Wyoming Archery Elk - video


Took me 9 years to draw a tag, but it sure paid off.


Chased after them in the early mornings and then set up on a water hole and hunted all day. On the 4th day, this guy came out around 2pm.

That is a fantastic bull and very cool video footage.

How was it sitting water? Hard to argue with your results but I have always thought sitting water would be so incredibly boring vs. chasing bugling bulls that I would never want to do it. Your thoughts? If you hadn't taken an awesome bull would you do it again?
Great Bull and excellent video. Thanks for sharing and Congratulations. That was awesome!!!
Wow, that's a big bull! Congratulations. Good for you for capturing the moment too.

Brian Latturner
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I Hope the Recovery didn't wear you out as He was still in Sight!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
That was great. Good bull.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I'm sure glad he waited to keel over until he was out of that pond! That's really fun footage. Thanks for sharing!!! Awesome bull.
Pretty hard to beat those results.
Bugling in the background while arrowing a monster.
That was flat out awesome.
Congratulations and thanks for sharing.
Now that was a neat video....no bullshit talking---just good clean kill and pic taking...comgrats!!
Congratulations on a heck of a nice bull. Do you have any pictures of your blind setup. That Bull came in with no hesitation at all.

Nice job with the video.
Congratulations on a heck of a nice bull. Do you have any pictures of your blind setup. That Bull came in with no hesitation at all.

Nice job with the video.
I don't. I brushed a pop-up in pretty good though. I heard them bugling for hours just below me in the canyon.
Awesome, awesome... great video! Ambushing big bulls is a great way to get er’ done!

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