When Utah owns the land, its gone

LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-19 AT 03:49PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-19 AT 03:43?PM (MST)

This is what happens when people vote for people who are of the same faith they practice. F#####G your own grand kids out of public land to recreate on is the ultimate sin.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
I kinda like this.. I'm looking to buy some land out that way. Works well for me and my grandkids! ;)
This is Old News!

No I Don't agree with it!

If the USFS Sells/Turns Our Public Ground over to the State,What do You Think they'll do with it?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Duchesne County voted 86% for Rob Bishop in the last election. With that in mind, part of me thinks SITLA should just sell off the mountain and privatize it so the locals reap what they sow.

Maybe once people start losing their favorite hunting spots they'll wake up and see it was by their own hand.



"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
>AT 03:49?PM (MST)

>AT 03:43?PM (MST)

> This
>is what happens when people
>vote for people who are
>of the same faith they
>practice. F#####G your own grand
>kids out of public land
>to recreate on is the
>ultimate sin.
> "We don't have a gun
>problem we have prescription drug

Amen brother!!!

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>Duchesne County voted 86% for Rob
>Bishop in the last election.
>With that in mind, part
>of me thinks SITLA should
>just sell off the mountain
>and privatize it so the
>locals reap what they sow.
>Maybe once people start losing their
>favorite hunting spots they'll wake
>up and see it was
>by their own hand.
>"It's time to revisit the widely
>accepted principle in the United
>States and Canada that game
>is a public resource."

>-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>quoted in Anchorage Daily News

Abortion is still legal. I still have an AR, debt is at record levels. BUT LAND IS FOR SALE.

How damn long until UTAH hunters demand to have our guns AND OUR LAND??

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>Duchesne County voted 86% for Rob
>Bishop in the last election.
>With that in mind, part
>of me thinks SITLA should
>just sell off the mountain
>and privatize it so the
>locals reap what they sow.
>Maybe once people start losing their
>favorite hunting spots they'll wake
>up and see it was
>by their own hand.
>"It's time to revisit the widely
>accepted principle in the United
>States and Canada that game
>is a public resource."

>-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>quoted in Anchorage Daily News

This Duchesne County Resident did NOT Vote for that AssssHole!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I Expect BHA,SFW & RMEF to Step up to the Plate and Buy it & Keep it Public Ground!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
"F#####G your own grand kids out of public land to recreate on is the ultimate sin."

"The ultimate sin"????????? "THE ULTIMATE SIN"???????????????

Man some people have a sheltered life. They just arrested a couple that kept four starving kids in dog cages, and yall think not securing welfare hunting for your grandkids is "the ultimate sin"? You got a governor in West Virginia that wants women to be able to have babies and then discuss it with her Dr whether they get to kill a new born baby, and you think people not having cheap recreation is "the ultimate sin"? Have you ever seen a meth addict? Have you ever seen an elderly person bludgeoned to death for $2? Have you ever seen a Michael Bolton Concert? Think about that next time you start being melodramatic and talking about "ultimate sin".
> Have you ever seen
>a Michael Bolton Concert?
>Think about that next time
>you start being melodramatic and
>talking about "ultimate sin".

He makes a strong point.
I Expect BHA,SFW & RMEF to Step up to the Plate and Buy it & Keep it Public Ground!

Right here is the problem...hunters are complacent and feel its somebody else's job to save their place to hunt, save their heritage, etc.

They believe their $30 a year membership to a group, if they even pay that, is going all out...well that and buying a cheap resident license.

If that's all the effort that a vast majority, and I mean 99.9%, are going to put into their own future as sportsmen, well don't expect things to go your way.
Let's be honest here... How many of you wold feel differently about this if you 40 million to spend on a piece of hunting property for you and your family.

I'd buy it in a heartbeat and lock you fetchers out! :D

LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-19 AT 08:35AM (MST)[p]Hey Buzz, I'm not a betting man but I'd be willing to bet none of us on this forum have 44 million.
So how bout you start a MM donation to save Tabby so we all can enjoy it.
I got a crisp Benjamin for you to start.

