
Long Time Member
I must of missed it while I was at Work?

Somebody Pony Up with the Kill Site Pic?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-14 AT 06:57PM (MST)[p]Did the reward post get smoked???? I thought that was the best post yet about the almost certainly poached Hyde Park buck.
Did I miss a thread with updated Hyde Park Buck info? Did a thread pop up then get deleted?

"You sure you know how to skin grizz,
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-14 AT 08:26PM (MST)[p]OK boys I go skiing a with my kids and the post must have gotten out of hand.

If we are civil and respectful then there should be no reason for a nuke.

This was my origional post.

$2,000 dollars for a kill picture of the Hyde Park buck


Congrats to the hunters who killed these big bucks! They are awesome! I have a friend who looked at these big bucks and their kill scene picture?s and wondered where the Hyde Park buck kill scene pictures are? They have been a secret.

This post isn't about having a trial on monster muley?s. This isn't part of the DWR investigation. Many sportsmen would just like to see a kill picture like the other bucks that can be viewed on the above link.

We have a picture dated November 1st of the hunter holding the deer still not caped out that would be 6 days later after the Sunday October 27th proposed date of kill by the hunter, and a couple friends.

Post 156 in the Hyde Park buck update thread, C.B. AKA ?Butts? a friend of the hunter, who seems to know a lot about what happened, said he was holding the dead buck caped out around noon Sunday October 27th when a picture was taken.

Post 91 Butts said a pin was dropped on a phone where the kill site was. Everyone has phones these days and if a phone dropped a pin at the kill site, you would think we should have some good kill pictures for this lucky hunter and for evidence that it was shot when and where the hunter and friend claims.

For the $2,000 picture, it would have to be similar to the other pictures on the KSL link, a picture that any reasonable hunter would take of his monster buck. The picture should have the hunter with the monster buck and reasonable background showing where the giant buck was killed. The light would need to be around 9 AM, to support the hunter and friend?s statement that the buck was killed legally in the morning above Hyde Park, when it was pushing does.

I know the other hunter s with bragging pictures may feel that they didn't get such a great reward ($2,000), for their kill pictures. They freely shared them with lots of people; they were so excited killing their monster bucks! They didn't keep it a secret. Some wrote articles so everyone could enjoy their experience.

You could buy a lot of things for $2,000 dollars. Surely the hunter or some of his friends would have some good field kill pictures that showed the buck and area of the kill.

I drive a 97 Chevy, I'm not rich. However,I will personally pay for the picture; a few locals are kicking in money. If a picture is produced in the next week, which should easily be available, then all the sportsmen who said they saw the buck Sunday afternoon October 27th, Monday the 28th and Tuesday the 29th, will really look stupid.

This is great news for the hunter and his friends. Post up a picture and win!

There are four days left in the contest.
I believe there was a post from one of the leading hunting magazines claiming that they had field photos and that it would be featured in a upcoming issue. Then...poof, gone, hasta la vista.
Dang I missed it....Only mag I Know that would even touch that buck or story would be Hunting Illustrated...Just going off a guess since most of the controversial bucks end up there.
Can you collect the 2 grand if you post the kill site photo even if you didn't kill the buck? If so, i will post it when i get home.
*****"You could buy a lot of things for $2,000 dollars. Surely the hunter or some of his friends would have some good field kill pictures that showed the buck and area of the kill."*****

Sierra, it looks like it, he does say some of his friends. LOL

Post it up.

Nobody wants to pay for what a great tag is worth but a lot of people are willing to pay thousands for a pic of a dead deer. It's funny to watch your judgement of SFW and BGF on other threads.

I would like to play chess with the man that killed the Hyde Park deer. Then hire him as a marketing consultant.
how about giving that 2000 to wildlife where it will do some good. and letting the dwr take care of this.
>how about giving that 2000
>to wildlife where it will
>do some good. and letting
>the dwr take care of

Like I said, elkun is a man of few words but this speaks volumes!

I don't know how we could possibly let the F&G do their job. The guy has already been Tried, convicted, a reward has been posted and if some could catch him he'd be hung right here on MM.

This whole thing is way out of hand on MM!

If the guy poached I hope he gets the max! But I don't think it's our place to convict him here.

The hunter is innocent until proven guilty. He should be treated fairly.

After looking at the kill pictures on the moster bucks KSL link. I just simply offered some money for the kill picture of the Hyde Park buck, after a friend asked if some were circulating.

The picture would have to collaberate with the hunter and friends story. Picture would be a morning picture,Oct 27th with a back ground of where he shot it, for the prize money.

I know me personally if I lucked onto a moster buck the very last day of the season and shot it in a legal area I would take several kill pictures of the deer and back ground to support my story, probably called someone to verify as well, like was done with the other famous SLC cemetery buck killed this year.

This website is about helping others, chatting with fellow hunters, and seeing nices animals, including kill pictures as well.

Please, let's keep things nice.
huntin50, oh you are so full of BS. You have been saying from the start that it was just a matter of time until an arrest and have been a ringleader towards a rope party. None of your comments or offers here have been simple or innocent and you know it!

I'm with Zeke or my own comments on this from the start, if he's innocent, which i'm now pulling for, he owes MM nothing but contempt. Some of you guys need to crawl back in your holes!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Keep things nice? Really? The hunter is innocent until proven guilty? Really?

