Wolves Question/opinion.


Active Member
Hey I am in college studying wildlife and i am doing a research paper on wolves and what they are doing to the environment. I am very interested in your guys opinion and and think it could help my paper alot. If you guys could help me that would be great. Just post your opinion about wolves and whatever else you guys want. If you dont want to post it under the thread just pm me.
Thanks, Phil
What was called a "reintroduction" back in the 90s was actually an "introduction" of a critter that was never there and doesn't belong where they put them. They have done irreparable harm to the moose and elk populations in the ecosystems where they were introduced and their numbers need to be cut way down through whatever legal measures can be taken. The original numbers have increaeed to unknown large numbers such that they are leaving the intended ecosystems and have been found hundreds of miles from where they were collared. I can tetify to that last statement because one of a pack of 8 was shot by the Feds over in the BigHorns where I hunt and that's across the entire BigHorn Basin from where they were introduced and everyone was told where they would stay. Yea, right!!!
If you are writing a college paper, you will be much better off citing some peer-reviewed literature versus the barstool biologists on MM dot com.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-12 AT 01:01PM (MST)[p]Wolves have a place in our world and in many areas the wolf is neither rare nor endangered. The wolf reintroduction was an excersize in "we can, so we should" rather than a "we can, but should we really do it?"

Everyone with half a brain knew that when the "recovery" objective was reach that it would not stop there. The wolves have expanded well beyond the recovery boundries and well beyond recommended populations. The animal rights groups have more love for the wolf recovery than for their fellow humans and the lives they've built.

The negative impact has been very real both on wildlife and livestock. It's changing the way of life for many people, not for the better.

If we fail to control wolf populations they will decimate game populations in an every widening area. Soon there will be no reason for Game Departments and little reason for hunters. This will have a huge negative financial impact across the board.

The States NEED the ability to make decisions on wolf control and since the "recovery" has been so thorough the Feds should relinquish control to the States.


I know man i have lots of other resources. I just want to hear other peoples opinions to to get the juices flowing in my head. and just to see what other hunters feel about it...
>I know man i have lots
>of other resources. I just
>want to hear other peoples
>opinions to to get the
>juices flowing in my head.
>and just to see what
>other hunters feel about it...

COaks is right but I'm not expecting that my writings will be "quoted" in your paper. I knew you just wanted our opinions on the situation.

Do some good work!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-12 AT 01:21PM (MST)[p]I just had a senior student write a paper entitle. "Wolves the destruction of Western Wildlife."

Yes the title was overly dramatic but he felt strongly about it since his family has hunted some of the areas the wolf takeover has impacted. He got a C for a couple of reasons you might consider in your paper.

1. He only cited the anti-wolf sites which can lead the reader to believe the writer has a bias. ( We all do but it shouldn't show in your paper.)

2. Be sure and discuss the difference between the wolf they reintroduced and the wolf that was originally in the area.

3. Don't ignore the greenies points and shoot them full of holes with reasoning and logic.

4. Explore the historical and population differences with humans from when the wolf originally existed an changes with introduction in the 90's.

5. I assume you will be using MLA or APA know it inside and out on citation rules and follow them. Several good online sites will give your the 2009 differences.

Good Luck recognize all teachers and professors will not hold the negative view toward reintroduction like I do. Have your ducks in order and it is a winnable debate in a paper, just spew facts and numbers and you won't do well.

What are wolves doing to the environment you asked. I don't think they are doing anything to the environment are they really? If anything they are likely helping the environment through the reduction of herbivory which in many places now allows many areas that were likely over utilized by elk lets say time to heal. This has really been evident in many of the riparian areas in Yellowstone. Having a major predator as part of the ?environment? has always been mother natures way of a checks and balances. We (because we love to hunt game animals and livestock predation issues) removed the major predator from our ?environment? hundreds of years ago and chose to be that major predator. In some areas (like Yellowstone) where man is not allowed to predate these balances got out of whack and likely caused problems (shor term) with the environment. But so too did man?s suppression of fire.

