Wyoming struggles with antelope numbers, but the One Shot gets all 80 tags.


Long Time Member
Wyoming need to re-evaluate how it manages antelope numbers before they go the way of mule deer in the state.

Even after Lander region biologists observed big declines in antelope numbers, doe/fawn tags were dropped, but type 1 tags were left the same, so the "good ole boys" One Shot tags numbers wouldn't have to be reduced according to language in statute.

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Humm, Task Force may need comments on this as well.
How did the women's hunt fare in tags, same ?
They both need to go away or be a draw for licenses like everyone else.
Task Force could take up guaranteeing that all funds raised from these set aside licenses stay in the state.
Didn't they get another 80 tags for the women so 160 tags total?

I brought the issue up with the task force. Mrs. Filtner is on the same page and she disagrees with it. Other TF force members agreed and needs to be looked at
Remember if we keep bringing this up with letters and showing up in person to meetings maybe we can get this under control..
Wyoming need to re-evaluate how it manages antelope numbers before they go the way of mule deer in the state.

Even after Lander region biologists observed big declines in antelope numbers, doe/fawn tags were dropped, but type 1 tags were left the same, so the "good ole boys" One Shot tags numbers wouldn't have to be reduced according to language in statute.

If someone didn't know "Wyoming is not like Utah", they might get the wrong idea? There's no way the deep pockets and political elite have hunting regs set up to their benefit at the expense of the average dude. Not in Wyoming, there's a couple dudes up there that don't allow it, at least so I've been told?.
"If someone didn't know "Wyoming is not like Utah", they might get the wrong idea? There's no way the deep pockets and political elite have hunting regs set up to their benefit at the expense of the average dude. Not in Wyoming, there's a couple dudes up there that don't allow it, at least so I've been told"

I'll wager most never knew what the One Shot was until a "couple dudes" up here exposed them. That's fine, all it takes is time and pressure. Wyoming is not Utah.
"If someone didn't know "Wyoming is not like Utah", they might get the wrong idea? There's no way the deep pockets and political elite have hunting regs set up to their benefit at the expense of the average dude. Not in Wyoming, there's a couple dudes up there that don't allow it, at least so I've been told"

I'll wager most never knew what the One Shot was until a "couple dudes" up here exposed them. That's fine, all it takes is time and pressure. Wyoming is not Utah.

Yup. Looks like they were really intimidated?

I agree with you more than I don't, but on this one you are wrong.

I'm open to that. But you'll need to explain. The one shot has been infamous for a while. As Wyoming is going 90/10, and as the noise is it has "a task force", imagine my surprise to see that tags are set aside, AGAIN, for the "rich and famous".

Those couple dudes I am throwing shade at, been bitching for YEARS. Yet, as objectives are down, look what happens.

Utah is GREAT at letting guys talk, we have RAC meetings, WB, meetings. But in the end, $$$$$$$ talks. Not sure what JM does, but Buzz is a FS dude. The guys that shape policy, can buy and sell him weekly.

WYOMING doesn't have a NR issue. It has a $$$$$$ issue. You can go 99/1, and that 1 that forks out 6 digits for tags, is louder than Buzz or JM. Sure, they get tiny wins. But the One Shot, going again this year, shows where the power is.

Wyoming residents own the animals, I don't care 90/10, 80/20, or whatever. But the energy spent smacking joe blow and his OTC tag, is useless.

Utah guys keep trying to warn you. Over and over.

Thick skulled dudes, from another time period, believe different. And they are wrong. Same as we were.

This, One shot, YET AGAIN
I'm open to that. But you'll need to explain. The one shot has been infamous for a while. As Wyoming is going 90/10, and as the noise is it has "a task force", imagine my surprise to see that tags are set aside, AGAIN, for the "rich and famous".

Those couple dudes I am throwing shade at, been bitching for YEARS. Yet, as objectives are down, look what happens.

Utah is GREAT at letting guys talk, we have RAC meetings, WB, meetings. But in the end, $$$$$$$ talks. Not sure what JM does, but Buzz is a FS dude. The guys that shape policy, can buy and sell him weekly.

WYOMING doesn't have a NR issue. It has a $$$$$$ issue. You can go 99/1, and that 1 that forks out 6 digits for tags, is louder than Buzz or JM. Sure, they get tiny wins. But the One Shot, going again this year, shows where the power is.

Wyoming residents own the animals, I don't care 90/10, 80/20, or whatever. But the energy spent smacking joe blow and his OTC tag, is useless.

Utah guys keep trying to warn you. Over and over.

Thick skulled dudes, from another time period, believe different. And they are wrong. Same as we were.

This, One shot, YET AGAIN
But he donated money and got a letter? That's something right? I would have thought with his pull he would have been the chairman of the task force? I guess not? Anything that happens with the task force was decided be the 1st meeting.
The "task force" was a great opening for them to get what they wanted with little or no affect to them.
Well if you’re worried about the numbers pull the doe tags. Along with the rest of the world money talks. Golden rule he who has the gold makes the rules.
But he donated money and got a letter? That's something right? I would have thought with his pull he would have been the chairman of the task force? I guess not? Anything that happens with the task force was decided be the 1st meeting.
The "task force" was a great opening for them to get what they wanted with little or no affect to them.
Living rent free in your head...meanwhile enjoying our last stellar evening on kodiak island with my dad, brother, and 3 close friends. Great view of the harbor. What a great week, flying home tomorrow with 900 pounds of halibut, silvers, kings, lingcod, grey cod, and rockfish.
Living rent free in your head...meanwhile enjoying our last stellar evening on kodiak island with my dad, brother, and 3 close friends. Great view of the harbor. What a great week, flying home tomorrow with 900 pounds of halibut, silvers, kings, lingcod, grey cod, and rockfish.
I see the Tsunami didn’t get you.
I'm open to that. But you'll need to explain. The one shot has been infamous for a while. As Wyoming is going 90/10, and as the noise is it has "a task force", imagine my surprise to see that tags are set aside, AGAIN, for the "rich and famous".

Those couple dudes I am throwing shade at, been bitching for YEARS. Yet, as objectives are down, look what happens.

Utah is GREAT at letting guys talk, we have RAC meetings, WB, meetings. But in the end, $$$$$$$ talks. Not sure what JM does, but Buzz is a FS dude. The guys that shape policy, can buy and sell him weekly.

WYOMING doesn't have a NR issue. It has a $$$$$$ issue. You can go 99/1, and that 1 that forks out 6 digits for tags, is louder than Buzz or JM. Sure, they get tiny wins. But the One Shot, going again this year, shows where the power is.

Wyoming residents own the animals, I don't care 90/10, 80/20, or whatever. But the energy spent smacking joe blow and his OTC tag, is useless.

Utah guys keep trying to warn you. Over and over.

Thick skulled dudes, from another time period, believe different. And they are wrong. Same as we were.

This, One shot, YET AGAIN
You got this one wrong.
The reason there are still One Shot tags is the same reason there is still a wilderness guide law on the books. I'll let you chew on that one a while.
You got this one wrong.
The reason there are still One Shot tags is the same reason there is still a wilderness guide law on the books. I'll let you chew on that one a while.

Same reason that after all the years of you and Buzz "doing something" about it, ain't done something.

They are happy to let you sit in endless meetings, talking. But when the rubber hits the road, $$$ talks, bullchit walks.
Living rent free in your head...meanwhile enjoying our last stellar evening on kodiak island with my dad, brother, and 3 close friends. Great view of the harbor. What a great week, flying home tomorrow with 900 pounds of halibut, silvers, kings, lingcod, grey cod, and rockfish.
Your a legend in your own mind Buzz. Now you can go back to your scrap book and admire your letters of thanks. While the people making the real changes are hard at work changing the system to fit their needs. It's called bait and switch.
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And what exactly is it you two have accomplished in your wonderful state of Utah?

