WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties


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WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

By Amanda Carpenter on April 17, 2009 into The Back Story

Subscribe Liberal actress and political activist Janeane Garofalo, in all seriousness, said activists who attended tea parties are racists with dysfunctional brains in a recent prime-time television appearance.

"Let's be very honest about what this is about. This is not about bashing Democrats. It's not about taxes. They have no idea what the Boston Tea party was about. They don't know their history at all. It's about hating a black man in the White House," she said on MSNBC's "The Countdown" with Keith Olbermann Thursday evening. "This is racism straight up and is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. There is no way around that."

Olbermann did not once try to challenge her on those assertions.

The actress went on to describe the brain size of typical "right-winger, Republican or conservative or your average white power activist."

"Their synapses are misfiring. ... It is a neurological problem we are dealing with," she said. This isn't the first time she's offered this analysis, either. Ms. Garofalo said similar things about Alaskan GOP Governor Sarah Palin's brain last February in an interview with an environmental blog.

The actress went on to bash the GOP on MSNBC Thursday because it had "crystallized into the white power movement" as well as Fox News, which she said has captured the "Klan demo[graphic]."

"Who else is Fox talking to? Urban older white guys and their girlfriends who suffer from Stockholm Syndrome," she said.

Ironically, Ms. Garofalo is currently playing a role on the drama 24, which is aired by the Fox Broadcasting Company and is popular among conservative circles.
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-09 AT 09:43AM (MST)[p]who's Janeane Garofalo and who in anyone's household cares what she thinks? In fact, who on this site even know who she is or cares what she thinks. She like you and all the rest of us in this land get to say what we want. That said we will pay the price if what we say is stupid.

So, my question to you is what difference does it make what she said or thinks? It's the people who keep these kinds of stories alive that add fuel to the fire. I never even heard of this woman or her views.

It would be different if we all knew who this person was or cared. . . I'm not sure what is the point of your bringing this to our attention? Is it that there are loons on the extremes?

I'll repeat, who cares, no one knows this person, and no once cares what she think, at least that's they way I see it, she's not telling me what to think, and even if she was, i dont care. . . are you afraid she might change someone's mind? I dont think she will, she holds a relatively extreme view point, and as if it was not said enough already, no one cares what she has to say.
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

He are my points TF. The liberal Media gives the Hollywood types a large and well distributed platform to speak their views, and holds them out as though they are a voice of knowledge or of the common man. I don't know this woman either, so why is she being quoted as though her opinion is worth being so widely distrtibuted? The point is this is reported in a wildly publish newspaper, but in reality the common man's voice never is. The point is I disagree with the ridiculous view of hers, but is any newspaper or liberal media going to accurately describe what the teaparties were about. The point is, this article is just another attempt to put anyone who disagrees with the leftist view in a bad light.

The point was not to get you so upset. The point was to provide another example of the liberal bias of the general media. I am not upset with this woman expressing her view. She has a right to do so. I happen to think it shows her for what she is, an uneducated, uninformed, idiot. The fact that the liberal media publishes this trash is just another illustration of what we, the common people are up agianst.

The point of the post is to show what is going on out there. I guess you have a problem with that. So be it!
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

Maybe there is some bias, but like FAUX isn't biased ? the tea party deal might as well have had sponsored by FOX on it.

The point is it's a free press, FAUX is free to stir up their fuss and the other media is free to play it down. I think the best way to solve this whole mess is to make it a democrat has to win by a 2/3 majority,then maybe the conservatives will feel they're getting a fair shake. a free press and fair election on a simple majority just aren't working out.
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

I've been one of the more critical about Obama's ideas for our economy, even before it was popular, so i'm not playing sides. That said, i'm not happy with the economy and I think the bail out rescue plan sucks.

Now, lets get back to your point, if your point is that one "no-body" actress and the left wing media is an issue, you might switch your focus to the bigger problem of the FOX news generated tea party in the first place. It is a fact that FOX news help build the story, then they covered it as if it were a Superbowl party.

