Would you take this ram?


Active Member
For the fun of thinking about it, would you take this ram on opening day at first sight in Colorado. You know there are other hunters in the area. If not, Why?
This ram was photographed on Memorial Day by my Buddy.



Great photos! It looks like he is an older ram 10 years old +/-. He is a beautiful ram for sure, and if it was my CO sheep tag, I think I would be pulling the trigger!

Although rare, a ram by itself could be a dwarf. If he is intermixed with other rams, I would think you could tell the difference pretty easily.
I would have a hard time passing on that ram.

How old do you think he is?
I would guess 10 or 12. Two of the rings I see could be false?
The photo quality is great. Kudos to your friend and thanks for posting them.
Although rare, a ram by itself could be a dwarf. If he is intermixed with other rams, I would think you could tell the difference pretty easily.
I would have a hard time passing on that ram.

How old do you think he is?
I would guess 10 or 12. Two of the rings I see could be false?
The photo quality is great. Kudos to your friend and thanks for posting them.
I thought the same thing at 10 plus years. My good friend took some great photos. He got to within 50 yds. I thank him for letting me post his pictures. I thought MM members would enjoy seeing this tremendous ram.
Probably 12 yrs old and perhaps 37x15 so yes! Unless I knew there was a 40 incher with 16 inch bases in the unit, I'd happily take a 180+ ram near the end of his life!
His age rings really stack up progressively tighter near the base (as usual on older rams).
True trophy, for me, is age so the answer is hell yes! ...plus he's big!

Thanks for sharing. Quite a treat!

Considering the ram in my avatar came from Colorado and he is larger then the ram in question, I'd say it's possible.

Keep scouting.
Is the ram in the pic dead? Do we know its score? The question is how many units have rams like that? That a guy could pass up a 10+ ram that should be in the 180's?
Is the ram in the pic dead? Do we know its score? The question is how many units have rams like that? That a guy could pass up a 10+ ram that should be in the 180's?
Not sure what your issue is.

It's early in the scouting season. He's already found a great ram, but there isn't any reason to quit looking for another. Hell, there might be another ram even larger out there that he'll never know if he doesn't continue to scout.

And, what happens if the ram suddenly disappears the week before season and no other rams have been scouted? I found the ram I killed on June 2nd, but I continued to scout other areas within the unit and ended up finding another 15-20 rams after I found the band of rams I took mine out of. The weekend before my season opened, I was still trying to decide between a full-curl ram I'd found and the ram I ended up killing. Just because you find a great ram the first month of scouting doesn't mean it's in the bag and time to fold up camp on scouting. I had a #1, #2 and #3 picked out. Nothing wrong with decisions, but those decisions might be limited if scouting is limited.

Keep scouting.
No problem here graybird, just a simple question. How many units in those states have the quality of rams that you could pass that ram up to find better? The unit means alot in this case.

The question was to the guys that know the sheep units in those states.
I can say Utah....no brainer
Idaho, other than unit 11 yep
Wyoming any of the west side units, yep. Other units ? I know they kill some better. Wytex shot a great ram in the central?

Per the OP on opening day, months after you have or should have scouted, would this be a 1st day shooter?

The unit your hunting definitely would tell if the ram is a taker. If it was an unlimited ram in Montana that's a heck of alot different than a Breaks tag.
Same animal, different unit.

Anybody that has had a ram tag and put in scouting time knows by the 1st day what Kind of rams are shooters.

My Avatar is the Nevada ram I took last year. 7 days straight scouting before the season and he was a 1st day shooter. My Utah ram I killed my ram on day 9 and scouted 15+ days. Yep he was a shooter for the unit, but would have passed on the Nevada unit.
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Please go back to any of my posts and tell me exactly where I stated I would pass that ram? You'll never find it because I never said it.

Keep scouting ... And I'll stand by that statement still 3 months until the season opens. You never know there might be a better ram in the unit and if there isn't, that's a great ram anyone within their right mind would be happy to punch a tag on.

You're all twisted up about nothing.
I'm with Zeke (as usual) when it comes to old rams.
Any sheep that has stacked up annuli is a trophy, regardless of the score. Then you add the mass and the beauty of that guy, and he is a no brainer.
Of course we would all keep scouting because rams like that often vanish like ghosts, never to be seen during hunting season. (that's how they get old).
He's a great find so I'd try to keep track of him!
Thanks for sharing.
Sheep are awesome!
How many units in Colorado have rams of that quality? Utah, idaho, Wyoming?
I know at least 2 in Wyoming that produced book rams this past fall. Mine was one and he did not have 40 inches but did have 16+ inch bases. I know of way bigger rams in the area I took mine, but they are on private and un huntable. The Montana transplants in certain Wyoming areas have vastly improved genetics.
He's a nice one and after my hunt I have no clue as to what he may score but I would be happy with him.
Without a doubt. I’d be happy with his buddies as well. Hope to see some close to those come November in the Book Cliffs.

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