Same as you. Only we further down the road you are heading, which you would think would be a shining example.

We too had the dudes who falsely believed in a process of talking, and talking, and committee, and talking. And foolishly we followed those guys, while the $$ dudes lobbied politicians, hired lobbyists, made huge in roads in the power structures.

If after all the noise, local and national attention to One Shot, it still goes on, doesn't show you what's going on, you are willfully blind.

You guys are just a decade or so behind us. But you will he here plenty soon. Especially with the distraction of 90/10. Your problem isn't with NR, it's with WHO the NR is.
Same reason that after all the years of you and Buzz "doing something" about it, ain't done something.

They are happy to let you sit in endless meetings, talking. But when the rubber hits the road, $$$ talks, bullchit walks.
Your personal attacks make no sense. At least a small group(growing larger) of people, including a couple of former Commissioners, are trying to do something about it. They got the tags before the task force, by the way.

Meanwhile, women are allowed to participate for the first time in 80 years, something the One Shot cronies swore would never happen.
Your a legend in your own mind Buzz. Now you can go back to your scrap book and admire your letters of thanks. While the people making the real changes are hard at work changing the system to fit their needs. It's called bait and switch.

The only bait I've had to worry about the last week is whether to use cut herring, a stinger, or a halibut jig.

The way the fish were on the bite...didn't really matter.

I like catching fish you have to shoot before you bring them onboard.
Your personal attacks make no sense. At least a small group(growing larger) of people, including a couple of former Commissioners, are trying to do something about it. They got the tags before the task force, by the way.

Meanwhile, women are allowed to participate for the first time in 80 years, something the One Shot cronies swore would never happen.

So your proof that the power stricture cares less about "the folks", is that they snatched another pile of tags? They INCREASED the size of the tag grab, but somehow that's a win for the little guy?

You only find it personal because you and your brother in arms are so loud and boisterous about all the meetings you attend and things that accomplishes, while blasting down anyone who sees a different way.

At one time, with a tiny population, perhaps the random dude in a meeting approach worked. But, Wyoming is growing. The POWER isnt in a committee room. It's on the golf course, and in the restaurants. The law says they have to let you talk. It doesn't say they have to listen.

I don't take any joy watching. I don't hardly hunt Wyoming. I am facinated by the arrogance of some, who think "it can never happen here"
I'm open to that. But you'll need to explain. The one shot has been infamous for a while. As Wyoming is going 90/10, and as the noise is it has "a task force", imagine my surprise to see that tags are set aside, AGAIN, for the "rich and famous".

Those couple dudes I am throwing shade at, been bitching for YEARS. Yet, as objectives are down, look what happens.

Utah is GREAT at letting guys talk, we have RAC meetings, WB, meetings. But in the end, $$$$$$$ talks. Not sure what JM does, but Buzz is a FS dude. The guys that shape policy, can buy and sell him weekly.

WYOMING doesn't have a NR issue. It has a $$$$$$ issue. You can go 99/1, and that 1 that forks out 6 digits for tags, is louder than Buzz or JM. Sure, they get tiny wins. But the One Shot, going again this year, shows where the power is.

Wyoming residents own the animals, I don't care 90/10, 80/20, or whatever. But the energy spent smacking joe blow and his OTC tag, is useless.

Utah guys keep trying to warn you. Over and over.

Thick skulled dudes, from another time period, believe different. And they are wrong. Same as we were.

This, One shot, YET AGAIN

Don't make it sound like the One shot is some new tag grab from big money donors. This event has been happening for decades. Up until a few years ago no one really cared. It wasn't until it was brought to the attention of the Commission, mostly by the two dudes you keep referring to, that it was more than a blip on the Commissions radar screen. The bio would recommend the tag allotment by unit and the Commission would say fine. Hell, 2 years ago, the Commission gave it 10 minutes on the agenda. I know, I was at that meeting along with others. We gave it hell, had the organizers on the ropes, had the bio on the ropes with how he was allotting tags. We had the Commissioners asking questions for the first time. Ultimately we did not get what we were wanting but this elephant is big and is going to take a lot of bites. I don't know if it will ever change, I would hope so but its not certain. What is certain is even a couple of dudes that give a ****, show up, and voice an opinion can and do have a voice in Wyo.

We know that we will continue to see the same influences that Utah saw over the last 30 years that has turned that State into a complete shitshow when it comes to tags and hunting. We fight those influences every year and will continue to fight them. Hell, the fact that the TF even exists is evidence that individual voices matter and have influence in Wyo. Just a few years ago, WOGA came to the Commission to request again to increase the NR elk quota from 7250 and more NR gen elk tags. It only took a few vocal people pushing back on that to get it shut down. Doesn't mean that they wont try again. I'm certain it will be a TF item before too long. I will voice my opinion again. Maybe I win maybe I loose but i never go into any of these fights with the thought that Big Money or Corporate interests are guaranteed to win.

The two guys you keep crapping on know this better than anyone and have put more effort into pushing back on this that anyone I know. They have helped shape more policy than you or I will in our lifetimes. I get that maybe you don't like them. But to say they or anyone else in Wyo is going into these fights blind to the fact that money has influence or that we are guaranteed to loose because Utah pissed all over its citizens is wrong.
The Lander one shot contest is one of the oldest annual hunting contests in North America. The history and rich traditions of 80+ years are steeped in rich cultural and historic traditions. Wouldn’t it be better to adapt to modern 21st century ethics and values and include women and stop making fun of Native American women and just modernise and adopt culturally acceptable changes and practices than just abandon such a rich historical tradition? It also provides valuable wildlife conservation projects.
Isnt the point of bringing the one shot hunt to attention to make sure this never happens again? Example whats going to stop some special intrest group making a one shot elk tag or deer. Just have to had some fancy words to convince that your group is special to be guaranteed some tags. If the club just applied for tags like us then no one would care.

Don't make it sound like the One shot is some new tag grab from big money donors. This event has been happening for decades. Up until a few years ago no one really cared. It wasn't until it was brought to the attention of the Commission, mostly by the two dudes you keep referring to, that it was more than a blip on the Commissions radar screen. The bio would recommend the tag allotment by unit and the Commission would say fine. Hell, 2 years ago, the Commission gave it 10 minutes on the agenda. I know, I was at that meeting along with others. We gave it hell, had the organizers on the ropes, had the bio on the ropes with how he was allotting tags. We had the Commissioners asking questions for the first time. Ultimately we did not get what we were wanting but this elephant is big and is going to take a lot of bites. I don't know if it will ever change, I would hope so but its not certain. What is certain is even a couple of dudes that give a ****, show up, and voice an opinion can and do have a voice in Wyo.

We know that we will continue to see the same influences that Utah saw over the last 30 years that has turned that State into a complete shitshow when it comes to tags and hunting. We fight those influences every year and will continue to fight them. Hell, the fact that the TF even exists is evidence that individual voices matter and have influence in Wyo. Just a few years ago, WOGA came to the Commission to request again to increase the NR elk quota from 7250 and more NR gen elk tags. It only took a few vocal people pushing back on that to get it shut down. Doesn't mean that they wont try again. I'm certain it will be a TF item before too long. I will voice my opinion again. Maybe I win maybe I loose but i never go into any of these fights with the thought that Big Money or Corporate interests are guaranteed to win.

The two guys you keep crapping on know this better than anyone and have put more effort into pushing back on this that anyone I know. They have helped shape more policy than you or I will in our lifetimes. I get that maybe you don't like them. But to say they or anyone else in Wyo is going into these fights blind to the fact that money has influence or that we are guaranteed to loose because Utah pissed all over its citizens is wrong.

I don't dislike JM.