But if you aren't willing to get the ball rolling on this,
Maybe SFW could start with a donation of at least a million or two that they've stolen from Utah.

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
I'd take Bolton over Florida Georgia Line or Luke Bryan.

Point is the point.

We keep hearing about "Utah values", "life elevated", "multiple use", from the dominant party here.

What multiple use comes from this?

And as to tri point. He's right. Abortion is not only legal, its expanded. The trade deficit just hit a high. The president outlawed a gun stock.

How long until the sportsmen start to demand EVERYTHING? Guns aND LAND? Whhen did we it get dictated to us by OUR reps that to keep guns, we have to sale the land to BP? Or Exxon?

I'm hoping it doesn't take losing this to wake folks up.

Notice the ACTUAL TRUTH.


Its all gone. So quit listening to the Lee and Bishop brigade. You can't have multiple use IF YOU HAVE NO LAND.

All the "guns, god, abortion" speeches. How's that working out?

And don't get twisted, that doesn't mean Dem. That means sending a few R home to be replaced by guys who actually "are hunters too".

But, sex outside of marriage is legal now, so I guess that's win?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>But, sex outside of marriage is
>legal now, so I guess
>that's win?

It barely got through the House after the conservatives tried to stop it because we need "laws that are strong enough to rule a immoral people." (Kevin Stratton, R-Orem)

Apparently part of "small government" involves legally imposing your moral beliefs on others?

It is terrifying to me that people will tell me they support personal freedom and small government while trying to "rule" over others. Is there anything more "big government" than dictating what consenting adults do in their own bedroom?

Yet people who claim to be conservative will keep electing whackos like that simply because of a common religion and the letter "R" after their name.

Oh yeah, and these are the same people selling your land in exchange for campaign donations.



"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
Am I reading the same story as some of you guys are reading. I only read that the state is trying to protect the land by buying it.
I understand hoss and grizz you do not trust the future decision's but what they are doing is the only way you are going to protect it today. Because some rich billionaire will purchase it if the state doesn't.
Remember school trust land has to be optimized we might not agree with it but that is a fact.
Correct me if I am wrong.
Last I read, there are other offers. 3 or 4 if I recall. They don't have to disclaim who nor how much.
The state had offered 40 million but a private buyer could beat out the state.
If private seller beats out the state bid, expect no trespassing signs and/or access fees.

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
When the Baca ranch went up for sale, the state of NM secured it for $90 something million, I beleive, with the intent of "An Experiment in Public Land Management". The other interested entities were local tribes.

Fast forward to today, the Valles Caldera is now managed by the NPS, you can still hunt and fish but must "give way" to other recreationists.

The lands secured by NM Game Commission are Wildlife Management areas where hunting and fishing is the primary activity.

So, in summary, a game department securing land is not necessarily a bad thing.
>Am I reading the same story
>as some of you guys
>are reading. I only read
>that the state is trying
>to protect the land by
>buying it.
>I understand hoss and grizz you
>do not trust the future
>decision's but what they are
>doing is the only way
>you are going to protect
>it today. Because some rich
>billionaire will purchase it if
>the state doesn't.
>Remember school trust land has to
>be optimized we might not
>agree with it but that
>is a fact.
>Correct me if I am wrong.

I totally agree this is the only option that supports us.

I also understand the diff with SITLA.

I highlight this as an example. When land gets sold, this BS about "multiple use", or "better state management" is gone.

This is EXACTLY what will happen with state control.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>I Expect BHA,SFW & RMEF to
>Step up to the Plate
>and Buy it & Keep
>it Public Ground!

>Right here is the problem...hunters are
>complacent and feel its somebody
>else's job to save their
>place to hunt, save their
>heritage, etc.
>They believe their $30 a year
>membership to a group, if
>they even pay that, is
>going all out...well that and
>buying a cheap resident license.
>If that's all the effort that
>a vast majority, and I
>mean 99.9%, are going to
>put into their own future
>as sportsmen, well don't expect
>things to go your way.

