Wolf Information from YNP Research


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-13 AT 06:21AM (MST)[p]http://billingsgazette.com/news/state-and-regional/wyoming/ynp-biologists-struggle-to-maintain-wolf-research/article_59de3c96-5169-5af8-a5a6-cf108f4fd27a.html
The beaver biologist from YNP is busy complaining about the adverse impact of the wolf hunts outside the park. I am sure that the eco-elites will start citing this research as reason for a change in status or for a buffer zone. It seems simple to me, if you are a wolf stay in YNP.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-13 AT 06:44AM (MST)[p]I was thinking after posting this that YNP will want to post a sign at the YNP boundaries advising the wolves to leave their radio collars before exiting the park. The sign would also include warnings similiar to those contained on a pack of Marlboros. Of course the beaver biologist would have to teach the alpha male in each pack how to read so that they could explain to the other wolves in the pack of the hazards that await them should they exit the confines of YNP. The sign wouldn't surprise me. I can recall hiking 10-12 miles on a couple wilderness trails in Wyoming leading to the YNP backcountry boundary where I am greated by a huge sign stating that "No motorized vehicles beyond this point".
What a bunch of baloney . . . The hunts didn't even meet the quota of 52 wolves and there were almost 2,000 hunters after them. Still plenty of wolves to go around.
They will think of any dumb excuse.. Tourist from other countries are claiming they wont vist the park until wolf hunting is closed. SO now towns like Gardnier MT are paranoid about not raking in money.........
Lets tally up wolf watcher dollars to hunter dollars. Wolves in the park fine. But one little paw across the line and blast them. Thank god we can't reintroduce the T-Rex or the Velosa Raptor.
Gee whiz did anybody think about all the dollars spen going to YNP to see the animals. You know ELK. The things TV shows were made of. Now it is like a long drive to see .......... Ok I'm still waiting to see something. How bout we all boycot going unless we se some elk or deer. Who the H sees a wolf anyway. Problem is people making these decisions have messed up their own backyard so bad they can't eve see a rabit. Now they are telling everyone else how to manage their backyard. Spin of the wolf media instead of the true outdoorsman and hunters.

I think as we will look back on this and I will watch a show on Natgeo 20 years from now they will talk about one of the biggest wildlife management blunders of the nations resource. It's like a train wreck in slow motion and you can't stop it.
Hunters killed several "collared" wolves, five of which were important members of the nine Yellowstone packs. Three wore GPS collars, which cost 10 times as much as the $350 radio collars.

"The loss of collared wolves is where the rubber meets the road - it hurts us the most," Smith said.

Hey Doug, wolves eat, crap, sleep, and screw. End of study. Now go out and do something constructive with your life.


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