Women Going Hunting



I was just wondering what your guys opinion on going hunting with Women, wether it be a wife, a Girlfrind or just a friend. I get alot of guys who assume I won't participate in doing the dirty work as in cleaning and skinning, which in reality I would like to attempt to do that. Just wondering what the opinions are?

"Are you a vegitarian, If not then Shut UP!" :D
I've been w/my daughters. They've never shot anything, other than doves. I don't remember if they've learned how to clean the doves, or not. But, as far as bigger critters, they've never shot anything, although they've watched me clean a few things, like a Javelina that I'd gut shot, and the .270 openned the stoamach, spilling it, and making a REAL mess. They do know how to cut up a deer though

But, I've camped, w/the family in all sorts of primative conditions, and they've (a wife and 4 girls) always pulled their weight.
I've taken my girlfriend out, but my wife didn't like that too much (Just kidding). This was talked about under the "campfire" forum in regards to muleyqueen. I think most of us who love the outdoors, would love to share the experience with our girlfriends, or wives. I never have been able to find a woman who wanted to. My girlfriend is always too mad at the fact that I am going hunting to ever consider going herself and finding out why I love it so much.
I have not had any problem hunting with women and most of the time they participate in all the chores. I think there is a big increase in the amount of women that now want to participate in hunting compared to 10 years ago. My wife goes occasionally and this is probably because she has other interests that she likes better, but there are alot of women that have the same passion as men regarding hunting that go all the time like our very own Predator here on MM......... Allen Taylor......
I don't really have a big problem with having a woman in hunting camp, but my question is what the hell is she doing out of the kitchen?

;-) ;-) -Dawg
My wife has killed a bigger deer than I have,
she also killed a great antelope last year.
she has a deer tag for this year and she will
mostlikly beat her own record, it's starting to
suck because when people come to the house they
say wow, you have some great bucks, and then I have
to tell them that they are not mine, and they make fun
of me. I don't mind, I know she would not have them
if it was not for me, and she knows it to. To boot,
my step mom has a 9x7 that's 36" wide, women have a
lot to do with hunting in my family. no problems here.

My wife and I just got back from a week of hunting in Wyoming for Mule Deer. Her first trip out there. We had a great time. She did a great job of holding her own. We live in Wisconsin and our hills are nothing like the mountains in the Cody area. I would gladly take my wife any time. Great person to hunt with. She also shoots about 2500 rounds of trap a year. So she knows how to use a gun.
Well, you asked so here I go. I guess it is because you could never get this one right. It is kind of like your significant other asking if "this makes me look fat." You are going to be an ass or a liar.

My wife used to go hunting with me and I liked it that way. She even shot some stuff. I think she went just for me. She did not touch them after the trigger was pulled. I didn't mind that. In fact I preferred it that way. It seemed as though anything more than my wife shooting started to put her in the manly side of things. I did not want my wife doing the "boy" stuff. See, I am digging and cannot stop........

I met Predator once in Jackson Hole. I am sure she doesn't remember me (one of my partners gave you a business card and told you to call him about a job at his company outside of a mexican restaraunt inside Jackson, one or two days after Thanksgiving, remember, 96 or 97?). She was by herself hunting elk. I was quite impressed with her drive and being on this trip herself. She managed. She shot a good bull if I remember right. We didn't get squat. This made an impression on me or why would I remember this? So, it can be a good thing. It is not a man vs. woman thing. It just is. Oh gawd, I am doing it again......

It is OK for chicks to hunt. If they want to. It won't turn them into men. I got to stop digging again.........

Women are difficult. See, I can't answer this right. I told you I should not touch this......
YOU are Fine , LOL I was Just asking cause I run into guys who think it is kool but reluctant to take me out(so it seems)!

"Are you a vegitarian, If not then Shut UP!" :D
Well, it depends on how good looing they are.....no one wants to be seen with an ungly chick!!! Just Kidding!!

My wife goes hunting with me every now and again. SHe had expressed interest in going through hunter safety and hunting deer next year.

I enjoy having my wife with me when I'm out hunting, but there are times where we have a "no girls allowed" rule when we are hunting. If that rule goes into effect, everyone knows to leave the wife and kids and home.
I feel really lucky to be with my wife. She grew up hunting in the Salmon, ID area. She still remembers when she first tasted beef, she asked her dad "whats wrong with the steak?" she was used to elk and deer. However, she had never been "trophy" hunting before and had only taken cows/small bucks (which is fine). After we got together, about 5 years ago, she turned into a "horn freak", and blames me for it. In the last 5 hunting seasons we have been together, she has taken a 27" 4 point muley, a 44" 10X9 Idaho Shiras moose, 2 forked horn muleys and an antelope that grosses app. 77". I've killed 1 decent 4 point in the same amount of time!

