Why is Obama not hammering McCain????


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-08 AT 11:59AM (MST)[p]The latest figures show Obama out spending McCain 2 to 1. The media coverage of Obama is off the charts. Today for example Time magazine comes out with its unpresidented 7th cover with Obama on it. His huge world tour media spectacular where the big three's anchors went along. Another unpresidented media blitz by the way. Obama has gotten the lions share of all the media's attention. Also this is suposed to be a slam dunk Democrat year. Yet here he sits with a dead even to 3 point behind John McCain. By all accounts Obama should be leading by 40 points. WTF is going on??? I want to here from you Obama suporters on this. Why is Obama not hammering McCain?????

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
So lets here it Pipe, Dude, Forwall, Zigga. Spin it.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
That is a good question 202. If I were Obama I would be running ads with comparison clips of McCain 1999 and McCain 2008 all day long. I would show a pic of McCain slamming religious right with another of his commencement speech at Falwell University.

I would also show clips of McCain's "Indiana State Fair" comment in Iraq and his criticism of the Bush Administration's running on the war.

I tend to think that Obama might be making the same mistake that Kerry did. It's similiar to having a 1 hour sales meeting where you spend 50 minutes slamming the competition instead of spending 50 minutes promoting yourself. In business you tend to promote yourself, while in politics it's better to slam your competition.

There is no dirtier business than politics and one would think that Obama would go for the jugular and be ready with a counter punch at a moments notice. If Obama takes his plays out of Kerry's playbook, a play-nice feel sorry for me type of race, he will in no doubt end up on the short end of the stick at the polls.

The fact is, we are at a time where we need the absolute best candidates from both parties....and we have neither.
Nice try but not the answer. Great excuses though.

The answer is the folks are begining to see just exactly who this Obama character really is. He was absolutely horrible in the saddleback conference. I mean the absolute worst I have ever witnessed. He had no teleprompter to tell him what to say and that "above my pay grade" answer was a complete bomb. McCain on the other hand was powerful in that conference, decisive, straight forward no bull caca. Americans like straight forward.

Next. Any sane observer of politics has to now admit that the Obama World Tour, espesially his Berlin speech, backfired in a major way. That marked the beginning of the Obama crumble. His standing side by side with foreign leaders might have boosted his numbers in Paris, but not in Pittsburgh. It didn't sit right with a lot of voters in the states that are up for grabs now -- states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan.

Next. Americans love a winner and will not tollerate a loser. Americans like to be numero uno and it does not sit well with them when there potential President is caving in to the pessimism of those that say we must conform to a new world order where China dominates. look, Americans are can-do people and always will be. While McCain touts the success of the surge in Iraq, Obama downplays it. While McCain pushes for more domestic oil exploration to grow the economy, Obama rants about windfall profits. Apparently, it's "yes we can", except when it comes to tapping all energy sources.

Simply put Obama is unfit to lead and the folks are beginning to see this.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
Part II

Now I have a glimmering theory about McCain, it maybe weak, which is why it is only glimmering. I would have easily voted for McCain in 2000, but the Bush spin machine took special joy in dirty politics by sabotaging his chances of winning the nomination.

Perhaps, just perhaps McCain has done what exactly what his military training has taught him...adapt and overcome. Perhaps if McCain uses the well-oiled republican spin machine to win the election we will see him morph back to the McCain of 99. A sort of personal political payback for what that same spin machine did to him in 2000.

I also believe that McCain should just announce that he is going to be a one term office holder. Then he could drive home the fact that it will give him 4 dedicated years to address the ills which face our country. Instead of Obama who will lead for 2 years, then direct his attention to the 2012 elections.

I do find it comical at best whenever McCain accuses Obama of pandering. McCain, a life-long Episcapalian (msp) suddenly becomes a Baptist just months before announcing his candidacy.

That type of pandering is as obvious as Gore picking Lieberman solely to carry the Florida vote.

As I have stated many times I am Non-partisan, a past Republican, a past Democrat, I will be waiting until mid-October to make my own decision. I do think that the time has come where we need to take a closer look at publicly financing our electorial system. Candidates should not be able receive any private donations to their campaigns.