But same answer.

You raised hell. And they grabbed another pile of tags.

We get little victories from time to time here. But what's the tragectory?

I remember sitting in meetings with a bunch of other good ole boys, raising hell, talking loud.

But after years and years, it becomes clear, we were trying to be "citizen advocates"

Meanwhile checks were written, golf tournaments happened, guided hunts were taken.

You will get 90/10. You should, your animals, your state. But that just distracted from the real issues.

Like I said, I don't dislike JM. I greatly dislike the arrogance.

I’m still confused why hunters are trying to have this historical tradition stopped. Is it just guaranteed tags or is it the exclusion of women and the mocking of Native Americans? It’s pretty hard to invite a Governor of Colorado and Arkansas for a hunt if they don’t have a license. Famous hunters, politicians and Hollywood celebrities like Roy Rogers and others have participated in this long standing tradition. Seems like a cultural loss to throw away a historical hunt. Just tweak it a little to make it more acceptable.
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How does One Shot promote hunting?
One way is by promoting wildlife,through the Water for Wildlife Foundation. In 1976, the One shot antelope Foundation, working with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, approached the Bureau of Land Management with a unique offer to participate in the funding of a much needed water development program. The programs objective was to provide water sources to drought stricken habitat – hence the beginning of the “Water For Wildlife” program.
By 2015, the Water For Wildlife program had completed a total of 435 water projects; 24 in Arizona, 4 in California, 64 in Colorado, 22 in Idaho, 34 in Kansas, 4 in Nevada, 7 in New Mexico, 32 in Oklahoma, 1 in South Dakota, 8 in Texas, 59 in Utah and 174 projects in Wyoming.

The cost of the Water For Wildlife projects vary a great deal, with the average costing approximately $5000. Our current focus is on the protection of current and development of new water sources in arid lands that support a multitude of different species. https://oneshotantelopehunt.com/history/one-shot-foundation/
Over 100 Governors from most states have participated in the One Shot Antelope Contest. It is seeped in deep historic tradition and culture with many famous celebrities having participated in its 80+ year tradition.


  • Edgar Bergen (48)
  • George Montgomery (58)
  • James Doolittle (62, 79)
  • Sam Snead (67)
  • James Drury (74)
  • Larry Csonka (81)
  • David Osborn (82)
  • Gen Chuck Yeager (84, 89, 98)
  • Bobby Knight (86)
  • Larry Wilcox (88)
  • Darryl Lamonica (90)
  • Robert Stack (90)
  • Johnny Rutherford (91)
  • Lee Horsley (92)
  • James Baker (93)
  • Roy Clark (99)
  • Dave Butz (2003)
  • Norm Charlton (2003)
  • US Senator Mike Enzi (2004)
  • Stephen Counts (2010)
  • Gerald McRaney (2012)
  • Joe Foss (49, 55, 56, 62, 01)
  • Steve Allen (60)
  • Roy Rogers (62, 63, 76)
  • Robert Fuller (68)
  • Manny Fernandez (81)
  • James Watt (82)
  • Mike Tillman (82)
  • Curt Gowdy (85)
  • Tennessee Ernie Ford (86)
  • Roy Rogers Jr (88)
  • Jerry Kramer (90)
  • Richard Farnsworth (90)
  • Parnelli Jones (91)
  • Larry Hagman (92)
  • Rod Lyman (94)
  • Goose Gossage (2000, 2010)
  • Stephen Playton (2003)
  • Jay Buhner (2003)
  • Donald Trump Jr (2004)
  • Bruce Sutter (2010)
  • V.P. Dick Cheney (2013)
  • Montie Montana (58)
  • Hank Thompson (61)
  • Bill Dana (67)
  • Slim Pikens (68)
  • Don Nottingham (81)
  • Mick Tinglehoff (82)
  • Dr. William DeVries (83)
  • John Havlicek (86)
  • Wilford Brimley (88)
  • Gen Norman Schwarzkoph (89, 93)
  • Danny White (90)
  • Al Simpson (90)
  • Charlie Daniels (91)
  • Jamison Parker (93)
  • Peter Fonda (96)
  • Marshall Teague (2000)
  • Ralph Tamm (2003)
  • David Valle (2003)
  • Gov Mike Huckabee (2006)
  • Ferguson Jenkins (2010)


  • Frank Borman (66)
  • Tom Stafford (67)
  • James McDivitt (69)
  • James Lovell (72)
  • David Scott (74)
  • Russian Cosmonauts (74)
  • Gordon Cooper (66)
  • C C Williams (67)
  • R W Cunningham (69)
  • Jack Swigert (72)
  • Joe Allen (74)
  • Deke Slayton (66)
  • Rusty Schweickart (67)
  • Bill Anders (69)
  • Joe Engle (72)
  • Stuart Roosa (74)



The only bait I've had to worry about the last week is whether to use cut herring, a stinger, or a halibut jig.

The way the fish were on the bite...didn't really matter.

I like catching fish you have to shoot before you bring them onboard.
You're not Homer. Just a small fish in a big pond that thinks he is a big fish. Like I said before....if Buzz is so great then why was he not on the TF?
I guess your couple of thanks you letters are just your participation trophy? The TF is just a nice work around to get things passed to landowners and guides. You get crumbs and they get the whole cookie.
Over 100 Governors from most states have participated in the One Shot Antelope Contest. It is seeped in deep historic tradition and culture with many famous celebrities having participated in its 80+ year tradition.


  • Edgar Bergen (48)
  • George Montgomery (58)
  • James Doolittle (62, 79)
  • Sam Snead (67)
  • James Drury (74)
  • Larry Csonka (81)
  • David Osborn (82)
  • Gen Chuck Yeager (84, 89, 98)
  • Bobby Knight (86)
  • Larry Wilcox (88)
  • Darryl Lamonica (90)
  • Robert Stack (90)
  • Johnny Rutherford (91)
  • Lee Horsley (92)
  • James Baker (93)
  • Roy Clark (99)
  • Dave Butz (2003)
  • Norm Charlton (2003)
  • US Senator Mike Enzi (2004)
  • Stephen Counts (2010)
  • Gerald McRaney (2012)
  • Joe Foss (49, 55, 56, 62, 01)
  • Steve Allen (60)
  • Roy Rogers (62, 63, 76)
  • Robert Fuller (68)
  • Manny Fernandez (81)
  • James Watt (82)
  • Mike Tillman (82)
  • Curt Gowdy (85)
  • Tennessee Ernie Ford (86)
  • Roy Rogers Jr (88)
  • Jerry Kramer (90)
  • Richard Farnsworth (90)
  • Parnelli Jones (91)
  • Larry Hagman (92)
  • Rod Lyman (94)
  • Goose Gossage (2000, 2010)
  • Stephen Playton (2003)
  • Jay Buhner (2003)
  • Donald Trump Jr (2004)
  • Bruce Sutter (2010)
  • V.P. Dick Cheney (2013)
  • Montie Montana (58)
  • Hank Thompson (61)
  • Bill Dana (67)
  • Slim Pikens (68)
  • Don Nottingham (81)
  • Mick Tinglehoff (82)
  • Dr. William DeVries (83)
  • John Havlicek (86)
  • Wilford Brimley (88)
  • Gen Norman Schwarzkoph (89, 93)
  • Danny White (90)
  • Al Simpson (90)
  • Charlie Daniels (91)
  • Jamison Parker (93)
  • Peter Fonda (96)
  • Marshall Teague (2000)
  • Ralph Tamm (2003)
  • David Valle (2003)
  • Gov Mike Huckabee (2006)
  • Ferguson Jenkins (2010)


