Women & Makeup


Would someone PLEASE explain why women deem it necessary to put make up on while driving??
I see it every morning while on the freeway and in town!
I can get a ticket now for texting, yet millions of women are driving around with their sunshades down putting on eyeliner, WTH???

Lilred, tripkek...speak up and enlighten me!!

...............geez, Slam, you should get a ticket right now for even admitting you know HOW to text while driving!
My truck is super tall, i see all kinds of strange things people do while driving.
Just last week i saw a guy eating a bowl of cereal that was sitting in his lap while going down the freeway!!

It's still amazes me how women have mastered the art of driving with their elbows at high speeds with a mascara sick in one hand and tweezers in the other!!

The worst one I ever saw was (1) smoking, (2) talking on the cell and (3) beautifying in the sun visor mirror.

Nearly wrecked several cars - including me. I'm sure she had no clue either . . .
yep.....farding in cars is still legal...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Ok first of all Im not one of them, I get ready before I leave the house, I do however have a sister that does it all the time including painting her toe nails. I agree it should be held to the same standard as texting. On the other hand Punk you could always use your big Truck to take care of the problem yourself "Monster truck style " LOL :)
But then again women are better multitaskers.... Like you said its an art and men will never master it. ;) Im just sayin
Why does a dog lick his nuts, Doug? Because he CAN! It's a timesaver to put the makeup on in the car and some of us are good at it and driving at the same time.

That being said...I don't leave the house w/out make-up and my hair done every day. No way.

Slam, have you seen some of these women WITHOUT make up? If you have you would understand that it's a risk/reward situation!:)

"But then again women are better multitaskers.... Like you said its an art and men will never master it. ;) Im just sayin"

Actually, they have scientifically proven that the term multitasking is inaccurate, it is impossible for the brain to consider more than one problem at a time. The brain has the ability to switch from one problem to another, which is where women are more blessed than men...

Mostly because us men have our own problems to consider and then we have to read all the problems that our women are contemplating, which we fail at, which is why we are "not mind readers". :)
Guess I'm gettin' mature, but I just don't like it when she grabs the rear-view mirror for artificial purposes while I'm screamin' through the vast Casper Metropolis....

Punk that is like the pot calling the kettle black.....How do you do yours?:) I agree I dont know how they do it but it is a feat!! It is hard for me to even drive down the road in a straight line without looking for wildlife.
cjboz, exactly! I can tell you that that little slough I just passed at 65mph had 4 hen teal, one drake teal, two bluebills and a ruddy duck. And I only left my lane twice!:)

You guys are doeheads!

Slammy, it's easy to 'esplain. Sit down, buddy, and I'll tell youse in simple terms.

We do it for you guys, so therefore-


But I'd like to hear Jenn's reply! ROFLMAO


Now imagine driving down the road and seeing this WITHOUT makeup! Hell, I'm scared seeing her with makeup. I gotta give her a free "driving putting on makeup" pass.

- Rich

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