The focus should be weighed on vision and policy, not on fund-raising and glossy marketing. Then we may actually get an elite group of candidates instead of having to pick the low lying fruit from the tree.
At least you have the sack to debate this.

Bottom line is Character counts, experience counts, optimisim counts, straight talk counts. Obama has none of these qualities and Americans are slowly but surely begining to see this. The mainstream media has totally let the American public down when it comes to Obama. They want so bad for a Dem to win they have refused to ask Obama the tough questions, they have yet to vet this guy to the public. They are doing their dead level best to gloss over his countless flaws in order to get him elected. Its not like I am making this stuff up. The studies show that Obama is getting the lions share of favorable reporting in the mainstream media it is almost laughable if it were'nt so true.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-08 AT 02:59PM (MST)[p]Part XVIII

"Nice try but not the answer. Great excuses though."

An expected response 202, you ask the question and then deem what the correct response should be. Did you learn that from your hero and war-time mastermind Rummy? Of course you did. Now some have asked is 202 blindly partisan? Yes, absolutely! How partisan? Enough that he never critcizes the party or the administration no matter how contrary it is to the base core of the party fundamentals. Is 202 obcessed with status of my panties and sack? Absolutely and on top of that he sometimes has homo-erotic fantasies which include me and others. Will 202 try to come up some clever response and fail? No doubt...that's what he does. Does he know that I know that he knows? Do I know that he knows what I know? Do we both know what other know that we know? (see I can play the Rummy game too)

When Bush fell flat on his face during the debates with Kerry, in the end he still won the election. So putting all your eggs in one basket on one debate isn't enough to sway an election outcome.

Anyone that points to Obama's lack of experience, lack of international politics, or lack of hands-on leadership yet defends their vote for Bush really and truly is the dimmest lit bulb on the tree.

Whatever your response will be to this thread 202, it will be incorrect and another mere pedantic deflection. Ah, I'm just kidding or am I or am I not or are we both not? :) I'm hungry
Thanks for the personal attack. Typical of those that can not win the debate.

At any rate. I would vote for Obama if he were pro life, pro surge, pro war, anti UN, anti tax. However he is not any of those and McCain is. So call me partisan if you like but until the Dems pull their heads out they will not get my vote.

Now on to the original question. If you think my answer is wrong then pick it apart instead of starting in with the third grade personal attacks.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)

Your welcome! Don't take my personal attack seriously it's just that you're an idiot. :) Third grade attacks? You and I both know I've been repeating the first grade for the last 20 years.

Look we both know that McCain is not the love child of most conservatives. As for being pro-life, yes that is what the world needs more of...unwanted children needing more government hand outs. Pro surge, well if you respect HUNTFX4 opinion the surge took credit where credit was not due.

Anti-UN, world leaders need some neutral place to meet to exchange points of view, but I agree the U.N. needs to be replaced and stripped of it's current powers and embodyment. As for being Pro-War what does that exactly mean? I hope you don't believe that it is the U.S. responsibility to act as some sort of global policeman. One would hope for pro-diplomacy and war being the last result after exploring all other options. The way it used to be before George and Dyckhead took the helm.

As for being anti-tax, again I'm not sure what you mean? Are you suggesting that we replace our system with some sort of volunatary type of municipal, state, and federal contribution? Good luck with that. The fact is there has never been a time in our history where everybody was happy with the tax system.

Apparently there must be a broken A-arm on the straight talk express, I'll leave you to explain his flip-flops on the following:

His Own Campaign Finance Reform Bill McCain/Feingold
His Own Dream Act Bill (illegal high school grads citizenship)
Tax Cuts
Roe v Wade
Political courting of the Religious Right
Wire Tapping
Closing Guantanamo
Indefinite Detention for Guantanamo Detainees
Use of Predators in Pakistan
Relations with Cuba
Relations with Hamas
Relations with Syria
Divestment from South Africa
Against expanding the GI Bill
Privatizing Social Security
Yucca Mountain Nuclear Storage
Anti NRA role in Republican Party
Gay Marriage
Estate Tax
Off Shore Drilling
Suspension of the Federal Gas Tax
Leiberman/Warner Global Warming Bill
Southern Border Security (the fence)
Association w/ Kissinger
Association w/Norquist
Association w/Wylys
Association w/Falwell
Association w/Hagee
Association w/Parsley

Yep, I guess he is a real straight talker! As for relying on personal attacks to deflect any type rational debate, have you looked at what you append to all of your posts or your never ending name calling and inferences to the status of other men's panties. Like you said, I guess that's typical of those that can't win a debate.

