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It is called "Quest for the one"

ITs the worst hunting show ever!!!!!!!! I watched them go fish on a fish reserve.. that was bad.

Then they go hunt boars and it looks SOOOOO fake. They have a 400 lbs. boar walking around in the middle of a field.. The stupid hunter crawls 20 yards away for it and the boar doesnt even move... It made me sick..

THEN they go to New Zealand and are hunting Thars... Get this,, instead of hiking in, they FLY the guys around, find the thars,, drop them off.. The guys get out of the chopper, shoot it, then FLY THE CHOPPER 200 yards up to it and put a cable around its neck and fly it down!!!

At the end of the show they had the nerve to talk about how hunting values and traditions havent changed for thousands of years. The people who made this and the hunters who put their name on it deserve a swift kick in the nuts.
I can't remember the name of the "WORST" hunting show I saw, but some clown shot what looked like your everyday cow and tried to make it look like a hunt. Shows like these make us look like idiots.
There are SO MANY that are SO BAD. I'm not sure I could pick a "worst" hunting show. I only know that there are about three or four worth watching. And not even every time for those. Most of the shows are pretty "canned" and don't show much try or exertion. Not my deal. I'd rather look at draw odds and maps and dream of the 2006 season.
>>>> There are SO MANY that are SO BAD. I'm not sure I could pick a "worst" hunting show.

i agree either i've watched to many of them over the years or they are getting worse , but it does seem like most of them are kinda bad any more ,,,,,
Did you see the guys SCI hat on the Thars hunt? Talk about a "L.A." hunter". It reminded me of Jimmy Houston shooting that deer in the small 3ac. pin.

If it moves shoot it again"
I really love the way that doorknob runs everywhere. he runs around like a soldier and then somehow runs right up on these animals and they don't know he's there. come on man....
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-06 AT 10:17AM (MST)[p]I've seen it as well and agree with you! That show is a f-kin joke! Those dudes have no Idea what real hunting is all about! I saw one show where they were hunting for 7x7 bull elk. The guy shot it from out in a stinking hay field! They were on a ranch with more 350-400 bulls on it than you could shake a stick at. I watched the one where they were hunting tahr in NZ. It was pathetic! Flying in by helicopter and flying out the tahr with a cable tied around it's neck. Come on! I saw another show the other night (I cant recall the name) where the guy was hunting in the midwest for whities. The dude stuck a decent whitie and coulnt track it IN FRESH SNOW! There was blood every where and still couldnt find it! He probably had to get home to his Schmidt Ice and Nascar Bloopers video. His kids found it a couple of days later only a few yards from where he shot it. The sick part about the whole debauchery, is that he was posing on tv with the antlers that he had sawed off of the carcass and saying that he could'nt be more pleased and that "christmas has come early". What a d!ckweed! My wife asks me why do I continue to watch these shows when I get so pissed at these goobers? I dont know, I guess it is equivilant to watching a train wreck!
The show that I just started watching and enjoy is The Best and Worst of Tred Barta. The dude is wound-up and hyper, but seems to be genuinely passionate about his hunting and fishing. I watched him try to shoot geese with a longbow. He couldnt get it done, but the old bastage wouldnt quit.


I saw that Tred Barta episode, that was great! He was SOOOO excited when he thought he got one. He usually has a pretty good show.
I'm going to New Zealand in two years and I'm going after red stag and I'm also doing a Helicopter Tahr hunt. That country is awfully rough and the only way to access it is by helicopter. I'm really looking forward to the adventure......
>I'm going to New Zealand in
>two years and I'm going
>after red stag and I'm
>also doing a Helicopter Tahr
>hunt. That country is awfully
>rough and the only way
>to access it is by
>helicopter. I'm really looking forward
>to the adventure......

So is most Goat and Sheep mountains....

Yeah, thats why people use helicopters in china, new zealand, and the middle east when they are hunting goats/rams, rough country. My outfitter in NZ also uses the helicopter to tie the dead stag to, and they left it up and carry it back to the camp. That makes more sense and saves the guides alot of trouble.
I wouldn't mind hauling it out with a copter, but hunting from one wouldn't be my cup of tea.

