Who's gonna draw?


Very Active Member
So the bear draw is just around the corner. How many point is everybody going in with and where are you hoping to be chasing bears in Utah this year?

I've got 9 non-resident points and put in for the San Juan fall tag!
I have 12 points and applied for the Bookcliffs multi season hunt. Doubt I'll draw though. Good luck to all in the draw.
I'm headed into the draw with 13 res points. Applied for San Jaun multi-season tag. Probably have a 50/50 chance at drawing.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-15 AT 08:29PM (MST)[p]Smokepole v. Grizzly - Bear Bash 2015

I also went in with 13 points for San Juan Multi-Season.

I'm figuring we each have a 3 in 5 chance of drawing a tag. Good luck in the draw.

9 points here for me. I did wasatch west. Close to home, and easy to keep bait going.

My buddy has 15 points and did points again. He wants a for sure kill. Hes gone 3 times and never killed a bear (OUT OF STATE 2 times, once here).

Hes crazy. I told him to apply for the multi season tag. But wants to wait, again.
Sounds like you all have a good chance at drawing this year. Good luck to you guys! Hope to hear some good news In a week or two. I have a couple buddy's that have a real good shot at the Boulder this year with 7 and 8 points. I had the tag last year and had a blast! Hopefully we get to do it again.
Last year cards were starting to get charged around March 11-12th. I believe emails were sent shortly after that.
>I think I drew the SJ
>summer pursuit and the Fall
>SJ. Should be
>a great fall.

Do you have a cc hit?
>Yes CC hit,
>I might see you down there

Yeah. Congrats on the tag. If I don't get one in the spring I'll definitely be there during the late fall season trying to rustle one up before he beds down for the winter.

I'll send you pics if I tag out before then.

Still no charge on my CC but, I got the email from UDWR and I was successful on the multi-season San Juan.

Congrats to you guys that drew! Sounds like my one buddy drew the Boulder! He's pretty stoked about it. Good luck on the San juan and the wasatch west!
Well, Its a no go for me. Now I have 10 points. I was almost certain that I would draw. Now I have 28 5 gallon buckets of food/bait to stay in my freezer until next year. There is always next year, or Idaho.
My son drew Diamond Mountain with two point, and that's not his longest odds draw in the last year. Lucky Pup. At least I get to help. BacDoc

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