It's a disturbing pattern, like when you post cut-n-pastes thinking they support your position. The only problem is after reading them it turns out they do anything but support your position. Oh, how I love the archives! ROFLMAOHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
let me simplify this for you long winded intellectuals......

McCain sucks

Obama sucks even more

Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

D nailed it.

I do like the fact that FTW writes very intelligently. As far as 202, it just depends on what the conservatives believe in and he is right there with him. We've seen where "lower" taxes have gotten us. If we are paying lower taxes with w then I haven't noticed. What I have noticed is higher health care costs, higher gas prices, higher cost of living, basically nothing good. w's actions have put our national security at higher risk. I could go on but then I will hear how it is congresses fault and blahblahblah. I know, all things good are because of the republicans and all things bad are because of the dems. I get it. We go here about every week. I don't mind McCain but he will get pounded come election day. Neither is the answer.
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway


It's not the lower taxes it's the run away spending that hurts. Give a politician a dollar and they spend 2 dollars.

RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway


You stated that you liked the idea that FTW writes intelligently. He may write that way, but some of his opinions will not hold water when the facts or logic are applied.
FTW commented that we should not put our eggs in one basket concerning one debate and pointed out that Kerry out debated Bush but still lost the election. This can also be construed that the voters elected the candidate that was poor in the debates, Bush, and he turned out to have done a poor job in office per their beliefs. Now they may be thinking that they should not make that mistake twice and will want to vote for the candidate that has shown to be better in stating his positions. Also appears to be the better one at the debates in getting that message across and not hedging as Obama has been doing. Another item that goes hand in hand with this is FTW's statement about the voters criticism of Obama's lack of experience, but voted for Bush who also had less experience then the candidate he ran against. Again the voters may be remembering this and saying we are not going to make that mistake again with Obama.
FTW stated that Obama should show McCain's criticism of the Bush admin. on how they ran the war in Iraq.
Doing this will show the voters that McCain is a "Maverick" and is willing to speak out concerning his own party members. This will defeat obamas ongoing campaign that McCain is just another third term for Bush and help show that McCain may be more truthful then Obama. Bad-Bad move and very poor advice on FTW's part. It will be another major flip flop for Obama to reverse himself and say this.
FTW commented on the Pro life stance of McCain Vs. Obama and stated that it is what we need, more unwanted children to go on the goverment handouts. FTW has failed to relize that the vast majority of persons seeking an abortion are not the welfare crowd, but more middle income and above and if they had their children, would not be very likely to go on welfare subsistance. The welfare crowd are just the opposite, they welcome more kids because that means a bigger paycheck with each new kid. One of the reasons you see welfare mothers with five kids and five different fathers. they get more money, but alot of them will not spend the money on the kids, drugs and alcohol instead. It appears that FTW is not in touch with reality in alot of his opinions and is very misleading to misguided zealots like you Zigga and a few others.
yes FTW can be very intelligent at times, but that does not make him factual or truthful in his opinions and his liberal viewpoint on certain things. Sorry Zigga, you get the booby prize again for your INTELLIGENT picks of who too lead you.

RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

So what's my booby prize?

You point out these flaws with FTW as if he's running the country. Now point out w's flaws. Take your time, I've got all night.
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

You may have all night, but I do not. You also overlooked the fact that I not only pointed out some of FTW's flaws, but also your glaring flaws as well.
Your booby prize is the fact you have to live with yourself.

RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

I can hear the marbles hitting the floor! ROFLMFAO..SFSHA

Depends must be getting a little tighter! ROFLMMFAO..DMFAR


If you keep mixing your meds with Jack, 202 is going to kick you off his cheerleading squad. RELH I needed to take a Dramamine Pill just trying to read your thread. I know when you are high it's all a blur, but were not high so give us a break and use at least 1 or 2 paragraphs.

RELH I never find your threads to be even slightly intelligent, especially this one. As well I'm never quite sure where your head begins and 202's arse ends.


Zigga thank you so much for your very kind words, as a fellow misguided zealot I try my best.

For all of you Hannity wannabes it's official 202 & RELH will now be your official spokesmen and press secretaries.

One word of caution though Zigga. If the Dems couldn't win 2000 or 2004 given the competition, I would not bet the barn on 2008. Unfortunately the Dems have a track record of complete and utter self-destruction. In recent times they have perfected the art of losing elections at the last minute. Perhaps it will be different this time, we'll see.

Overton you forgot a failed monetary and trade policy leaving us all losing money as the dollar declines in value on top of 30 years of pork barrel spending. I hope your crouch is feeling better today. ;)
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the bantering between all of us, especially 202. You guys bring up good topics and I enjoy hearing both sides.

I would like to know how or why you think w is the answer under this country's current condition. w had the majority in congress for 6 years and it was such a disaster that the dems won it back. Had it been successful then the republicans would still have control. Was it successful? I haven't figured out why people vote the way they do but I can see that voters have their limits. The debates in 2000 and 2004 were embarrassing to watch because w is such a moron but he still won. That's what I don't understand but I think McCain will be more of the same and Oby will get more and more minorities and the overwhelming younger voters. I don't have anything against 75 year olds but when they get that age they should be fishing. During Reagan's second term there weren't cameras fast enough to catch him while he was awake. That spawned the technology for digital photography and faster lenses. Rumor has it he had multiple look-alikes. :)
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

Forwall stick to the initial question.

Why is Obama not hammering McCain? He should have a 15 point lead. What gives?

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

I'll answer for cousin FTW. Because Obama lives in a glass house.

RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-08 AT 11:31AM (MST)[p]I think one reason that Obama is not hammering McCain is that Obama doesn't connect with the Older generation say those older then 55. I think that you can have all the youth and all the hype but without vast number of the older voting block that doesn't mean diddly.

There are some real reservation older people have with Obama and when somebody says things like a 75 year old should be out fishing instead of running for president it will only further solidify McCain's position with these voters. Imagine being born in 1953 or earlier and growing up during those years. Are you going to be gungho to trust a 47 year old with little to no experience in much of anything? He has never served in the military, never been in private business, he has not served a full term in the senate, he has no record of bold iniatives or landmark legislation he has sponsored or authored all of that would make older people nervous.

Also I think that he has suffered from a somewhat muddled message that just "Hope" is enough. I don't think he has outlined what exactly the "Hope" he wants everyone to believe in means.

All these coupled with the war in Iraq being pushed off the front pages makes alot of his prime issues less important. The American people are now focused on the price of a gallon of gasoline rather then the cost of the war in Iraq. It is doubtful that in this environment an anti drilling, anti energy development candidate is going to be at the top. If Iraq heats up or McCain stumbles badly or a scandal of some sort is brought to light the polls can go the other way just as fast.

RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

Right on as usual Nemont. I had not thought of that angle but you have a point. Folks are living longer and hence it makes up a huge voting block that may not have been a big factor in the past. Good point. Obama the ageist.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-08 AT 11:37AM (MST)[p]I want to hear somebody ask Obama about his veiws on gun control, conservation and hunting on camera and then I want them to play it on prime time T.V.
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-08 AT 03:41PM (MST)[p]Do you notice that everytime we prick the thin skin of our on board liberals, they have the habit of going off the subject and diverting attention elsewhere.
FTW, this paragraph is for you! You still give stupid advice. Please seek a job with Obama's team and we will have a landslide for the GOP.
Zigga, did you notice that I kept the subject to McCain and Obama, not "W" as you keep trying to divert too.
Bates7, the only news agency with the gonads to ask Obama about those questions, is Fox News, and Obama trys to keep them at arms lenght. The other news agencies would not dare ask Obama a question that might make him look like the left wing liberal he is.

