Which muzzleloader?


Very Active Member
My son and I should have a great chance at drawing Utah general season deer muzzy tag. He ask me which muzzy to buy. I have a TC triumph Bone collector that I have had for years. I like it but my son has more money than brains and I told him about the paramount. Concern for me is ease of obtaining components to use to shoot out of it. Any other muzzys I can inform him about.
BOTW or CVA Paramount Pro. Can't go wrong with either one and I am sure there are other great options as well but that's just what I am using now. I have the Thompson you mentioned as well, and I have not cared for it. I still have it along with pellets, sabots and bullets if that will help ya out in case you draw. Let me know.
Concern for me is ease of obtaining components to use to shoot out of it.
That’s the main problem with the Paramounts. Lots of quality control issues lately to boot I hear. I’d stay away from CVAs. If money is no object tell him to buy/build a custom .45.
I have a semi custom Tc encore
The paramount .40 is pretty dang impressive
Can’t go wrong with either IMO
I have the CVA Accurra V2 LR also , great shooting weapon
Same here.
Anecdotal I know, but I killed a Deer last year with it using the ELR bullet and it blew a hole out the other side.
That’s the main problem with the Paramounts. Lots of quality control issues lately to boot I hear. I’d stay away from CVAs. If money is no object tell him to buy/build a custom .45.
What does concern for getting components have to do with quality control? What have you heard?
I bought a 40 cal Paramount Pro last fall and had no problem collecting components for it. It also shoots lights out. Contemplated getting a custom put together before I bought it and now I’m so glad I didn’t.
I ditto hunt30… I love my Paramount Pro. It’s as heavy as a tank, but it is accurate as hell. I had no issue finding components either.
If anyone needs Variflame components including the breech plug, let me know. I converted mine to an Arrowhead breech / module set up.
Same here.
Anecdotal I know, but I killed a Deer last year with it using the ELR bullet and it blew a hole out the other side.

What does concern for getting components have to do with quality control? What have you heard?
Components and quality control issues are separate. The Powerbelt line of bullets are widely considered subpar terminal performers. So, I personally wouldn’t consider buying a rifle that was designed to shoot them. Lots of recent CVA quality control (inaccuracy, fit, finish, etc) issues discussed on other dedicated muzzleloader boards. For the money you’d spend on a Paramount, you could have a much nicer smokeless-capable rifle.
I bought a Knight Untralite last year to replace a TC pro hunter I grew tired of. I was set on a Paramount but couldn’t pass up the deal on this one. Absolutely love it. It will touch bullets holes at 100 all day long
Most guys just getting into muzzleloading aren’t interested in discontinued rifles, but Whites, TC Omegas, Encores and Savages are mostly great rifles. Arguably better than most current production options.
I have a knight disk extreme .50 caliber and it is a great ML. I keep it for CO. I had a .45 fast twist Knight UL and that thing was amazing. It would shoot sub MOA all day. However, after toying around for a few years, I sold the UL and a few other safe queen rifles I had and I am getting a Arrowhead Orion ML built. You can’t go wrong with the Knight rifles but decided to reward myself with a custom muzzleloader.
I have a White and a Paramount. (And an old round ball Traditions .50 cal that was the reason I bought the White)
I have a Thompson center pro hunter. I had MGM make me a custom 45 cal barrel for it and it shoots awesome.
I have a Thompson center pro hunter. I had MGM make me a custom 45 cal barrel for it and it shoots awesome.
I had MGM put a barrel on my Thompson as well. 45 caliber Blackhorn 209 sizing die. To size the bullet to the barrel. No sabot needed. Shoots better then most rifles. Touches all the bullets at 100 yards. Arrowhead rifles also puts some nice muzzleloader rifle together.
50 caliber TC Encore. Have had it for years and always shot well. Killed some nice deer too.
I've been looking over all the guns you have posted and will let my son decide which one. Thanks everyone
Huge difference in the guns mentioned. They can be divided into two groups,
1: 209 primer, musket or cap guns
2: true magnums that use a magnum rifle primer

Get one that falls into category 2. They really aren’t even in the same class as the others. We’re talking 400-700fps more with much cleaner burn. I would try to find or build something that doesn’t use a sabot as well. That’s the next level when it comes to consistent long range accuracy.
Huge difference in the guns mentioned. They can be divided into two groups,
1: 209 primer, musket or cap guns
2: true magnums that use a magnum rifle primer

