Youth Success Pics Contest - Share Um!!


Founder Since 1999
[font size=+1]Hey all, let's see some youth success pics. They're always fun photos to see, so post them up here in this thread.[/font]

[font size=+1 color=darkred]Gift Cards Up for Grabs![/font]

We have TWO $25.00 Gift Cards to Bad Ass Outdoor Gear that we will give away in a random drawing to a couple of those of you who share pics.

Bad Ass Outdoor Gear is an advertiser here at They carry packs, trekking poles, the Phone Skope, Epek broadheads (my favorite), game calls, solar power panels and packs, a bunch of clothing, and a lot more. I encourage (ask) you all to take a moment and checkout their product line-up and when you're ready to buy, check them out.


Brian Latturner
JP's New Mexico Oryx

JP's posing with a trophy elk.

And hopefully more to come!!!

LAST EDITED ON Oct-03-13 AT 07:43PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-03-13 AT 07:31?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Oct-03-13 AT 07:27?PM (MST)

This is my sons Utah 2013 youth bull. This was taken on a general season any bull unit not a limited entry unit. This is his first bull elk.

He was not able to hunt on the opener, due to his employment. We headed to our destination three hour away after his work Saturday night to hunt the second day. That turned out to be very exciting for him to experience hunting bulls and hearing his first bugling bulls. We had approximately eighteen bulls answer our calls or bugle with in close distance of us. He had one close call with a good branch antler bull that we still hunted into, but was busted at about 80 yards in the heavy pole pines without a clear shot presented. He relived that close call for a week of school and work,waiting for a second chance the second weekend. A little disappointment experienced, but a hunting experience learned.

The second weekend started after his work Friday. Saturday morning we were greeted with several bugling bulls before daylight. At daylight we headed for one deep bugling bull as a couple good friend kept him talking. However, it ended with a missed shot at a good bull at 100 yards in the thick jack pines. Wow, disappointment and the low of hunting experienced. Just one more learning experience.

Sunday morning and the last day of the hunt greeted us with winds and no bugling that could be heard. Just after daylight the winds died and the bugles could be heard. We headed for the deepest sounding bugle and closed the distance. We ran into his cows in a old clear cut and had a window we set up in at 100 yards. The cows had us locked down for about ten minutes as the bull continued to bugle to his cows, but would not budge and come out with them. He was just out of sight when a small bull came in from above a tried to bugle. This brought the bigger bugling bull straight in with his head down. As he appeared in our shooting window I watched through my binoculars as the first shot rippled his front shoulder. I told my son to hit him again and watched a total of four impacts ripple the bulls shoulder until he went down right in our sight.

Wow, excitement, relief, high fives and congratulations all in short time frame. Then the excited 100 yard walk to my sons bull. Does not get any better then that. No animal I could harvest would top my sons success. Yes I'm one proud dad.

What a hunt. Much taught, learned and experienced. My son experienced the lows of hunting and the high of hunting. Could not have written a better ending. Enjoy, I will for years to come!!! I also owe great thanks to two close friends that helped make this happen and made the pack out much better. Thanks, Brett and Mark.


This is Josh's first bear and first big game animal. He's got a deer and elk tag to fill but hasn't found the right one yet.


This is my son Braxton with his first big game animal! Killed this buck with a well placed shot from my muzzleloader at 90 yards. I am very proud of him for the patience he showed in waiting for a good shot opportunty. He passed several smaller bucks in waiting for one that was a bit bigger. I believe he learned alot on this hunt and will make a fine hunter!


When you go swimming in the ocean, it is very cold, and it makes my willy small
My 13yr old son Taylor with his public land Colorado 2013 Muzzy bull. Taken at 35 yards with a .54 Rem 700ML & 348gr. Powerbelt. His first elk and his first muzzy harvest. Very proud of the way he held his composure and made a good shot.
I love these kinds of threads. Great pics guys and gals!

Here are some of my Son's successes:

First Buck

Second Buck

First Elk

First Ducks

First Grouse

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
6 Year Old Caels 2013 Success

My 6 year old son ended 2012 with this fine 7 point whitetail out of sonora texas at the age of 5.

Next hunt was a great opportunity to shoot a nice barbado sheep sheep (lowfence) sonora,tx.

2013 Started with a great opportunity with his first antelope. Shot him with his .243 at 180 Yards!

Thankful for the NM Mentored youth program he drew an antelope tag near Santa Rosa, NM. He was fortunate enough to harvest this fine buck at 215 yards with his .243.

Thanks for looking.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-13 AT 11:51PM (MST)[p]My daughter's first big game animal. Just before dark and pic was pretty fuzzy.

Her first buck.

Her first elk. Also right at dark. A 200 yard shot.

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Thanks for sharing your photos everyone!!! Sure appreciate it. Fun to see the smiles.

I've picked some winners.

The two who win the $25.00 gift cards are:


The eight who win a DVD from MuleyBull Outfitters are:


If your name is listed above, shoot me a PM with your name and mailing info. and I'll get it sent off.

THANKS ALL!!!! I hope next time more of you will share.

Brian Latturner
Thanks to all the youth that posted pics.Nice to see some of the successes of our next generation of hunters/fishermen/outdoorsmen
(and women)! :)

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