You are offering up a $2000.00 reward for pictures that may or may not exist in an OBVIOUS attempt to stir the pot but you want to keep things nice?

Have you ever offered up a reward for ANY buck killed ANYWHERE before or is this just your attempt of keeping this particular hunter innocent until proven guilty? It's quite obvious to anyone with half a firing brain cell that you are trying to prove that there is no kill site pictures so therefore he must be guilty of poaching.

I have killed several decent bucks over the years, although I admit nothing of this caliber, but I have yet to take a kill site photo for the simple fact that I carry enough gear with me on my hunts that I don't need a camera too. I generally clean the deer and take it back to camp where I then take pictures with everyone in camp before further processing the deer.

Just because you and a lot of others take pictures at the kill site does not mean that everyone else does. Do you really think the authorities need you and TOPGUN investigating this case for them? If the guy is guilty of poaching then the authorities will build a case against him, with more than just eyewitnesses that didn't see a crime I might add, and he will have charges filed against him. Let's let the fish cops do their job and quit ruining the life of someone when you and everyone else don't have all the facts. If there is enough evidence for a conviction, then great, I hope they throw the book at the guy but if there isn't enough to even file charges, I hope you and everyone else who publicly convicted the guy make an immediate public apology to him for your jealousy.
There was a time, a few years ago, that Founder put his foot down and didn't allow this type of lynch mob mentality to take place. You were only allowed to post a link to an arrest or conviction. Then that was fair game.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-14 AT 03:23PM (MST)[p]CAFork, +1

Eelgrass, +1

as much as i also don't like these threads that are nothing more than unfounded accusations, it is the off season and they do provide some, a certain level be it high or low, entertainment value.

You got to admit that there is some comedy in reading and seeing guys making fools of themselves, myself included at times, over the internet. lol


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-14 AT 03:56PM (MST)[p] I personally didn't even drive the five miles from my home to see this buck.

IF the hunter is found innocent according to evidence, that would be fine with me. I also stated i would rather see a hunter shoot this deer legally, than it get hit my a car and die. I know a few very honest sportsmen and people from Hyde Park that feel like something was unfairly taken from them. Something that their kids and everyone enjoyed. They were robbed, if the deer was poached.

I don't know what the big deal is about offering some money for a kill picture of a monster buck? If it was legal, nothing to worry. He may say he has a magazine deal, I don't know?

I know some information about who saw the buck, when and where they saw it,from talking to some friends and relatives. They have past on information to the DWR authorities. The buck spent a lot of time living in my extended families yards. I am not disclosing any of that information. Or information that I know has been passed on to the DWR. This is not the time and place now. We will wait and see what happens. My comments have nothing to do with the DWR investigation.

Congrats to the hunter if it was a legal kill. I will tell you that a lot of things don't add up, and leave it at that.

If I shot such a monster buck I would have sent out a lot of pictures and not kept things a secret. I guess we will see if a picture shows up. If not, we should all know sooner or later what happened to the Hyde Park buck.


I was thinking the same thing. I visualize him as a true bearded mountain man that lived wild and free. You know one of those guys that all of us flock to because of the intrigue. Personally I knew I liked him when he responded about turning sand into glass. And of course the high mountain tune ups
>This post is shocking for only
>one reason......Bessy has a job?

Somebody has gotta help pay for Obama's BulllSshhitt!

You Guys didn't Think I Phuucckk Off for a living did you?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
I very much hope that I am not stirring #####. The reason this subject is so volatile is that honest hunters think of people who shoot trophy bucks as a way to somehow demonstrate themselves to be good or great hunters are a miniscule higher on the scale of being human as child molesters. My verbage is not the best but you get the picture. Poachers are subhuman pieces of excrement and also evil! If this hunter poached the deer hang him from the highest cottonwood. If he is innocent feature his trophy picture on the Homepage!
Every time some talks about a big buck killed, we beg to see pics. For nothing. This guy is willing to pay out the nose to see a field photo. With cell phone cameras, every one would take an on site pic if they killed this buck legally. I personally would also love to see the field photo, or camp photo, or paved road photo, or hay field photo. But I don't think 2k will get one posted. The only reason we know this deer is dead is because someone broke a promise not to share the photo posted earlier.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
I have been carrying a camera in my pack for many years. Have pics. of all my trophys,who doesn't?
My best MULEDEER from this state does not have a field pic. I could not provide one for you no matter how much money you offered me. I guess I must have poached him?
If you don't have an as it lays photo or verification from a fish cop you are definitely guilty.

"I know me personally if I lucked onto a moster buck the very last day of the season and shot it in a legal area I would take several kill pictures of the deer and back ground to support my story, probably called someone to verify as well, like was done with the other famous SLC cemetery buck killed this year."

I don't know why I never thought of this.Killing deer for 45 years and never once thought to call someone after I shot a buck to come verify it for me.I kinda figured I musta been doing it wrong. Could y'all leave me the number you call so I can have my deer verified by the same expert you use? Hate to call some amateur and have him ##### up the verification process. "Hello DWR?, Yes could you please send someone out to verify that this buck I killed is dead,and that the season is open,and that I am allowed to hunt here,and that my license is good,and that I tagged him proper,and that all is kosher so I may post it to Moster Muleys! What a bunch of kangaroos.
You probably didn't have a cell phone camera when you killed it either.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
Kirt Darner said didn't have any kill site photos of his monster bucks because he liked to hunt light and didn't waste pack space or weight with a camera. So that proves that just because you don't take pictures doesn't mean you're a poacher.