The best thing is that she loves cooking and eating wild game. And she holds her own in the hills!


Where In Salmon is she from? The city or the outskirts. My grandparents Live up there and we know alot of folks up there, it being a small town and all :D

"Are you a vegitarian, If not then Shut UP!" :D
Where In Salmon is she from? The city or the outskirts. My grandparents Live up there and we know alot of folks up there, it being a small town and all

"Are you a vegitarian, If not then Shut UP!"

"Are you a vegitarian, If not then Shut UP!" :D
Her family (father/stepmom, 2 sister and their families) all live out of town a couple miles toward Challis. Dad and 1 sis live in "Apache acres" subdivision and the other sis lives in the subdivision above the "airport", near the mountain that burned this summer.

Her Dad is Burt Gould-worked for forest service for 30 years-in Salmon about 25, had to quit the USFS when all the tree huggers took over, he just couldn't stand it. Brother-in-law is Andy Ohl, who raises/sells horses there.

Well it took me seven years to finally convince my wife to take up hunting, and to my delight she finally has. As far as the bloody work goes, I've hunted with men who couldn't or wouldn't get into it up to the elbows....no big deal. Right now I just veiw her as a new hunter, not a new WOMAN hunter. Like any new hunter she's gonna need to learn about ALL aspects of the hunt and hopefully become proficient at them all. BUT....if my wife never gets comfortable with the bloody bits of the hunt and I always end up doing the chores....I don't mind, its a small price to pay to have her along.

Just my opinion,
We always have women in our bear camps...

Even if they are usually many of you guys wives I still enjoy having women in camp.

All you ladies out there are welcome to come to our big 'ol Hound doggers bear camps. We'll take good care of ya. :)

What woman wouldn't want to spend a quality week in camp with 9 drunk hound guys? I would think it's every woman's dream.

Outdoorschick, come to bear camp with me, Ed, CB, Kevin, the Boy, Catmando and Bluehair and the gang... we'll cure you of any desire you've ever had to be in the same room with a man, let alone camping and hunting with one.

That is so awesome, my grand parents live in Elk Ben...Small world

"Are you a vegitarian, If not then Shut UP!" :D
YOU know what Dawg I would go to BearCAmp just to show you what it is really like to kick some Bootie :D

I love Guys To much to Ever get sick of them. I may need breaks but I am a very loving passionate, yet Tuff and hard headed women, but as I have learned The right Man can make me melt liek butter. I am sorry Dawg you are not that man. With that being said I will show up to Bear Camp with my Cammies and Knock them Dead, Literally


"Are you a vegitarian, If not then Shut UP!" :D
LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-03 AT 06:04PM (MST)[p]I'm still reeling over the fact that somebody remembers me from a conversation in Jackson Hole in 1997....WOW. I have to admit that the number of such conversations I've had, the cards I've collected blur the memory, but I'm going to pull out the 'book' and check right after I make this post!

Very good points made by all, and I know a whole buncha guys that hate deer guts, hate skinning anything, and take a nice hot washtowel bath every morning in camp; that being said, every person, be they male or female, has certain quirks or what-have-you, regardless of the activity. I like to call it the 'uniqueness' each person has that contributes to the experiences they enjoy, whether alone or shared. I've said it many times here, and I'll say it again-invite someone along and you might find you have not only a life partner, but a hunting life partner.

I enjoy going on hunts with my married hunting buddies. Sometimes their wives come, sometimes they don't. But I also completely understand when they go hunting together, and I'm not invited. Guys need to to go the cave once in a while, as women need to go shopping! :)

As for YOU, Dawg.....I know enough than to step within a quarter-mile's smellin' distance of them nasty ole' hound-dawgers....unless it's just CB sittin' in a tree-stand wearing purty cologne.
OutbackChick, to make an informed responce, I'll need to know what kind of suction are we talking about ? And what other skills does the girl in question possess.
i think as long as they are "skilled" in the oudoors then its a good thing. as for the dirty work, my grandma skins all of our elk, she loves it and does an outstanding job.
OOOOOOO! nice question B_F_E ! I've got my head under my desk waiting for a response.

........and this was the other reason. I knew it would only be a matter of time.

Predator, check your inbox.
If my girl is in to it, I would definitely take her out with me. It's not always about just killing that big buck, but also about spending time with people that are important to you. So...I would definitely bring her along if she wanted to go.