Get one that falls into category 2. They really aren’t even in the same class as the others. We’re talking 400-700fps more with much cleaner burn. I would try to find or build something that doesn’t use a sabot as well. That’s the next level when it comes to consistent long range accuracy.
“True magnums?” You’re describing a niche ignition system which is mainly useful in smokeless guns. No need to go to rifle primer system for any muzzleloader hunting inside 350 yards (which is further than 90% of guys should be shooting) IMO. If a guy has 10-20 years of experience killing with a “non magnum” muzzleloader and/or wants to target shoot at 800-1000 yards with his custom 15-65 lb smokeless rifle then he may want to mess around with a HIS/DIS/Variflame type systems. Not necessary for the vast majority of us.
“True magnums?” You’re describing a niche ignition system which is mainly useful in smokeless guns. No need to go to rifle primer system for any muzzleloader hunting inside 350 yards (which is further than 90% of guys should be shooting) IMO. If a guy has 10-20 years of experience killing with a “non magnum” muzzleloader and/or wants to target shoot at 800-1000 yards with his custom 15-65 lb smokeless rifle then he may want to mess around with a HIS/DIS/Variflame type systems. Not necessary for the vast majority of us.
You’re correct on the fact that a 209 will burn enough powder for ethical shots to 300-350 yards. It won’t beyond that. Mine will burn 122gr BH209 (by weight) and leave a clean barrel and extend my ethical range to 600-700. If that’s not what you’re after then that’s fine but a lot of guys are nowadays. Smokeless has nothing to do with it. You need the heat of a large rifle primer to burn more then about 80gr of BH209 (by weight)
Huge difference in the guns mentioned. They can be divided into two groups,
1: 209 primer, musket or cap guns
2: true magnums that use a magnum rifle primer

Get one that falls into category 2. They really aren’t even in the same class as the others. We’re talking 400-700fps more with much cleaner burn. I would try to find or build something that doesn’t use a sabot as well. That’s the next level when it comes to consistent long range accuracy.
While the long range muzzleloaders might be a good option for now, those long range guns will be useless if scopes are banned on muzzleloaders.
You’re correct on the fact that a 209 will burn enough powder for ethical shots to 300-350 yards. It won’t beyond that. Mine will burn 122gr BH209 (by weight) and leave a clean barrel and extend my ethical range to 600-700. If that’s not what you’re after then that’s fine but a lot of guys are nowadays. Smokeless has nothing to do with it. You need the heat of a large rifle primer to burn more then about 80gr of BH209 (by weight)
Can you shoot 600-700 yards with open sights?
While the long range muzzleloaders might be a good option for now, those long range guns will be useless if scopes are banned on muzzleloaders.
Can you shoot 600-700 yards with open sights?
He’s asking about Utah general muzzy which scopes are legal. I am good to 700 with the turret scope on it. I have a red dot I use on it where magnification isn’t legal. I’m good to 350 with that but holdover gets tricky. I have a globe front and peep rear for it for NV and CO and I’m good to 300 with those as long as the light is good. Sighted 3” high at 100 it’s dead on at 225 and 3” low at 250 so my max PBR is 285 with it. Hold on their back line at 325-350. If I was shooting my old 209 rifle my max PBR drops by almost 100 yards.
You’re correct on the fact that a 209 will burn enough powder for ethical shots to 300-350 yards. It won’t beyond that.
You’re joking?! Lots of guys are shooting out to 1000 with BH209 and 209s. And we have a clean barrel when we’re done.
Oh ****!! I was just about to jump in on this, but I better wait until tomorrow. However, there are a lot of damn good points you guys have made. See what ya started Mickey?!!!!
You’re joking?! Lots of guys are shooting out to 1000 with BH209 and 209s. And we have a clean barrel when we’re done.
How much BH209 you running in it? I’m guessing at 1000 you don’t have much gas left in it. My rifle shoots 300gr Parker’s at 2650fps with 122gr BH209 over a LRM primer. My old encore leveled off about 2000fps and just got dirtier the more powder I put in it.
How much BH209 you running in it? I’m guessing at 1000 you don’t have much gas left in it. My rifle shoots 300gr Parker’s at 2650fps with 122gr BH209 over a LRM primer. My old encore leveled off about 2000fps and just got dirtier the more powder I put in it.
I shoot 120 grV BH209. Which is the load guys have been shooting at the NMLRA inline 1000 yd shoot for several years.

