WYSFW Chapter(s)


Long Time Member
...are jumping ship.

I find it quite ironical that Bob demands accountability of everyone else, but doesnt provide any to his own membership.

Hey Bob, have anything to say about this???

Looks like everything is just running along all smooth like.

Nice post Buzz. Please keep us informed on the "New name", and schedule for the banquet. If I can swing it I will show up, even from Oregon to support a group that is willing to stand up and do what is right.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-13 AT 04:46PM (MST)[p]Very interesting letter that I doubt Bob will be able to dispute like he does most everything else that is brought up regarding WYSFW!!! Seeing as how Bob refuses to even acknowledge how many members WYSFW consists of, I wonder if he is still counting all those Basin members even though they have waved bye bye and formed their own organization. What nerve Bob has to be discussing G&F money accountability when his own organization has NONE itself, LOL!!!
>I think its time I joined
>a WY group or two.
>Buzz's group and perhaps this

***That sounds like a good idea and I may do the same!
For a few years I joined the Shoshone Backcountry Horseman club. We would go around cleaning and rebuilding trails. Also building corrals at the major trail heads. Well I had to quit after they got upset with me. They were upset cause I came and helped over a memorial weekend. I helped sawed logs on the trail for 2 days. I spent the other 2 days horn hunting. They said it was low how I didn't spend the whole 4 days helping out. Im sorry but it was a holiday weekend and I like to enjoy life to. And all my time cleaning trails was donated time, fuel, saws and more.

So I don't recommend this club. They really like to use people in a sour way.
>For a few years I joined
>the Shoshone Backcountry Horseman club.
>We would go around cleaning
>and rebuilding trails. Also building
>corrals at the major trail
>heads. Well I had
>to quit after they got
>upset with me. They were
>upset cause I came and
>helped over a memorial weekend.
>I helped sawed logs on
>the trail for 2 days.
>I spent the other 2
>days horn hunting. They said
>it was low how I
>didn't spend the whole 4
>days helping out. Im
>sorry but it was a
>holiday weekend and I like
>to enjoy life to.
>And all my time cleaning
>trails was donated time, fuel,
>saws and more.
>So I don't recommend this club.
>They really like to use
>people in a sour way.

***That was pretty lame of them Michael!!!

I hate hearing stories like that...any organization that would criticize the number of DONATED hours, effort, fuel, etc. that a member would provide, is one to distance yourself from.

I cant comment on the organization you had the trouble with...know nothing about them.
Glad to see the AZ version got completely blown up and disbanded following their unaccounted proceeds tag grab attempt. Seem to be completely neutered now.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
>I hate hearing stories like that...any
>organization that would criticize the
>number of DONATED hours, effort,
>fuel, etc. that a member
>would provide, is one to
>distance yourself from.
>I cant comment on the organization
>you had the trouble with...know
>nothing about them.

They really do a lot to keep the trails clean since the Forest service no longer takes care of it. Its hard work cutting those big logs by hand. They are still great people and hard workers but I felt I was treated wrong. A guy can still do a lot to help out though. When horn hunting season is in I take time to cut logs and clear the trail. pick up beer cans that cant seem to find their way in a saddle bag. So a guy can still do his part if there is not a club local

I agree with the last part of your comments. You don't always need an organization to do your part when you are outdoors. I have cut out USFS trails that were covered in blow down. I get tired of climbing over the stuff. I have also stood up a lot of USFS signs that have fallen or blown over. I am amazed at all the lazy outfitters and horseman around here that instead of removing a tree across a defined horse trail just make a new trail around it. This goes on all over the various trail systems in NW Wyoming. I take a hatchet or a limb saw to most of these trees when I hike in the spring and summer. Picking up beer and pop cans and all the damn Vienna Sausage cans is something we should all do. I also hate finding cigarette butts, chew cans and packaging strewn everywhere. Packing them out is also a great idea and don't wait for some organization or group to set up a project to do so. I always have my Eberlestock on when hiking and fill it up with trash. I admit I have to resist the impulse to turn the USFS signs the wrong way when I tip or brace them back up.

I no longer belong to any sportsman's organizations because you don't ever really know what their true agenda is. I belonged to a few until I found out what they did with the funds they raised. WYSFW has a lot of problems with these issues and rightfully gets bashed for it on MM. However, I don't believe for a minute that they are the only culprits that are free and easy with the money they raise. I would love to find a group that did no fundraising and just had volunteer projects going on.

Bash away.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-13 AT 07:10AM (MST)[p]>Smokestick????

***Give Bob another day or two and if he comes back at all he'll probably tell us he was busy doing his thing in Cheyenne or some such other BS! It usually just takes him a while to figure out how to respond to facts that are placed before him that show how he and his SFW top dogs aren't really out to help anything or anybody but themselves. This letter by the Basin Chapter really tops them all though when he's chastizing the G&F for what he feels is their lack of accountability and then we read they are leaving the state SFW for taking all of their hard earned money with no accountability for how it's spent!!! I'm surprised somebody on here hasn't renamed him "Smokescreen", as it would fit much better, LOL! PS: Bob had that one coming for calling me various versions of my username!
Hey Michael. I've just been hunting and fishing. Its nice cause no one cares what I do and I actually hunt and fish now more than I ever have. Just trying to carve out a living.

How you been?

Tony Abbott
Fantastic! I had a great 3 month hunting trip in five states this Fall. If you get time to read it, I recapped the trip in a post under the thread "Topgun" that a member started asking where I was. It is now down on page 3 of the General Forum!

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