What does she look like? Haaahaaaaa... I wish that I could get my wife to hunt! She thinks that it is gross and dosent get the attraction of killing an animal. I am teaching my daughters to love the outdoors and how to hunt and fish. One of my buds took his wife elk hunting for the first time this weekend and she is hooked. She wants to start hunting deer and elk with him. That's cool! I dont have any problem with it unless they start to b!tch about it being cold, too hard of a hike, being out too long etc.


The biggest struggle I have taking my wife with me is that she cant sit still....im constantly having to tell her to sit still and be quiet.....we laugh about it back at camp, but in the field it drives me nuts!!!
Said Nothing about that My friend, but as far as skills the last time I Shot a gun I had a pretty good AIM

"Are you a vegitarian, If not then Shut UP!" :D
I said nothing because it doesn't belong here. I knew some ding-a-ling would start it though.

I don't doubt your aim is good, just don't aim at me!:)
Finding a woman who would hunt hard isn't easy. The ones I've seen (wives of a couple of guys in a party I've hunted with) aren't real savvy in a lot of ways as most guys know you should be(I'm talking about survival, woodsmanship skills). They don't want to get involved in cleaning or dragging or hanging the deer. They seemed to be there because they wanted to be "part" of the hunt, not all of it.

Converse to that is my few experiences with my eldest daughter. She's too busy to go bird hunting with me every year, but when she does, she gives it her all, as much as any son would. She's stomped thru knee high canals of black mesquito infested peat mud to retrieve a pheasant, without a complaint. She's cleaned her own birds without a wimper. She'll walk as far as she can every hunt. The only complaint I ever heard from her was when her gun jammed when shooting quail. I wish she would go with me more often that she does. She's 1 year away from being a R.N., and one of the most interesting people I've ever met. Wish the wife would take after her a little more...........:)
My wife is one of those rare breeds who enjoys hunting. In fact, she'll be back in the White Mountains hunting for cow elk this Thursday.

She works as hard as anyone, but to this point she has yet to harvest a big game animal. Last year, she spent seven days in the field hunting for cow elk and never had the opportunity to fire her weapon. You know the saying, "right place, right time", so far this has eluded her.

With a little more persistence, it will pay off for and she'll harvest a cow elk this year.

Wish her luck, I'll be there for her to help out any way I can.

Obsolutely! Without a doubt! - Women should go hunting a least once. Reason - Because these same girls are teaching our kids at home the values that will stay with them the rest of their lives. We can't afford more "anti-hunting, limp-wristed, Peta-loving boys".

Due to physical problems, my wife can't join me. I have two boys right now, but if we are lucky enough to have a girl or two - they will be right along with their Pa in the field shooting birds, glassing for deer, and flinging arrows at javelina. I won't ever force them to do anything that they don't want to - that way they won't end up hating hunting. I feel the same way about girls shooting guns and fishing - the more the merrier.

BTW, the better looking you are - the more I encourage hunting for you! It is great publicity! Yeah, yeah, I know that is sexist, but it is true.
oh god that cracked me up

I think it's great that some women love to hunt and camp. My wife doesn't but she'll come along from time to time just to humor me.

But my problem is this... Hunting camp is generally my escape from women. Unlike the rest of you ugly sods out here, I have women flocking around me all day long, all week, everywhere I go.

Hunting camp is the only place I can escape the throngs of love hungry women that harass me constantly.

The last thing this handsome hound dogger needs is all my buddies wives in camp hitting on me all the time. It gets embarrassing and can cause tension. Quail Runner for example won't ever bring his wife to bear camp anymore cuz she just can't keep her hands off me.

So personally, I don't care if women camp and hunt but I prefer them to be in other camps.

But come to think of it, they sure are handy to have around to clean the dutch ovens and pick up the empty beer cans. ;-)

I hunted this fall with a women for the first time. Shes blind in one eye, so that doesnt help but she can sure HEAR well. She even pack out half my deer in So UT. The key here is that were just friends, not married. I know how some women ACT like they love the outdoors etc until your married. Any ideas on how I can find out how dedicated she is to letting me continue hunting if we got married??? Russ
Yup, what Dawg says is true. I had to quit hunting so I could make sure my wife didn't wander off while I was gone. I don't need any more of those funny looking kids.

