Your needed in Santa Fe Thursday


Active Member
Help beat back the liberals, they're coming for hunting next.

If you can't make it to Santa Fe, send an email strongly opposing this bill. Be professional, and respectful.

It outlaws trapping on public land.

**NTA Alert - Opposed to HB366 **


Thursday, February 7, 2019 - 8:00 A.M. - Room 317
The Anti-Trapping bill will be heard!!

We need to pack the room!! Please arrive in ROOM 317 by 7:00 a.m. to secure a seat. This will be the only bill heard that day and is expected to have a lengthy discussion.

If you attend:
Park in the free parking garage on the west side of the capitol.
Arrive at 7:00 a.m.
Be prepared to be present for 2-3 hours
Call and take 5 friends
Call and email all legislators everyday leading to Thursday!!!!

If you are unable to attend the meeting in person please send emails and make phone calls to all the legislators in House Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Committee.

HB366 Wildlife Protection & Public Safety Act (Anti-Trapping Bill) Regular/bills/house/HB0366.pdf

Or cut and paste Regular/bills/house/HB0366.pdf

If passed, this bill will directly impact the welfare of hardworking men and women of the middle class who rely on the sale of furs. Trappers also contribute to the growth of game species by helping regulate the numbers of predator species.

Contact the following legislators and STRONGLY OPPOSE HB366! When emailing, type "Opposed to HB366" in the Subject line. Please be respectful when contacting legislators.

House Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Committee

Representatives Emails:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Representatives Phone Numbers:

McQueen (505) 986-4423
Rubio (505) 986-4227
Akhil (505) 986-4464
Anderson (505) 986-4450
Ferrary (505) 986-4338
Montoya (505) 986-4758
Romero (505) 986-4254
Sarinana (505) 986-4227
Scott (505) 986-4450
Small (505) 986-4438
Stansbury (505) 986-4336
Strickler (505) 986-4220
Townsend (505) 986-4758

National Trappers Association | 2815 Washington Ave, Bedford, IN 47421
HB-366 is written in such a way that the removal of one sentence (below) could outlaw all hunting and fishing in the state.

"17-9-4 A.2 Exceptions: The taking of wildlife with firearms, fishing equipment, archery equipment, falconry equipment or other implements in hand as authorized by law."

Remove this exception and all hunting and fishing on public land becomes prohibited by this bill which prohibits "capturing, injuring or killing an animal on public land..."

Removal of the proceeding exception (A.1) and trapping, hunting and fishing on private property could be prohibited.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-19 AT 04:52PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-19 AT 04:13?PM (MST)

It is clear that these fools voting on this bill have never looked at the actual regulation which is loaded with restrictions and requirements that are to be followed by trappers that help ensure that ?public safety ? or human interaction with traps and snares is mitigated. They think the national Forrest is just a free for all for trappers.
1. A lot of private lands are cleared of trees and used for cattle, you ain?t gonna catch anything there.
2. Private landowners don't have to let you trap on their land.
3. Landowners can charge whatever they want for trespass fees.

This all equals reduced licenses for trapping sold, less money invested in conservation, less kids getting interested in what their fathers do.
These idiots are under qualified to make these decisions
LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-19 AT 06:48PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-19 AT 06:47?PM (MST)

"Well you get what/who you vote for...Demoratic landslide now reep the rewards... FOOLS"

Not everyone in the state votes blue and a lot of democrats in rural areas voted red this time. The Rio Grande corridor decides it all. How else could dipstick like michelle luhan grisham could be elected gov'r!!

Even NM dumocrats know the revenue generated by hunting and fishing. Netflix isn't going to save the state's economy, and without hunting and fishing, the tourism fad will be suppressed.

The economy is so weak anyway, without revenues generated from hunting and fishing license sales, game wardens will not be employable as the state will not be able to pay them. Raising taxes in an already economically depressed state will have a backwards effect. Couple that with the push to decrease oil and gas revenues will cripple it even more.

Without game wardens, just who will enforce the ban?

Contacting the above in droves can make a difference.

Edit: hunters' worst enemies are themselves. It's not the animal rights and enviro nuts, you can tell that by some of the posts above...
If you guys or gals live close at al please go. The scum bag liberal activists dont work so they got nothing better to do.
We need productive members of NM to show up to these meetings, or the day will be ruled by the fringe. The worse this state has to offer.
I will email my rep opposing this bill. On a side note ....watching the State of the union tonight I watch as our NM representatives at the speech just sit there staring straight ahead every time Trump says something that would really be helpful to all Americans and America. No applauding when talking about border security........Shameful liberals . MAGA !!!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-19 AT 12:44PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-19 AT 10:31?AM (MST)

Yes, our (D) reps in D.C. are pathetic, moronic losers that need to be permanently fired...

The Tom and Marty show is something else. It didn't take Marty long to lose his soul in Washington.
Absolutely BigChief. Nothing prohibiting a non-resident from trapping, hunting, or fishing in NM.

It affects everyone.
>How did things go this morning?

Not we'll probably , I just saw on the news that New Mexico is trying to pass that late term abortion law , it's liberalism spreading
Big crowd in Santa Fe yesterday but just as many people wanting the ban as those who don't. Late term abortion heck, these liberals are ok with the doctor killing the baby after it's delivered . New (California) Mexico .
They listened to all the people speak about their dogs getting caught in traps???? HELLO, those pet owners BROKE THE LAW, dogs must be on a leash by state law!!!! This administration is ridiculous already, they act as if they care and want to continue the discussion on Saturday but everyone knows its all BS.If this State House truly cares about NM, they need to not only listen to the pet owners who recklessly allowed their pets to un lawfully run free , the House also needs to listen too and consult biologists who work daily in the field and get the scientific and professional advice. Just because I allowed my dog to run free and get caught in a foot trap doesn't make me an expert to change STATE LAW and the State Legislature has a responsibility to all NM citizens to Due Diligence and hear all the facts before changing and or creating New Law based on hearings of Pet owners who broke the law!!!!
Liberals absolutely destroyed hunting in CA. They will do the same here in NM. As much as hunters like to complain about Ranchers and Outfitters, they are the allies in this fight.