I believe a protest was wise, i'm just sticking to your point which is, media and hollywood, heck FOX is ALL right wing media and hollywood, for goodness sakes, just watch glen beck, hanity, orielly, if that aint hollywood (and they even admit they are NOT NEWS but entertainers), by their own admission, nothing is.

I only bring this up because it's consistent with your main theme and reason for posting, but for some reason you choose to either ignore it, or down play it's significance to the "tea party."
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

Just be glad hardly anybody say MSNBC during that tirade.

More people watch Oreilly at 1 AM than see Olberman during his primetime slot. True stats.

More people watched Glenn Beck covering the Tea Party than watched CNN, MSNBC, HEADLINE NEW, CNBC....COMBINED. WITH 700,000 PEOPLE TO SPARE.

RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

if those numbers are true, and i have not reason to believe they are not, then my point is made even stronger. If the point of the post was to help people see the media bias, and FOX was the driver for the tea party, should not the bigger issue be the biased media and the right wing? LOL

In any event none of it matters anyhow because as much as I hate to say this, and even more hate to believe it, I think the tea party did more bad than good for the right and therefore for our Country.

With people coming out and protesting we also got a dose of the extreme right and that does not help the republican party gain support.

There are very few people who support ANY state leaving our nation, or people calling our president a baby killer, a nazzi, a jew killer, and a homosexual who blows muslums. . . but they got air time yesterday and they were associated directly with the right wing.

I think some of what I saw and heard was absolutely disgusting. They may no represent the party, but they sure got their message out and they sure were with the tea-baggers therefore, people think that the tea baggers are made up of whack-jobs. . . i think the party is sunk, until can get a real plan, some real leadership and a some solid answers, starting with a moratorium on talking about Reagon, they wont win an election for at least 7 years. . .

I'm not saying I like that I'm just making an observation and a prediction. . . people are getting sick of the slander and the lip service, they want action and they want a plan, the right has neither, as sad as that truly is, it's a fact. . .
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

Here is the deal TF, I went to our local tea party here in Fresno. It was attended by more than 7,500 people. I did not go becuase of Fox news, or any other alleged right wing media promotion. I went because I was interested to see who went and see what they had to say. Contrary to what you might think, it was not just a bunch of right wing conservatives, it was a bunch of patriots who are genuinely concerned about the direction this contry is going.

So back to my point, you can say all you want to say about Fox, but the story I posted is so far off the mark, why would any media report such a story? Because they want to perpetuate racial anxiety, unrest and divide in our country by inciting the uneducated and uninformed.

Again I do think it is important for us to keep aware of what we are up against.
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

I happen to agree with what youre saying. What i'm trying to do is use your post, and your logic in the same way you did, but your taking a political view and ignoring your own reason for posting, i was trying to stay on point, or target.

I'm sure there are lots of people un happy about this, i'm one of them, so we agree, that said, the media covered the hype, and amped it up, they also covered, as any media would, the extreme and more note worth entertaining aspects of the tea party, never mind the purpose, it was a media blitz and a hollywood production, and in my view the media both right and left made a joke, or mockary of it by covering it like it was the superbowl. . . hell, with enough lead time lays and ruffles would sponsor the the event and call it the "tea-bowl"

So, CA I dont disagree with you, but I am taking issue with what you claim to be your purpose for posting but then you change or ignore your first argument in exchange for the real reason. Which, is okay to me, but I would not have posted if I had known your motives and your reasoning for posting. . .

I'm going to find some birds to photograph! LOL
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

I disagree that I changed my position at all. It all comes down to knowing what we are up against. By and large the media, with the exception of fox and conservative talk radio programs, are extremely liberal in their reporting and efforts to persuade the uneducated and uninformed. So as I stated in my first response to you, I made this post so that we know what we are up against.

Good luck today getting some good pictures.
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties


Sorry about that, I should have done a better job looking. I asked Brian to pull the post.


You say Fox is biased. I disagree completely. I am a news junkie and I watch them all. I have tried to be as objective and fair as I can be and I don't see that Fox is one sided. In fact I think that they bend over backwards to present a "fair and balnced" report. They have gotten a bad rap in my opinion because they did not go along with the crowd and present the same old tired liberal journalistic line. I find them refreshingly honest, straight forward and fair.

RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-09 AT 02:54PM (MST)[p]I do not buy into Tfinal's logic or bias input about Fox news being the driver behind the TEA party.
I have been seeing alot of coverage by it in my area by ABC and NBC news broadcasts. I did like the one news coverage where the liberal reporter stated that several hundred had attended while the camera was panning the crowd and you could see well in excess of one thousand persons gathered in several blocks.
Reporter either could not count or was trying to downplay the turnout, your guess is as good as mine.
Speaking of bias reporting, how did you like that one reporter being arrested at the awards banquet where katie Curic was to receive a award for her coverage of the Sara Palin interview. It seems that reporter wrote some articles about how Curic allowed her bias to enter that interview.
I guess the left wing reporters can not accept any other reporter calling them on their bias reporting and allowing it to interfer with being a professional reporter and not promoting their agenda.

RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

I would not describe Garafalos take on the TEA party attendees as interesting, I would say beyond the pale and absolutely unforgivable. Playing the costic race card was a weak attempt to discredit the effort and does nothing but divide. What's ironic is that this is about a man that is half white and half black. Mind numbingly over the top.

I am not a big fan of the show "24" but I will not watch it again until she is off the show.

RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

Well, I know who Garafalo is and what she stands for. She's kinda like Micheal Moore, but hell who cares what either one of them say. Lets just bury our heads in the sand maybe they will go away........If people like them had absolutely 100% no way of ever influencing my way of life, your exactly right I wouldn't give a ratsarse what she was said or did....Or who was in congress or who was president for that matter. But if you get enough of these people going in one direction they certainly can affect lives.
I guess because I belive in God, John Wayne and the American way of life I am a right-winged nazi, well so be it.
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

She and they are having an effect. John Wayne is dead and apparently those were just movies. It took me a long time to come to that realization.

RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

Not only is he dead, he is generally regarded now as a brutish, womanizing, warmongering, insensitive, alcohol abusing, neandertal with severe anger management issues. And that is my point. This is how far we have come and how screwed up we are.

RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

This chick has as much credibility as the Dixy chicks.
As far as Racism at the tea party? here was one of the speakers at mine in Madison WI. Who whole negative press is all because of the envy war between Fox and the other news media. When is it wrong to exercise our right to assemble and to free speech? When your a liberal that don't like when your hearing I guess.
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-09 AT 02:33PM (MST)[p] BTW, see the pink slip in his hand? it was a pink slip that his church was handing out to everyone in attendance(over 5000) for us to take into the capital after the gathering and hand out to our electees because he said since so many of us were getting pink slips at out employers, that it was time our elected officials got the same sting. Yea, this Black guy must bee a racist Obama hater too huh??
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

This is the oh so brilliant woman (i think) that they speak of. Classy isn't she?
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

Yeah I really don't have anything to add, I just thought I'd make a post so you wouldn't have to keep talking to yourself.
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-09 AT 06:44PM (MST)[p] "Not only is he dead, he is generally regarded now as a brutish, womanizing, warmongering, insensitive, alcohol abusing, neandertal with severe anger management issues. And that is my point. This is how far we have come and how screwed up we are.



"Think back, Pilgram... Rember?!?"

Yes folks, lets go back to the medievil TALIBAN!??!

"I live where I hang my hat." - NevadaBadger
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

Obviously a Harry Reid supporter, no wonder you don't understand. Between Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, we all know which one wears the skirt.

Hey, the Taliban guys aren't so bad. At least they have the right idea on gay marriage.

RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

>Obviously a Harry Reid supporter, no
>wonder you don't understand.
>Between Harry Reid and Nancy
>Pelosi, we all know which
>one wears the skirt.
>Hey, the Taliban guys aren't so
>bad. At least they
>have the right idea on
>gay marriage.

I think someone is afraid of Nancy Pelosi?s strap-on being bigger then your own GOD GIVEN ENDOWMENT.

I don't know how you can equate the Senate with the House????