  • Frank Borman (66)
  • Tom Stafford (67)
  • James McDivitt (69)
  • James Lovell (72)
  • David Scott (74)
  • Russian Cosmonauts (74)
  • Gordon Cooper (66)
  • C C Williams (67)
  • R W Cunningham (69)
  • Jack Swigert (72)
  • Joe Allen (74)
  • Deke Slayton (66)
  • Rusty Schweickart (67)
  • Bill Anders (69)
  • Joe Engle (72)
  • Stuart Roosa (74)


Perfect example of the haves getting it over on the have nots.
Perfect example of the haves getting it over on the have nots.
Most of those astronauts came from very humble beginnings. They were just military fighter pilots for the most part, certainly not born with a silver spoon, they earned those space wings. Sad some are just simple minded and jealous of success and hard work and cultural tradition.
I’m still confused why hunters are trying to have this historical tradition stopped. Is it just guaranteed tags or is it the exclusion of women and the mocking of Native Americans? It’s pretty hard to invite a Governor of Colorado and Arkansas for a hunt if they don’t have a license. Famous hunters, politicians and Hollywood celebrities like Roy Rogers and others have participated in this long standing tradition. Seems like a cultural loss to throw away a historical hunt. Just tweak it a little to make it more acceptable.
I had no problem with the exclusion of women or the native american aspects of the hunt. Some others did but that was not my issue. My issue was and is the inclusion of license for past shooters. Tags are given to past participants to use as they see fit. These are tags that would otherwise be available to everyone else in the draw. Regardless of what the Bio for the region says. He talked himself and the Commission in circles trying to say it didn't but he is full of it.

I am far less impressed by celebrities, politicians and the famous than you are. That is obvious. If they want to hunt in Wyo they can apply just like the rest of us. If these water projects are important the folks that need them can fund them with something else than the tags that should be going to those that enter the draw. The past shooters tags is just piling on a shitty system. In the 70's, 80's and 90's getting tags wasn't an issue. Therefore, no one cared. Well it is now. Therefore, I care.
@mulecreek, Perhaps that might be a compromise, cut the tags in half and only award them for the current year team members. It just seems like the water projects, tradition and culture have great value and a little modification and compromise could help both wildlife and the general public and save the historic tradition.
Most of those astronauts came from very humble beginnings. They were just military fighter pilots for the most part, certainly not born with a silver spoon, they earned those space wings. Sad some are just simple minded and jealous of success and hard work and cultural tradition.


Lots of people work hard and come from humble beginnings.

It's the tag grab.

I can't imagine anyone giving 2 chits about a group of folks who DREW tags(like ever other NR does) and holding some hunting party.

The tag grabs, commissioner tags, and other set aside is the exact cancer that I and others, especially from Utah keep trying to warn you about

One day it's 10, next it's 12, then 100, pretty soon your pushing 600( like here).

That's the cancer we keep trying to warn you guys about. But guys like Buzz, are so busy impressing everyone with notes, motions, etc, he doesn't see the trees in the forest.
@mulecreek, Perhaps that might be a compromise, cut the tags in half and only award them for the current year team members. It just seems like the water projects, tradition and culture have great value and a little modification and compromise could help both wildlife and the general public and save the historic tradition.
That is what I suggested to the Commission 2 years ago. Except its not half. IIRC the past shooters account for more than half the tags. I could be wrong, its been a while. Ultimately shot down but the entire event was canceled that year anyway. I did not make it to this years Commission meeting where they approve the allocation but if i had I would have asked for the same thing.
Over 100 Governors from most states have participated in the One Shot Antelope Contest. It is seeped in deep historic tradition and culture with many famous celebrities having participated in its 80+ year tradition.


  • Edgar Bergen (48)
  • George Montgomery (58)
  • James Doolittle (62, 79)
  • Sam Snead (67)
  • James Drury (74)
  • Larry Csonka (81)
  • David Osborn (82)
  • Gen Chuck Yeager (84, 89, 98)
  • Bobby Knight (86)
  • Larry Wilcox (88)
  • Darryl Lamonica (90)
  • Robert Stack (90)
  • Johnny Rutherford (91)
  • Lee Horsley (92)
  • James Baker (93)
  • Roy Clark (99)
  • Dave Butz (2003)
  • Norm Charlton (2003)
  • US Senator Mike Enzi (2004)
  • Stephen Counts (2010)
  • Gerald McRaney (2012)
  • Joe Foss (49, 55, 56, 62, 01)
  • Steve Allen (60)
  • Roy Rogers (62, 63, 76)
  • Robert Fuller (68)
  • Manny Fernandez (81)
  • James Watt (82)
  • Mike Tillman (82)
  • Curt Gowdy (85)
  • Tennessee Ernie Ford (86)
  • Roy Rogers Jr (88)
  • Jerry Kramer (90)
  • Richard Farnsworth (90)
  • Parnelli Jones (91)
  • Larry Hagman (92)
  • Rod Lyman (94)
  • Goose Gossage (2000, 2010)
  • Stephen Playton (2003)
  • Jay Buhner (2003)
  • Donald Trump Jr (2004)
  • Bruce Sutter (2010)
  • V.P. Dick Cheney (2013)
  • Montie Montana (58)
  • Hank Thompson (61)
  • Bill Dana (67)
  • Slim Pikens (68)
  • Don Nottingham (81)
  • Mick Tinglehoff (82)
  • Dr. William DeVries (83)
  • John Havlicek (86)
  • Wilford Brimley (88)
  • Gen Norman Schwarzkoph (89, 93)
  • Danny White (90)
  • Al Simpson (90)
  • Charlie Daniels (91)
  • Jamison Parker (93)
  • Peter Fonda (96)
  • Marshall Teague (2000)
  • Ralph Tamm (2003)
  • David Valle (2003)
  • Gov Mike Huckabee (2006)
  • Ferguson Jenkins (2010)


  • Frank Borman (66)
  • Tom Stafford (67)
  • James McDivitt (69)
  • James Lovell (72)
  • David Scott (74)
  • Russian Cosmonauts (74)
  • Gordon Cooper (66)
  • C C Williams (67)
  • R W Cunningham (69)
  • Jack Swigert (72)
  • Joe Allen (74)
  • Deke Slayton (66)
  • Rusty Schweickart (67)
  • Bill Anders (69)
  • Joe Engle (72)
  • Stuart Roosa (74)


The vast majority of the tags used for this event do not go to politicians, celebrities, astronauts or anyone with a name you would recognize. They go to people that gave them some money in the past. I got invited to participate one year. No one would know or give a **** about my name.

The majority of the Commission was not aware of this or at least pretended not to know.

Lots of people work hard and come from humble beginnings.

It's the tag grab.

I can't imagine anyone giving 2 chits about a group of folks who DREW tags(like ever other NR does) and holding some hunting party.

The tag grabs, commissioner tags, and other set aside is the exact cancer that I and others, especially from Utah keep trying to warn you about

One day it's 10, next it's 12, then 100, pretty soon your pushing 600( like here).

That's the cancer we keep trying to warn you guys about. But guys like Buzz, are so busy impressing everyone with notes, motions, etc, he doesn't see the trees in the forest.
Utah certainly has BIG problems.

Lots of people work hard and come from humble beginnings.

It's the tag grab.

I can't imagine anyone giving 2 chits about a group of folks who DREW tags(like ever other NR does) and holding some hunting party.

The tag grabs, commissioner tags, and other set aside is the exact cancer that I and others, especially from Utah keep trying to warn you about

One day it's 10, next it's 12, then 100, pretty soon your pushing 600( like here).

That's the cancer we keep trying to warn you guys about. But guys like Buzz, are so busy impressing everyone with notes, motions, etc, he doesn't see the trees in the forest.
And what have you EVER done about any of it? Farted in the car...best case.
And what have you EVER done about any of it? Farted in the car...best case.