Just sayin...

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup, I just stir it.[/font]
It is not about if there was a camera there or not. The hunter's buddy that said he took the pic in the garage on the last day of the hunt claimed in the same thread that a pin was dropped at the kill site and the location could be verified. If you have a phone capable of dropping a pin, you have a camera. The chances of having a smart phone on location and no pictures of the buck in the field are zero. I don't care what anyone claims about not taking field photos.

You shoot a 240 inch mule deer and you have a camera, you take pictures. Period. So let's stop with that bologna. You just sound stupid if you keep beating that drum. I for one would love to see the pictures and for this guy to get $2k in the process. Like I said in the thread that got nuked...that would be the ultimate 'shove it in the face' of any accuser. Plus, it is a win-win for everyone. Well, everyone but the guy that pays out $2k...but he offered, so I can't feel too bad for him.

Let's see the pics! I love seeing big bucks that hit the dirt. And this would be one of the biggest.
I don't own a cell phone, hunt alone, and have taken only one field photo in thirty years of hunting. I guess I had better pray I never kill a big one.
Hey Bullskin,

If you do kill a 240 incher in town, just run over to the 7-11 an buy a camera. Hell, get a slurpee while your there and then pose for your photo op.

>Kirt Darner said didn't have any
>kill site photos of his
>monster bucks because he liked
>to hunt light and didn't
>waste pack space or weight
>with a camera. So that
>proves that just because you
>don't take pictures doesn't mean
>you're a poacher.
>Just sayin...
>[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,
>I just stir it.[/font]

You're being SMART again NVB!

Or at least being a SMART-ASS!

I wasted Hard earned Cash when I was younger on my Kirt Darner Book!

Extremely disappointed when I seen there wasn't any 'Kill Site' Pics!


I Wonder Why?

Took em 20+ years to Figure this Guy out!


[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
I'm not saying that everyone carries a camera for pictures. That is not my statement, was never my statement, and won't be my statement, no matter how many people reply and say "I don't carry a camera..."

Nobody is just assuming there is a camera there because everyone carries a camera. It was his buddy's own statement that puts a smart phone at the scene of the kill. I could understand not wanting to carry a phone or camera in the field and only getting shots later when one was available. But by the statement of his own buddy, there was a camera there. If it was big enough of a buck to take pictures skinned out in a garage, it was big enough to take pictures at the scene with said smart phone that was there at the kill site. There has to be pictures. The hunter is not human if there is not. There isn't a hunter on the face of the earth, no...not even the almighty Tristate, that would not be absolutely elated and stoked to kill a buck like this. The only way I don't post a picture here and get my $2,000 is if a magazine is paying me a lot more. But the prideful person in me may want to claim this $2,000 over any other money just to shove it in peoples' faces.

I hope he posts them. Would love to see the buck. Would love to see him vindicated. Would love to put an end to the dead horse you guys can't quit talking about here. Something tells me that I'm just a wishful thinker though...
I didn't read the first thread that was removed, but I understand why it was removed. I'm out of the loop and know nothing about this Hyde Park buck being killed, but I also believe that the reward was offered in an effort to smear the hunters name and call into question the legality of the kill. I agree with others that it's pretty damn crappy the someone comes on this site, or any other, and posts that stuff. Hell, even just stirring this crap on the phone with their buddy. It's a shame!

If something illegal happened, then share it when it's been proven.

There's your answer "huntin50" as to why your thread was removed. A mod obviously thought what you posted was pretty crappy.

I apologize to all for not catching stuff like this quicker. I just don't read every thread posted to the site and stuff slips by. PLEASE, if any of you see threads that should not continue, please let me know.

Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook! I need a friend....
I suppose we could stir a lot of pots on here if some of you guys came clean with your convictions on personal poaching.......I'm willing to bet money there are a few on here that have a verrrrrrry black kettle!!!!

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-14 AT 10:20AM (MST)[p]Founder,
I appreciate this site. Many have enjoyed it over the years. I hope it continues. We have know each other for at least 10 years. I hope this isn't to degrade your site in any way. A lot of people are interested in what happened to this buck.

I have to disagree with you in part on your post. I have no intention on smearing the hunter or friends name. I know their names. I didn't print their names. I know some facts and evidence from sportsmen who frequent this site that was passed on to the authorities. Again, I didn't post it. This must be very hard for the hunter, friend, and family's. But it has been very hard for the people who feel like their pet deer was taken from them illegally. I asked people to be civil.

You are correct. I posted this for a couple of reasons.
1. I would like to see a kill picture. More than 1,000 pictures have been taken of this famous buck over the past 3 years. No one I know has ever taken a picture of this buck anywhere near the face, where a legal killing of the buck could occur.