So what are you shooting? You haven’t specified….
Here, btw, is a real “true magnum” muzzleloader! ?


I shoot 120 grV BH209. Which is the load guys have been shooting at the NMLRA inline 1000 yd shoot for several years.

So what are you shooting? You haven’t specified….
120gr by volume is 84gr by weight. Not far enough off from the 80 I said in my initial post that you thought was so ludicrous. My rifle is a Bad to the Bone muzzleloader out of Las Cruces NM. Again, I said that a 209 doesn’t burn much past 80gr and you pretty much summed that up with your load. Mine will completely burn 122gr by weight (158 volume) and crank out about 650fps more then yours. It is actually set up to kill stuff that far out it not just poke holes in paper. To come back around to the point I was making, you could beef up an action and dump 122gr by weight of BH209 in there and torch it off with a 209 primer and most of it would go out the end of the barrel and make a mess. Hence why you shoot 84gr by weight out of yours and why I said around 80 is where you start getting diminishing returns on it with 209 primers. So where did I go wrong to get your panties so bunched up? You need a magnum rifle primer to burn more then that. Which again takes me back to my first post.
120gr by volume is 84gr by weight. Not far enough off from the 80 I said in my initial post that you thought was so ludicrous. My rifle is a Bad to the Bone muzzleloader out of Las Cruces NM. Again, I said that a 209 doesn’t burn much past 80gr and you pretty much summed that up with your load. Mine will completely burn 122gr by weight (158 volume) and crank out about 650fps more then yours. It is actually set up to kill stuff that far out it not just poke holes in paper. To come back around to the point I was making, you could beef up an action and dump 122gr by weight of BH209 in there and torch it off with a 209 primer and most of it would go out the end of the barrel and make a mess. Hence why you shoot 84gr by weight out of yours and why I said around 80 is where you start getting diminishing returns on it with 209 primers. So where did I go wrong to get your panties so bunched up? You need a magnum rifle primer to burn more then that. Which again takes me back to my first post.
I’m not sure where to start.

I shoot 120 grV because it shoots moa for me and because it is the max charge recommended by Western (Hodgdon) (I have smokeless muzzleloaders but I shoot smokeless in those) - NOT because a 209 will not ignite more than that. You wrote, “You need the heat of a large rifle primer to burn more then [sic] about 80gr of BH209 (by weight).” This is ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!

LRPs and LRMPs don’t produce a larger flame volume than a 209. They may be cleaner but they aren’t more powerful and they aren’t needed. Hodgdon recommends the use of CCI 209M or Federal 209A primers. The theory, in part, behind 209 alternatives is that they disturb the bullet/charge less and thus are more conducive to accuracy. You can also argue that depending on the action and plug design, they may handle more pressure (as in some smokeless) or be cleaner (less leakage or flame channel buildup). As I said, guys that shoot competitively (and win) at 1000 yards (like shooter and custom rifle builder Jeff Fisk) nearly all use 209s with their BH209. To quote Jeff, “I personally believe the federal 209a is the absolutely [sic] best primer for Blackhorn. It’s all I use.” Lots of guys, me included, have tested bigger charges of BH209 and have NO ISSUES with ignition or barrel fouling with 209s. There is really zero reason to use anything other than a 209 or 209a with Blackhorn! Doesn’t matter how big your charge is.

And while we’re at it, 84 gr by weight of BH209 may or may not be 120 gr by volume. Depends on which lot of powder you’re talking about. Recent lots of BH209 have been getting denser so 120 grV may weigh as much as 91 grW from the current lot. But you probably know that….
I’m not sure where to start.

I shoot 120 grV because it shoots moa for me and because it is the max charge recommended by Western (Hodgdon) (I have smokeless muzzleloaders but I shoot smokeless in those) - NOT because a 209 will not ignite more than that. You wrote, “You need the heat of a large rifle primer to burn more then [sic] about 80gr of BH209 (by weight).” This is ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!

