which sleeping bag?


Active Member
Ok I have narrowed it down to these. Have any of you tried these and if so how are they. I am looking for an inexpensive warm bag that I can pack in with. Here are the choices. Any advice would be great, thanks.

Wiggys super light 0 degree 4lbs. $175.00
Mountain hardwear Lamina 0 degree 4.2lbs.$165.00
Mountain hardwear Switch 5 degree 4.10lbs.$160.00
You might want to included one more option. I picked up a North Face Snowshoe 0 degree bag a couple of months ago and it is a really nice bag. I also have a Western Mountaineering down bag - really expensive and I don't like it better. Anyway, the Snowshoe weighs 3lb 7oz, has a really nice stuff bag included and I got it for $150 - it was on sale but regular price is I think $180.

I have a Wiggy;s super light that is 15 years old. I bought it as a bag for horse hunting with, because it was pretty cheap when bought locally. They are made in Grand Junction. Although it is rated to zero It has cold spots in it and I;ve never been too warm it. I took it back to Wiggy's to complain about the cold spots. Old Wiggy himself took it apart at the seams and showed me why the spots that had less insulation weren't cold spots. They then sewed it up and off I went. It still has cold spots. The hood is not contoured so when I cinch it down around my head I can't keep my nose in the opening. Pretty crummy bag IMHO. It is also large and heavy, not a pack on your back bag. Perhaps they have improved them in the last 15 years...

I don't know what price range you are looking at, but you are probably missing the best bag out there for extreme hiking/mountaineering. The marmot Helium eq ($400). The difference between the eq and regular is that the eq is very water resistant. Get the eq. It is a down bag. It barely weighs over a pound and packs so small about like a nerf football. It is rated to 15, but goes below that. My friend on a utah mule deer hunt slept outside the tent when it got near zero, woke up with a frozen outside, but was warm inside. It is an amazingly warm bag, and the size cannot be beat. If you want something really roomy, then this is not the bag. It is a typical mummy. I have slept multiple Utah hunts, idaho, and wyoming in a week of bitter cold and snow. It does the trick. I don't think there is a better extreme light bag out there. If you are hunting with horses and are in a big tent then don't get it.

my 2 cents.

+1 on Marmot, that is my pack in bag. Mine is one of the old ones when Marmot was still in Grand Junction and they were made with Gore-Tex.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-07 AT 09:57PM (MST)[p]I have a better idea how about the Cabela's XPG Backpacker Sleeping Bag +0. 32" x 82
I think one of the best things that you can buy to insure a good sleep is a ground pad. You can buy some of the best bags but if you are sleeping on cold ground it will suck alot of the warmth right out of your bag. Brrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
I've been using the REI Kilo plus for back pack hunting the past couple seasons. Awesome bag. It's down and WARM! 2.5 lb and compresses down to football size. Used the synthetic North Face snowshoe for years prior, I got by with it but really there is no comparison..... Think it sells for about $250.00 or so. It's a good price for what you get.....

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