Michael~All Gods creatures welcome... right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-06 AT 05:38PM (MST)[p]Awfully rough country? Get in f-ing shape and hunt like a man. The tahr hunt that I saw was for old men and pansies! The only way in? You can get horses or mules into just about anywhere. I have nothing against folks wanting to pay a ton of cash for a hunt, just dont be lazy about it. It is like hunting on a ranch from a truck, just drive up and shoot.


Yea, don't sound like a #####. If you cant go in and get it as well as bring it out, don't hunt it. Also, Tred Barta is the man. He may be hyper and stupid at times but he has a lot of balls and hunts hard as hell. I admire him for that.
The tahr hunt you have two choices, you can either fly around in the chopper and shoot your tahr from the air. Or you can have the chopper drop you off on the mountain then you can stalk and try to get in range of the animals. I'm chosing the latter.

Using the helicopter is alot better when your hunting areas like NZ. The weather can change quick and become extremely severe. A helicopter allows for a quick evacuation of the hunters/guide and the trophy if one is killed. Plus alot of the country is pretty much untouched and unseen and the Tahr are sparse so a helicopter allows you to cover alot of ground in no time. The Tahr/stag hunt should be fun, I cant wait..... :)
Cant your Guide hook you up with some horses or slaves or something that can pack you in,that would make it more sportting?

"If it moves shoot it again"
The Rockies are bad, but not as unpredictable as mountain ranges in areas like NZ and China etc. Plus theres not civilization near these ranges, unlike most of the west where people hunt. Just because I'm using a helicopter for transportation dosent mean that I've lost the challenge of the hunt.

Don't take it personally about what half of these guys are saying. They are basically showing their ignorance about NZ tahrs.

Guys, do some research about tahr hunting. Talk to a NZ outfitter about it. Call Dennis Campbell of GSO/OVIS. Even with a helicopter, a thar hunt can be one of the most ball-busting hunts around. Why don't you guys learn something new, before you jump on the "moral police" bandwagon?
Guys, the point I'm trying to make is that international hunting "is what it is". Most of Africa is basically an extended road hunt. Hunting leopards is hunting over a bait animal that you killed specifically for that purpose (wasted meat), followed by a spotlighted hunt. When you hunt in other countries you do it the way the local customs dictate, or you stay home.
Point taken, but if someone flew into the unlimited areas in Montana, spotted from the air, set the hunter down close and then air lifted the hunter and the sheep out, I wouldn't call that an ethical hunt. I won't be hunting tahr any time soon. I have hunted sheep in the unlimited areas many times.
I guess I'm one of the few that doesn't care much for Tred Barta. All that yelling and screaming and bitching at his partners. How could he possibly be enjoying himself, not to mention the others with him. He may be genuine and honest but there is no way I could hunt with anyone like that.

Remember the guide and outfitter are working for you. I've hunted in Africa as well as Canada with an outfitter you tell them what is acceptable with your hunting ethics. Most bush buck in Africa are shot under a spotlight but I wouldn't and didn't its a personal choice thing, the guide might be pissed but many of the choices we make piss people off. I've read about at least one outfitter in NZ who hunts off horses or mules for Tahr so it can be done. By the way I'm not ragging on you Map enjoy your hunt.
Nails I'm with you. I get excited but I sure and the hell don't act like that guy does. Give me a show that Mike Eastman does and I'm happy. Never met him but appears to be a great hunter gentleman and teacher.

Are you actually spotting the Thar from the helicopter and then setting down to go get them? Or are you simply using the helicopter to get into good country?

Map, not calling you lazy or anything, but you CAN hunt tahr without the aid of a helicopter. It just takes you getting into good shape and enjoying the feeling of your legs on fire.
How do I know, because I worked for an outfit over there in '01 for 5 months. I got sick and tired of taking those guys out and having to watch those great bulls getting taken by someone who had absolutely no business in those Mtns. The only way they could ever have gotten into that country was with aid of the copter. Was it fun, hell yes! But, it just didn't feel right to me. They had NO chance to get away from that chopper. The Kiwis dispise American hunters who do it that way. But, at the same time, they have to make a living as well. Its a catch 22 for them. But, if ya got the balls to make it on foot, you'll earn those Kiwis respect tenfod. And, you will look at that trophy in a whole new light. They don't judge a trophy by size, but in the manner it was taken.

