Your Thoughts..?


Very Active Member
Our Globe is reacting to a Problem. Since we have had Laws, some argue against them or use them to their Advantage. I LOVE LAW, especially Case Law.

Tri... You hold your ground well. Some argue against you and others. Here is a Topic yet not IN DEBATE but sure could be by a smart Bad-Guy(s)....

Remember: You never get Justice... You Get... THE LAW :-(

California has PC 185 and the Nation + Globe has this...

I await the time when Bad-Guy's use Masks to do Bad things... "HOW shall Law Enforcement Respond" 2 such threat..?

Jagerdad :)
PC run amok....they should have been called terrorist prevention laws.

Two different things. You were a LEO, you wearing your mask when you answer a distress call?
No Bluehair.... I never had a Mask and we always went right in. Once the area was safe, only then did the Fire Dept come in.

I did have Gloves... Sap-Gloves. REHL might remember such Jewelry ( Jewelry being enhancements, like Breast Implants are considered enhancements :) ...) My Gloves were to assist me if I needed to quell a Highly Aggressive Man.

So Bluehair... Tell me/us your thoughts as to when a Bad Guy will use Masks to his advantage...? Like a Date and which State in our... USA.


What do You and Tri ( + everyone else ) consider such a Law to be..? Inquiring Minds want to know :)

Jagerdad :)
PS: I enjoy You and Tri and so many others.
The irony of being required to wear a mask and gloves to go into a bank isn't lost on me.

I was speaking specifically of the need for officers to wear masks right now (I have lots of LEO lineage in my family). That is the protocol here right now.

I think it's entirely appropriate for a LEO to protect his/her self. And if it prevents further spread, well thats good too.

I'm glad I'm not a lonely old widow woman. It must be terrifying.
Bluehair... The last words you wrote about being a lonely old Widow Woman... Struck me in my Chest. I was also a Coroner. One late Night time I had to do a Welfare Check on a Residence. It was a very tiny place and old. I walk in and smell Death. I knew the Sweet smell of Death far to many decades. I found an elderly Widow on a small couch. Yes, she was Dead. I felt so sad. She died all alone. I saw family pictures on the wall. At one time, She was a Young Bride, Mother + Many Good Things, yet on that cold Winter Night... She went to our Lord. I took great respect in caring for her.

A Day Later I am sent back to the same address. Local Kids and Adults knew the Lady was gone and they stole everything. Crap... Humans.... :-(

Jagerdad :-(
Remember that old widow woman when you hear some blowhard whining about having to wear a mask or embarking on some vanity fueled self absorbed internet rant about freedom. Ask them what a responsible person would do. Selfishness takes many forms.
Bluehair... At times I do not Grasp you intentional meanings.. Are you advising "ME" to follow Your words insofar as: "Remember that old widow woman when..etc..."

Bluehair... I have been through the Grinder. If you offer more advice to me, I feel I need to heed your wisdom and do such.

My Post was about existing Laws plus, when a Covid=19 Citizen uses such safety measure for a nefarious Mens Rea thought..Then Deed...?

Bluehair.. You are a good guy. I hope to learn from you.

Jagerdad :)
Bluehair... The last words you wrote about being a lonely old Widow Woman... Struck me in my Chest. I was also a Coroner. One late Night time I had to do a Welfare Check on a Residence. It was a very tiny place and old. I walk in and smell Death. I knew the Sweet smell of Death far to many decades. I found an elderly Widow on a small couch. Yes, she was Dead. I felt so sad. She died all alone. I saw family pictures on the wall. At one time, She was a Young Bride, Mother + Many Good Things, yet on that cold Winter Night... She went to our Lord. I took great respect in caring for her.

A Day Later I am sent back to the same address. Local Kids and Adults knew the Lady was gone and they stole everything. Crap... Humans.... :-(

Jagerdad :-(
Nice to read about similar men in a hunting forum. I’ve been in the same profession for 13 years now and it sure is crazy how certain things touch you deeply, and the next call you are repulsed by “humans”.