Yes, being from Nevada, I am a reluctant supporter of Harry Reid. He is a good practicing member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. If you don't realize the difference between the Senate & the House, go back to grade school civics class.

In my opinion, Senator Reid has been effete in dealing with global and partisan issues... But, as far as Nevada, he is PRO mining/resource extraction ? opposes MOST gun control measures- opposes YUCCA MOUNTAIN ? and pro STATES RIGHTS.

If Ensign can step-up, more power to him!!!

Live Free or Die - NevadaBadger
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

They are all politicians and egocentric, megalomaniacs. And for the record, it is not a strap on. It is real enough for "her" to have a urnal installed in "her" private bathroom. Remember "she" is from San Fran where gender is not a condition, it's a choice.


Wow, that is an obscure word for a lib. See there, that Word Of The Day vocab stuff is really paying off. Thank you for the help on the difference between the peoples house and the more deliberative, upper chamber. I seem to remember something about that from University. Let's see, what was that degree in again. Political Science I think. Yes, that's it, Political Science, I am sure of it.

RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties


You amuse me!! I'll have to throw you a catnip filled mouse more often.

?I believe in white supremacy until blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don't believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people.... The academic community has developed certain tests that determine whether the blacks are sufficiently equipped scholastically.... I don't feel guilty about the fact that five or ten generations ago these people were slaves. Now I'm not condoning slavery. It's just a fact of life, like the kid who gets infantile paralysis and can't play football like the rest of us?

^ Playboy Magazine Volume 18, issue #5 "John Wayne:The Playboy Interview", Richard Warren Lewis pg 79, May 1971

Fiscally Conservative, Socially Tolerant, and Strong on Defense - NevadaBadger
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

The only degrees I have are celsius and fahrenheit, but there are plenty of educated idiots out there so I don't worry much about it.

Sometimes the more one knows about politics the more out of touch they are with reality, our politians are proof of it.
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

I thought it was pretty obvious we were talking about John Waynes characters not the man himself. Maybe you dig up some quotes from some of his best movies.

So, because I don't have dirt under my fingernails and callused over hands means I don't know anything? That I have no common sense? See that is a typical lib response because you don't know anything about me, what I have done or where I come from but because I was a college boy means I am out of touch with real America right? I have done my fair share of hard work and sweating. Did bailing hay, cleaning stalls and braking concrete make me smater? Not necessarily but it did make me appreciate an honest days work and what a college education could offer me.

See I didn't want to be one of those guys that meets at the same diner, at the same time every morning, has the same breakfest with the same people and has the same conversation bitching and moaning about the price of grain or corn or beans or how much I was going get paid from the gov for my CRP ground. Apparently I was smart enough to avoid that and go out and make my own way.

Don't sell yourself short huntindude, idiots come in all shapes, sizes and flavors. White collar, blue collar, no collar. I believe Lee Marvin said it best in The Professionals. "Yes, sir, in my case an accident of birth. But you, sir, you are a self-made man".

RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

Help me. I am totaly confused.
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

There you go. Progress. Admiting you need help is the first step on the road to recovery. Now, burn your Democrat party card, reregister as an Independent and reboot your brain.

Good luck.

RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

Hardcore to go off like that I'm guessing you're either have a chip on your shoulder or a case of short man syndrome, maybe you're a male nurse? secretary?. are you saying someone who's not a Harvard grad or makes a living in ag is a a little uncouth? what about J.R. Simplot , he dropped out of school at 8th grade and went on to become a one of the richest men in America in the agri biz.

I'm not saying education is bad, in fact that's a major reason I think Obama was a better choice than flunky McCain and I went to 25 shools to become a sportscaster Palin. I feel I can hold my own in most settings even without a file of papers saying I have formal education but people with a good education interact better with other highly educated people, and most leaders are educated people. another reason is people like you think they're a little better than less educated folks so a leader can't be very effective if he's considered a dunce. I know what I'm talking about here because I've served on several boards even on a state level, most people figure since I come from a family with some money and I run a pretty fair size operation I have some higher education, I also know they'd be shocked and have less confidence in me if they knew otherwise.