P.S. FTW, talking about original thoughts. I noticed that you followed Hdude's lead and accused me of excessive alcohol & drug use. For your information, I drink about 12 beers per year, far less wine and hard stuff and I never use drugs. In fact I hate druggies. I am aware that it is common knowledge that the liberals are more known for excessive alcohol and drug use in todays world. So keep on toking your responses does reflect your mental condition. Talk about glass houses!!!
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

I'm thinkng it is on the line of Obamas past. He might not have just skeletons in his closet but actually fresh kill.
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

What's wrong RELH, do you have a poopy in your Depends? Hey dummy a paragraph is distinguished by a space...like the one between your ears and legs. I must say you have the grammatical skills and attention span of a puppy.

As for diverting attention, your entire original thread does not address the subject matter at all. Instead it rambles on in a dizzying drunken stammering matter about my thread. For a brief moment I actually felt bad for 202, you being his intellectual wingman and all.

As for this poll and polling in general, didn't we just go through this during the candidate selections. Almost all of the polls missed the mark by a mile in every category, including Zogby's. Most of the polls gave McCain almost no chance at all of winning the candidacy and predicted a landslide for Hillary.

Now look at Thread No.2, I gave my opinion as to why Obama may not be way ahead in the polls. Then as the post continues 202 asked me to pick apart his thinking on straight talking McCain...I did that as well.

In order to be insulted one has to have an inkling of respect for the person who insulted them. As such I could care less if you want to call me a liberal or whatever.

As I am sure you noticed I have been gone awhile, but I must concede that Huntindude is quite astute in his observation that you must be on something, nobody can really be that dumb or are you from Texas?

"So keep on toking your responses does reflect your mental condition." What in hell does that mean...anybody? Idiot

Now for those on this site that actually have some intelligent input.

Nemont glad to see you're still around.

You bring up a good point on our aging populace and how they may perceive the candidates and this election. However, many of those in the 65+ category may shed their fear of Obama after looking at the pittance they've received on their interest income for the past 7 years. Not to mention the debacle of the recently passed Prescription Bill.

I believe there is a large percentage of the 65+ group that are disgusted with the current state of our union. They have never seen such a high cost of living, a devalued dollar, a politically divided nation, or a period when the U.S. has had such a tarnished international image.

Those in the 65+ bracket lived through Viet Nam and know a quagmire when they see one. It will be interesting to see after the election if there is any data on the 65+ vote.

I believe that the Media, be they right or left wing always strive to make the campaigns appear close for ratings. Let's see what happens by the end of the last debate. Like I stated before the only poll that matters is between my....oops, is the one that counts on election day.

McCain has sold his soul, disavowed his own legislation, and will probably sell his homes, if remembers how many he owns to succeed in this election. If he wins, there are going to be a crew of Bush cronies awaiting their cabinet appointments for payback.

McCain doesn't know what car he drives, how many homes he owns, at times who is Sunni or Shiite, or whether we are at war with Iran or Iraq. Even though I loved Ronnie, we can already see the wheels falling off the cart with McCain and it's not going to get better with age.
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

"Zigga, did you notice that I kept the subject to McCain and Obama, not "W" as you keep trying to divert too."

Our current president has everything to do with the next election. Do you not understand that??? I am not diverting anything to w. (notice the lower case "w") His actions, good or bad, will affect the next election. I'll draw a picture later.

I could have all the answers on this topic but it wouldn't matter because liberals swallow and republicans....uh....don't according to the MM rightwing rules.

McCain doesn't have a chance thanks to "w" just like the republican congress in 06 didn't thanks to "w". I also have questions unanswered from this post and others but I'm not crying about it. Carry on, I'm watching. Like it or not, McCain loses. It doesn't matter what the polls say now. They are just a baseline for the upcoming months. November is what counts. I'll explain that later in pictures as well. I just hope I don't run out of crayons for you rightys. I don't like Oby but we only have two choices and gramps is the other choice.
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

"McCain doesn't know what car he drives, how many homes he owns, at times who is Sunni or Shiite, or whether we are at war with Iran or Iraq."

