When the libs eat their own


Long Time Member

The warning shot.

He comes from a small state. He’ll get exposed,” he said, explaining that if Manchin gains traction in the race he’ll face an barrage of investigations and negative advertising that will dig into his personal business dealings.

So, apparently he has sketchy buisness dealings, that, as long as he in a senator that votes right, it's all good.

Get off the plantation, and.....

This is exactly my issue, and had been forever. The same deep state leftists that threaten Manchin, goes after Trump. And, if Trump left today, tomorrow DeSantis would be in court.
When the libs started wetting themselves over the "character " of the CIA and then Liz Cheney, they had officially jumped the shark.

As you posted the list of 150 dems that challenged elections, combined with Bidens classified docs issue, it becomes more and more apparent that they care zero about laws, standards, Traditions, and simply seek ultimate power regardless.

Manchin was a solid dem vote, especially on major issues, and, they will burn him to tge ground to get a very sad, confused old man elected to preserve their power(incomes).
The Libs have already chosen Newsom as their next nominie. That is why they sent him over to China. No one expected Newsom to foul and knock over 7 year olds in a basketball game.

Newsom has similar traits to Joey. Hugging and slapping children on the backside. Normal behavior for a govenor while in a foriegn country. 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡


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