Who's Side Are You On?


Long Time Member
I just had a family reunion of sorts,that included some liberal Democrats that were giving me crap about my "Sportsmen For Bush" bumper sticker.
I went on to explain the reasons I am a Republican.
Voting for Bush doesn't mean that I think he is God's gift to the party.
Just look at who aligns themselves with each party.
Can you really be on the side that supports animal rights activists?
Anti gun groups?
Anti fishing groups?
Radical feminists?
Radical Gay agendas?
Pacifism at all cost groups?
Afirmitave Action (State sanctioned Racism)
Look at who the national socialist party endorses!

Then on the other side there are those radical right wing Christians that make their kids go to church on Sundays and instill strong family values...YUCKKKKKK
>Then on the other side
>there are those radical right
>wing Christians that make their
>kids go to church on
>Sundays and instill strong family


at my family reunions, ya go to the side that has the best lookin' women. vegans? you have kin that drive 70's model compact chevies? when did that become a liberal agenda?

In the words of Jeff Foxworthy,

If you go to family reunions to pick up women,,,you might be a redneck.


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