You showed em, they were so afraid of a Buzz tongue lashing, they doubled up on the tag grab this year.

But I'm sure they will send you a VIP letter thanking you for your input. Put it in your scrap book?
You showed em, they were so afraid of a Buzz tongue lashing, they doubled up on the tag grab this year.

But I'm sure they will send you a VIP letter thanking you for your input. Put it in your scrap book?
No they didn't double up this year...blowing it out of your azz, as usual.
The vast majority of the tags used for this event do not go to politicians, celebrities, astronauts or anyone with a name you would recognize. They go to people that gave them some money in the past. I got invited to participate one year. No one would know or give a **** about my name.

The majority of the Commission was not aware of this or at least pretended not to know.
How could they not know? It's been around for decades? So your saying the TF has no use what is going on in their own state?
Didn't they get another 80 tags for the women so 160 tags total?

I brought the issue up with the task force. Mrs. Filtner is on the same page and she disagrees with it. Other TF force members agreed and needs to be looked at
Like ReplyReport •••
Like Reactions:GeorgeE and jm77

Only know what I read, which JM, "liked"
How could they not know? It's been around for decades? So your saying the TF has no use what is going on in their own state?
I would assume the Commisioners didn't know because no one ever brought it to their attention or they never asked. At least one of the Comms been on the hunt before. He knew about this and said as much.
No they didn't double up this year...blowing it out of your azz, as usual.

No, there does not.

Lets get a few things straight, the big one being that WY residents are strongly opposed to "loopholes" in license allocation. In particular any kind of transferable LO tag, or outfitter set asides. A vast majority of Residents disagree on many things to do with wildlife conservation, hunting regulations, seasons, etc...but there is one thing that a vast majority agree on, and that's NO transferable LO tags. Loopholes and special set asides, transferable tags, etc. always morph into something unintended. Wyoming's exception for the one shot hunt resulted in a "separate but equal" situation, and now they number of set aside tags has doubled from the original 80, to now up to 160.

To think it will stop there is naïve...another group has asked for an additional 80 tags that are part of an airstream camper club that wants to put on their own hunt. Yeah, sounds ridiculous, but so does a hunt that gives away 56 tags to a past shooters club. The sad thing is, the airstream camper club has just as legitimate of a need for the tags as the other 2 hunts. Once you start down the road of giving tags away, why should it stop at 80, 160, 320 , 640? What's the difference?

The best way for all these groups to go about their hunts is to apply like everyone else. Find an area they can draw, just like everyone else. The North American Model even speaks to equitable access to the publics wildlife resources...handing out 56 tags a year for decades to a group of past shooters is not equitable distribution of the States Wildlife Assets.

Frankly, I couldn't give a chit less about either hunt, make fun of Women, sip your cognac, smoke a $20 cigar in your matching smoking jackets (all traditions of the one shot hunt), just do it with the tags you acquire through the draw. Just don't give priority to this crap through a state allocation of tags for them only. That's the problem

If the airstream group, men's only one shot, women's only hunt, etc. etc. etc. group want to have these hunts, fine with me...just don't expect something special and your own allocation of tags. Tags that should go to all NR and R hunters.
-Buzz, 2020

Seems I simply read what the "expert" wrote.

If they didn't double up, great, but YOU were the one who pointed out the double up.
Let me help with the timeline on this One Shot allocation:
1979 approx legislature give One Shot 80 tags(premium areas)-no one cares
2015 approx Women's hunt wants 80 tags(100% draw areas), Looking into One Shot because all they need is 24 to conduct hunt, I find out 56 tags are given to past shooters. Big battle at legislature, find out giving tags to groups that discriminate against protected classes is against constitution. Legislature changes statute to two antelope hunt events and leaves details to G&F Commission. Now any group can compete for tags and Commission has the authority to give 0-80 to each hunt. One shot comes under fire, but Commission is still allowing tags. One Shot in the news about controversial Native American ceremony, which really isn't a Native American ceremony. Things change at the One Shot, G&F in Lander plays games with license quotas so law doesn't force Commission to decrease tags, Commission led by Pres Pete Dube give the One Shot their tags for 2021.
Bottom line, these tags are now allocated every year at the Commission level and can be denied in the future.
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You made it sound like the One Shot got double the tags. Read my timeline posted above.

Read my post of Buzz writings.

Like I said, I only know what I read. BUZZ said another 80 tags, equaling 160. I didn't.

I agree with EVERYTHING I quoted onBuzz as he wrote it.

I don't care about "one shot".

My issue in It, WY, NM, etc, is the tag grab, set aside, or whatever else it's called.

Don't care WHO, or what sex the set aside is for.

Funny. Even when I quote Buzz, and agree 100% with what he wrote, he finds a way to claim I'm wrong. Dude literally disagreed with himself, I guess
Oh man... Being a Lander resident puts me at real odds on this, but the one shot needs to end. If they want it to continue then the state should draw those 80 tags to the public then have the elite place bets and wagers on the team that will take first....

Better yet end the damn thing all together and let the tags and resources be enjoyed by all.

In all my time I have only once ever seen a Water for Wildlife Project. It was dry and has not worked in 5 plus years. Funny part is there are 2 other water sources near the project that are natural and have water 80% of the time. What a damn waste of money and effort.
Read my post of Buzz writings.

Like I said, I only know what I read. BUZZ said another 80 tags, equaling 160. I didn't.

I agree with EVERYTHING I quoted onBuzz as he wrote it.

I don't care about "one shot".

My issue in It, WY, NM, etc, is the tag grab, set aside, or whatever else it's called.

Don't care WHO, or what sex the set aside is for.

Funny. Even when I quote Buzz, and agree 100% with what he wrote, he finds a way to claim I'm wrong. Dude literally disagreed with himself, I guess
Comprehension isn't your strong suit, along with the written english language.
Comprehension isn't your strong suit, along with the written english language.

Sucks when someone uses your own writings to counter you huh.

I'll notice, you didn't argue what I said about 160. I'll assume it's because you are the one I read it from huh?

Btw. To further my point. YOU TESTIFIED against 56 additional tags for past shooters.

How's that turned out? Are they scared of you? Or not?

Like I said, I agree with what you wrote on HT. Seems YOU don't.
Oh man... Being a Lander resident puts me at real odds on this, but the one shot needs to end. If they want it to continue then the state should draw those 80 tags to the public then have the elite place bets and wagers on the team that will take first....

Better yet end the damn thing all together and let the tags and resources be enjoyed by all.

