Whom Do We Thank - UDWR?


Long Time Member
There's seems to be some
substantial changes at Utah DWR recently, which happen to be changes that many of us agree with.

- New baiting law
- New trail cam law
- New Outfitter posse law
- Proposed Landowner Tag Rule
- Pending charges against two high profile outfitters for wildlife violations, at least one of which appears to have received deferential treatment in recent years

Whom do we thank?
I am not sure who to thank for the things you listed, but I do know that many of the new people in positions of power with the DWR are good dudes who really get what hunting and conservation are all about (Justin Shirley, Justin Shannon, Covey Jones just to name a few).

With the things you have noted and the people in positions of influence who get it, along with a push for improved and reliable data about our herds and the variables that impact them, I am definitely encouraged with the direction things are headed with the DWR.??
I know, WLH really pissed off a lot of good folks working in regional offices with that sheep stunt. Then got pissed on by their own boss once the pressure mounted.

Got to figure more than a few have now climbed the ranks into leadership roles.

The WB, has really been impressive lately. Amazing how a certain lobby group not being able to replace it's members, allowed the board to function more like it was intended to.

Change seems to be in the air, and I too applaud it
It’s refreshing to see a positive direction from a game department. Sad that it has become so one sided the opposite direction for so many years that seeing it actually get better is a surprise. Hopefully a trend that continues
I put more details in the Thank You thread that was mentioned above a few months ago but the change has been nice to see that we are back to the sportsman, wildlife, conservation, and trying to do what is right. I have been really impressed with Covey Jones after watching him present over the last few years. He seems like the type of guy that would not sweep things under the rug like others have likely done for the high and mighty. The wildlife board chairman right now is a breath of fresh air and seems to be trying to do what is best. I really liked that they did not let the high and mighty outfitters walk all over them at the special trail camera meeting. Keep up the good work DWR and Wildlife Board. I feel you are gain our confidence back with every attempt to do what is right. Just my thoughts. Have fun.
What MulePacker is saying shouldn’t be overlooked. And not just in legislation that has come either. Many elected officials are fed up with how things were working and in addition to the bills directly targeting wildlife issues have pushed for change behind the scenes as well.

I’ve long said nothing would change in Utah with the Wildlife Board or the DWR until the governor and/or legislature made it happen. The message of disdain would have to come from above, not the public. That has started to happen.
Wyoming doesn't hold a candle to the joke that Utah is!
Really, I see them as very similar. Both have historically been driven by big $ special interest groups, outfitters, and politically powerful landowners. At least Utah doesn't keep NR hunters from hunting in Federal USFS wilderness areas. Many of the current changes that are happening in Wyoming are just a continuation or even acceleration of this trend. It looks like Utah might be actually making progress in the right direction. Calling it how I see it.----SS
Wyoming doesn't hold a candle to the joke that Utah is!
Wyoming Outfitter Association and Sy are in it for themselves and will do anything possible to pad their pocketbooks and make themselves a required resource.

No different then any others group that makes their living off a resource. They are a political lobbying group that makes decisions based on what’s in their best interest, they are no different the SCI, RMEF, SFW and the others.
I don't know who has sparked the change in direction in Utah, but when you find out could have them call up to Montana and tell the people in charge up here, been there, done that, not the direction you want to go.
There's seems to be some
substantial changes at Utah DWR recently, which happen to be changes that many of us agree with.

- New baiting law
- New trail cam law
- New Outfitter posse law
- Proposed Landowner Tag Rule
- Pending charges against two high profile outfitters for wildlife violations, at least one of which appears to have received deferential treatment in recent years

Whom do we thank?
Does this mean they will overturn the fraudulent SFW Expo contract award and rightfully give it to RMEF? Lol. My guess is the new guys are good/ethical. Just not THAT good/ethical.
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I had a conversation with a board member last night, he said the state legislators are a big reason for alot of the changes , and was also the reason the previous dwr director stepped down. Apparently there was some very concerning things found out about the previous director that the state legislators found out about.

Hint hint...hint... there is another popular topic being discussed here on MM with hundreds of posts.
I had a conversation with a board member last night, he said the state legislators are a big reason for alot of the changes , and was also the reason the previous dwr director stepped down. Apparently there was some very concerning things found out about the previous director that the state legislators found out about.

Hint hint...hint... there is another popular topic being discussed here on MM with hundreds of posts.
No kidding??? ? You know it’s bad when the corruption goes all the way up to the governor’s office. There’s probably not a single DWR person not on the take somehow. My sister-in-law is 10th district representative and I gave her a 30 minute education on SFW at a wedding last summer. Lol
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Quietly, Troy Justensen deserves a nod. He’s been a genuine shift within SFW.

While I do not agree with some of the positions he and the organization still take, I think you are correct. He has been a breath of fresh air from that organization.
No kidding??? ? You know it’s bad when the corruption goes all the way up to the governor’s office. There’s probably not a single DWR person not on the take somehow. My sister-in-law is 10th district representative and I gave her an earful of education at a wedding last summer. Lol
I believe there are a few honest DWR people out there who aren’t owned by someone. But they are very few. There’s quite a bit of corruption within that organization. But not surprising, given all forms of government are corrupt
I’ll give Troy a nod, but what breath of fresh air is every one referring to?? (Asking for a friend) he’s been with SFW since 1994 and has been compensated a helluva a lot of money for his time/ consulting, etc, glad after 28 years he finally getting it done for Utahs Wildlife.

It might be a combination of things.
Casey Snider. Funds being available for wildlife. (Even though I believe there are to many conservation permits.) Having Pro hunters and biologist in the DWR. And I agree Troy Justensen is a straight shooter. SFW and other conservation organizations should get some credit. Remember if we didn't have Prop 5 passed and laws to protect trapping and use of dogs to control predators we would have not much of a long term future.

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