wolf spotted in UT


Very Active Member
I was traveling from Rock Springs down to Vernal on highway 191 the other day and right before I dropped down the hill into Dutch John I spotted some deer running across the road and right on their tails was a HUGE black wolf. Just wondering if anybody else has seen the same?
Talked to a hunter from Green River that was scouting elk in unit 31 Wy late August that reported seeing a white wolf near the Utah/Wyoming border.
Deer and elk herds will be in trouble sightings will only get more frequent that's very bad news to hear.
I spotted a pack of 5 running rampid at the last UDWR meeting.Looked like alot of spikes are in danger.(ROD)
A friend from South Dakota called this maorning and wish us Holiday Greetings. Said the other day he went with a friend of his out to hunt Ducks and about 40 miles west of Watertown, SD they spotted a lone Black Wolf not more than 60 yards from the road feeding on something behind some brushes. He said that they sure wish there was an open season there.

We should be reporting these to the Utah DNR. I will be calling them on Monday in regards to the one I saw on the North Slope south of Evanston.
>could very well be the same

He's atraveling SOB to make it to Watertown, SD

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LOL, JB it looks like somebody dosent like you.:) I think he was jokeing Younghunter, calm down and take a Midol.:D

They've been in the Dutch John area includeing across the gorge for a couple years now, My buddy had a 3corners tag and saw a big black wolf up there, not far from where you saw yours.

My dad and brother were up around east park and saw 2 big black ones a couple years ago.

I have herd ohter sightings as well. They have been here for the last 4 or 5 years, but there are more sightings now a days.

They need to be shot.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
One problem with this......you spotted him and I'm assuming that he's still running around for others to spot? Spot 'em, scope 'em and give 'em a little lead poisoning. There is nothing beautiful about a wolf unless it's bleeding from it's mouth and the hole in its side!!!!!

It's always an adventure!!!
>LOL, JB it looks like somebody
>dosent like you.:)

NO ONE like that tool.

Why is it everyone sees black wolves? Or white wolves? When is someone going to see the normal gray phrase?

I hope the establish healthy populations so that one day we can hunt them. We shall see...
LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-08 AT 09:58PM (MST)[p]I'm with AWLB on this one guys. If everyone of you that spots a damn wolf goes to the Division, they may end up having to admit there are wolves in Utah.

which does 2 things....gives the wolf lovers orgasms, and brings the feds into the whole picture.

This is how i see it being played out. The State says there are no wolves in Utah. If the occasional wolf( 50 lb coyote) shows up gutshot, and dead. They dont even have to admit the dang thing was in the state. Go crying loud enough and not only will we have the feds but animal rights jackazzes looking to protect them until our elk are gone too.

if i'm wrong, i'm wrong. that just how i see it.

edit- personally i think the division is hoping the hunters can deal with the big dogs, or there would have been a protective order for them years ago. Can they admit it in public, NO, but i'm seeing a wink when they say dont shoot. Not that i would do anything illegal. *wink*
LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-08 AT 01:11AM (MST)[p]Hey Dumb SH!#, they have established healthy populations, and guess what you cant hunt them, just like you couldnt hunt them before. The stupid wolf lovers are trying to make it so you will never be able to hunt them WAKE THE F UP. But guess what now you will be hunting less and less of all the other animals. And the wolves will get the herds down to the point the wolf lovers will say "ohh now there isnt enough food for the wolves we got to stop all hunting for big game so they can stay alive"....

If you want to hunt a F*#$IN wolf go to alaska or Canada.


Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Hey, who took that down? I don't want folks thinking younghunter got the joke.....or that he likes me....wth??

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Hey Jake,
Sorry I didn't know wolves would over populate themselves? Did you learn that in your high school biology class?

They have coexisted for THOUSANDS of years. And just because a few utards do not want them around doesn't mean they shouldn't be around. A percentage of the hunting community doesn't want them around? Well too bad. Hunters are a small percentage in the whole spec of things anyhow. The outdoors is not just enjoyed by hunters and should not be controlled by hunters.