2. The hunters friend said there was a phone at the kill site. I was hoping that someone would share a kill picture. You are absolutly correct, I am and many other sportsmen are calling
the killing of this great buck into question. We have another post with over 300 hits. I didn't post that post. Yet it remains. The hunter's friend kept saying where is your picture evidence? I just gave the hunter or a friend a chance to post a kill picture for a generous prize of $2,ooo dollars. If the buck was killed legally this shouldn't be an insult and nothing to worry. Lot's of people hold out pictures for deals with a magazine. I was offering a deal if someone chose to do it. IF a picture in morning day light and the backgound of the kill site is available. I don't know why one wouldn't be?

Unfortunatly,there are no winners in the killing of this buck. None for the sportsmen and kids of Hyde Park who spent hours enjoying this buck in their yards and neighborhood. I'm sure this has been very hard on the family and friends of the hunter. They brought some of this on themselves. By being so secretive, by not offering a kill picture or saying we have a magazine deal, pictures and story coming. By sharing a picture of a buck that is not caped out for six days after the hunt ended. By being quiet at work. And for not answering the many people who said they saw the buck after the season, and many said"It made it through the hunt."

IF this hunter is found innocent I will pay him $500 dollars to go towards his taxidermy as a good gesture. If he is found guilty he can pay for restitution and hopefully learn for his error and move on with his life.

I didn't believe offering a deal for a picture, similer to what a magazine would offer, would make me a jerk in some eyes. I have had a lot more thanks form those who know more details of the situation.

Three more day's left in the contest, unless Founder wants to scrap this post. This is his business. We appreciate the hours of enjoyment.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-14 AT 11:00AM (MST)[p]Sounds to me like this is becoming a junior high battle of who has the best comeback. Do people really get a sense of satisfaction by trying to make someone else look stupid on an Internet forum? I feel like I'm reading the same thing over and over again. "My opinion is this", "your stupid" "no your stupid!"
600 posts later about the same buck and it's the same thing. It's about time to let it be. Evidence is in and time will tell.
I would be interested in seeing a kill pic. It would sure solve everything especially proving more strongly of not guilty...... To bad such a photo does not exist.
"I've hunted almost every day of my life, The rest
have been wasted"
$2K for posting the picture, vindicating yourself, and earning another $500 towards the mount by doing it?

I wish I had shot this buck!!!! (For more now than just the fact that it is a 240 inch mule deer.)
I don't know huntin50. I can guess what his motivations are but that doesn't really matter to me. I view this as an incredible opportunity for a hunter that shot a once in a lifetime buck. I guess I am just trying to view the positive side of it and not all that concerned about the drama.
When I was younger, I always boasted of my hunting successes. I sent pics to all the magazines, and emailed everyone pictures of my trophies. Field photos were not always taken because many times I forgot my camera. Sometimes it was a few days later before any pictures were taken at all.

As I got older, I began to realize that showing my pictures was not in my best interest. It draws attention to your hunting spots. It draws scrutiny from others. These days I only send pics to a few select very close friends. Virtually all of my hunting buddies do the same. I don't like the limelight...in fact, I want nothing to do with it.

So, no...I wouldn't show any of my kill pics on the worldwide web. And especially on this site. Sorry, Brian.

Wish I didn't feel that way, because I like seeing other's pics, but won't share mine due to my own selfish reasons. It's just not worth it in the long run.

I'm sure many others share my sentiments.

Not everyone feels the same as you about hero pics, huntin50. Just sayin'.....

However, for $2K, I just might show you guys one!!

I mean no disrespect to you or anyone else on this site, but there is a reason why fewer and fewer hunters post up pictures & stories of their trophy animals on MM. There seems to be an over abundance of posters that are full of piss and vinegar and who are hell bent on defaming anyone who kills a trophy animal. I know of other websites that have a zero tolerance rule for negativity and unfounded claims........as a result hunters are posting up pics and handing out information.
I knew this case rang a bell. Now I remember. When I was in 7th grade, girls used to run around making the announcement "I know a secret, but I can't tell"

I don't even know how to post a picture. I have never done it. I would have to email it to someone who knew how. If a hunter doesn't have an interest in this buck or thread he doesn't have to click on it. We can choose to click on what intest us. I know a lot of Cache Valley Sportsmen, and sportsmen in general are very interested. I know quite a few people who have never heard about monster muley's now know about it because of this deer. Just the other side of the coin. My opinion.
I don't know the details, haven't had a chance to read anything about the Hyde Park buck, I just hate the thought of everything being legal and acceptable, but the guy getting hammered.

That's all.

Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook! I need a friend....
>I mean no disrespect to you
>or anyone else on this
>site, but there is a
>reason why fewer and fewer
>hunters post up pictures &
>stories of their trophy animals
>on MM. There seems to
>be an over abundance of
>posters that are full of
>piss and vinegar and who
>are hell bent on defaming
>anyone who kills a trophy
>animal. I know of other
>websites that have a zero
>tolerance rule for negativity and
>unfounded claims........as a result hunters
>are posting up pics and
>handing out information.

Best post yet. This place is worse than junior high, the "in" crowd seems to run off any members with useful info or interesting stories.
I in no way believe that a poacher should be protected from his due but then again, all i'm seeing here so far is a bunch of hot air, unfounded accusations, and what looks similar to a witch hunt.

Founder has already expressed his wishes. He does not want these kind of threads on his website and because it is HIS website, he can do as he pleases.

What part of that do you super slueths not understand?