In all my time I have only once ever seen a Water for Wildlife Project. It was dry and has not worked in 5 plus years. Funny part is there are 2 other water sources near the project that are natural and have water 80% of the time. What a damn waste of money and effort.
Water for wildlife foundation has done significant amount of beneficial projects all across Wyoming. By 2015, the Water For Wildlife program had completed a total of 435 water projects; 24 in Arizona, 4 in California, 64 in Colorado, 22 in Idaho, 34 in Kansas, 4 in Nevada, 7 in New Mexico, 32 in Oklahoma, 1 in South Dakota, 8 in Texas, 59 in Utah and 174 projects in Wyoming.
Water for wildlife foundation has done significant amount of beneficial projects all across Wyoming. By 2015, the Water For Wildlife program had completed a total of 435 water projects; 24 in Arizona, 4 in California, 64 in Colorado, 22 in Idaho, 34 in Kansas, 4 in Nevada, 7 in New Mexico, 32 in Oklahoma, 1 in South Dakota, 8 in Texas, 59 in Utah and 174 projects in Wyoming.
Well the only one I have ever seen is falling apart and has not had any water for 5 plus years and less than 2 miles away there is a solid water source…
Well the only one I have ever seen is falling apart and has not had any water for 5 plus years and less than 2 miles away there is a solid water source…
Almost every water project I have helped with me and some close friends from SW Wyoming is almost always either partially or fully funded by the Water for Wildlife foundation. They are a HUGE provider of resources and funding for these water projects. I suggest you contact WFW foundation directly as the office is in Lander. Perhaps they can get the site repaired. It would be a massive loss for wildlife to lose the funding provided by the One Shot Antelope event and donors.
Project #, Project Name
#2 Gates Draw Well
#4 Bandy Well
#5 Moneta Well
#6 12-Mile Well
#7 Allard Well
#8 Herbst Artesian Well
#10 Fish Draw Artesian Well
#11 Fraser Draw Windmill
#18 Hay Press Well
#19 Sheep Mountain Guzzler
#20 Birdseye Artesian Well
#21 Jack Morrow Hills Guzzler #1
#22 Cedar Canyon Guzzler #1
#23 Cedar Canyon Guzzler #2
#24 Cedar Canyon Guzzler #3
#25 Pine Canyon Guzzler #1
#26 Pine Canyon Guzzler #2
#27 Nine Mile Well
#28 Jack Morrow Hills Guzzler #2
#29 Clifton Guzzler
#30 Pennock Mountain Guzzler
#31 Reculusa Pipeline Well
#32 Freeman Draw Spring
#33 Black Mountain Guzzler
#41 Antelope Springs Reservoir
#46b Leon Baird (Three Square) Wetland Protection Fence
#50 Pennock Mountain Snow Fence II
#67 A-A Guzzler
#68 Powerline Project
#70 Happy Hollow
#87 Encampment River Guzzler #1
#88 Trail Creek Spring
#92 Encampment River Guzzler #2
#100 Friday the 13th Wetland Protection Fence
#101 Cottontail Wetland Protection Fence
#102 Elephant Rock Spring
#103 Cedar Springs Cross Ranch II
#104 E.O. Taylor Unit Windmill
#114 Diamond Springs Reservoir
#136 Pollard Spring Development
#137 Elkhorn Well Trough #1
#138 Elkhorn Well Trough #2
#147 Goshen Hole Guzzler
#151 Elkhorn Well Trough #3
#152 Elkhorn Well Trough #4
#154 Salt Creek Wetlands
#155 Rutherford Guzzler
#158 E.O. Taylor WHMA Spring Solar Renovation
#159 Blue Mesa #1 ; #159/160 trail camera photos
#160 Blue Mesa #2 ; #159/160 trail camera photos
#161 Strube Memorial WHA
#165 North Tipton Wetland Project
#166 Red Desert Wetland Project
#167 Little Twin Lakes
#168 Napierskie Reservoir
#173 Squaw Teats Guzzler #1 ; #173/174 trail camera photos
#174 Squaw Teats Guzzler #2 ; #173/174 trail camera photos
#175 Potter Butte Pipeline/Fence #1
#176 Potter Butte Pipeline/Fence #2
#182 Bear Creek Pipeline
#183 Mike Mathiot Wetlands
#189 Colter’s Pond
#191 Missouri John Spring Development
#192 Big Won Reservoir
#193 Rocky Mountain Guzzler
#195 Tatman Mountain Guzzler #1
#196 Tatman Mountain Guzzler #2
#211 Jelm Mountain Guzzler
#212 Lu Gillies Pipeline
#213 Pine Bluff Guzzler
#214 Pugsley Wildlife Facility
#215 Eversole Spring/Ponds
#216 Chicken Springs Development
#218 Potato Ridge Reservoir
#222 Ice Slough Riparian Fence-Green Mountain Commons #1
#223 Diagnus Well Wetland-Green Mountain Commons #2
#224 Horse Track Well/Riparian Fence-Green Mountain Commons #3
#226 Holgerson’s Guzzler
#227 Kennedy Farms Guzzler
#228 Indian Meadows Ranch Guzzler
#236 Rohweder Guzzler Project
#237 Brown Guzzler Project
#238 Baab Guzzler
#239 Splinter Farms Guzzler
#240 Springfield Ranch Wildlife/Livestock Watering Facility & Upland Habitat Enhancement
#241 Holt Guzzler
#242 Red Mill Guzzler
#247 Glenn Reservoir
#252 Red Butte & Tenmile Guzzlers ; #252 trail camera photos
#253 Faddis Ranch Water Development
#254 Buffalo Gulch Pipeline Project
#255 Jeffres Guzzler Project
#256 Soppe CRP Enhancement Project
#262 Lemaster Stock Tank Project
#263 Kinchen Wetland
#264 Community Wildlife Education Center
#265 WG&F Education Center
#266 Crescent Basin Water Pipeline
#268 Martin Guzzler
#269 Beaver Guzzler
#279 Swan Guzzlers #1 & #2
#282 Brown Habitat Enhancement Project
#283 Bishop Guzzler Project
#285 Slacks Upland Habitat Project
#287 Stone Ranch Water Well Drilling Project
#288 Sheep Mountain Spring Development
#289 Virginian Reservoir
#290 Outback Ranch Solar Well
#295 SE Wyoming Guzzler
#304 Foster Gulch Water Development
#305 Oregon Slough Water Development
#308 Ratigan Water Development
#309 Buck Draw Water Development #1
#313 Ilo Ridge Guzzler #1

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Water for wildlife foundation has done significant amount of beneficial projects all across Wyoming. By 2015, the Water For Wildlife program had completed a total of 435 water projects; 24 in Arizona, 4 in California, 64 in Colorado, 22 in Idaho, 34 in Kansas, 4 in Nevada, 7 in New Mexico, 32 in Oklahoma, 1 in South Dakota, 8 in Texas, 59 in Utah and 174 projects in Wyoming.
We very well may have a past shooter on MM!

Oh, you forgot to mention the "pay for play" project in South Africa. What did they call that one; "Wyoming antelope for African trophies Project"?
We very well may have a past shooter on MM!

Oh, you forgot to mention the "pay for play" project in South Africa. What did they call that one; "Wyoming antelope for African trophies Project"?
You might be referencing the BHA.

BHA represents itself as good-ole-boy outdoorsmen who simply want to hunt and fish and be left alone. But don’t be fooled. As evidenced by both its sources of funding and current leadership, BHA is nothing more than a big green activist organization pushing a radical environmentalist agenda. https://www.activistfacts.com/organizations/backcountry-hunters-and-anglers/
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All I know is the numbers have to be down. I drove the I-80 corridor twice in the last month or so, and normally see them like rats. Both trips, very very few seen from the road.

Sound science? No, but the lack of sightings was notable.
I actually really don't care how much good the Water for Wildlife program has done. They could be the greatest nonprofit in the world. But I simply do not accept that we should be pimping out prime hunting opportunities to a elite club of politicians and other wealthy people who already get plenty of favor. Doing this while resident who live here can not draw a tag in their own back yards, yet a Democrat Former Governor of Colorado gets several tags...
I actually really don't care how much good the Water for Wildlife program has done. They could be the greatest nonprofit in the world. But I simply do not accept that we should be pimping out prime hunting opportunities to a elite club of politicians and other wealthy people who already get plenty of favor. Doing this while resident who live here can not draw a tag in their own back yards, yet a Democrat Former Governor of Colorado gets several tags...

Tell Buzz.

One side of his mouth he excoriates the whole thing

Other side he testifies that 24 tags is acceptable.

Yes I know Buzz, I don't know what I'm talking about. Probably true, I did read your account of it
Tell Buzz.

One side of his mouth he excoriates the whole thing

Other side he testifies that 24 tags is acceptable.

