Who's indicted first????


Long Time Member
Comey or Trump?????

I think Comey is sweating far more then Trump is. That Fisal warrant that Comey signed as being "truthful and factual" is going to bite him in the butt. You can bet that if indictments are handed out, some of those lying criminals will be willing to sing for a better deal on their sentence.

If that fisal warrant is thrown out due to false statements, there is a chance Gen. Flynn may have his conviction set aside due to "Fruits of the poison tree" if the warrant was the leading fact for him to be interviewed and charged with a crime. They would have to show other independent evidence that led them to interview Flynn and charging him with a crime to avoid his violations being overturned and set aside.

Higher Loyalty guy is a sanctimonious narcissist looney - dude needs to be in a padded room somewhere far far away, dude should have never been anywhere near the fbi let alone at the top
Comey even tried to bull$hit Trump just after the election in order to keep his job as the head of the FBI by lying to him about any investigations and the Steele dossier was worthless.

Comey is nothing but a two face lying rat who has zero creditability and is trying and hoping that Trump is impeached in order to save his own A$$ from prison.
If he is indicted, he will sing like a canary and it is a good possibility that Loretta Lynch will be put in a precarious position and maybe even her boss.

I agree Relh but in Washington they always go after the little guys first....I think the dems may be posturing to go after Trumps kids to shut down the investigation......I don't think Barr and Trump will blink since they already have the goods on the dems or it wouldn't have gone public.....It's going to get ugly.......
I've said since the beginning that Comey is trash and now the proof is coming out.


Thanks to FOIA, we now know that the FISA warrant on Carter Page was political spying by the FBI. There's simply no reason to believe that this was a legit FBI investigation. Every American should be outraged that the DOJ was weaponized or corrupted in an attempt to undermine our electoral process.

James Comey is balls deep in this mess having lied to the FISC court and leaking classified information to the media. It amazes me that this guy continues to show his face in public given that, if true, he could be in deep shyt. If I were him I would be looking into which countries we don't have extradition treaties with and take a long vacation there.

Having said all of that, I still have zero confidence that our two tiered justice system will be restored to equal justice for all. I have zero confidence that any of these traitors will ever be charged with anything and I desperately want to be wrong about that.
CAFORKHORN I have to agree with you on the possibility that bygones will be bygones in Washington D.C. with the old boy attitude they have.

The one thing we have going for justice is the fact that Trump is not one of those career politicians and the fact that they may have really ticked him off the way they went after him AND HIS FAMILY. They may have awaken a sleeping dragon that will demand retribution with criminal charges if justified.

Sessions failed to do his job, and Trump fired him over it.

RELH, don't forget it was Trump who ran on ?lock her up? and then immediately upon winning told us he wasn?t going to go after her. Like I said I desperately want to be wrong but I think Trump will ride this out making people think the investigation is ongoing and then upon reelection order Barr to stand down.
Sadly cafork I agree. Sorta the whole point of the trumps in jail thread. None of these people will spend 5 minutes in jail. Our founders would have shot them!

LAST EDITED ON May-11-19 AT 02:24PM (MST)[p]They'll have to do something to prevent it from happening again. Since a lot of the culprits involved are lawyers disbarment will probably be on the table and we may get surprised if a few of them go to jail. One or both Clinton's were disbarred from the legal profession if memory serves but it certainly didn't deter them. Time will tell but keep the faith the politicos will most likely never see the inside of a cell but there's a slew of other folks that they can ill afford to let walk off scot free in this damn mess.
I don't think being disbarred is much of a punishment for these people either. DC characters seem to leave DC very wealthy not from their government paychecks. Look at Comey. He's rich from his book deal after collecting a government paycheck for years. I don't think disbarring him would affect his standard of living much at all. The Clintons were able to maintain their millionaire status after their disbarring

The only thing that would satisfy me is these people behind bars
I may be wrong, but I think things have gone too far and gotten to mean to just kiss and make up. It is sort of like being in a gun fight with another person with a gun. They pulled their gun and shot first. They missed. What are you going to do, kiss and make up and hope they don't shoot at you again? I think you have to empty your gun. We are not now talking about petty stuff. We have a news media that is totally in with no matter what kind of distortions to manipulate politics and a political party -- the Democrats -- that is totally out of control. I think things have become too polarized, people have been forced to take a position on one side or the other, and anyone who stands on Trump's side of the line -- or the side of the line of constitutional government -- has to pull the trigger and prosecute these criminals to the full extent of the evidence and of the law.

But that is just my opinion.
Your opinion is right on......these criminals HAVE to pay...

THIS is the biggest abuse of power in the history of this country.....no matter how brainwashed ocho and cheesedick are...

This has the potential to get quite entertaining. I just hope the circular firing squad contains all the players, and they shoot accurately!

Yes this could be extremely entertaining and I agree that the bad actors HAVE to pay to keep this from happening again. Unfortunately, the only thing that will restore my faith in our criminal justice system is to see people prosecuted for their crimes.

If the IG report comes back as a big nothing burger then you might as well write this one off as another sweeping under the rug by the powerful elites in DC. Everyone's defense will be that the IG found nothing criminal so the game is over. It seems with law enforcement there is an unwritten rule that either overlooks or diminishes the wrongdoings of their own. I know the IG is supposed to act independently but I have little faith that he will recommend criminal charges against James Comey or anyone else that has given years of government service. I would call it disservice but I think sometimes the question of why ruin a man's entire career over a few lies and leaked memos comes into play. That report can't come soon enough IMO.

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