Wildlife Commission meeting recording


Long Time Member
The recordings from the May 12-14 meeting are available online. I suggest every sportsman with an interest in Nevada hunting listen to as much as you can make time for. So far I have only listened to a portion of the first day which was the discussion on the Mule Deer policy. It begins with video 3.

Once again, my hat is off to Commissioner McBeath. Talk about intestinal fortitude! I really appreciate his efforts. He has my full support as Commissioner and I will be letting the Governors office know that I believe he should be reappointed to the board.

Video index


Mule deer policy

Listening to these recordings takes a lot of time but its well worth it. Start them playing while you do some other things. Listen while you surf the web. Listen to this instead of the ball game or race you would normally listen to. It will be enlightening.
I haven't had a chance to watch that part yet. Jessie likened it to an episode of the Jerry Springer show.
LAST EDITED ON May-22-11 AT 02:51PM (MST)[p]Alright, so here is my 2 cents worth. Where I am completely against the rhetoric that a majority of our commissioners fail to adhere to sound scientific data, (or the fact that some do not appear to know what scientific data actually means) I am forced to tell myself that it could be worse. With the overall decrease, we at least are only losing about 15% overall cut of last years quotas. With that being said, it still sucks, however it could be worse. It could have passed at the 40%-50% cuts. All I can pray for now is that the commissioners whom need to be relieved of their duties at the end of their term are indeed removed and replaced with the appropriate individuals. With that being said, there is nothing we can do do to change the current numbers, but hey maybe there will be larger deer in 2012. Frustration is currently causing my blood pressure to rise, so I am going ot walk away for a bit and go for a hike.
ok, I got through the whole thing. Whew.
If I understand correctly, the biologists say we are over target on buck to doe ratios in alot of areas, thus the reasoning for increasing tag quotas on a stable population.
Remove additional bucks to get the ratio down and provide room for
additional does to come into the herd, thus increasing the herd size over time.
Sounds logical to me.
However, quality, if you are one who measures quality by more mature animals, will suffer will it not? more hunters will result
in more mature animals being taken out of the herd.
so, the same old question, should we manage the resource for maximum hunting opportunity? and maximum carrying capacity, While protecting the resource of course, Or do we manage for quality (Trophy) opportunity. Can you do both?
LAST EDITED ON May-22-11 AT 04:36PM (MST)[p]Well it seems the commission wants to manage for maximum carrying capacity by reducing hunter opportunity and still maintain trophy quality. In other words they want to have their cake, eat it too, AND have T bone steak for dinner.

I don't know if you can have both but pretty hard to have all three.
Im all cowboy as much as the next guy, but are they trying to show good #s next year so they can increase grazing rights next year? Isent Volger a sheep man?
Thanks for the links, very entertaining. Do you think people reacted the same way when they were told the world was not flat? The biologists and a few Commissioners kept trying to explain it but the rest just couldn't understand the math.
Here is what I took away from it;
2011 Proposed Quota
Estimated total deer population 2011, 107,000
Estimated buck population 2011, 41,730.00
Estimated 2011 tag quota with 10% increase, 10,256
Estimated buck kill based on 2010 success rates, 3,999
Estimated buck kill without 10% Quota tag increase, 3,525
Total difference -474 bucks, or 0.44%

What actually happened;
2011 Proposed Quota
Estimated total deer population 2011, 107,000
Estimated buck population 2011, 41,730.00
Estimated 2011 tag quota with 10% increase, 10,256
Estimated buck kill based on 2010 success rates, 3,999
Estimated tag numbers after 10/25% decrease, 7,117
Estimated buck kill based on 2009 success rates, 2,775
Estimated difference -1,224 fewer bucks killed than quota proposed, or 1.1%
Estimated hunters that lost tags due to decrease 3,139

Over 3,100 deer hunters lost their chance to hunt, to save less than 1 percent of the bucks. Sounds reasonable eh?
I think some of your numbers could be slightly off.

The estimated buck population you quoted is inflated. I believe the late fall counts measure bucks to does (not including fawns which is part of the 107,000). I'd guess buck number closer to 20,000-25,000 statewide.

Estimated kill for 2009 was around 6,600, not including any wounded and poached bucks which probably adds 20%. Total buck kill ~8,500.

That being said, I personally don't like our commission or this decision any more than most.
LAST EDITED ON May-23-11 AT 10:37PM (MST)[p]I watched a majority of the meeting and I too want to thank commissioner Mcbeath for his efforts to fight for the sportsman of this state.

I just hope we all let our voices be heard to those in charge. nvbucks posted the links to the e-mails under the 2011 tag quota thread. Good luck in the draws!
Sorry, the numbers I used came from the meeting video (107,000 deer 2011) and the 2010 online harvest report (3525 bucks killed hunt 1331, 2010, 39%). Also I referanced only hunt 1331 as this seemed to be the "targeted group" The total bucks were the estimated bucks used in the NDOW model, but even using the numbers you suggest the idea that the herd will increase by "storing" surplus bucks smells like BS to me.
Not that the County Advisor Panels, NDOW personnel, Biologists, or the few, awake Commisionners could have changed it.
This was a calculated, predetermined outcome that shocked everyone that wasn't "in" on it.
The Volger proposed 50% cut and area 10 closure looked like it shocked everyone there, except for those that expected it, you can even here some laughter during the sudden 10 minute recess.
I kind of expected a fight to break out.
I've finally gotten through the painful process of listening to the section of the meeting on the mule deer quota. I feel for those commissioners who tried to maintain some sanity in the process. Specifically Mr McBeath but also Cavin. Commissioners Wallace and Shrum may as well not even be there. Howell can barely keep up. Capurro stated he was sent with the specific direction from then Governor Gibbons to recover deer herds, hardly a mission I would expect the conservation rep to bring. Lent is an idiot. Raine is arrogant. Vogler is... well I can't even state what I think of Vogler.

The people in the room I felt worst for are biologist Mike Cox and Tony Wasley. I know Mile Cox and can see he was about to explode through the entire process. Wasley, a brilliant mind, was frustrated to the point of giving up. Thanks to them for trying throughout to keep biology and science in the process. It would be a real shame for Nevada to lose a biologist like Tony Wasley because he gets frustrated by being constantly squashed. He could likely take his expertise ANYWHERE in the country and walk on to ANY game department he would like. What a loss that would be for us.
Well, I don't even really know what to say after watching that. I feel sorry for us sportsman in this state and I just hope there is a change coming soon.
LAST EDITED ON May-25-11 AT 01:01PM (MST)[p]Honestly I would have to say that blinders were put on all of us with out us even seeing them do it. My personal opinion is that this was not about deer herd size at all. It was about quality. Quality deer for our outfitters in the state. Take a look at the response Vogler gave about having talked to numerous outfitters out there sayin "Where are the deer?". An outfitter is not going to say this about small animals, only quality animals. As it is the quality that brings in the money. Aside from that, I would love the oppurtunity to do a fundraiser for the state for the lost money from the tags and federal matching funds. I would like to get 5 of our commisioners to step in a ring with me for a MMA style bout, 5v1, surely their "science" would tell them that their odds would be better at "success". Then I could show them that they cant always count on what their 'science' tells them. Sorry to rant and rave, I just get so heated when it comes to these commissioners. Thanks again to Commissioner McBeth. This is what is meant by " a stand up guy".


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