They are going to kill all the elk. The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
Also jake someone sees a few wolves in utah that fit the description of an establish population?

You guys can't even manage the few deer you have left and now you guys want to manage predators.

I hope the feds step in before some utards make examples of themselves in federal court...

hopefully one day wolves will number enough that we can hunt them. I can't wait for that day.
You are seriously mistaken, younghunter. He may be a tool, but dammit, JB's OUR tool and you can't call him a tool or a d-bag. Only I get to do that. GOT IT?

And if you're gonna post insults, for hell's sake, don't do it in caveman speak. "No one like that tool". Come on, dude...you do speak English don't you?
I smell tree hugging troll!!!!

I aint kidding....sniff sniff.....yep smells like chit to me!
Some great ideas here. Next time I spot a wolf while driving down a state highway, I will stop, stick my rifle out the window, and shoot the sob right there on some guys ranch. Then when the law shows up I will give them the secret wink and all will be well. Great ideas!

I don't like the ideas of wolves in utah! But to suggest the state condones secretly shooting them is ok is lame. In addition, if a person sees a wolf, does not mean they are even capable of terminating it even if they wanted to (due to circumstances). Lastly, a few hunters secretly terminating a wolf here and there will not keep them out of Utah. Eventually their numbers will continue to grow and they will need to be managed and acknowledged by the state. To start informing the state now, may actually serve as a wake up call (maybe not) and be beneficial.

Just my 2 cents....wink, wink.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-08 AT 11:45PM (MST)[p]Ok alp, do i gotta splain everything to you?

i did say that it was just how i saw it...not that it was based on anything factual.

If a person were to take aim at a State Record Coyote, and pull the trigger, and was unable to find the animal, he probably wouldn't wait til Law Enforcement came to help retrieve it.

edit....if you think the state would take charge of managing woffs, your nuts. The feds would have it and thats what worries me. People from outta state making decisions about whats best for the state when they dont have a clue. but they might do as bad a job as the state too? more oppinion....

Oh, I am beginning to understand now. Maybe. Sort of.
Just pointing out situations vary.

I think a state record coyote would be more like 150 pounds though.

Wink, wink.
Agreed. situations do vary. and you are correct they're coming to stay no matter what.

I think its frustration that has some folks thinking they can at least delay it a bit.

I say good luck to both sides.
I do not disagree with you on the fact that they probably wouldn't manage it well, just that picking off an occasional coyote (wink) would not keep the coyotes (wink)out. Eventually the state will be involved. For the most part I actually agree with you.
and i wasn't condoning the firing of a weapon out of your window(with out earplugs). I was more talking in a hypothetical hunting scenerio....if while out looking for muleys you happened across 5 giant coyotes, maybe 3 didn't make it...what then? there's still a breeding pair in the area, the pack continues to grow, but there are 3 less mouths to feed for now.

some folks might say every little bit helps, but this is all hypothetical.

and quit winking at me ,dude.....starting to creep me out.

I'm not from ut and you can leave it at that.

Maybe you guys are onto something. I mean if you guys let UTDWR manage them like your deer then there probably will not be any left in the state ;)

I trust chester when he says he spotted a wolf. I know him, but if an average utard says he saw a wolf I'm going to call BS on it. Its like them seeing 400" bulls. They probably saw a 40 lb coyote and figured it was a wolf ;) ;).
>>>Hey Jake,
Sorry I didn't know wolves would over populate themselves? Did you learn that in your high school biology class?<<<

Hey Dumb Ass no they dont over populate them selves they desemate a herd and then move on to the nest one. Look at Yellow stone went from 20,000 elk to 5000 in less than 10 years. Look what they are doing in Idaho, they are whiping entire herds out over there. WAKE THE F UP....

>>>>They have coexisted for THOUSANDS of years. And just because a few utards do not want them around doesn't mean they shouldn't be around. A percentage of the hunting community doesn't want them around? Well too bad. Hunters are a small percentage in the whole spec of things anyhow. The outdoors is not just enjoyed by hunters and should not be controlled by hunters.<<<

Did you know that most game populations in the US are at the highest population they have ever been at. Do you know why, BECAUSE WE GOT RID OF ALL THE STUPID WOLVES....