LRPs and LRMPs don’t produce a larger flame volume than a 209. They may be cleaner but they aren’t more powerful and they aren’t needed. Hodgdon recommends the use of CCI 209M or Federal 209A primers. The theory, in part, behind 209 alternatives is that they disturb the bullet/charge less and thus are more conducive to accuracy. You can also argue that depending on the action and plug design, they may handle more pressure (as in some smokeless) or be cleaner (less leakage or flame channel buildup). As I said, guys that shoot competitively (and win) at 1000 yards (like shooter and custom rifle builder Jeff Fisk) nearly all use 209s with their BH209. To quote Jeff, “I personally believe the federal 209a is the absolutely [sic] best primer for Blackhorn. It’s all I use.” Lots of guys, me included, have tested bigger charges of BH209 and have NO ISSUES with ignition or barrel fouling with 209s. There is really zero reason to use anything other than a 209 or 209a with Blackhorn! Doesn’t matter how big your charge is.

And while we’re at it, 84 gr by weight of BH209 may or may not be 120 gr by volume. Depends on which lot of powder you’re talking about. Recent lots of BH209 have been getting denser so 120 grV may weigh as much as 91 grW from the current lot. But you probably know that….
Congrats. Sounds like you’re a great shot. You also have a gun that has enough energy to use in hunting situations to around 300-350 yards (just like I said in my original post yet here we are). Hunting and paper punching are two vastly different things (but you probably know that….). I haven’t gotten any newer lots of BH209 so I haven’t compared weight to volume on them but was going off of my standard which I’m guessing is close to your standard from older lots as it is close with every lot I’ve had since I started messing with it in 2009 or so. But you probably knew that too….
CVA accura or optima , replace fiber optic sights with Lyman globe and williams rear peep sights, 100g by volume Blackhorn 209, Federal BOR Loc bullets in 350 lead. You don't need to shoot more than 200 yds with a damn muzzleloader.
I recommend getting a true muzzleloader where all powder and bullet goes down the barrel. No scope. Find a deer, get close, and seal the deal with smoke in your face... .54 Hawkin if you can find one. :):)
CVA accura or optima , replace fiber optic sights with Lyman globe and williams rear peep sights, 100g by volume Blackhorn 209, Federal BOR Loc bullets in 350 lead. You don't need to shoot more than 200 yds with a damn muzzleloader.
I wouldn't recommend the optima unless you actually hold and shoot one and like it. My dad bought one on recommendations, and hates it. I don't like to shoot it either. Is very uncomfortable. To the OP, look at muzzleloaders, actually hold them and get a sight picture with them. That is how you find a gun that fits you. Not by looking online. And shooting a thousand yards with a muzzleloader???? WTH you guys are crazy. lol I loved muzzleloader hunting for the thrill of the chase. Not sitting back and sniping.
I wouldn't recommend the optima unless you actually hold and shoot one and like it. My dad bought one on recommendations, and hates it. I don't like to shoot it either. Is very uncomfortable. To the OP, look at muzzleloaders, actually hold them and get a sight picture with them. That is how you find a gun that fits you. Not by looking online. And shooting a thousand yards with a muzzleloader???? WTH you guys are crazy. lol I loved muzzleloader hunting for the thrill of the chase. Not sitting back and sniping.
I bought an Optima last year and have no issues with it. Replaced the factory rear sight with a peep rib and left the front site alone.
I bought an Optima last year and have no issues with it. Replaced the factory rear sight with a peep rib and left the front site alone.
There's not really an issue with it. Just doesn't fit right for some. The way it is designed, doesn't feel comfortable to me. That's the meaning of my post. A gun can feel great to one person, and horrible to another. Best to get your hands on them.
How much BH209 you running in it? I’m guessing at 1000 you don’t have much gas left in it. My rifle shoots 300gr Parker’s at 2650fps with 122gr BH209 over a LRM primer. My old encore leveled off about 2000fps and just got dirtier the more powder I put in it.
will a Federal 209 A primer work with the BH209 120 volume?
I have both a CVA Accura and also the Paramount. The Accura is much easier to pack, lightweight accurate as noted. I don't love the firing mechanism and the blowback and cleaning of it. Have shot some critters with it. The paramount pros are extremely accurate, longer range, more stable, feel of a long range rifle, bolt action. Never had a misfire or hangfire with the large rifle primers. Drawbacks, HEAVY, have to load the primers, loose power is slower to load in a hunting situation, also having the ramrod breakdown and in a separate pouch can make things slow too. It needs to be immediately accessible since you may get another shot off if you could quick load it somehow.

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