I don't believe for a minute that dawg hunts deer and elk during December and January because that's when the best hunting is. It's because he want's to be working our wives when we are out of town in October.;-)
Obviously, I think it's great. I don't mind women being there as long as they can pull their own weight. I shoot 'em, gut 'em, skin 'em, can cook, clean, start a fire, stitch a dog, well you get the idea. My hunting partners just consider me one of the guys (although I don't look like one). I don't complain about the hike being too long, or it being too cold, or any of that crap. It's great to see gals like us out there. I'm even starting my daughter off early (you've seen the pics in the campfire forum).
Outdoorchick, where are you from? I would love a female hunting companion.
my wife goes on the mtn ever chance she cleans her game plus
she helps me skin all my fur she even will set traps

i guess i got lucky
Absolutly! Go for it. We need more gals that hunt. That being said, if she is not going to do it for herself, rather for her father/husband, then its just a waste of time. My wife is the best hunter I have ever seen, at least her stats say so, she has only fired a rifle 4 times in her life. She has harvested 4 animals. Pretty good odds eh? Unfortunatly, the only reason she went hunting was to appease her father, who is sonless. So she went along for a few years until the oldest grandkid was old enough to go along. The problem is that there is zero thrill in it for her, she likens it to grocery shopping, she's just there to get meat. She still likes to go along sometimes though, she's spent hours in the blind with me, trudged through mud, snow, all that. I don't think she will ever pack a gun again though. I've been begging her the last few years to put in for some premium tags, just to double the odds of drawing. I've told her I'll do all the hunting, all she has to do is pull the trigger, she just says......nah, you go. I've got two little girls at home, the oldest has been going with me for a few years, I can definalty see the spark in her, I really don't think she's just hiking around for my benifit. Sometimes when I come home, she'll be all dressed up in her camo and playing with her barbies - good stuff, can't wait til she can tote a gun.

By the way, when there is a dead animal on the ground and the knife comes out, I'm the one doubled-over and puking, doesn't phase the wifey a bit..........
first of all I want everyone to know that," a lot" is two words not one, as some people may think. 2nd is that women belong at home behind the stove and washer, not up where the men like to be away from the constant nagging. PLAIN AND SIMPLE
Honestly guys lets put this into perspective.
Being the male, the Macho (ugh my couch) kinda guys. We like to impress the women with blood on our hands and food on the table.
The honor in saying "yep I provide for my family"
I know a couple guys who would actually take offence if his wife wanted to know how to clean the deer afterwords. Awkward I know but that's just how some people are. Personally I love divin in there, gettin knee high in warm blood and wrippin stuff outa the animal I or somone else killed. Just somthin I like to do. See I think guys have the image in their head of the little house wife goin "ewwww" to the sight of blood. Truth be told if a Women wanted to learn how i'd let her. But if she didn't then I don't think I'd take her hunting.
I gotta 12 yr old cousin, Her names Nicole. We call her colie. This little darlin was brought up on hunting, fishing, everything about the outdoors she loves. Guys try to tell her off and the last I heard she had given 2 kids black eyes for makin fun of her on the way home. Bad ass little girl. My uncle / I taught he how to gut her first deer, was a spike he shot on the last day of the hunt. Ever since she's always wanted to.
It's all a matter of who wants to and who doesn't.

there are probably A LOT of people on this site that would like to ALLOT some of their precious time to shove A LOT of their feet up your a$$, ya douchebag. You don't get laid much, huh? You insult the girl on her grammar and every girl on their choice of hobbies, you probably don't ever get close enough to a lady to use your "top pin".......LOL
Women in hunting camp? Is nothing sacred anymore?????......j/k

I have two daughters and I hope they want to come hunting with me when they get older.
But Hey I asked and I guess everyone is entitiled to thier opinion :S

"Are you a vegitarian, If not then Shut UP!" :D
Steelie, you are a funny bugger.

Outdoorschick, I was really trying to stay out of this, remember the first post? I knew some jackass would make some sexual remarks or take something someone said and head it in that direction. You replied to my last post after someone did this thing I am talking about. I know you "said nothing about that."
To ensure the record is straight I do not condone that behavior nor was I implying anything. My apologies if you took any offense to my reply.
First and Foremost THANK YOU SO MUCH Top PIN ( guest) for correcting ME on the WORD "A LOT". I am quite aware that it is Two words not ONE but sometimes when I am in a hurry Grammar goes out the window and was unaware you were going to play grammar professor. with that being said, you are entitled to your own opinion but sorry HUN no one likes a Smart ASS. For the Record I have been known to Nag, but for the most part I can Hang with the guys and be able to pull my own weight. I have been in the construction business for several years Now, now it comes natural :D