Education is great, I don't want a self trained doctor, lawyer or anyone else where learning on the job could cost me. in a perfect world we'd all have degrees , but we'd still need the blue collar workers and lowly people with dirt under their fingernails to make it work.

By the way, with all the politically educated poltians we have why do we have so many that suck? probably 10% of our highly educated doctors suck but 90% of our educated politians suck. maybe you should have chosen another subject in school.
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

Oh, you didn't like that huh? The point was that you shouldn't talk to me like I am some know nothing co-ed anymore than I should talk to you like you are a hayseed hick.

Yea I have a college degree and I worked my butt off to get it. I don't use that as a measuring stick because I know smart as a whip high school drop outs and moron PHDs. Sounds like you are the one with the chip on your shoulder. Feeling a little inadaquate because you didn't get that sheepskin? Got no ring to knock on the big table. Don't be so small minded. Money and education aren't what impresses.

Obama more qualified than Obama? Harvard Lawyer vs. Annaplois combat fighter pilot. That is an easy choice for me.

You are an Obama fan which tells me logic and reason means less to you than image and platitudes. So continuing this conversation is pretty much pointless. We ain't ever going to agree. I am out.

RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-09 AT 11:24AM (MST)[p]My, aren't we self absorbed. you didn't say why our political educated wiz kid politians suck? I think you'd fit in with them so I think you answered my question.

McCain was better qualified? look at this I can't say how much of it true or how much of it is crap but we need to even it out a little so enjoy.

What makes you think I'm an Obama fan? because I didn't like Bush or McCain and I don't hate Obama with a passsion? I'm an avid reader on TR I've probably read everything that's ever been written by or about him. I think he's the greatest president we've ever had and the closest thing to a hero I have, I judge all others against him so that hardly maks Obama a dream candidate for me. I think my hay seed ability to spot a DS is better than your trained eye is at spotting an Obama fan.
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

Garafalo isn't one I would rely on to represent my political views. The media is biased and it is obvious to anyone with a working brain. A lot of voters came out of the woodwork because they are self interested. Blacks hoped for a black president, hispanics hoped for amnesty, welfare recipients wanted more cash, white liberals dreamed of a black president who would punish the CIA, Cheney and Bush. It is done now and Obama is going back on many of those promises because he is a politician of the first order. The tea parties were to protest spending that is out of control. People who use their brain understand that taking the deficit from 3 trillion to 14 trillion will end with only one result, higher taxes and a lower standard of living for every American. The trap our leaders have created is that a global economy will take third world nations up in standard of living but they forgot to tell us that our standard of living would decline as a result. Only so many beans to count. The next election will flush the liberal toilet but it will be too late for our grandkids.
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

The debt is over 11 trillion today, who do you think added most of that?

I expect some democrats to be purged if the economy isn't a lot better next fall, but unless the republicans can come up with a campaign built on a moto better than " Can't " don't expect a landslide.

Don't sweat you grandkids future that much, you better worry about your own and your kids because we're already in a world of hurt.
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

Oh, I understand worry. I own a business with 70 grand a month overhead that is near collapse. I bet if the economy is still in the tank next year we will see candidates that support a more isolationist bent vs this whole global economy bs. If we don't take back manufacturing we will be living in huts before we know it. You are going to see a big backlash regardless of the party. Throw the bums out!
RE: WOW! Interesting Take on Recent Tea Parties

It scares me that I agree with you, but I do.

A global economy only works if everyone works and for the same pay. when we decided sitting on our butts and having Hop Sing make everything for us was the way to fly we set into motion what we have today. now he not only does our work, he loans us the money to buy his crap, do the math on how long that will work.

The economy isn't going to get better in the next year or two in my opinion, Obama doesn't have a way or the ability to turn it around and the conservatives did more than their share to get us here. it's a bipartisan disaster , there's no reason to think the same people who broke it are now going to fix it. still that doesn't mean voters won't once again be looking for " change " , even if it is back to what they wanted away from in the first place. the time is right for the Bull Moose party if you ask me.

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