WY Buff Questions?


Long Time Member
So is it official that the buffalo hunt will change? If so will it be points be figured? Can a NR just buy a point or will we need the full price and apply?

Just want to know because as a NR if I ever want to hunt buffalo I better be in the max pool!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-14 AT 08:47PM (MST)[p]Yes, it's official and was posted on the G&F in the last couple days. No PPs are involved, as it's gone to a straight random draw for everyone. The problem is that a NR now has to pony up over $2500 to apply for a bull license each year when there was only a small fee to get a random number to get on a waiting list the way they used to do it.
As I read it there are no points to be had, or I'd be in there with you. but the odds should be pretty good now with the fee up front change.

Considering the price of the tag I'm not sure it's a great hunt for the NR. check out the Custer state park hunt, you can build points there for nothing and it's a better hunt.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-14 AT 09:44PM (MST)[p]>As I read it there are
>no points to be had,
>or I'd be in there
>with you. but the
>odds should be pretty good
>now with the fee up
>front change.
>Considering the price of the tag
>I'm not sure it's a
>great hunt for the NR.
>check out the Custer state
>park hunt, you can build
>points there for nothing and
>it's a better hunt.

***That may well be a better option for down the road. If the OP is not familiar with Custer State Park, it's a 71,000 acre high fence state park over in SD just southwest of Mount Rushmore a few miles. It contains both mulies and whitetails, elk, goats, sheep, antelope, and Merriams turkey and is a really neat place to visit.
Never been there but I've been building points for a while. it's a fair chase hunt and the bulls are B&C eligible.

Do they hunt anything besides bison in the park?

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-14 AT 09:49PM (MST)[p]That's correct because even though it's high fenced they are considered free chase because none of the entrances to the Park are gated, so they can actually get out. I've never heard any of them going outside the Park, but it is possible. Here's a link regarding how they do the hunt and it's only $5K, LOL! Yes, they also have elk hunts in the Park, but it's a OIL hunt for residents only.

It does seem expensive , but WY is half that just for the tag. in the park you're the only hunter picking between mature bulls, guided and they get the carcass to the hanger for you.

Don't get me wrong I'd rather DYI in WY , but if you're after booner bison the Custer hunt is a no brainer .

I guess I should learn more about the WY hunt since I really want a big bison, but I haven't been too impressed by what I've read half the harvest are cows, and it sounds like a clustershag of a hunt. I wish they had points for them I'd start building them and maybe someday I'd have a handle on it.

Stay thirsty my friends
The G&F might retro the buff points like they did the first year for BH sheep. Kind of a shady deal for me. I had APPLIED for 22 years straight inWyoming, money got tight, and the first year I miss they decided to retro-active the points!
Signed: sour grapes, haha
Zeke---When did Bison have Pps? That retroactive sheep PP story really sucked the big weenie! I'd more than sign it sour grape!!!
To my knowledge, there has never been bison points but since the G&F has "retroactivated" points in the past, a guy shouldn't be so sure they won't for bison, after the first year.
Even 20 years later the sheep deal still stings!
Oh, and to top it off, when I found out about the retro points, I called the Cheyenne office to plead my case. (Of course nothing could be done) The officer went on to tell me that mathematically there would be no way to EVER draw a tag and since I missed out I might as well look elsewhere for a sheep tag!
Oh well. I'm due for a Wyoming sheep tag when I'm about 75 or 80. I'll need a good outfitter for sure!
Live and learn,
Thats funny that you got that advice, considering there is a random draw for 25% of the tags. Eve more strange, since once in a lifetime tags werent adopted for sheep and moose. The numbers at the time, indicated they would have to allow more than once in a life-time, or they wouldnt have enough applicants to fill the permit quotas.

Also pretty strange you cant draw with one less than max...seems to me that theres plenty of areas/tags to be had in that point pool.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-14 AT 07:02PM (MST)[p]Buzz,
There were no random sheep tag for the first few years on the points game. All the tags went to max point holders only!
I was so discouraged that I didn't follow exactly when they started the random tag drawing.
But I'm back in the game with a small pile of points and God willing, I'll be healthy enough to do something with the tag.
>AT 07:02?PM (MST)

>There were no random sheep tag
>for the first few years
>on the points game. All
>the tags went to max
>point holders only!
>I was so discouraged that I
>didn't follow exactly when they
>started the random tag drawing.
>But I'm back in the game
>with a small pile of
>points and God willing, I'll
>be healthy enough to do
>something with the tag.