Thank you for your time you put in.
WeminucheWapitis (Crazy name) but try to send me what they term a PM. Ask Founder to help if needed. I still do not know how to do it.

Jagerdad :) Proud to Meet You :)
Bluehair... At times I do not Grasp you intentional meanings.. Are you advising "ME" to follow Your words insofar as: "Remember that old widow woman when..etc..."

Bluehair... I have been through the Grinder. If you offer more advice to me, I feel I need to heed your wisdom and do such.

My Post was about existing Laws plus, when a Covid=19 Citizen uses such safety measure for a nefarious Mens Rea thought..Then Deed...?

Bluehair.. You are a good guy. I hope to learn from you.

Jagerdad :)
My post was a grouchy reaction to other posters advocating being a PITA of first responders so they could make a point.

I wasn't bossing you around. The Weminuche is a wilderness area here in SW CO. It's a Ute word. I'm ashamed to say I don't know what it means.

Your PM notification is the little envelope up in the upper right by the little bell next to your name. It has a little red circle with a number. Yours might be a big one. ;)

I am sending you a PM in a minute. It's personal and I hope you enjoy it.:)
Thank you, I got the PM. The Red number increased and I wrote back then the Red number decreased...?
I do understand regular email. I will watch the Red number to see if you reply and in increases.

Jagerdad :)
Alright jagerdad. You want my opinion here it is. Other countries can have all the anti-mask laws they want. They don't live under the US constitution. Around here we live by the US constitution. No matter what disease is knocking at the door. No matter what terrorists are doing. NO MATTER WHAT THE CONSTITUTION IS THE FOUNDATION OF ALL LAW IN OUR COUNTRY AT ALL TIMES. Does that mean people's rights can actually endanger your life? Yes it does. You may have to die or people you love may die because citizen's rights are much more important than anyone's life. Anyone who thinks differently is a failure as an American. I know that sounds ugly but that's how the rule of law stays as the rule of law.

As a result of this a mask law in the US is a violation of freedom of expression. I know what the chicken spits are going to say what about someone wearing a mask into a bank? What about them. You think a mask law stops a dude that's already going to rob a bank???? Now if someone is dumb enough to walk in a bank with a mask and isn't intending to rob it, he's running a real risk of getting shot.

As for protesters or activists wearing masks I don't have a problem with that either. You have a right to try and preserve your anonymity if you want. The people or authorities have a right to try and un-mask your anonymity through legal means.

Constant rule making is how foolish people think they solve problems. There is evil everywhere. New rules doesn't stop it. It just chokes the liberty out of the virtuous until it becomes evil itself. Liberty is a Christian belief and founded upon love and equality for all men.
I mostly agree with Tristate here.....but I do remember someone saying that the constitution isn't a suicide pact either....
Already happen in one state. Two home invasion robbers using white surgical style face masks broke into a home for the purpose of robbery. Homeowner shot and killed one suspect and beat second suspect about the head who fled the scene and was arrested later.
Second suspect that fled scene was charged with homicide since that state has a law like CA. that makes any co-conspirators guilty of murder even if one of the suspects is killed in the commission of a crime.
Another twoferr as we call it. One goes to prison and the other goes 6 feet under.
WeminucheWapitis (Crazy name) but try to send me what they term a PM. Ask Founder to help if needed. I still do not know how to do it.

Jagerdad :) Proud to Meet You :)
I tried to send a PM and it said I’m not allowed. I’m the youngest old guy when it comes to technology so I don’t know.
As far as I know there is no law or even a rule that says you MUST wear a mask. They are advising people to wear one. I guess if you work in a hospital it's required.

A guy at the store asked me where my mask was? I told him they didn't give me one.
We have mask shaming here. Don't dare wear your N95 out in public.

It's not so bad here in farm country though, because every farmer has a box of them in their shop.

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