I think a more interesting question (and perhaps what you are asking) or something to write a paper on is what have they done to the ungulate populations in many of these areas? What has happened to production, survival rates, etc. What have they done to the local business and economies who had hunting as a major source of tourism? What have they done to the State wildlife agencies from a revenue generation standpoint? Many of these states have lost millions of dollars in license sales alone.

Todd Black

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Get an A and we will all take credit for it. Anything less and you're on your own, LOL! Good luck!!!
For what its worth, my daughter will never see the magnificent elk herds I saw in her own home state of Idaho. I wanted so bad to take her to where my dad took me to see the wonderful animals I saw. Its a shame.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-12 AT 01:38AM (MST)[p]Good luck with your paper...just be aware that you could receive a Failure for an A+ written piece if your Professor has been infected with the delirium sickness

I hate the Nat'l Park Service in general, but if they want them dogs in there, fine...outside of their juristiction, wolves should be handled like coyotes as vermin

The idiot greens are so damn ignorant in their incredibly misguided 'righteous' cause that they have never even begun to perceive that it is WE the Sportsmen that primarily fund most ALL wildlife programs in this country

I run into hiker goofballs all the time in the high country that ask me what I'm up to with all the silly optics and so forth...

"You're going to KILL the bighorn, elk, deer? How could you do that?? They're so magnificent!"

"Yes, they are indeed...say, what have YOU done to contribute to the fact that they even exist here for YOU to be able to enjoy?"

Their invariable, awkward silence...

"OK then, well it's always real nice talkin with ya...bye now!"

Regarding the Wolf, outside of the Disneyland Parks, there are three S's that provide us common Fieldsmen a quite viable solution that fits the situation at hand very nicely ;)

**edit---damn typos!
I disagree that the greens are ignorant. I think their pro-wolf agenda is calculated and they know exactly what they are attempting to do. There is no question in my mind that their end goal is to end the biologic reasons for hunting deer and elk, which is to control the numbers of the population. Once there are too few ungulates, they will win because hunting for them will become increasingly rare. Check out the Lolo and Selway zones in Idaho for an example.

Greens despise hunting and firearms and will stop at nothing to end hunting and personal ownership of firearms.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-12 AT 11:05AM (MST)[p]>I disagree that the greens are
>ignorant. I think their
>pro-wolf agenda is calculated and
>they know exactly what they
>are attempting to do.
>There is no question in
>my mind that their end
>goal is to end the
>biologic reasons for hunting deer
>and elk, which is to
>control the numbers of the
>population. Once there are
>too few ungulates, they will
>win because hunting for them
>will become increasingly rare.
>Check out the Lolo and
>Selway zones in Idaho for
>an example.
>Greens despise hunting and firearms and
>will stop at nothing to
>end hunting and personal ownership
>of firearms.

Well said. Add Pioneer zone.
Good post DEAD and that's why we don't need to worry as much about them as we do trying to keep the middle of the road people on our side. They far outnumber the antis and we need them in our camp because very few of the antis will change their course!
>Greens despise hunting and firearms and
>will stop at nothing to
>end hunting and personal ownership
>of firearms.

Yup! That's correct.

However, the greenies are ignorant of the financial impact. They just don't understand from where all this money for wildlife comes.

GW is right, if not for the modern sportsman we'd have few "prey" animals for their precious wolf to hamstring and gut!

The antis are not against death. They obviously know what a wolf does to an prey animal. They are against hunting for sport of food by humans. What does that tell you about where they place their values?

LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-12 AT 11:58AM (MST)[p]Yes, as Zeke mentioned, I was referring to the funding...also to their disgusting ignorance about the principles of sound wildlife management that are the pillars of our very successful conservation model.

I agree that they are calculating, conniving, and relentless in their efforts to destroy our hunting heritage...yes indeed, disturbingly so.
Nah Deadicated, it was never any problem...reading back, I could have worded my post a bit more clearly. But thanks, and I agree that we are on the same page

Cheers man,


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