"Are you a vegitarian, If not then Shut UP!" :D
Top pin...get a life, or get lost. On second thought just get lost.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Aw, go easy on him. It must be tuff being the kind of guy whose woman hides from him behind the washer.;-)
Worked on getting my wife out for a couple of years. She enjoys fishing and camping but was reluctant to hunt. Finally she went and we went Javalina hunting with another chick and some friends. Short version: Other chick shot first and actually hit two Javalina with one shot! Downed one and the other was gut shot pretty bad. My wife had to finish it off and she will never hunt again because she felt like she didnt really get to hunt. She was just finishing off someone elses leftovers. Plus the fact that if the javalina had gotten away it would had died suffering miserably. She is happy she was there to shoot it, but she said her huntin days are over (lots of other factors but story is too long). i guess theres still fishing.
top pin (Guest) (1 posts)
Nov-04-03, 10:13 PM (MST)
45. "RE: Women Going Hunting"
first of all I want everyone to know that," a lot" is two words not one, as some people may think. 2nd is that women belong at home behind the stove and washer, not up where the men like to be away from the constant nagging. PLAIN AND SIMPLE


I would like to know which cave you crawled out of?

-believe it or not the world has changed- for the better-
If my wife wanted to, I would be glad to take her.

Unless of course she kept telling me to "Shut UP" because I wasn't a vegitarian. :D
If my wife wanted to, I would be glad to take her.

Unless of course she kept telling me to "Shut UP" because I wasn't a vegitarian. :D
After getting my two boys hunting I had asked my wife for several years to go. She always said she didn't want to. Finally I got her to go and now I can't keep her away! IN the last three years she has gotten 2 does, 1 buck, and got her first elk this year. My 14 year old daughter started when she was 12 and now has 2 bucks and a doe under her belt. I love to have them in camp!
I'm sorry, I just wanted to ruffle some hair. My wife hunts with me and she is my best friend, I would rather be up hunting with her than anyone else. I really, whole heartedly stand behind any women that wants to get out into the back country. If not to hunt, just to enjoy the surroundings and be one with nature.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-03 AT 12:09PM (MST)[p]

My girlfriend can go, as for my wife she needs to just stay home! lol
I don't think I would have a problem as long as they aren't whiners or bossy ones. Of course I have hunted with 'men' who whine more than most women.
Come down to Durango, I'll take ya out! Hunting that is. hehe. I love a woman who will gut an elk out and help pack it out and so on.
im married , have 1 daughter and 2 sons. the wife and daughter dont hunt and thats fine with me. I think hunting is sorta a mans thing . women shop and buy crafts.

Sat in a duck blind for 3 hours with the girl friend now wife!
FIRED ONLY ONE SHOT!....stoned it! (one the dog could not retreive!) My son was born 8 1/2 months later!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-03 AT 11:18AM (MST)[p]OK I have changed my quote because It was not coming across the way I wanted it, everybody was misunderstanding :D

"Are your not a Vegitarian but you still give me Chit about Hunting you need to just sit down and shut Up."
My wife use to hunt But after 3 boys and 1 girl plus me, She says we can't afford any more hunting lic or tags as soon as these boys move away, she will start hunting with me again,well 4 more year and the last one will be out of the house.
The hunting is the fun part I cleaned her's for 25 years she helped the mistake was when I left her do do her own cleaning. Not as much fun as the hunt. So she said.
Some of the best hunters I have had the pleasure of guiding or hunting with have been women, they are a welcome addition to any hunting trip that I have taken, my wife has hunted with me for twenty years and is a great hunting partner if you give her a shot under three hundred yards its all over, she shoots a 270 off hand, never has been able to shoot with a rest and she complains a whole lot less than some of the guys I hunt with.
Lets do a post about hunting and its ripping relationships a part!! She said choose hunting or her!!
GOD I MISS HER COOKING!(and washing my clothes and the dog run I just made at my old house and RV slab just poured,$750. a mo child support)and she works and makes tons more than I.
Now I can hunt all I want except the weekends I have my son which I can't take hunting until next year or year after because she says no!(age). Also the dogs are part of the visitation! I get them only to hunt ducks when I go,and they both must be bathed upon return ,they have it better than I! AT LEASE I CAN HUNT ALL THE TIME I WANT! not! now I work so much OT to pay for it I have no time to go!(kissing her a$$ big time to get back in).She said she would never have any issues with my hunting and wanted to hunt!!!!
The old "bait and switch" routine. I love it when, in the early stages, they say that it is ok or cool for you to hunt and then change their mind after they have that diamond on their finger. It is legalized fraud and extortion!


Life long "vagitarian"

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