Winter weather in Lander area?


Was seeing if any of the Wyoming posters in the Lander area had a feel for this winter's affect on antelope in the area. Have waited to draw till this year with max points and now if it's a hard winter, I may wait another year to draw out.
I know it's a long shot, but I've got quite a few nice goats, but have not connected with an 82" net buck yet so that's my goal with my wyoming antelope hunt.

Thanks for the help.
I agree about the next two months. Just trying to make an educated guess on the winter's effect on top horn growth for this year's bucks.
I've seen it many times in western South Dakota and even in Oregon where I'm at now. If it's a tough winter, they do not put on the top mass and length as on a easy winter. The bases will be fine as long as their is sufficent moisture in the May-June timeframe.
I don't live there but I do weather for a living....this is a serious winter up there and in most of northwestern CO. We haven't seen the magnitude or frequency of arctic air masses for WY in years, probably since the 80s or early 90s, that we're seeing this year, and 2 more are on the way potentially in the next week. I've flown from Denver to Billings/Bozeman 3 times in the last 2 weeks, and all I see over 90% of Wyoming is solid white, and temps. are getting to
-20 or lower during these cold spells. Not sure about the snow depths though.

Now, having said that, if the spring turns warm (rare) and we don't get that big spring 2-footer, the kill might not be too bad.
Not to bad of a winter yet!!! Ive seen a lot worse... Still early though!!!
Thanks for the great info. I'm not so much worried about the winter kill as those antelope are tough critters.
If the bucks are putting all their energy in staying alive, they're not putting it into the horns.
Let's hope it's easy on them through the spring.

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