with the republicans fighting him every step of the way as if they were conservatives who just popped out of the brush after an 8 year hide out.

Nobody is buying it that the dems are responsible for this mess or that now the republicans deserve a say in how to fix what they let happen. now it just boils down to if Obama can do what he said he could do, fat chance. is anyone really surprised at what's happening? a blow hard polititian can't deliver the goods in a situation that has no cure and everyone seems shocked, give me a break anyone actually thought he could do it?

Obama has an impossible task, but cutting Geithner lose and replacing him might be the best move he could make at the moment, we're still screwed but that would show aggresive leadership and the show must go on. we've just seen the begining of many bad things to come, anyone who enjoys watching Obama fail better soak it up because that's the only good news you're going to get.
Nemont-I grew up in a near completely right wing nut hole, a place where Palin, and John McCain felt at home recently, When the Clinton administration mentioned a ban on new roads in unroaded national forests, the town had a 30 ft high shovel blade welded and placed it up in front of the Vietnam memorial on the court house lawn, inscribed across it was, NO MORE ROADLESS AREAS, I like to hunt and like wild country so you can see a little of why I find some right wing beliefs repulsive, where the California boys could tell stories about leftys, I could go on and on about the right. When the opposition mentioned the tax cuts and large deficits, the Republican responce from Bush to Limbaugh and Romney was we need to grow the economy, just curious, how does that fit in with the situation now?

All of it has led up to our current situation. I have said that over and over. The difference is that there is plenty of blame to be laid at everyone's feet.

Including Obama's, not for the current mess because I don't blame him as he has only been on the job for a month. I blame him for using the same tactic that Democrats hated about GWB, the politics of fear. He has scared the markets by the way he presented himself and his ideas. As scared as the markets are of Obama they are terrified of Geithner and his apparent bumbling of a $2 trillion additional bailout of the banks.

Do you think banks deserve another $2 trillion dollars? Do you think the people who overbuilt their houses and treated the equity in their homes as an ATM should recieve your money? If you do then Obama probably has your full confidence. A lot of people who have been prudent and pay taxes dislike these actions and therefore they react by pulling the plug on their investments on Wall Street because they don't like the direction of the country.

I agree with Kramer. Geitner is the Barney Fife of Wall Street and he is destroying any chance Obama has to calm the economy. He needs to do something bold like fire Geitner and put someone with a brain in that position. He also needs to stop the class warfare BS and apply the housing bailout to all Americans who are working and earn enough to pay a house payment. Helping a person who makes $2000 a month take home to pay for a $200000 home by lowering interest and principal is foolish and will not work. I have an employee in that exact position. He needs to lose the home and rent an apartment he can afford. Small business is in a depression. Dark windows and siezed signs are all over the most affluent commercial areas in Phoenix yet no help there. Try taxing those nasty rich people and forcing small business owners to provide outrageous medical and you will soon see what a depression is like. If Obama doesn't get his act together and cut the BS stump speeches we are all lost.
Obama isn't going to fire Geitner! He was the ONLY guy available to fix the financial mess.Obama even looked the other way when the "tax issue" came up.We are stuck with him because nobody in the whitehouse would admit to making THAT mistake!
Geithner has been wrong for 15 years what makes anybody think he can fix anything?

His excuse for Japan lost decade was that they didn't spend enough money to get out of the hole they were in. That is almost unbelieveable because they Trillion of dollars worth of yen propping up banks all they got for it was a lost decade. We are going to lose alot more then a decade with him in charge.

Gleninaz- fill me in, is there talk about making small businesses provide health insurance? and I agree some should just lose their homes. It seems to me that business is down because there is little demand from consumers, and when I hear that we need to cut business taxes, what are we supposed to cut? the 15,25,35% personal profit taxes? or increase writeoffs? I know there are many things that make American businesses uncompetative, maybe it would be constructive for small business owners to think about changes with state and local taxes, energy policy, health care policy,and illegal immigration,ect, not just a personal federal tax break.
Let's see what the Reader in Chief has to say tonight. Amazing how good he is on the telestrator and how bad he is when he is not. You would think that a man of his education would be a better extemporaneous speaker.

47% makers
53% takers

Awesome Wetmule

You are so right, Piper is an idiot that doesnt know the financial history. Was Dem mandated loans to minoritys to be more exact. Barnie Fag listened to Mac n Mae when they said they were doing fine, when a bunch of GOP dudes wanted to break out the books... Pipers an idiot.....
RE: Awesome Wetmule

Well actually not a complete idiot. He does say some things now and then that surprize me and shows he does try to think, so guess i should'nt be mean, im sure he is doing the best he can... with what he has.
RE: Awesome Wetmule

Why is it Bush was powerless to prevent the depression but Obama should have the power to fix it? this isn't a ball game you can't expect the black guy out perform all the time.