Hey BuzzH!

That Was Directed at Grizzly with Sarcasm for Him Telling Me How I voted when He Ain't Got a F'N Clue!

I Knew the Second I Mentioned BHA Some SMART-ASS Would Chime in!

Here's Your/BHA's Chance to Prove what they're Made of!


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Sorry hoss I would have to disagree with you again.
I do not even know a song Florida Georgia Line sings and I have only heard Luke Bryant a couple of times that I know of.
But there is no way I can agree with on Michael Bolton.
Keep guessing the way things work and what and who are involved in trying to purchase tabby mtn. The division wants it so it doesnt become a cwmu or total private. Until you know what groups are involved to help dwr purchase tabby mtn dont make assumptions
LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-19 AT 03:30PM (MST)[p]>That Was Directed at Grizzly with
>Sarcasm for Him Telling Me
>How I voted when He
>Ain't Got a F'N Clue!

Get over yourself, elkassassin. :) I never directed a comment to you or your voting record. My exact sentence was, "Duchesne County voted 86% for Rob Bishop in the last election." I don't have a clue what county you live in, nor do I care. The voting record of Duchesne County is correct however, you're welcome to check the Utah election website to verify.

The locals there overwhelmingly vote for Rob Bishop and then complain when land they've hunted on for generations might be sold. It's like another SFW defender here who stated he doesn't care about the land grab because he always finds a place to hunt. People talk tough until "their" land is on the chopping block... so they'll keep electing the guys that want to sell it. Give them a taste of their own medicine and maybe they'll see beyond the horizon of what is to come if they keep voting for land-grabbers.

Of course, I don't really want that land sold, just speaking rhetorically.


"This is a classic case of a handful of greedy fly fishermen getting too greedy." -Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as told to KUTV

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
I Agree grizzly!

I Have No idea why People in this county or yours would keep Voting for this JOKER?

I Promise You He Didn't get my Vote!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Sorry hoss I would have to
>disagree with you again.
>I do not even know a
>song Florida Georgia Line sings
>and I have only heard
>Luke Bryant a couple of
>times that I know of.
>But there is no way I
>can agree with on Michael

Well. We will have to get a Zima or wine cooler and have a listening party

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Yeah I've seen plenty of meth heads. Had a buddy overdose on heroine Tri. Good guy just got messed up in some bad choices. So yeah I've seen a fair share of ##### that happens. I don't want Utah like Texas at less than 2% public land. It works for you guys but doesn't work well here. I've lived here 31 yrs I've watched it change for the worst in the last 15 yrs.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
" It works for you guys but doesn't work well here."

Why? Because you say so? I'm supposed to take your word for it after you decided kids not having cheap outdoor recreation is "the ultimate sin"?????
As opposed to the expensive outdoor recreation being the better choice?

Are you for the privatizing of outdoor recreation or against it? Just looking for some transparency here, most of your posts support the idea of the "kings deer"...
No Tri I pay attention on other forms of social media and to what western hunters say about public land. And me living here this being a state issue and I pay taxes here you don't. So my say on Utah public lands staying public holds more than yours or the breaking waldrips. This land transfer would be great for them don't you think.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-19 AT 09:46AM (MST)[p]Its all about control.....govt. control.
We are turning into Europe.
People are ignorant sheep.
UT works harder at getting people elected at the federal level who would turn the federal land over to the state than any other state in the union.

Then you gripe when the state does exactly what you know they'd do with the federal land if they could get their hands on it.

So the only thing standing between your federal lands and the auction block are the people 90% of you never vote for. ironic but true.

The same would happen eventually in all states it would just take longer. no politician ever left a dollar on the table forever.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>When ocho starts lecturing us (utahns)
>about who we elect it
>makes me like are elected
>officials a little bit more!


