Winter Range


Very Active Member
Pretty sure if the Region H bucks we chased in 2016 had a winter like this has been so far I wouldn't be eating Wyoming tag soup.



"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"

My current situation precludes me from caring about your opinion but go ahead and give voice to it anyway...

One guy is facetious

other guy makes a joke

they get pissed and have a duel at sunup...

another good day on the web!

That second buck looks heavy, got any others of him?

Here?s a link to my FB page. There?s a 14 second vid of him and more pics. He?s gotta break the 180 mark I think?

This site doesn't let an iPhone load a screen shot, pnc, ect.

I've been posting on this site for over 10 years and anyone who's met me, got info from me, or bought anything from me can attest to my integrity and intents.

It just gets old when people hi jack a thread they didn't start. I didn't kill my first big game animal until I was 27 in 2007. I'm still a wanna be hunter, but I don't need to prove my skills to anyone.

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
Those are some great bucks the 2nd one looks like a stud already! I can't believe there are any deer left in Region H with the wolves around!

You are right another Hi-Jacked thread with negative comments........
I don't go after people, never have. I might fire back when fired upon tho. No place for personal attacks in this vile, social media driven world.

I'm just posting pics of some bucks because I like it when other guys do. If I want to be involved in a ?bleep? measuring contest I'm not going to do it over the WWW!!!

Pretty sure the owner of Cloverleaf doesn't care. Founder also gave me the ok with his own voice to add it to my signature.

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
I gotta say I'm a little disappointed to see that awesome stopped leaving his
<<<<<<<awesome>>>>>>> trade mark after every post, kinda cool how he figured out how to do that.
I was out checking the deer today the winter range is looking good, the deer are as well. We did get a little snow today though, just a couple inches.

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