BTW, i have over 40 trophy Blacktail kills taken and of them, maybe 3 or 4 field photos of the lot. To this day, i don't own a cell phone or camera. I have bucks on the walls, racks in the shop, and stories to tell. That has always been enough for me, never felt the need to have or pack a camera around. Just sayin!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Does that reward go for showing a photo of him alive after the hunt ended, Just being fair to both sides of the MM case.
People claiming to seeing him after season closed. NO PICTURES
Hunter and Friends claiming they shot him before season closed. NO PICTURES.
I guess one day down the road DWR will say who was a Winner or Loser.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I'll Keep on a PISSCUTTIN!

I haven't been Hammered in Many,Many,Many Years!

No Sense in Getting Hammered Now!:D

I know it Ain't Gonna Happen!

But if I ever did Luck Out & Get that one Special Buck for the Wall,They'd Hang Me Quicker here at MM than the Guy that took this Hyde Park Buck!

I Guess if it did ever Happen I'd have to call Every Warden & every MM'er in the State to show up at the Kill Site before I Gutted/Moved the Buck!

I Think the Guy that Took the cemetery Buck done the Right Thing but GEEZUS!

I Never thought you'd have to Prove your Innocence but it's either that or be CONVICTED,TRIED & HUNG Right here on MM!

I didn't start this Thread to Stirr Sshhitt Up!


Everybody Knows me better than that!:D:D:D

GAWD I Hope I never Shoot a Famous Buck!:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

You might be correct. The DWR is pretty tight lipped on this case, as they should be. I'm not sure if they have pictures after the hunt. I know someone who sent pictures.

I doubt any kill pictures will come in. I thought the hunter or a friend might want 2K. I pretty sure the hunter and friends have seen this post. One of them posted on it.

Founder or a moderator,

Not that you need the OK from Bess or me. But feel free to delete the post if you want. You wont hurt my feelings.

I think it served it's purpose. No day light kill pictures yet. Maybe in court like Gator said? Let's give the hunter and friends the benifit of the doubt.


Benefit of the doubt? I think many here have
already convicted him!!!!

Let the game and fish handle it, other
than you enjoy bringing it up every week!!

An investigation like this could take years
to prove and convict!
"Benefit of the doubt? I think many here have
already convicted him!!!!"

Yep, Huntin50 gets credit from me. He could or should have a job writing up speeches for Obama. Our Pres. needs a guy like him who can write up stuff nice like so a guy doesn't feel so butthurt while he's getting the shaft! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"

Some owners of magazines offer a gun, Bino's or other merchandise for pictures and stories of big critters.

I offered 2K for a kill picture of a monster buck, that showed the background of the kill site, just like was on the KSL link.

I guess I'm just a bad guy.

Writing isn't one of my strong points. Like I said, lots of hunters would like some questions answered concerning this buck.

I guess we will find out sooner or later.

"IF this hunter is found innocent I will pay him $500 dollars to go towards his taxidermy as a good gesture. If he is found guilty he can pay for restitution and hopefully learn for his error and move on with his life."

found innocent???? he is innocent in the eyes of the law until he is charged. IF ever charged.

"I offered 2K for a kill picture of a monster buck, that showed the background of the kill site, just like was on the KSL link."

can those guys PROVE the deer were not poached and moved to get a kill pic??? was it during the season??? remember META DATA can be changed. did they call the DWR to verify kill sites???

more than 1 person has said the buck was watched EVERY DAY of its life.... so how did a guy with a high powered rifle crack 1 off in the middle of town without one of his protectors or concerned citizen call the police....so where are the pics after the season??? not a "I recognized its back fork"....BS
Who says it was killed with a high power rifle??? Proof??
"I've hunted almost every day of my life, The rest
have been wasted"
Correction---the law presumes you innocent until you are CONVICTED, not charged.

But unfortunately for this guy, OJ, and Justin Beiber...your constitutional rights don't apply to private individuals on the interwebs when it comes to your presumption of innocence. You are not innocent until proven guilty on MM, and the constitution doesn't require that. We are free to make any conclusion we would like based upon any information (or lack thereof) available to us.
another conspiracy theory? let it go junior G man....

>Who says it was killed with
>a high power rifle??? Proof??
>"I've hunted almost every day of
>my life, The rest
>have been wasted"
liecabuck said,"I suppose we could stir a lot of pots on here if some of you guys came clean with your convictions on personal poaching.......I'm willing to bet money there are a few on here that have a verrrrrrry black kettle!!!!"

I'll start. I have a conviction for over limit of waterfowl. It cost me a fine and my shotgun. No black kettle here.:)

If someone wants to start a thread on things in life that they did wrong OR wildlife violations that they recieved in the past. What they did, some of the lessons that were learned, what was restitution,I would be glad to post on it. I'm not ashamed of my past.

This is a simple contest to see if anyone, the hunter, or friends, have a kill picture they are willing to sell to me for 2K in the day light, Sunday morning October 27th, around 9 AM, showing the kill site and surrounding environment, like the KSL kill pictures. As previously stated, Some people offer a gun. or bino's, for a prize. My prize is 2K. So far no winners.

Two days left in the contest.


I know you are friends with the hunter and Butt's. Butt's must have been a good friend to be holding the buck the day of the hunter shot it at noon. If you could use $2,000 dollars and you don't want to post a picture of the buck on the web, you can email me it to me. [email protected] I'm not trying to embarass anyone.