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
So who elected them after all ? kinda a hard to play the victim card when you've elected the most anti public lands state government in the nation year after year.

So bobcat, who are you going to blame it on ?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
"When ocho starts lecturing us (utahns) about who we elect it makes me like (our) elected officials a little bit more!"

Including Romney?
?I also understand the diff with SITLA. - hoss

I'm not sure you do.

This thread makes that pretty apparent.
Maybe people who hunt public ground with their three kids and a 30-06 aren't quite as average as they think.
>?I also understand the diff with
>SITLA. - hoss
>I'm not sure you do.
>This thread makes that pretty apparent.

As I said. I used it to point out the falicy of the "state management" lie associated with "transfer".

The takeover crowd spins these wonderful tales of atv next to horsemen singing Disney songs and holding hands on the land the state manages vs feds.

Truth is. The state can't go bankrupt, which is exactly what having the land would do. So they sell it.

The valuable pieces ain't out on the west desert. They are the Wasatch. The Henry's. What's left of Monte.

This tabby sale is exactly the route. How much grazing and atv access is gonna happen when its private?

But go ahead Vanilla. We are all waiting breathlessly for you mind shattering critique from your safe space on the fence.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>But go ahead Vanilla. We
>are all waiting breathlessly for
>you mind shattering critique from
>your safe space on the
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

I'm not on the fence on this issue in the least bit. Never have been, never will be. I was fighting this fight before you knew how to login to an Internet forum account Hoss.

But I've also read the law and know what SITLA land is and what SITLA?s constitutional mandate is (ask Grizz to explain that term ?mandate? for you so you understand), so anytime I see people talk about SITLA sales and land grands, it immediately tells me that their passion exceeds their understanding.

Passion is good. Passion combined with education is better. Passion combined with ignorance is dangerous. Unfortunately, the latter is where most reside on far too many topics these days.

It would be a disaster to lose this particular land to private entities. Unfortunately I don't have $40 million to donate to the state to help them make this happen the way I'd like to see it go.
>>But go ahead Vanilla. We
>>are all waiting breathlessly for
>>you mind shattering critique from
>>your safe space on the
>>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,
>I'm not on the fence on
>this issue in the least
>bit. Never have been, never
>will be. I was fighting
>this fight before you knew
>how to login to an
>Internet forum account Hoss.
>But I've also read the law
>and know what SITLA land
>is and what SITLA?s constitutional
>mandate is (ask Grizz to
>explain that term ?mandate? for
>you so you understand), so
>anytime I see people talk
>about SITLA sales and land
>grands, it immediately tells me
>that their passion exceeds their
>Passion is good. Passion combined with
>education is better. Passion combined
>with ignorance is dangerous. Unfortunately,
>the latter is where most
>reside on far too many
>topics these days.
>It would be a disaster to
>lose this particular land to
>private entities. Unfortunately I don't
>have $40 million to donate
>to the state to help
>them make this happen the
>way I'd like to see
>it go.

Well how about you educate us all on why SITLA really never generated much until 1994. And how we as hunters can push it back in the bottle like it was pre 94.

But again. As usual you interpret the way you want.

The point was so simple I made it the title.

When Utah owns the land its gone.

As someone who has been doing this as long as you, you know its correct. The state has zero resources to own land, and in fact when 3 of the 4 leaders in the state are developers, its not even a stretch to see how it will go.

The point. Since you missed it is that there is no truth to better state management. Or mixed used under that management. There is only an auction and closed gates.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
You're telling a guy that doesn't want the state to take over federal land that it would be bad if the state took over federal land.

Anything you want to tell me about the color of the sky while you're at it?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-19 AT 11:54AM (MST)[p]>You're telling a guy that doesn't
>want the state to take
>over federal land that it
>would be bad if the
>state took over federal land.
>Anything you want to tell me
>about the color of the
>sky while you're at it?

Only you can agree on a subject yet still feel the need to critique.

. I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

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