But he does remember the 58,000 of our brothers who died in Nam, and he remembers the ones who came home and were spit on in defeat. For him remembering that, I will be eternally greatful. And I support his resolve to stay the course until the job is done and no Americans in Iraq will have died in vain. Not that long ago Obama and Reid said the war was lost. Unacceptable, in my personal opinion.

RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway


While the older generation is probably disgusted that disgust may not carry over to elect Obama.

In addition McCain is not as clueless as you are protraying him. If we get into selling ones soul I think Obama has also made a deal with Lucifer as well. Notice his vote on the FISA and allowing teleco amnesty for cooperating with the feds.

At least McCain has legislation to have to be sorry for and has had position for which he has had to reexamine.

Personally I am voting for neither as I feel both suck but I would not count McCain out as the dems have had a recent history of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Disgust with W may not translate into trust of Obama.

RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-08 AT 00:13AM (MST)[p]Nemont,

I guess we are just going to see how it all goes down in a couple of months. I just wish that the McCain of 99 was running instead of the McCain of 2008. I don't even recognize the McCain of 2008 which I find to be very sad.

Apparently when Kerry changed positions on issues 4 years ago it was flip-flopping. If McCain changes his positions its dubbed reexamining. I say that with a little tongue and cheek, I think changing ones position outside of a campaign is actually a good thing.

Perhaps you are right, I may have portrayed him as a little more lost than he truly is. But you have to admit he has had his moments mixing shiite & sunni, Iran and Iraq, the Indiana State Fair comment, or bashing Obama on tire inflation only to recant his statement later. Indeed McCain now concurs with Obama and AAA that proper inflation would indeed be the simplist conservation measure to save fuel.

I wish I could abstain from voting as well, but I would feel too guilty given the sacrifices both past and present from our soldiers. I concur with your statements in my above thread that the dems have a horrible record for self-destruction.


How are you? It has been awhile and I am really glad to see you are still around too. I think we both know that I have a great deal of respect for you as a fellow sculler and MMer.

So I almost don't want to get into this with you other than to say if you served in V.N. and feel a strong tie with McCain than more power to you. I can respect that, so rather than us mixing words I will leave you with this.


Just for the record I must restate that the absolute best candidates to lead our country were not in the primaries or the election. They were just to smart to be politicians given the slime of our political system.
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-08 AT 00:26AM (MST)[p]Looks like I have really upset the liberal left here based on their replys. All I have to say is that first we had the Bobsey twins of Hdude and Piper.
Now we have Tweedie Dee and Tweedie Dumb in the form of FTW and Zigga. I just have to figure out which one is Tweedie Dumb and the follower Tweedie Dee.
FTW, I was referring to the reefer you toke on and your opinions that come out while you appear to be under the influence of the wacky weed. You have to admit that stating the Obama people should bring forth McCains record of being a Maverick" and him opposing the Bush Admin. on several things, is about as stupid as you can get in "THIS" political campaign. Where have you been, have you not heard about Obama trying to convince the voters that McCain is just another third term for Bush. Now you want your hero to reverse himself again on another item.
You bringing out that stopping abortions will just cause more welfare babies on the Gov. handout roll is about as false as you can get. You better check your facts on the class of people who are getting abortions before you open mouth and insert foot.
I am really starting to enjoy watching some you left wing liberals get your panties twisted when you can't have your B.S. passed off as fact.

P.S. Also do not make another glaring mistake and accuse me of being Pro-life. I personaly feel that the issue of abortion should be left to the women in this country to decide, not us men who do not carry the baby for nine months.
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

It's OK RELH, I don't mind being the only pro-lifer...

RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

It's just a matter of expressing your conscience. I will always respect that over a person that trys to two face me for what ever reason.

RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

I can't stand McCain's immigration position and I thought he could never get elected over the messiah. With Obama having video of his one real vote and arguement for late term abortion as in sticking a scalpel in the brain of a living baby on the way out and his selection of an old hack like Biden I am thinking McCain is going to win. He just needs to pick a female like Palin to attract the old Hillary girls and Obama is toast.
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

I would like to see McCain pick Kay Bailey Hutcheson.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

Thanks RELH. It's nice to see you rightys fall back on the name calling as usual. Your last ditch effort ayh? Good luck with the November election. You're gonna need it.

You rightys byche and complain about the dems when they aren't even in office. Just wait til January and you'll have reason to complain then.
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway


I didn't say I wasn't going to vote, since I believe voting is my civic duty. I said that I wasn't voting for either Obama or McCain. I am done settling for candidates or the lesser of two evils, I will even write in my choice if need be. Don't care if others think that my vote is wasted or not because my conscience will be clear.

I don't align with either of these guys on many issues. Neither seems to be able to have a position and stick to it. I am taking Warren Buffet's advice and voting for whom I think will do the best job regardless of party or affliation.

I just think it is a huge strategic blunder to discount McCain and talk as if Obama has already won the election especially in light of recent history. If the dems believe GWB is so stupid and so bad but yet couldn't run a coherent campaign to defeat him what does that say about them. Incompetence and ineptness is in ready supply regardless which side of the aisle one sits on.

I choose neither side and instead choose to exercise my right to vote for a person I think could truly lead this country.

RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway


You are spot on target buddy! The Dems never seem to learn with such weak and pathetic candidates. Both parties make me want to puke my guts out. Idiocracy has arrived!

The saddest part is watching supporters of both sides argue who is better when neither has a an imported Chinese leg to stand on.
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

FTW, does that mean you are no longer supporting the Dems like you have been doing in your previous posts?
Did Obama's choice of a VP change your opinion that the Dems would win in Nov. like you have been saying?
Your change is surpising in the least, what brought it about?

RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway


So RELH after 4 threads and 300-400 incoherent rambling words, multiple pleas for attention, I will address your concerns. It appears you want to address anything AND everything BUT the topic which makes you an apparent self-described liberal.

Just to let you know the liberals called RELH, they don't want you.

I have never accused you of being Pro-Life, I told you directly that you are an idiot! I hope you feel better now.

As most here are well aware I am a proud non-partisan and make no bones about it. I have never predicted an Obama or Democratic win, by all means I implore you to check the archives. Like 202 once said, "Those that don't pick a side like myself, will get runover standing in the middle." Perhaps this is a case in point where he is correct. I have always claimed the Dems are self-destructive which is why I left many years ago.

So what is it gonna be RELH? After posts 12, 29, 31, & 37 are you ever going address the post topic of "Why Obama is trailing in the polls"? I know I can't wait...

Now stop whining at the door like a lonely puppy RELH or it's only gonna get worse for you. Take some friendly advice and let it go, you are way out of your league.

I can hear the pacemaker, hearing aids, dentures, drool cup, and fully loaded Depends hitting the floor! LMAO...

By the way I don't really even know what the above sentence truly means. I just know that you and 202 seem to really relish in mens panties and things hitting the floor for some reason. I think those things are as corny as "LMAO" the most overplayed acronym ever.

It's become quite apparent from your agitation that you boyz don't quite have a hankering for your own medicine. At least you apparently have a proudly self-proclaimed healthy GOP type sexual appetite, but that's on the Dems and Marijuana Post.

Is it really worth it RELH??????
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway


"Is it really worth it?" Yes! it is when I can prick the hide of a two face spinless moronic idiot. From your reply to my questions, it is very apparent that I did a very good job of pricking your hide.
I will leave it at that and go wipe the dung off my shoe while I have a very good chuckle at your expense. Thank you, and you have a very good day.

RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

Glad to see nothing has changed around here in the last few weeks except FTW is back, funny stuff you guys.
RE: Why are we talking about this now when Oby will win anyway

So I gues your non response means you don't have a clue as to why your boy Obama is not hammering Mccain? Classic Dude right there!

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)

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