Yes I know Buzz, I don't know what I'm talking about. Probably true, I did read your account of it
He is likely correct if he testifies 24 tags is acceptable. It probably does need cut back a bit and that’s a good compromise. Keeping the Water for Wildlife continuing and going from 80 down to 24 would be a reasonable solution to save the oldest continual hunting ceremony and tradition in North America of an almost 100 year old cultural and rich historic tradition. Another solution would be to move the hunt to the Wind River Indian Reservation if they would support it or to an area which has a stronger Pronghorn population and get a large ranch like the Overland Trail or similar to host it.
He is likely correct if he testifies 24 tags is acceptable. It probably does need cut back a bit and that’s a good compromise. Keeping the Water for Wildlife continuing and going from 80 down to 24 would be a reasonable solution to save the oldest continual hunting ceremony and tradition in North America of an almost 100 year old cultural and rich historic tradition. Another solution would be to move the hunt to the Wind River Indian Reservation if they would support it or to an area which has a stronger Pronghorn population and get a large ranch like the Overland Trail or similar to host it.
What is this hunting ceremony and tradition you are talking about? Are you talking specifically about the stag events or the Round Dance where the losers dress like native women and dance in front of the chiefs(winners)? Please enlighten us and explain what it is about the One Shot that is good for hunting and the NAM.
What is this hunting ceremony and tradition you are talking about? Are you talking specifically about the stag events or the Round Dance where the losers dress like native women and dance in front of the chiefs(winners)? Please enlighten us and explain what it is about the One Shot that is good for hunting and the NAM.
The lengthy and highly beneficial list of water projects, the largest recipient of which are in Wyoming along with cultural tradition and historic preservation. Their goal of One Shot Antelope Hunt was to preserve the History, Native American Culture and Heritage, along with the preservation of wildlife and their habitat. The One Shot Hunt even has a Museum which is filled with historical pieces affiliated with the One Shot Antelope Hunt as well as Water for Wildlife.
You can read about the rich history and significant political and astronauts and even Roy Rogers who have helped keep the deep traditions alive. It would be sad to see a nearly 100 year old event the longest running in North America with highly beneficial public service scholarships, water projects and beneficial political ties and influence for Wyoming cancelled. https://oneshotantelopehunt.com/history/one-shot-antelope-hunt/
The lengthy and highly beneficial list of water projects, the largest recipient of which are in Wyoming along with cultural tradition and historic preservation. Their goal of One Shot Antelope Hunt was to preserve the History, Native American Culture and Heritage, along with the preservation of wildlife and their habitat. The One Shot Hunt even has a Museum which is filled with historical pieces affiliated with the One Shot Antelope Hunt as well as Water for Wildlife.
You can read about the rich history and significant political and astronauts and even Roy Rogers who have helped keep the deep traditions alive. It would be sad to see a nearly 100 year old event the longest running in North America with highly beneficial public service scholarships, water projects and beneficial political ties and influence for Wyoming cancelled. https://oneshotantelopehunt.com/history/one-shot-antelope-hunt/View attachment 48741
You are the king of cut and paste. Just a great example of the BS that goes on, taking tags from the public for the benefit of the few.
The lengthy and highly beneficial list of water projects, the largest recipient of which are in Wyoming along with cultural tradition and historic preservation. Their goal of One Shot Antelope Hunt was to preserve the History, Native American Culture and Heritage, along with the preservation of wildlife and their habitat. The One Shot Hunt even has a Museum which is filled with historical pieces affiliated with the One Shot Antelope Hunt as well as Water for Wildlife.
You can read about the rich history and significant political and astronauts and even Roy Rogers who have helped keep the deep traditions alive. It would be sad to see a nearly 100 year old event the longest running in North America with highly beneficial public service scholarships, water projects and beneficial political ties and influence for Wyoming cancelled. https://oneshotantelopehunt.com/history/one-shot-antelope-hunt/View attachment 48741
You obviously can't answer about the One Shot what you don't know. See those two native men, they are paid to perform at the One Shot and there is nothing real or traditional about it. Even their Native Culture is fake at the One Shot. And how do I know that? No alcoholic beverages are allowed at Native American events and you know how those One Shot guys drink and smoke cigars!

Something else; show me a photo of a One Shot competitor under that orange hat that isn't a white male. Maybe that's the "tradition" you talk about.
You obviously can't answer about the One Shot what you don't know. See those two native men, they are paid to perform at the One Shot and there is nothing real or traditional about it. Even their Native Culture is fake at the One Shot. And how do I know that? No alcoholic beverages are allowed at Native American events and you know how those One Shot guys drink and smoke cigars!

Something else; show me a photo of a One Shot competitor under that orange hat that isn't a white male. Maybe that's the "tradition" you talk about.
I will show you these pictures later this fall. Things are changing and slowly modernising.
The One-Shot Antelope Hunt Club Board of Directors encouraged sportswomen and sportsmen to apply to be on new teams for the 2021 Hunt.

Darin Hubble, President of the One-Shot Antelope Hunt Club, states, “The organizations look forward to having sportswomen participate as team members.”

Hubble also indicated the teams of three shooters could be a combination of men and women, all men or all women.

Historically, women have played tremendous roles in the hunt. Many women have hunted with their husbands, served as guides and have always been at the range participating in shooting sports during the hunt.
You are the king of cut and paste. Just a great example of the BS that goes on, taking tags from the public for the benefit of the few.
It’s not just a few when even Utah gets many of these water projects. You are the king of Ignorance.

“Water for wildlife foundation has done significant amount of beneficial projects all across Wyoming. By 2015, the Water For Wildlife program had completed a total of 435 water projects; 24 in Arizona, 4 in California, 64 in Colorado, 22 in Idaho, 34 in Kansas, 4 in Nevada, 7 in New Mexico, 32 in Oklahoma, 1 in South Dakota, 8 in Texas, 59 in Utah and 174 projects in Wyoming.” http://www.oneshotpastshooters.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Reintroduction-Booklet.pdf
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What is this hunting ceremony and tradition you are talking about? Are you talking specifically about the stag events or the Round Dance where the losers dress like native women and dance in front of the chiefs(winners)? Please enlighten us and explain what it is about the One Shot that is good for hunting and the NAM.
Why did your boy testify 24 was acceptable?

Maybe talk to Buzz before you attack us random?
Why did your boy testify 24 was acceptable?

Maybe talk to Buzz before you attack us random?
It's quite difficult to convince a majority of legislators when the One Shot has so many like lowslow defending their "tradition"while not even knowing what they are about. I been present while One Shot supporters lied to legislators about the hunt. The Commission won't stop the hunt entirely due to statute and they are appointed by the Gov. Best tact is to go after the 56 tags that the One Shot gives to their cronies which is detrimental to all of us, Res or NR, who apply for tags.

Doesn't anyone wonder why more water projects are not in Wyo than are? Lots of 'pay to play" in the One Shot as evidenced by their "water project" in South Africa.

Also, I'm not sure why you are being a tool about all this. Did the 90/10 turn you sour?
It's quite difficult to convince a majority of legislators when the One Shot has so many like lowslow defending their "tradition"while not even knowing what they are about. I been present while One Shot supporters lied to legislators about the hunt. The Commission won't stop the hunt entirely due to statute and they are appointed by the Gov. Best tact is to go after the 56 tags that the One Shot gives to their cronies which is detrimental to all of us, Res or NR, who apply for tags.

Doesn't anyone wonder why more water projects are not in Wyo than are? Lots of 'pay to play" in the One Shot as evidenced by their "water project" in South Africa.

Also, I'm not sure why you are being a tool about all this. Did the 90/10 turn you sour?
What water project did the One Shot donate to in South Africa or is this just another one of your false rumours and innuendo you continually spread around here.
It's quite difficult to convince a majority of legislators when the One Shot has so many like lowslow defending their "tradition"while not even knowing what they are about. I been present while One Shot supporters lied to legislators about the hunt. The Commission won't stop the hunt entirely due to statute and they are appointed by the Gov. Best tact is to go after the 56 tags that the One Shot gives to their cronies which is detrimental to all of us, Res or NR, who apply for tags.