>>>Also jake someone sees a few wolves in utah that fit the description of an establish population?<<<<


The stupid wolf lovers such as your self agreed that 1200 breeding pairs was a sufient number of wolves to establish a populaiton, then they would be turned over to the states to manage them and keep them in that range, GUESS WHAT THAY ARE AT OVER 2500 BREEDING PAIRS, they were taken off the endangerd list early this year and the states all had programs to manage them that the feds agreed with.

Then the stupid wolf lovers such as your self steped in and got an agends driven judge to go agenst the feds advise to keep them off the endangered list and over turned it. You would be able to hunt wolves in montana, idaho, and wyoming THIS YEAR if they wouldnt have done that.

>>>You guys can't even manage the few deer you have left and now you guys want to manage predators.<<<

Yeah, I know the DWR cant do sh!t with are deer, that dosent mean I want the wolves to come in and finish them off.

hopefully one day wolves will number enough that we can hunt them. I can't wait for that day.


I Think you are a tree huggin, wolf loveing douch, that is trolling around on hunting websites to piss people off, if not then you are one sorry excuse of a sportsman.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
I assure you YH is not a tree hugger. In fact he is a hunting sumbeatch. And I also assure you that his ethics as a sportsman are second to none. He is well informed and knows what he is talking about. And I GARANTEE he had NOTHING to do with the wolf management being handed back over to the feds. Your making generalities about someone you don't know and have never met. Not cool and very douche-like of you.
.....he just ain't real quick on the funnies and likes wolves....thanks wyo.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Most game numbers are at their highest levels? Would you please give an example where this is the case in Mule deer and elk? I would really like to know.

AND if game levels are at their historic high then a few wolves taking some elk and deer here and there shouldn't bother the population enough should it?

It has been said that whitetail numbers are at an all time high. But its not because there wasn't any wolves. Habitat change that favors whitetails and the increasing parcels of land closed to hunting has way more of an impact on the number of whitetails than wolves.

Surely whitetails must of been what you were talking about when you said populations are at an all time high? Because we all know the mule deer population isn't doing that great. And elk numbers are no where near what they were before modern man with rifle entered the equation.

The number one predator of a buck deer, whether a 2pt or 900 pt is man. Not wolves, not coyotes not mountain lions. You can blame them all you want but even without wolves your wildlife populations were hurting. You would get far better results with land management then you would shooting a few wolves and coyotes.

I'm sick and tired of hearing you guys ##### that all the predators are killing your game. that you hiked into a canyon and didn't see a single elk track just wolf tracks. Or mountain lion tracks everywhere. Well if you are seeing those tracks around you're pretty damn close to your prey because why the hell would a predator live where there is no food??

Its not my fault if your so big you step on ant and it squeals and tells every animal your coming. but to blame wolves and all other predators for game numbers you're the damn fool.

Go back to watching those big 3x4's and 2 pts in the book cliffs and I'll keep watch of the big bucks that live in wolf country.
...He is well informed and knows what he is talking about...---

Well durin his lernin lessens about all thangs outderrs, he mess hes spellin lernin , so bassed in that, we asummed he's jest an idiet frum otside utah, thet dont relly has a say in woofs in hour staight. I censarily agologize ta tha why's ones.

""The number one predator of a buck deer, whether a 2pt or 900 pt is man. Not wolves, not coyotes not mountain lions.""

Yea, and I would like to keep it that way.

But let me ask you this if wolves dosent have that big of an impact on game population numbers then how do you exsplain Yellowstone. There isnt any hunting on yellowstone, so why has the elk population droped so far in such a short amount of time, and whats to say that they doint do the samething everywhere else they go.

So your telling me that up there in Wyoming (where I assume you live) you have had no problems with the wolves.

And you also dont think there is an established population of wolves in the three states I mentoned above.

