Who Believes This?


Very Active Member
I was wondering if anyone else believes this article about the deer herds being the best since year 2000. Not even close.

Mule deer legally, illegally killed

Each year, hundreds of hunting permits are sold throughout Utah. The money from those permits goes back into the DWR program to help regulate and monitor the wildlife.

In 2013, 29,270 mule deer were legally taken in the state. In 2014, there were 316 illegally taken big game animals that had a total aggregate value of $487,250, according to DWR Captain Mitch Lane.

DWR public relations officer Mark Hadley said the number of mule deer has increased throughout the state over the last few years.

?After the hunting seasons are over each fall, our biologists survey the deer populations,? Hadley said. ?Based on surveys conducted after the 2013 season, we estimated the population at 332,900 deer. That's the highest number of deer in Utah since 2000. After the 2000 hunts were over, surveys turned up an estimated 322,000 deer.?

Mule deer are often transported to different areas around the state in an effort to spread herds that are too large and overgrazing. DWR officials transported 256 mule deer during 2013-2014, according to DWR employee Justin Shannon.
They can't Prove they are better around here!

I have heard other Hunters in other places claim they've seen a slight increase in Deer numbers!

Supposidly they done their Buck to Doe Counts around here & are about to Wet their Pants because the count is up a little!

The Herd is still in Serious condition with very few Mature Bucks even alive!

When I say 'Mature' I'm sure it's different than the DWR's 'Mature'!

The overall Herd has SUCKED since 1972 & counting!

They can't even Manage LE Deer Units like they should!

Sorry,The Truth Hurts sometimes!

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Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
I do. If the survey method is the same year after year then the error should be similar every year therefore there is no reason to think the count in 2014 is any more or less flawed than the one in 2000.

Why would you not believe it? What would be the incentive to lie?
I don't believe it. There to money hungry is why there saying it now. Draws are open so they claim this bogus article to get more people to put in.
They sell to many tags and they need to cut back. That will help our deer herds!!

I do have to say, quite a few people I have spoken to lately have mentioned that they're seeing more deer here in Utah. I've seen more than years past also.

I really don't believe the DNR would purposely lie about estimated numbers. They might have a counting system that doesn't work well, but no way do I think they are liars.

Brian Latturner
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LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-15 AT 09:05PM (MST)[p]+1 Founder. I've never even considered them lying to us, I just don't think they would. I have also seen a lot more deer in the last few years.
I have a friend who wont hunt anymore because the UDWR are liars and cheaters and fabricate stories...

...The truth is he doesn't like to hunt that much or hard. Just a guy that likes to complain because he hates the government.
about 3 years ago the UDWR printed up an article in our Local News paper "The San Juan Record," and in that article they did the same tactics to try and get more hunters on the unit. They put in the article that the mule deer poplulation was over objections and the Buck/doe ratio was above the 18/100. Basically saying there are deer behind every tree on this unit. The next week I put an article in the news paper saying if That Hunters should be furious with this lie that is taking place, and that if people believe this article then they should buy a sasquatch tag aswell because there are several of them running around. It was bad, I almost got kicked off of the RAC board for that one. Got a call from the UDWR getting very upset with me and trying to get me to say the right thing to kick me off of the RAC board. They asked if I really believe if the UDWR are lying. I said they might not intentionally be lying but the DATA and the tool that is being used is not accurate. We had a long discussion about it and it did come out that they have no Idea of how many deer there really is, and it could be off by a lot, they tried to sweep this under the rug during the RAC meeting and smooth it over, but in all reality they have no clue of the deer numbers, its based on a computer module and the DATA that is entered. Basically the numbers are to track information but the overall number is not accurate and could be thousands off. The DATA just tracks the trends. UDWR need to do more field work and less computer work. You guys call us internet biologist but we as hunters have more time in the field than any UDWR. WE hike more, spend more hours because we love it. Its just a job to them. After all my complaining about it, the next year the numbers came closer to reflecting the truth, it went from having over 13,500 deer to the next year having 7,500 deer. So tell me how that happens.
I have no confidence in the numbers and how they are generated.
Sportmen should be a vidal source of information, but we are retarded rednecks that didn't take the biology courses that helped them learn how to count.
UDWR should be held accountable to what they are saying, and if you or I do a crappy job at our jobs, we get fired or serious consequences. There is no consequence for doing a poor job within the UDWR.
It's pretty simple, really. If you don't agree with them and hate the way that they do things, then don't give them your money. Buy a landowner tag or something. I guarantee you that DNR does not get on this forum to make sure that everyone is happy, so b****ing here doesn't accomplish anything.
I do believe the deer herds are on the rise, I just dont think they are as high as they are projecting. The mule deer are slightly increasing, which is a good thing, and hopefully one day we will see those projected numbers as a reality.
" UDWR need to do more field work and less computer work. You guys call us internet biologist but we as hunters have more time in the field than any UDWR. WE hike more, spend more hours because we love it. Its just a job to them"

That's a bold, generic statement that shows a bit of ignorance. I don't work for the UDWR, but I do know a few folks that do and they are anything but what you state. Do you really feel like you have a measure on how much more you love to hike and hunt more than someone that works for UDWR...sheesh.
We have one biologist in the area, limited to 40 hours per week. I would almost bet 16 hours or less each week will be in the field after travel, office time, data collection, what ever else job has. 1 biologist cannot have close to the amount of hours that sportsmen put in the field. Most of us are out 20 to 40 hours a week doing what we enjoy, and there are thousands of us that spend lots of time in the field. So yes, Sportsmen put more time in the field and see a lot more. I spend too many hours out and about, learning new areas, knowing where the deer are and where they are not, trapping, hunting, hiking, shed hunting, spotlighting, scouting, camping,etc..and again there are lots of sportsmen that do the same thing, and we are not limited to 40 per week.

So one biologist x 20 per week in the field = 1040 hours per year, that might be generous with 20 per week.

In my area lets say there is 100 people that are crazy enough to get out and about a lot, I bet there is more but 100 people.

100 sportsmen X 10 per week in the field = 52,000 hours and that is very low figure I would wager.

My point is we are not dumb redneck hillbillies that don't know what we are seeing in the field, use us to help them with their job, and believe what we are saying when it comes to deer. WE have lots of experience and time that is useful and can be used to help the UDWR. So it may be a bold statement but I don't think it is ignorance.

I understand your point, you are out 20-40 hours a week and love the outdoors way more than any biologist ever could...

... a hundred sportsman put 10's of thousands of hours in the field more than a single biologist.

...we're not dumb hillbillies and they should believe what we are saying and use us to help them with their job.

I shouldn't drag this on, but what should they do different besides an open door policy, public input process, and possibly be the most dynamic, evolving wildlife agency I've seen out there (I'm an Oregon resident and hunt most states)?

Want proof? What other states are trying ideas such as management hunts to reduce inferior antler genetics and help create healthier herd? What about coyote bounties to increase recruitment? reduce management units to better manage local populations, and the list goes on...I appreciate that they are innovative and pioneer new concepts. Hell no, they're not perfect, L know that.

Sorry, but I don't like the holier than thou attitude of someone who thinks biologists don't get it. There may be some bios in that category (bad apples in every bunch), but I've talked to many that are dedicated and spend their lives thinking about and living mule deer management and have a deep realization of the complexities that come with it.

Go talk to your bios about solutions (if you have any). Just a word of advice, don't take along those hundred sportsman you mentioned earlier...you won't get them to agree on anything when it comes to mule deer management. :) Good luck out there cantkillathing and good luck killin' something! REspectfully.

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