Doesn't anyone wonder why more water projects are not in Wyo than are? Lots of 'pay to play" in the One Shot as evidenced by their "water project" in South Africa.

Also, I'm not sure why you are bein

g a tool about all this. Did the 90/10 turn you sour?

Fun to listen to you on Newbergs podcast, as you were so happy to have NR. Even to the point of "thanking them in the field".

Interesting you somewhat, and your partner completely are such DICKS to NR thought in real life. It's almond at as if you are different people depending on audience

It's almost as if you're different guys depending on audience. Don't worry, I won't tell Randy

As to the point. Hard to claim your anti One Shot, while simultaneously testifying 24 tags are okie dokie.

I'm sure it was that 25th tag that pushed it over the top?

I keep reading and listening to what you two write and say, somehow it doesn't jive, but the rest of us are confused?

So are you anti One Shot?
Or just want it cut down 2/3?

You can't have it both ways. Regardless of how hard you try
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Fun to listen to you on Newbergs podcast, as you were so happy to have NR. Even to the point of "thanking them in the field".
I said that? ?‍♂️

And I'm sure Randy sees most all of my comments. Dude you are clueless.
What water project did the One Shot donate to in South Africa or is this just another one of your false rumours and innuendo you continually spread around here.
You're a waste of time to converse with. You don't know anything except what you google and copy and paste. Can we agree to ignore each other?
You're a waste of time to converse with. You don't know anything except what you google and copy and paste. Can we agree to ignore each other?
Obviously just another falsehood. Take a good look in the mirror for someone who Lies to the Legislature. Its obviously a waste of time reading your gossip. Don’t worry, I already Ignore and discount most everything you post, as does the Legislature.
Hint talk radio. Episode 56.

Let the masses listen and come back and talk about what YOU TWO SAID.

I know. Copy and pasting from HT sucks, as you try to be different people based on the forum.

If you two didn't say you " thank NR in the field", I will be glad to apologize. There were only 3of you. Randy, Buzz, and you.

Episode 56.

Maybe go listen to youself
Hint talk radio. Episode 56.

Let the masses listen and come back and talk about what YOU TWO SAID.

I know. Copy and pasting from HT sucks, as you try to be different people based on the forum.

If you two didn't say you " thank NR in the field", I will be glad to apologize. There were only 3of you. Randy, Buzz, and you.

Episode 56.

Maybe go listen to youself
Wow, I am speechless.

9:30 mark.
Obviously just another falsehood. Take a good look in the mirror for someone who Lies to the Legislature. Its obviously a waste of time reading your gossip. Don’t worry, I already Ignore and discount most everything you post, as does the Legislature.

No details, but I am happy they do support water for wildlife projects in South Africa, especially since one of the largest donors one year to the Water for Wildlife Foundation was from South Africa. Wyoming Game and Fish routinely donates to other states our Wildlife, fish and expertise. Wildlife have no borders. Conservation has no borders. Just look at the success with the Black footed ferret to realise how it has been transplanted from Wyoming to numerous states. Perhaps we saved a few thirsty elephants and other endangered species.
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I strongly oppose the 200 tags $fw gets.

Not 170, not 150, ALL OF THEM.


Not some mealy mouthed "well you need to understand" BS.



According to you and Buzz. You don't actually oppose it, you just oppose some of it. You are ok with 30%.

So is that 30% just politicians?

Is Rinella in that 30%?

Which is it?

Your 2/3 opposed?

Again. I can only quote WHAT YOU WRITE.
No details, but I am happy they do support water for wildlife projects in South Africa, especially since one of the largest donors one year to the Water for Wildlife Foundation was from South Africa. Wyoming Game and Fish routinely donates to other states our Wildlife, fish and expertise. Wildlife have no borders. Conservation has no borde

Wyoming doesn't share water. Just ask flaming gorge
Full ignorance on display by 2 guys that know nothing about Wyoming, the one shot hunt, or most anything else hunting related in Wyoming.

Hossblur how many of those 200 tags in Utah have you been able to get back for us average guys, asking for a friend.
Nice to see Wyoming wildlife being exploited for water projects in other states and countries.
A great deal of those projects were for Wyoming water projects. Many of the big donors with big political clout are from mostly surrounding Western states. Wildlife have no borders. Conservation has no borders. Many projects throughout the West have been helped by Wyoming Game and Fish and Wyoming wildlife, fish and expertise. I actually agree with cutting the Lander One Shot back to the 24 tags. It’s a reasonable fair compromise.
Full ignorance on display by 2 guys that know nothing about Wyoming, the one shot hunt, or most anything else hunting related in Wyoming.

Hossblur how many of those 200 tags in Utah have you been able to get back for us average guys, asking for a friend.

0. Same as you with one shot.

Difference is when I spoke in the RAC, I called for 0 tags.

You, ACCORDING TO YOU, were ok with 24/80.

30%. Utah math, Wyoming math, common core math. 30%

Do you need me to paste YOUR words again?
0. Same as you with one shot.

Difference is when I spoke in the RAC, I called for 0 tags.

You, ACCORDING TO YOU, were ok with 24/80.

30%. Utah math, Wyoming math, common core math. 30%

Do you need me to paste YOUR words again?
You have no idea how to influence change and exactly why you had and will continue to have no success, you show up once to a rac meeting and call it advocacy.

For starters, there is nothing that JM77, Mulecreek, and I do by chance, its all calculated with a lot of thought given to how we approach issues.

We were dealing with a commission, legislature, and public that knew nothing of the one shot hunt. It takes time to educate people on it, what did you hear about the one shot hunt prior to a handful of people making it an issue? Nothing, that's what.

That's step one.

Step two was trying to split the 80 tags between the 2 hunts and that was a serious consideration for the legislature. Tough to pass, when...and I'm not kidding, Kale Case the legislator from Lander, was literally crying about how 40 tags would kill the one shot hunt. I'm dead serious, bawling like a baby.

Also, since you were never part of the discussion the womens hunt gained a lot of momentum when it was renamed "Shelly's bill" after a dead girl that liked to hunt pronghorn. IMO, a desperation move that was as disturbing as it was inappropriate for all kinds of reasons.

As to how we approached the commission, we decided to go after the 56 tags as they were the most (and still are) vulnerable since they aren't even part of the one shot hunt.

Guys like you can second guess decisions all day long, and that's fine, you make a great Monday morning quarterback I'm sure. I do the same thing from time to time, you do it ALL the time.

But, what you didn't see is the real success that came from us tackling this issue.

Craig Showalter was one of the big pushes behind the womens hunt legislation. He and his side kick Tony were beyond upset with people like me opposing their legislation. As a result, I got into a pretty heated argument where true colors were exposed.

The result of that exchange, where Craig told me that WY wildlife was to be exploited, cost the WCF that he's in charge of the WGBLC money he'd been receiving.

What Craig didn't know is that he's not the only person in town with influence, in particular with commission.

Have you looked into the Wyldlife Foundation started by Mike Schmidt and Pat Crank as well as the rest of the commission?

Wonder how it came to be that they are now administering the WGBLC funding?

Lets just say that our involvement in particular with Schmidt and Crank had a whole lot to do with that.

Many times the ancillary benefits of things like this are the pay-off. You also form relationships with people, both good and bad, and learn that there are many ways to skin a cat. You also learn that nothing in this game is a sprint, its a marathon that requires time and pressure.

A small handful of guys can have a lot of influence over these issues, and we absolutely have on all sorts of issues (including 90-10).

You aren't qualified to pass judgement on those in the arena, you're barely even in the stands as a spectator.

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