Butt's said there was a pin/phone at the kill site. If you want to sell a picture of this monster buck on the face, killed in the morning, only a few people would need to see it for the money.


>Justice for Trayvon!
>I will no longer call this
>deer the Hyde Park buck.
> He is officially Trayvon.

Does that make the shooter George Zimmerman?

I do not know the hunter, but if I did the last thing I would do would be to post a pic of that deer here. NO MATTER what you and the other hyde park groupies and other internet wannabe's would tear it apart. NOTHING in the world would prove to you guys this buck was taken legally.
plus I seriously doubt you would keep your word and cough up a penny for a the pic.

all this is a junior high kiddie game for you to try and make yourself look legit.

as I have said if he poached the deer I hope he is caught. if not shame on you and your little hater group for being petty, jealous and pure stupid for harassing a fellow sportsman FOR taking a world class animal. let it go, no more "REWARDS" or conspiracy theories.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-14 AT 11:39AM (MST)[p]huntin50 in another thread said,
" Well, The investigation is going strong and well. That is all I'm going to say for now. Again, I'll repeat, According to evidence,there is ZERO chance that buck was killed above the power lines. Mr. Butt's, you are not quite done yet. Tic toc tic toc."

Who's investigation is it that's "going strong and well" that you spoke of, the MM, your personal, or the DWR's?

Then you say, "Again this has nothing to do with the DWR investigation."

Riiiight! And i have Ocean view property in Montana for sale at such a deal!!


BTW, some here use votes, four for my side and only one against, to feel correct or as if being on the most popular side were proof that they are/were in the right. Me, after reviewing all the possible input, i don't care if 10 or dozens in a row completely disagree with a particular stance that i may have come to . My life has never been about being popular. Being fair, yes, popular, no!
Huntin50, I can assure you that I am not friends with the accused. I do live in the same 5 mile radius and I do know who he is BUT I don't think I have ever even spoke to the guy. I guess that is another accusation on your part.

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
Well Sage,

I did talk with a few sportsmen,as other concerned sportmen did,because I know quite a few from the area. Some passed on some information to the DWR investigator. Neither I, nor other sportsmen, nor the DRW do a town hall approach and said, anyone who saw the buck after the hunt raise thier hands.

The sportmen/people who I talked with, I said if you have information send it to the DWR officer and I gave them a phone number or email.

The DWR have been pretty tight lipped, which they should be to get an accurate unbiased information. I don't need to tell them how to do their job.

I just hope sometime the investigation closes and justice is served one way or another. But, yes from the people I have talked with, I will still say there is Zero chance the buck was shot Sunday morning Oct 27th on the face.

After this contest, I'm pretty much through with what I plan to do. I have reasons why I did what I did. If the case gets resolved one way or another,I will fill in some blanks and critcs with information why I did this contest.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-14 AT 12:41PM (MST)[p]Leica,

Post 42 in the Hyde Park buck update says

I know Coby, He's honorable"

You must be friends with "Butts"

If he was holding the buck and personally took a picture of the buck a few hours after it was shot. He is a friend of the hunter, and you are a friend with butts.

Send a kill picture to me, in the day light on the face, and get $2,000 dollars.


Huntin50, OK, so then if one of the shooters friends or the shooter himself did post up or send you a pic, maybe giving you some info or proof that the buck was not taken where they said it was, whatever... would you then not forward that to the DWR?

My contention is that you keep saying that your offer has nothing to do with the DWR investigation but i simply don't believe you!

It's the games and deceit that are being played here that some are objecting to. That and the belief of many that this is not the place for you to run an investigation.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
What makes this case so much more suspicious in my mind is if everything happened legal then why in the hell is there so much defense to hide any bit of information from the public as possible based on the taking of this buck. I haven't even heard a defending story told, just simply "it was legal"

1butts. Were you present when this deer was killed?
2 let's go a step before the actual picture. Answer me this. Is there a kill site picture at all?
3 was anyone present with the guy who did shoot the deer?
I don't want to hear excuses or defense. just simple yes or no answers Yes or no?

"I've hunted almost every day of my life, The rest
have been wasted"
sageadvice, in post 71, huntin50 stated he would share the kill picture with those involved in the case. He also stated he wouldn't post the picture if the guy who supplied it didn't want it posted (this, I believe, was to protect any magazine deals that may exist).

That DOES NOT mean his contest has anything to do with the official investigation. You act like they are mutually exclusive, they are not. Both of those options can exist simultaneously.

We all have our beliefs about what happened in Hyde Park, and that is fine. For the record, I have no objection to huntin50's offer. I sure wish somebody would make me an offer like that with any of my kill photos.

One more point that people keep making that I think is erroneous is that failure to achieve a conviction means a legal kill. I guess y'all believe OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony were innocent, too? I'm not saying this guy is guilty, just that I don't feel that a conviction is ALWAYS the be-all-end-all.

Nobody has even posted this guys name. It's hard for me to justify condemning the skeptics for their questions and pretending this is an "online trial" or "witch hunt" when the guy in the picture remains anonymous. Heck, the shooter could be any one of us. How would any of us know? Maybe, he's Andy Kaufman-ing all of us on MM and thinks it is hilarious how riled up some people are on both sides of the issue. WE DON'T KNOW!

