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Rand Paul blocks resolution for release of Mueller Report unless it includes communications of Obama officials

Time to venture boldly through the looking-glass ? Sen. Rand Paul is among the millions who think so. The Republican senator from Kentucky effectively blocked a resolution Thursday that called for the public release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller?s report.

Objecting to the resolution, he argued that the communications of officials in the Obama administration be released first, to include those of former CIA Director John Brennan and Former FBI Director James Comey, as relating to the beginning of the Russia probe. Others no doubt among that vile cartel would be Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, Bruce Ohr, James Clapper, Susan Rice, and Loretta Lynch.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Democrat from Minnesota and 2020 presidential candidate, had asked for unanimous consent in the Senate for the resolution. The measure passed in the House in February by a 420-0 vote. She declined to amend the resolution as outlined by Paul.
This is actually the third time Senate Republicans have blocked the resolution.

?We will agree to see the Mueller report as long as the other side will agree to show us the communications that took place in deciding to promote this fake allegation against the president and whether there was misuse of their office,? said Paul on the Senate floor Thursday. ?We based this investigation on a lie, we should investigate who the liars were.
> Ca Governor Newsom is
>heading down to El Salvador
>, I hope he stays
>there ?

Let's hope he takes a 737 Max8
At this time of the day TOG is still laying in a puddle of his own puke ! I bet he had at least one bottle of crown last night.
Dude, FTW and NeMont are currently colluding on howto changethe narrative. Phuuk that. I want full blown "I was wrong and I have a severe case of TDS."

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