Which one is the taker?


Founder Since 1999
If you find a couple big ones like these, which one would you rather hunt? Or would you pass on both?



Brian Latturner
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If they were standing side by side, and I had to make a decision right this very second or watch both jump away, the top one. If I got to look at em for a minute or two I'd want better angles to make a decision off of. Both are obvious shooters, but closer inspection kinda shows that bottom one with DEEP forks. And deep forks are like deep cleavage for me... kryptonite.
From what I can see the top one would be my choice. But I'd sure like to have them their heads for a second. But as stated, I'd shoot either one opening day.
Average bucks always look like giants when they're facing away with their ears pinned back. Please post some pics of these bucks facing us so we can get a true idea of their size
Both are takers and Both are toads in my book. I'll probably opt for #1 as I like his width and kicker on the right side . Photo angle doesn't show what else that right side has going on but pretty sure my old eyes see the kicker .

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