WY sheep


Active Member
I am writing this for not me. My father. We're from Montana. After doing some crunching of the numbers, its coming to a realistic conclusion he'll never
catch up the point game to draw a unit where theres not issues with wilderness and guide requirements. Hes in his earily 60's and in awesome shape,
but time waits for no one.
Not holding much faith in the random draws in units such as 5.
Hes killed afew rams elsewhere but wants to get another bighorn, if possible.
As much as he dont want to hire a guide, hes seriously re considering the situation for Wy sheep.
Areas hes kinda looking at as a preliminary start that drawing might be a better chance.
Units 1, 8, 10, mabey 9
What Im asking here, any of you have any good recommendations on guides within those units
that he can call to do some researching. He would like to find a guide he likes who hunts
in the area before applying.
To get the most out of asking, Im placing this in both the Sheep forum and the Wyoming forums.
Hey beech,
How's your dad's eye doing? Any more surgery scheduled or is he on the mend?
How many points does he currently have going in to 2014?
Hey Zeke, Thanks for asking. Hes on the mend, still not 100% if more surgery is needed but its looking good. Next check up again the 13th. Making small progress between each check up so its look promising. Long slow healing process. Hes able to make do with shooting through a scope at this point, so its a good sign.

His accident, no "pun" intented, was an eye opener. Never know what next year will bring. We're bring a new application theory to our table while we're both able to phyically. We're both gonna get aggressive with our points/draws we've built up in the various states.

Wy sheep, hes sitting on 14 points, Im sitting on 15 points.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-13 AT 03:49PM (MST)[p]Just looking at the odds of success and average days needed for harvest I'd say unit 1 looks good, with maybe 9 a second.
2012 NR Success Rates
Unit 1 100% 1.6 avg days harvest
Unit 9 100% 3.0 ""
Unit 8 67% 19.5 ""
Unit 10 50% 14 ""

Considering what is costs in points/tag/outfitter...I'd say unit 1 would be the only option for me considering that data was for 5 NR tagholders in 2012.
It's kind of funny you asked Beech because I just left a discussion with Zeke about this very topic. There are many sitting on the same point numbers, who frequent this site, so I will PM my feelings and a good outfitter recommendation.
Best of luck to you both. Hopefully both of you can get back on a sheep mountain soon with better luck this time.
I responded on the Wyoming site. But some additional info.

Prelim success rates (combined for R&NR) for areas 1-4 where all over 90%. Area 5 was 89%. I know of 2 rams taken in WY last season over 180. One in area 2 and one in area 12.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
You're in pretty good shape on points (in the next 1-6 years depending on the unit) but your dad is in no-mans land with all the other dumbies. I should know, I have the same points as your dad, along with a few hundred of our closest friends! Lol
Good luck in your quest and may your dad FULLY recover!
Thanks for the good info fella's. Thats what he was looking for. Ill pass this info onto him. I know exactly what you mean Zeke, hes one of MANY who bought the 7 dollar point when that first started. It was the same thing with WY moose with that same senerio, hard one to break out to draw, sure glad we're out of that game. Glad back in the day I saved my money and applied for sheep in WY when I did the year before the 7 dollar points where offered, atleast Im 1 point ahead of the big year class of applicants.
Being in the big point class is way better than being one point behind them, that is where I am! I would do a lot for one more point!
Outwitting the Sheep Gods is an exercise in futility, given the ever changing status of the game. When I first started applying in Wyoming, Area 10 had the best sheep, and the worst draw odds. Many transplants came from that unit. Now it's a lower tier unit.
Who knows what the future holds, but best of luck to you all.

I had my turn in the Cowboy state, and it was a wild ride!!

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