Some of us think the kill was legal and the shooter should be congratulated. Others think the whole thing stinks to high heaven and are trying to help the woefully understaffed DWR by compiling any evidence they can find.

I'll make one final point. If huntin50's contest produces a valid kill picture, the shooter should call huntin50 personally and thank him for helping end the "investigation"... both online and legal. And then thank him for paying his taxidermy bill. Whereupon, I'm sure huntin50 would congratulate him on killing a great buck. HAPPY ENDING!

Griz, Some good and valid points!!

But, If this were me and i killed this buck fair and square, there is no way in hell that i would respond to or have anything to do with this site and it's witch hunt type investigation.

The taker of this Buck owes us NOTHING, let along pic's or answers.

I'm way against poaching and among those that have always called for harsher penalties. At this point though, i'm just sitting back and shaking my head that this thread has lasted as long as it has.

I say, let the DWR do their job and you guys find another hobby. :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-14 AT 01:47PM (MST)[p]Sage,

If the pictures were on the face in a legal area in the day light, that would help the hunter and his friends a great deal! I'm pretty sure not many people have seen a kill picture. Why so secretive if it was legal. I'm sure close friends and family of all the KSL bucks got a picture.

I would not put a picture of the buck on any website. I would send a copy to the DWR, and they could see if it was legit if they chose to. I don't know why they wouldn't.

In no way did the DWR ask me to stick my neck out, offer 2K for a picture of a deer, etc. That would be pretty crazy.


I'm sure the DWR have talked with the hunter and some friends,

I doubt the hunter offered a day time picture on the face as evidence of the deer killed on the face, and the kill site.

That would help the hunter and friends who helped the hunter a lot.

The hunters friend said there was a phone at the kill site, when a pin was dropped. Pictures were taken.

I would GUESS the hunter and friends could have brought evidence to halt the investigation in my opinion, but have chosen to not share everything. IMO.


HEARD IT FROM A FRIEND WHO........................

Once again!

I have No Bite/No knowledge on any of this!

Just Figured I'd add a Tune!

Re-Write some Lyrics!

So Turn the Volume Up!

Click on the Link!

And Read/Sing Below!

"Take the Buck On The Run"

Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you been f'n around
They say you got a Big Muley friend
You're out late every weekend
They're talkin' about you and it's bringin' me down
But I know the neighborhood
And talk is cheap and the Hyde Buck is good
And the tales grow taller on down the line
But I'm telling you,MM'ers
That I don't think it's true,MM'ers
And even if it is keep this in mind

You take the Hyde Buck on the run Maybe
If that's the way you want it Baby
Then I don't want you around
I don't believe it
Not for a minute
You're under the gun so you take it on the run

You're thinking up your white lies
You're making up your Phony Alibies
You say you're gonna Post on MM but you won't say when
But I can feel it coming
If you leave tonight keep running
And you need never look back again

Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you been f'n around
RE: HEARD IT FROM A FRIEND WHO........................

BESSY, I don't care what anyone says about you, you're still the classiest old cat under this roof!

MR50, I don't have a picture of the kill site and I don't know anyone who does. If I did happen to have one, It wouldn't be my place to show YOU, EVEN IF THERE IS $2,000 on the line. Why don't you just go talk to Butts if you want more info? His address is somewhere in the last 600 posts pertaining to this ordeal.

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
RE: HEARD IT FROM A FRIEND WHO........................

OK Liecabucks,

I just thought you might have a kill picture, since your friends with Butts.

So it was OK I guess to share a November 1st picture to a few friends of the buck that still needed to be caped out 6 days after the hunt, but not a kill scene picture? I would think that picture would bring up more questions, than a legal scene kill picture?

Will you please ask Butts if he wants 2K for a picture? Even though I'm sure he has been following this thread a little.

Wondering why the hush, hush? It's ONE reason, that keeps people wondering?


Whatever huntin50's motive is, it must be approved by Founder or he would have removed this. So be it.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-14 AT 03:52PM (MST)[p]Eelgrass,

I have been polite, not used any real names, asked people to be civil, etc. There are a lot of people interested in this deer. The hunter and friend had a shove it down your throat attitude, and asked where your pictures are after the season. I'm just offering a opportunity to help with either the hunter's side of the story by offering a kill picture with money paid for it. Which should be no problem if there is a legal kill picture on the face in the day light.

If no one can come up with a kill picture on the face,in a morning light, which was reported where the hunter shot the deer. Which really shouldn't be hard to do at all. (Look at the KSL pictures.) It will add more doubt to the hunter and friends account. I'm sure if it goes to court this will be a question for evidence, asked one way or another.

I think we are having a civil discussion.


I don't do other peoples dirty work. You can personally ask him, I usually find that's the best way to get straight answers anyway.

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
OK liecabuck,
I didn't think this was dirty work offering 2K for a picture.

Would you plase PM me his cell number and I'll give him the ask him personally.

huntin50, fair enough, it's your dime.

Speaking of trophy photos, I killed a good blacktail a few years back. It came within an inch of making B&C. I never took a field photo, but a friend insisted he take a photo at work. He emailed me a copy and I sent it to Sageadvice (Joey) and a couple others.

