Who here's superstitious ?

LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-08 AT 12:09PM (MST)[p]I have a couple. I don't care for ANY CAT'S, and I don't much care for clown's either!
I heard Tiger Woods say one time that he is superstitious. He said the more he practices, the luckier he gets.
I always wear the same condom for fear that it will be my last time finding a chick to sleep with me!! It is a very lucky condom!!

Pretty crafty there; Andy & F'er !

Marco, I too have a deal with cats, specially Black ones that cross your path, one day I drove 6 blocks out of my way to avoid any possible cat hex.
Later a friend informed me that if you just run it over its very lucky to the driver.

Wizard, Ain't even gonna address that one !
That condom has had a lot of ups and downs...but nothing a little duct tape can't fix!!

Not me! Knock on wood.


Bad Omens:
a pig, hare, or lizard running across the road
seeing an open grave
meeting a nun or a monk foretell barrenness
If the groom drops the wedding band during the ceremony, the marriage is doomed.
The new bride must enter her home by the main door, and must not trip or fall - hence the custom of carrying the bride over the threshold.
The spouse who goes to sleep first on the wedding day will be the first to die.
If a single woman sleeps with a piece of wedding cake under her pillow, she will dream of her future husband.

wizard....i think you should inform all these men where that condom has been. its only fair to them. quit thinking about yourself:)
HaHa Deepforks!! Why do you think his name is BOBCAT? Meow!!


Only the ladies get to see the lucky little bugger....uh....I mean....big bugger!!
I'm too superstitious, long time baseball player and never lost them.

As for the mirror, that better not be true as i cut glass/mirrors for a living and might have buried myself quite a hole!
I've got a boxer superstition, I wear blue when I fly ( blue skies ) I wear green when playing poker (money). Red while hunting (blood). I always need to have a 2 dollar bill in wallet. All cash bills have to be facing same way. Avoid the number 6 as much as possible. Love the number 22 (baseball #). Always turn up left pant leg a little ( that ones too deep to go into ). I am going to quit now, the more I write the crazier I sound. To answer your question I am very superstitous. Oh one more big one, never walk on the blue handicap parking signs.
Since we're talking weird stuff, if I turn my body in a complete circle (360), I make it a point to turn back the opposite direction. I don't know why it bugs me but that's how it is. I don't step on cracks or edges of shadows either. I don't know where the shadow thing came from. My wife says I am OCD. The funny thing is that we get a good laugh each time we talk about my little quirks.....yeah, real funny, b!tch!! HaHa


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