Thats fine if you want the stinkin things up there but keep the Sum Beachs out of Utah.... And I will stay dwon here on the books watching these big 3x4s.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
the number one danger to mule deer is loss of habitat. throw wolves on the little land thats left and see what happens to your huntable herd.

just 2 more cents.
Elk that live in Yellowstone are hunted every year. As soon as they leave the park headed towards Jackson they get hammered by hunters. Also late hunts for those big yellowstone bulls outside of Cody. And when they cross the border near Gardiner MT. they get hammered there too. So not all elk predation in yellowstone is wolf related. I am in no way a fan of wolves. But if you are gonna run your mouth about something make sure you know what you are talking about.
Good Point Chester.

Jake has NO expierence with wolves but he think he does. He follows the herd in what they say. He knows nothing about them and probably will never see one in the wild even if they multiply 10x what they are now.

You mention Yellowstone Jake so I will use it for an example. Yellowstone has an artifically high number of elk concentrated in one area. To you that seems great. But to every other animal, plant, bird its affects them. Yellowstone has been getting overgrazed for years. One example is the willows. Reasearch has found that since the introduction of wolves the willows are once again healthy. Why is that? Its because the moose will no longer feed out in them all day because of the wolves. Healthy willows helps creeks streams etc.

A reduction in herd numbers is not always a bad thing and will benefit other wildlife. It may not benefit you as a hunter but it will benefit the other 99.9 percent of people out there that do not hunt.

Has wolves affected my hunting? Sure it has. A lot of guys are saying the elk hunting sucks now so maybe that will discourage a few hunters from hunting my areas. I sure could use a little less orange on the hill. And from what I've seen the hunting still is as good as it was (if not better for some animals) than before the wolves.

Its just so easy to sit here and blame wolves lions and coyotes. Hell if someone found out porky's eat meat you guys would be gunning for them to.

Anyone that says shoot shovel and shut up definetly fits into the sterotype of the redneck deer hunter that is portrayed and believed by so many non hunters out there.

You better be careful out there in the hills jake, those big bad wolves might mistaken you for a moose.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-08 AT 10:32PM (MST)[p]

Number one THREAT to MULE DEER.....not number one PREDATOR of ELK in upper wyoming.....i thought even you highly educated stick folk would have understood the difference.

EDIT- I see now that in my haste to reply you were chirping at Jake and not me, and i'm sorry for calling you stick folk.

the reason i chose mule deer- they struggle on their own. with or with out wolves, or hunters.why? loss of habitat.

Utah's elk herd has never been better, why? no f'ing wolves.
how are idaho's and wyom. elk doing in wolf country? and why the individual states let hunters take so many elk along that area? money.....the wolf lovers aint gonna pay per elk taken by their pets. the state needs the money and they know that hunters will buy the tags. So those states mismanage their elk herd.IMHO.

Ya'll may know whats "best" for your state, but why shouldn't we in utah have a say in what happens here?

I remember it wasn't all that long ago if you told someone you had a UT elk tag they would make fun of you for wasteing money on a crap lousy tag. These days they are highly coveted. Why the change? It's not from a lack of predetors. It's from a change in management practices. Whereas a Wyoming elk tag has always been an ace in the hole for a lot of hunters. Sure there are areas affected by wolf predation but I feel that WY still outpaces UT for hunter opportunity and quality of experience. But certainly NOT in trophy quality. I think that saying WY elk herds are mismanaged is off base IMHO.
True mismanaged is the wrong word. Managed for different things.

you were saying that the herd around jellystone gets hammered by hunters. Me being a trophy hunter, i'd likely never see one around those parts. so i was basing my oppinion on a trophy hunter mentality of mismanagement.That management style works if you want to run an elk herd to nothing pretty quick, especially with the additional predation of wolves, and other predators.

I know they arent the sole predator, but they are the most capable predator around them areas.

Don't tell them that in WY EVERY year you can have a chance at a 350 bull with an OTC tag. We'll have every wolf hating 4 wheeler ridin' braggin' utard moving to WY.

Wyoming sucks. Now get off the 'net and tell all your friends.

How does it feel hunting elk once every 16 years? Hell you guys are probably pissed that wolves don't have to put in for bonus points

I heard a rumor today from the wolf that tried to blow down the 3 little pigs house. He said his cousin (the one that stalked little red riding hood) is going to go down to the henries and gobble up a few 30" bucks this winter.