We've just put a new captian in command of the Titanic AFTER it hit the iceberg. if you expected much more than what you're getting you're not too bright.
RE: Awesome Wetmule

We are not in a depression and why is a man with a white mother and a black father "black"? And what does his color have to do with anything anyway?

Government is not in the business of fixing anything. It should be concerned with making law, enforcing law and excercising the enumerated powers found in the constitution. If left alone, the market will do the fixing.

RE: Awesome Wetmule

I love how some of the Obama backers are NOT so upbeat anymore! What happened to ALL the talk about CHANGE. I guess they're starting to realize it wasn't CHANGE for the better!
PS Why doesn't he ever claim to be white even though he's 1/2!!!!!
RE: Awesome Wetmule

While it might be depressing. We are not in a depression. The concern about wall street is all the baby boomers retirement. From union pensions, local city, county, state and Fedralized pensions and obviously anyones 401FU.

The glut of baby boomers who THOUGHT they were going to retire is adversly affecting the stock market.And ultimatley affecting consumer confidence.

Anyone who dosn't know this must be dumb. ie: H DUDE
RE: Awesome Wetmule

It is about lifestyle and standard of living. We either have to live and do business within our own borders or compete in a global economy where the standard of living is significantly lower than ours. Doing the later will require a giant change in our lifestyle. We have already made that choice and what we are going through now is the convulsive reaction to that incremental but monumental change.

Life is going to change folks. Our kids and grandchildren will live in a much different country than the one we grew up in and it is our fault. We have let it happen.

RE: Awesome Wetmule

Oh Please !!! You might be surprised how many people aren't hurt by this BS.
And aren't crying the Blues.
Oh, wait a minute,,,,, I have to shed a tear. Bring on the change!
It's been changing a long time.
RE: Awesome Wetmule

Thats true its about the standard of living, and don't let anyone tell you that all other countrys have a terrible standard of living, many other countrys have high standards, from Canada to Denmark and Norway to Japan and so on. we have, with the exception of oil, a very resource rich land. there is no reason besides greed and stupidity, that we cannot maintain a high standard of living for our citizens, and still compete with other countrys in the global economy, we can.
RE: Awesome Wetmule

We are not sending jobs to Canada, Norway or Japan. We are sending jobs and work to Malaisa, China, India, Vietnam, Thailand and the like where the standard of living is much lower than ours. It is simple economics. Labor is usually the biggest cost of production on consumer goods. If you can build the same product for a third of the cost becasue of cheaper labor, then you have a competitive advantage and are going to sell more products than your American competitor. Add to that a tax policy that encourages companies to relocate to foreign countries and you get what we got now.

You want to be a part of the global economy then you had better get ready to live like those that we compete with.

RE: Awesome Wetmule

those other country don't send nearly as many jobs overseas as us, yet still maintain a high standard of living, and compete. My neighbor stores his game meat in two super highly efficient freezers, made in Denmark, I have binos and spotting scopes and rangfinders made in Austria and Japan, all tiny countrys with high standards of living, Many other countrys can do well because they believe in efficiency, from transportation to health care, they do it a lot better and cheaper, until we get that through our thick greedy skulls, its all down hill
RE: Awesome Wetmule


Are those countries getting the influx of emigrants we do? Makes one wonder why they don't go to where it is so much better.
RE: Awesome Wetmule

I think some allow quite a few immigrants, the key word is allow, We only care about ourselves so its a greedfest to see who can get the cheapest labor around here, This little town where I live has no stoplights, yet I hear we have 3 mules bringing illegals in for work, I don't think very many other countrys would allow that, do you?
RE: Awesome Wetmule

Immigration, legal or not, is an issue in every indutrialized country in the world. Here it is mexicans. In Europe they are being inundated with islamic and african immigrants.

And those other countries are seeing their standard of living go down as well, espeically Denmark, Great Britain and Japan.

RE: Awesome Wetmule


I am not crying, I am simply commenting on what I am observing.

There are people out there that are not effected by this mess, I agree, but I am telling you that we are all going to feel the changes that are comming. It will touch everyone sooner or later. And I am not talking about little social issue change like gay marriage, I am talking about massive socioeconomic shifts like privatization, government run industry, loss of private property rights and wholesale redistribution of wealth. The stimulus bill, universal healthcare and HR45 are good examples of what some of our elected officials want to do and there is more radical stuff behind that.

I think we are on a slippery slope

RE: Awesome Wetmule

In about 3 years, the way things are going, save your money, put it in a cd @ 15%, can't print money at this rate we no inflation.

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