I did a couple of 5 day backpack hunts with a couple of buddys while down there. I took 2 bull Tahr on the first trip and a great chamois on the second. They were the most memorable hunting trips I ever did... We carried everything we needed on our backs. Hard, YES, but definately not impossible....

Here is the first one I took.. Not a huge one, but he was damned sure earned..

Then while packing the first one out, I got lucky and ran into this guy.. He is one of my best trophys ever..

And here is my chamois from aother backpack trip we did in a different part of the Alps.

And here are just a few pics of us while camping in the Southern Alps while on these hunts.
Here is me just waking up to another beautiful New Zealand Tahr hunting day!! We just slept under the stars in the rocks with the big bulls!


And this is a pic of me with Mt. Cook in the background. It is the highest peak in NZ.

And here is one of me glassin for the big bull tahr..

Just remember, just because all you read about when researching these hunts is helicopter hunting is the norm, doesnt mean you can't suck it up and do YOUR hunt the way you want to. Trust me, your outfitter would like nothing more than to hear that you would like to backpack in and take your bull on foot...
the right way.
First off beautiful pictures and nice animals......

I never said that Tahr couldnt be hunted by foot, I simply said that I was going to hunt tahr with a helicopter. I'm not out of shape or lazy, I'm only 30 and have taken a fair share of trophy size animals. Secondly I dont need the respect of the locals, especially if they are the type of people who take your money, act like your best friend/servent, then talk about you when you leave. One reason why I want to do this hunt is because I enjoy riding in helicopters and seeing the landscape and animals from a birds eye view. If I can combine that with hunting, then I have a win-win situation.
"Worst Hunting Show" for me would be any show where a hunter shoots a whitetail from an elevated blind over an automatic game feeder on private game ranch.
Oh..... That explains a lot! Texas truck hunting, cornflinger, high fence, dinky whitie hunter eh? Haahaaaaa......


I'm with Nails as well. Tred Barta is an idiot. Anyone who would urinate in his pants, and put it on TV, because it's too cold outside needs to have his brain examined. I've also seen him launch arrows with his long bow at moving targets. What an lunatic.
I hunted TX a couple years back on a ranch with a crew that filmed our hunt and put it on the outdoor channel. Big deer..sure..difficult hunt..hardly. Was the easiest deer hunt I have ever been on and the least satisfying. There's not a whole lot to shooting deer that are "trained" to come to the feeder at the sound of the feeder motor going off and this is not the exception down there, but standard hunting practice.

Big deer..sure...any skill to killing them...just keep the corn flowing ;-) and add a camera and you have your very own show.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-06 AT 09:55PM (MST)[p]By dinky, I meant body size as compared to our northern whities. We have some that push 300 lbs. I doubt that there are many, if any of that size in Tehas. I have been to Texas many times visiting relatives. A couple own several thousand acres that are infested with deer. I have yet to see a single deer that would clear 160 lbs down there. Maybe I was in the wrong spot, eh?


Let me take a guess, your relatives ranch is in Central Texas (Austin, San Antonio area) or west Texas? Deer in these regions of the state are small bodied. In the hill country the average weight of a mature buck will feild dress 120-140 pounds. Now North Texas and south Texas have the biggest bodied deer. Killing a buck that field dresses 180-200 pounds is pretty common. Anything that field dresses over 220 is pretty rare, but does happen. As far as our deer being smaller in body size, well of course, so are our women :) Deer down here HAVE to be smaller then deer up north because we generally have very mild winters and a big bodied deer would not survive down here during the summer time, just like a texas buck would not survive in Wis. during the winter time. They are techincally two different subspecies of the same animal.

But on the other hand, us Texans really dont care how much the deer weight, as long as they have a trophy set of horns on top of their head...........

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