Are you by chance in college now or recently out??

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>in WY EVERY year
>you can have a chance
>at a 350 bull with
>an OTC tag.

why would i want to kill a 350" pisscutting bull? let the damn thing grow up a bit. I'd rather shoot a cow to eat every year (which i can), until i go after the 400+.....just the difference between you and i. you are easily impressed with little things, which is probably out of necessity.

YM quoted "A reduction in herd numbers is not always a bad thing and will benefit other wildlife. It may not benefit you as a hunter but it will benefit the other 99.9 percent of people out there that do not hunt"

Wildlife management, be it game or non-game species are managed / funded overwhelmingly by the sell and allocation of hunting permits and equipment. So...tell me...a major reduction in herd numbers (hunitng opportunity) is fair to those who put up 99% of the money for the management and conservation of all species? Wrong! I'm sick of the environmentalist agenda pushing wolf conservation and not putting up the money that funds wildlife conservation and management. In large....hunters (people that care enough about wildlife to put up money to fund management) do not value wolves....they value elk and deer and moose.....end of story, and that's where the money comes from. In the case of Yellowstone....people have suggested that large herds needed to be ruduced....hunting by man, not wolves,should have been the answer.
Holy crap! This thread is still going strong? Don't some of you get bored of arguing? By the way I am right and the rest of you are wrong. Deal with it.
Have fun going after that 400" bull once in your lifetime. Im serious. I hope you have fun. And even when you draw the tag the odds of you getting a 400 class bull are still small. But good luck.

And if you think a 350+ bull is small on an OTC tag well then that is is fine too. Can you consistently chase 350+ bulls with an OTC tag in utah? Nope sorry. It ain't even an easy feat to get a 350+ bull on a limited quota unit in UT and many (espically this year) can agree on that.

I can't believe how selfish you guys are. You think no one matters but hunters? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe just maybe the larger percentage of the country that doesnt hunt might one day want to see a wolf? Leave it to a bunch of misimformed utards to be so selfish.

Nice pics uthunting, were you on those kills??? Congrats if you did, would live to get a wolf.

Here is a picture of a respectable utard:

<oops> sorry I don't have one. I'll try to find one....
>I can't believe how selfish you
>guys are. You think
>no one matters but hunters?
> Has it ever occurred
>to you that maybe just
>maybe the larger percentage of
>the country that doesnt hunt
>might one day want to
>see a wolf? Leave
>it to a bunch of
>misimformed utards to be so

If the rest of the Non hunting US citizens wanna see a wolf, the can f'n get in their car and drive up to your house. You're damn right WE are selfish, cause if we dont look after ourselves who is? obviously not our hunting brothers/sisters in other states. (thats not a fair statement its just you that is acting the wolf lover in here) thanks.

- my last post to this F'n retard(sorry retards i shouldn't lump him in with ya'll)


What is you'r major malfunction???

No I had nothing to do with those wolfes but I have killed a wolf and I hope to killl another one some day thanks for asking.
Just seeing how easy it is to get you guys worked up. BTW extremely easy.

A wolf is a hell of a trophy. Most alaskans haven't even seen a wolf, but every utah hunter has.


BTW its been over 10 years since the wolves were introduced. You think by now those lazy basty's would of killed all the elk and deer by now!

We'll give them another 10 and see if they can do it...

Yes it is easy to get us "worked up" when it is on such a touchy subject like this. I can see why some people like wolf and some people hate wolfs. There is no question they are amazing creatures and demand respect. But when they are released in a area that there was millions of dollers spent to get rid of them and in areas that farmers ranchers and hunters pay lots of money to farm, ranch and hunt then you are going to piss some people off..

If you think it is fun pissing people off then keep it up soon they will get sick of it all and say hell with it and just shoot wolfs on site when there is no-one watching
sooooo can we shoot wolves in utah or what? its a dog! and with no established herd is it protected in utah? hunters put up most if not all the money for wildlife. we really should have a say.

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