Your prediction…


Active Member
I was thinking of doing a poll with quite a few choices but thought it wouldn’t get the thoughts of people.

I’ve been wondering what kind of chaos will be hitting us this coming summer into the fall?

The George Floyd riots/summer of love and Covid was a great combination to get the D’s base fired up and create big distractions.

What are you predicting will happen this year? Will there be more riots spurred on by either clashes with illegals or Israel/ Palestine? False flag event? Possible terrorist attack? What about a hack of technology like we’ve seen a few of recently? Major suppression of info (even more so than now)?

Something is coming, there is no way we just skate through this election year.

What are your thoughts?
If Spy Balloons Can Cross In To Our AirSpace & Not Be Noticed For 100's-1,000's Of Miles I Predict When Buttons Are Eventually Pushed We Won't Know It Till We Get Hit!

Not noticed? Or do you mean not publicized by slo joe???
If our enemies, China, Russia, Iran and others think Joe Biden will win the election they might hold off 3 or 4 more years for what they have in store knowing he'll makes us an even easier target than we already are.

If by Fall it's looking like Trump could actually win they might decide it's now or maybe never and the world as we know it
today could be forever changed.

I do hope I'm wrong!
I’m leaning some kind of civil unrest or a cyber/power attack of some kind.

Those balloons were coming across our nation for a reason.
the civil unrest will certainly follow the cyber/power attack....and it won't take long....

.....and the balloons?....they are just concerned about our weather....
I think it will be something to do with climate change. Yahoo has been running 3 or 4 hit pieces a day about it.
Seems Wray stated again today he is “very concerned” about ISIS smuggling network at southern border. This is at least the 3rd time he’s said this….greasing the skids for what’s to come?

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