The difference between NM and CA is that at least in NM Ranchers and Outfitters have some political clout. They have almost zero in CA.

Do not ever believe a liberal. EVER. They are controlled by their mentally ill fringe. If they could they would confiscate guns, end hunting, end ranching, end trapping and end access to Public lands.

You liberal hunters can laugh and guffaw all you want, but, I absolutely guarantee they will if they can.

Put aside differences with Ranchers and Outfitters and back them up in this fight. Hunters have very little political clout, mostly because it is like herding cats. They are constantly bickering with each other and thinking their group is better than the other. Its not the next 4 years in NM, it is going to be an ongoing fight that will never ever end.
NMPaul - no truer words have been spoken.

No one think for a minute that Michy Grishy cares about hunting and fishing in NM, although she claims she flyfishes.

Her idea of the outdoor recreation industry is star gazing at Chaco and the atmosphere of the Santa Fe Plaza.

It will take a lot for me to trust her.

States that pass late term abortion up to and including delivery will see some harsh times ahead...
Paul is right , I live here in California and libs never stop ! Now they want to tax our drinking water . I don't like complaining on the hunting forum but you all need to know what's coming your way .
What a joke these people are , the few can make decisions for law abiding citizens, would they object to using a gun to kill a baby ?
Well I know my representative voted in favor of HB366. Next time that ##### comes around to my house campaigning I'm gonna be like Clint Eastwood in Grand Torino ?get off my lawn.? Through exchanged correspondence it is clear that these people are unaware of the long term impact this will have in funding conservation.
In all seriousness, what do we do next?
I read an article on FB from New Mexico Wildlife Federation talking about Senate Bill 390 which will take items like trapping and leave it to our game commission to decide how it is regulated. I am a little naive about some things but is this something that can reverse what has been done?
Here in California we have the California Rifle &Pistol association, they have done a great job and I think they are about to get some of the junk overturned.
State law only extends so far.

I know most people say hunters (and trappers) must always take the high road. If never there was a time for a cheap shot, this is it.

Might be time to be curt and brutally honest with these liberal idiots and let them know that sorry, we will not comply with their stupidity and that means calling these politicians out publicly.
>State law only extends so far.
>I know most people say hunters
>(and trappers) must always take
>the high road. If
>never there was a time
>for a cheap shot, this
>is it.
>Might be time to be curt
>and brutally honest with these
>liberal idiots and let them
>know that sorry, we will
>not comply with their stupidity
>and that means calling these
>politicians out publicly.

I bet this is just the beginning. California used to be a great place, probably the best state to live in back years ago....look at it now , liberals have made a mess of it.....unless you're a liberal .I'm just waiting for what's next in NM and it's only been a few weeks since they took over. Ban Mt lion hunting ?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-19 AT 09:27PM (MST)[p]The voters elected a far left wing liberal governor. There is no more New Mexico, it is now New Mexifornia. Fence it off, its gone, no saving it.
The one thing NM has going for it is the rurality of the state.

Only the Rio Grande corridor (Sante Fe included) democrats are on board with the liberalism, not so much in ranch country.
I am hoping all those counties that keep voting Democrat up North finally wake up and realize what they are giving into to. They have voted Democrat for generations. Hopefully they will realize they like their firearms, their hunting, their trapping and are anti abortion and start to vote accordingly. Santa Fe and Albuquerque we now how those are going to go.
I live in ranch country and it doesn't matter now what people think we all are governed by the liberal wackos in Santa Fe . We lost our conservative rep here and now have a liberal from Cruces in office. I see this weekend the liberal US representative girls in office went to the border for a few hours and went back to the governor with a report that nothing is wrong at the border. What about all the drugs, the flow of 3rd worlders pouring in illegally? Drugs, drugs, drugs coming through everyday.......according to the Governor and her liberal reps.... no problem . NM 2nd California of the SouthWest....
Our Governor of California is pulling out all the National Guard along our Boarder just to protest Trump, he's a pathetic leader , just the other day Border Patrol seized large amounts of meth and enough Fetanol to kill 26 million people .
This governor is committing treason... when is it gonna hit a head? A boiling point? This country is torn inside itself and it seems the only voices i hear are liberal/democrat aside from the president and his administration. This is all just the beginning fellas.
Trump can trump a gov'r. In the event of domestic security, he has authority over the Nat'l Guard.

Mich is making a weak minded fool's statement. This hatred for Trump is a mental disorder, literally.
Hey all I've heard from a reliable source who works in the MLG's office said that she is going to be attending the tag auction, if you are planning on attending we all need to make our voices heard. Anyone attending should post an alert here and other forums if she shows up. And all of us close to abq should get down there and protest.
Well Hell, I better stick to my day job and hang up the part time taxidermy business.
Maybe I can learn how to rap and be a YouTube sensation. LMAO
Probably make more money trying to be a rapper instead of a taxidermist after they get done. You better be quiet about mounting dead critters they might ban that too in NM. I'm sure those liberal b&#@?%# would like that.

New Mexico Guides & Outfitters

H & A Outfitters

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Sierra Blanca Outfitters

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Urge 2 Hunt

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Mangas Outfitters

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