WY Area 125 for Deer


Active Member
How is this area for quantity and quality...believe I have enough NR pref. pts. to draw this area in 2011...or are there better units to try for with 4 pts.

TIA, Jim
125 is a very good unit for decent numbers and an excellent opportunity to shoot a good buck on all the public land that is in the unit. The season is 11/1-11/15 and the big boys are starting to come out of the woodwork for the rut by that time! All the locals really try for that unit because of those factors. That many PPs should get you the tag for the 2011 hunt. good luck!
Topgun thanks for the reply...I've called a couple of gun stores in Lander and Riverton and they are very high on that unit. Never been there so am gonna check out the BLM map for that area and also GE...are you familar with this unit and how is road access?

Many thanks
Yep, I'm somewhat familiar with the area as my buddy in Sheridan puts that as his first choice every year, gets a tag fairly often, and has taken some nice ones from there (see attached for one of them I happen to have a picture of). I have only hunted the unit with him one time because I usually get a Region M tag that is 100% draw and those seasons are in October. It is probably 90%+ BLM land and has plenty of road access and several good walkin areas on the south end along Gooseberry Creek. That is where I went with him one day when he shot one 3x3 by mistake and I'd rather not get into that story, LOL! Anyway, if you have the time to wait for a good one and can hunt the whole two weeks the season is open you should do well. If you can't hunt the entire season, I would go the latter half because by then the rut is getting started and that really increases your chances of shooting a 175"+ buck.

You can draw 125 with 2 pref. points if you apply in the special draw. MERRY CHRISTMAS. Chip
Yep, 4 PPs in the Special Draw should get a tag with no problem. However, with 4 PPs in the Regular PP Draw it could get dicey! There were 9 people who had 3 PPs last year in that draw that didn't get a tag. They probably bought another PP and now have 4 PPs for this years draw. If they all put in for the 10 tags that were issued in that drawing last year and a few more decide on that unit as a first choice, it may take the max of 5 PPs to have a 100% chance at that tag this year. If you have the extra money and really want to hunt 125 this year, it would be best to put in for the Special Draw and know for sure you'll get because the other may be a crap shoot!!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-10 AT 04:17PM (MST)[p]My wife had a 125 tag in 2008. We spent some time there scouting and hunting. Also met a few other hunters and talked with them. She was lucky enough to get permission to hunt a ranch in the unit. Unless things have changed since we hunted it, I would classify the unit as marginal at best. Sure we saw a 170 buck, on the private land along the river. We saw very few deer on public land and lots on private fields. The other hunters we met did very poorly on the public areas. The deer were very rutty for our hunt. There is a lot of dirt country on the public, which we couldn't find a track in. The walk-in areas were heavily hunted.

Best of luck if you do go that route, I will give you whatever info I have, but it may not help you much. Just another point of view.
Packout---May I ask how much time you spent scouting and when, as well as how much time you actually spent hunting and what part of the season? Thanks!
I would spend more time talking to guys from Thermopolis and Worland than Riverton and Lander.

Have a great hunt if ya draw 125.


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