WY Buck with my boy...


Long Time Member
So we found a good buck. Opening morning of our WY buck season...

He is 7 and hunts really hard. He was with me all archery season. Up at 5 am and hiked all over. Hunted hard... we had this buck at 53 yards in the wide open sage. After 20 minutes he left. We tried a few more stalks never getting as close. With the rifle opener we found him several miles from last spot and pulled off a 3 mile stalk ending with 150 yard shot.

Congrats on a nice 4X4 sounds like you have a good partner every year, very nice picture.

Best picture in the world, A young up and coming hunter behind a big buck.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
>Well done dad! You might
>have to mount it and
>put it in his room...

My wife did not give me the option. She said I have to mount it and it will likely go in his room. It was amazing watching him run up to the buck after it was shot. It was amazing how well it handled everything. It was the 26th day we had been up in the unit between scouting and archery hunting. We had a great time and have some incredible memories... A damn good buck to show for it and the actual rifle hunt was a massive roller coaster ride.
Congrats on a great buck, he'll remember that forever. He sounds like he's going to make a real hunter (sounds like he already is one)! It's great it held his interest that long, I'm impressed
Great stuff! Awesome memories made for the both of you.

Brian Latturner
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This would be my picture of the year so far I think... That's a great looking buck and with your cute kid in the photo, it's one for the ages.!! Well done..!!

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
It sounds like your boy was already on the line, but with harvesting that beautiful buck he's definitely hooked now! Great job.

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