Retroactive points is a myth...
"Retroactive points is a myth"

Huh? Really?
Maybe In today's world it wouldn't happen but it certainly did when Wyoming sheep points started.
Maybe check your facts again.
>"Retroactive points is a myth"
>Huh? Really?
>Maybe In today's world it wouldn't
>happen but it certainly did
>when Wyoming sheep points started.
>Maybe check your facts again.

Sorry Zeke, but PP started here in Wyo for sheep/moose in 1995. If you didn't draw that year, you got a point. Do the math, max point holders have 19 points. Retroactive IS a myth.

And Buzz is right, it doesn't take max points anymore to draw a tag.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-14 AT 09:24AM (MST)[p]We must be having confusion with the definition of "retroactive".

Yes, thank goodness it doesn't take max to draw. I should have a tag but it will probably be a few more years. I'm not complaining. I'll get a turn more than likely and Wyoming has been good to me.

Sure, points did start in 1995 and if an NR application was made the NR applicant got a point. The "retro" part is that no one knew about the points until AFTER the application period and drawing. The G&F decided sometime AFTER 1995 and before 1996 that they would award points to the 1995 applicants. Hence "retroactive" points!

I know it's been almost 20 years ago (and I'm getting long in the tooth) but that's exactly what I recall. I guess a call to the G&F is in order. Maybe I can find someone who has been around long enough to know what went down.

My guess is there are other NR applicants who remember the same thing... or it didn't happen. haha

Zeke---I wondered what you actually meant when you used the term "retroactive". If what you're stating is true, that more than bites the big weenie and is not fair to any of those who started a year or two after!
Oh it's true alright! (at least as I recall, since jm77 now has me questioning my recall!)

There were ZERO random tags when the points thing started for sheep in Wyoming and I DID make a call to the headquarters and I WAS told that I would never draw since I missed the first year. Man, That dude was wrong! Subsequently we have the random draw and the attrition was greater than he or I accounted for (good thing).

LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-14 AT 11:14AM (MST)[p]Zeke
I can assure you in Wyoming we knew in 1995 that there was a point system in place. That year there was a huge increase in applicants, Res & NR because no one wanted left behind. The last thing the G&F would do is start it without making it public knowledge and have a ton of people angry.

As far as the random percentage, I recall that 75/25 split was an afterthought and came a few years later to give everyone a chance at drawing.
It wouldn't be the first time TG! LOL

I'll dig a little deeper but it really doesn't matter since the damage it done and I've recovered (with lots of mental therapy. LOL). I still only blame ME for missing that year....

It would be fun to get my hands on a 1995 hunting proclaimation!

A quick search yielded the fact that between 1995 and 2000 there were no random sheep tags. Just a little FYI for some who didn't know.

Only after amendment of W.S.23-1-703(b), **in 1995**, by the legislature, were points adopted for sheep. I guess the question remains: Was the NR hunting proclaimation sent out before the bonus points modifications were included in the printing? Did the application period come and go without knowledge of a points system?

I will just need an ammendment date on W.S.23-1-703(b) and I can put this thing to rest in my little pea brain. I'll figure it out.

Thanks for indulging me,
The Jackson unit consists of National Forest and the Elk Refuge. Forest is where we hunted this year. No wilderness in the areas we hunted and no need for a guide.
Only concern would be after harvest on the forest. Buffs are big and a little intimadating on the ground. There are a couple of local outfitters that do retrieval services after your harvest.
Willy, what month did you hunt,and was it a cow or bull hunt. I'm hoping to draw this year with having to send the cash up front,that it might increase my odds. We have horses,and was wandering if you hunted on horseback,and needed them to increase you're chances,or could you just hunt on foot,and use them to just drag on out. Thanks for any info.
We hunted November and December for bulls. I would highly recommend horses for retrieval. Don't think you need them for hunting but it wouldn't hurt. Never saw a cow on the forest and the bulls were few and few between. Key to hunting the forest is to be able make several trips or be damn lucky.

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