
Long Time Member
There are more Dumb Bastards that live in the United States than most people know about!

You JOKERS in the Blue States really ought to be Proud of Yourselves!


Hello Mr. Wisz,This is the UDWR Calling....LMMFAO!
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?

Hello Mr. Wisz,This is the UDWR Calling....LMMFAO!
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
I did my part here in the big swing state of Kali!! Lol. We are not in good shape again boy.......what a joke!!!
Well look on the bright side. There will be a lot of jobs created when they build the re-education camps.

Get used to saying this: I pledge allegience to dear leader....
My state ended up Blue,But yet I live in the city different.Santa,Fe.NM
Full of freeloading Mexicans.And Queer baits.
Sad that the people of this country are so ignorant. Problem is the big population centers of even the most conservative states are chock full of idiotic liberal koksukers that want only the freebies.

As for Kali I think all twelve of the conservatives are on this site. Eel and Kilo will vote tomorrow. Haha.


Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of
ignorance, and the gospel of envy.

You have enemies? Good. That means you've
stood up for something, sometime in your life.

- Winston Churchill
LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-12 AT 10:59PM (MST)[p]No wonder I do not live anywhere near DENVER anymore. Guarantee DENVER threw our whopping 9 electoral votes into the fire.
At least here in Colorado the hippies can celebrate smoking there now legal weed.
Fuggin embarrassed with my fellow Americans and Coloradoans right now, bunch of free-loading puzzies.
Nothin against any of my Friends no matter what State you Live in!

I have many of Friends in all States!

Not sayin Romney coulda fixed the Problems but GEEZUS this other JOKER will only Dig the Hole Deeper!

We are in Trouble my Friends!

And the Sad part is most States/People can't see the light!

I'd like to take the Foreigheners/Illegals/LowLifes/Greenies/Mormon Haters Votes out of the Equation & see where We'd be sittin with Votes?

But We can't do that!

Carry on with the continuing BS!

Hello Mr. Wisz,This is the UDWR Calling....LMMFAO!
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Another 4 years of this crap, well i see where the coal industry is going to go
We need a recount! This time counting only those people that do not have thier heads up thier A$$es! Was America not paying attention the last four years?
Yep, a recount is definitely in order, there has got to be some sort of hanging chad problem, everyone I know here in Cali voted Romney, gotta be some sorta problem.

So effen ashamed to be a Californian...

It Ain't people like you HH!

Swear to GAWD there should be an UP-RISING!

Hello Mr. Wisz,This is the UDWR Calling....LMMFAO!
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
dam, my pet moose gets run over. he gets relected all in the same week, why couldnt it have been the other way around,,,
LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-12 AT 12:08PM (MST)[p]Agreed Bessy!!! I don't get it!!! We have had libs running this state for 28 years and it's the most f-up state in the country...I won't be retiring here!!!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
There will be an uprising bessy when they think the repubs are going to work with them in a few months. Guarantee you the US is going to double dip and inflation is going to go up no thanks to these morons.

I have been all over the US and have talked to hundreds if not thousands of people on politics and I have only met one or two people who would vote for obama in either election. Half of the few I talked to were black. The other few were just plain had their heads up their butt.

I'm now starting to think there are a bunch of closet voters that haven't come out of the closet yet. Its the only way to explain how he got that many votes.


who farted?
>My state ended up Blue,But yet
>I live in the city
>Full of freeloading Mexicans.And Queer baits.

Not to mention the California retirees & big money wall street types.
Ditto to the above. I will never vote for another Dumo. I will never buy another GM product. Got to stand by some principles.

Can't wait to see the next 900 Executive Orders Obumar signs(he has signed over 900 in his 1st 4 years).

From the "Heartland of Wyoming"
At least my state went red this election, we were blue in 2008!

Everywhere I go and everyone I know thinks that thinks that Bummer is the dumbest SOB we've ever had for president, I don't understand how he could get re-elected!

I think mtman post was right, we have to hit rock bottom before it will ever start to get better. I really worry about what kind of county my kids will grow up in!
What do you all think the chances the vote was fixed is? I just dont understand, it makes no sense! the majority of people i talk to in other states vote romney.... I dont get it. How could anyone be this stupid! All i know is i cant take four more years of this! I dont get how anyone cant see what a disaster the last 4 years was. Im ashamed of America! How is there that many stupid people out there. Can we force a recount? can we investigate a possible fix of the election? not being a sore loser, it just smells fishy.
If you don't like it here's an idea , stop getting your azz kicked.

Stay thirsty my friends
How bout you FUDGEPACKER Shutting TFU!

Hello Mr. Wisz,This is the UDWR Calling....LMMFAO!
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Bessy, He said he's native American who would know better about getting their AZZ kicked!!!!YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID....

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-08-12 AT 08:53AM (MST)[p]Yeah a halfbreed, and if you can't figure out nobody wants your social agenda the mexicans are going to put you on a rez. the ONLY demographic Romney carried was the white male. that don't work anymore Einstein.

Look at the bright side conservatards, depression is covered by Obamacare.

Stay thirsty my friends
TOOOOO many freeloaders....Try something different in life...Work for a living get off the governments teet!!!Funny. Romney won the popular vote. The difference between you and me...I won't stop fighting for what I beleive in....Go buy another power stroke with your hand outs...

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
You guys really don't get it. The vote wasn't fixed the demographics have changed and the rhetoric of the conservative republicans no longer works. It will only get worse if republicans refuse to change. I hope they throw the crooked SOB's like Rove's crew and the Tea Parties out and go on from there. We need the republicans to have a strong republic, it will get worse if they don't move towards the middle where most of America is at.

My area, rural and fundamentalist went nearly totally red. Everyone I talked to voted for Romney, they knew I would vote Obama. They were shocked that Obama won how could that be?

Do you guys ever read anything but what's on here, or go to the cities? Most of the people supported and voted Obama by a large percentage. Pull up the Colorado map look at the counties that voted Obama Urban areas and the Hispanic counties of the south, hippies in the mountains. Look at the county map of Florida to understand why, its not that hard.
Think before posting even when angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I stand corrected Obama did win the popular vote...

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Yes, Obama is still president. he won, that's right.

Stick to NASCAR and monster truck rallys this stuff seems to mess with you.

Stay thirsty my friends

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