Man, I just can't get over Idaho fish and game. They just don't get it. Our mule deer numbers in the state are down to 30,000 and they still aren't doing what needs to be done to stop the slaughter fest in some units that are any buck general hunts. Anyone in Idaho can go to these units and kill any buck they see. No ATV regulations in some of these units is making it hard for the deer to hide because the ATV jerks just climb the mountains and chase them down. I've seen it time and time again and I'm fed up! There is an interstate seperating two units 70 and 71. Now, 70 has been changed to a controlled only hunt for mule deer bucks, but 71 is an ATV any buck for 25 days slaughter unit. Now how can an interstate make such a huge difference in unit regulations? The deer cross the intersate all the time, I see um do it. What the heck is going on....! Can someone try to explaine this to me and all the other people concerned about this!! HELP!!!!