When my computer crashed I lost it forever. I don't know if anyone still has it or not. The rack was stolen a few weeks ago, so it's gone forever I guess.

That's another story, so sorry.

Damn Eel!

Some AssSSShhhHHOlle Stole your Buck?

Sorry to hear that!

Check your PM Eel!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
RE: HEARD IT FROM A FRIEND WHO........................

>OK Liecabucks,
>I just thought you might have
>a kill picture, since your
>friends with Butts.
>So it was OK I guess
>to share a November 1st
>picture to a few friends
>of the buck that still
>needed to be caped out
>6 days after the hunt,
>but not a kill scene
>picture? I would think
>that picture would bring up
>more questions, than a legal
>scene kill picture?
>Will you please ask Butts if
>he wants 2K for a
>picture? Even though I'm
>sure he has been following
>this thread a little.
>Wondering why the hush, hush?
>It's ONE reason, that keeps
>people wondering?
If you look at the picture of the guy holding the head just after caping it 6 days after the supposed killdate there is quite a bit of blood on the floor. Looks to me like The carcass is there also. Are those the hooves hanging at the top of the pic? If so thats a long time for an animal to be hanging in that warm looking shop.The meat would be pretty ripe by then. Smells bad to me.
I want to offer a reward for anyone who may have info to help the ongoing investigation and eventual return of Eelgrass's big buck rack!

Hey, if you can't beat em, join em. Right? :)

Steve, PM sent!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Why in the hell would someone steal another
Persons trophy?? Idiots.

Put me in for $20 and I'll chip in a 12 pack of empties
For the CAT as well.

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
>Why in the hell would someone
>steal another
>Persons trophy?? Idiots.
>Put me in for $20 and
>I'll chip in a 12
>pack of empties
>For the CAT as well.
>"The future is large scale auction
>The majority of the tags should
>go up
>for auction anually. It MIGHT even
>good to allow second sales of
>tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
>and then re-selling them to the
>TRISTATE 8/17/2012



Anybody willing to throw the cat a drink?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
OK guys, this is just too good of an opportunity to pass up. I have the kill photo. This photo conclusively shows that the kill was above the powerlines and not in South Park. Please send me my $2000.


That sucks Steve! I cannot figure out why anyone would want someone's deer antlers bad enough to steal them. Major PLICKS!

So huntin50 if you wanna spend 2K on something worthy maybe you should take out an ad in The Times Standard and offer a reward for Steve's rack.


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
The DWR don't have squat on this case. Hate to be the bearer of horrible news, but this case is about all but over. If the DWR had anything then he would of been cited by now. Their only hope is a confession. Everything, an I mean everything is circumstantial, and that won't hold a drop of piss in court. Anyone with 1/2 a brain in their head oughta know that.
If he poached it , I'd like to see a infraction imposed on him, but I'm a realist an know a descent lawyer could beat anything thrown his way.
While I would love to see a kill photo, I'm still waiting on the damn pictures of this damn deer still on the hoof the 28th of October. Someone should offer 2000 for one of those?
If he shot it legit, I feel for him, because it will always be someone's pet, probably done at night, to big a gun, to far a bow shot, didn't get both lungs, never took enough pictures etc etc etc.
While this has been an interesting read, this has been beat into the ground. It's time to realize what we like to see happen an whats probably gonna happen are to damn far apart. Here's to hoping another giant comes along to replace the monster Hyde monarch. That'll be a big set of shoes to fill. Man was he a dandy!
How can you be sure it was stolen. Do you have proof? Have you reported it to the authorities? What would Tristate do?
>The DWR don't have squat on
>this case. Hate to
>be the bearer of horrible
>news, but this case is
>about all but over.
>If the DWR had anything
>then he would of been
>cited by now. Their
>only hope is a confession.
> Everything, an I
>mean everything is circumstantial, and
>that won't hold a drop
>of piss in court.
>Anyone with 1/2 a brain
>in their head oughta know
> If he poached it
>, I'd like to see
>a infraction imposed on him,
>but I'm a realist an
>know a descent lawyer could
>beat anything thrown his way.
> While I would love
>to see a kill photo,
>I'm still waiting on the
>damn pictures of this damn
>deer still on the hoof
>the 28th of October.
>Someone should offer 2000 for
>one of those?
> If he shot it
>legit, I feel for him,
>because it will always be
>someone's pet, probably done at
>night, to big a gun,
>to far a bow shot,
>didn't get both lungs, never
>took enough pictures etc etc
> While this has been
>an interesting read, this has
>been beat into the ground.
> It's time to realize
>what we like to see
>happen an whats probably gonna
>happen are to damn far
>apart. Here's to hoping
>another giant comes along to
>replace the monster Hyde monarch.
> That'll be a
>big set of shoes to
>fill. Man was he
>a dandy!

Yea. The grass he was eating in the Park is loaded with minerals.
Correction again, circumstantial evidence is just that...evidence. In fact, often a jury instruction is used in Utah that specifically instructs a jury they are legally able to convict a person based upon circumstantial evidence alone. That is a common misconception out there, but a misconception nonetheless.

Not saying anything about this case specifically. I'm maintaining a strict policy to only educate when I see erroneous statements of the law, and not pass judgment on what actually happened here.

Click-a-Pic ... Details & Bigger Photos
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