
Long Time Member
I Went up the last 2 Mornings!

Had to Burn a 100.00 worth of F'N Fuel just to see what's taking place you know!

SAD!!! SAD!!! SAD!!!

I Didn't take/write the Numbers Down!

But I can assure you this:

95% of the Bucks I seen the last 2 Days Were MOTL Bucks,Yes,Yearling Bucks still with their Mothers doing some Inter-Breeding!

For those that don't know what a MOTL Buck is:

AKA a Milk On The F'N Lip Buck!

I was Amazed at How many of these Little Bastards looked so much alike!

Next Time I go Up I will be taking Notes & Numbers!

I Will be Noting:

Number of Does!

Number of Bucks!

And Size of Bucks!

I Only seen One Buck I'd list as Mature in the last 2 Days!

You Don't ever see all the Big Boys,not even during Full Rut,But I'm Telling you this was SAD!

What You Guys seeing in your neck of the Woods?

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Spent the afternoon on Antelope Island today, lot's of super great bucks out there.......even though that place doesn't count ?

I went out last week and saw several mature bucks breading does.
This was in a very heavily hunted canyon.
I didn't see very many 1.5 year old bucks though.
Those are the ones that probably hit the dirt the most this year.

Proud member of the Wolfpack!
You in Utah ridgetops?

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
>You in Utah ridgetops?
>[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U.
>in My Future,Ya She's got
>way with Words[/font]
Yes sir.
General season, public lands.

Proud member of the Wolfpack!
>>You in Utah ridgetops?
>>[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U.
>>in My Future,Ya She's got
>>way with Words[/font]
>Yes sir.
>General season, public lands.
>Proud member of the Wolfpack!

You surely Ain't on the South Slope!:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Check your PM ridgetops!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Elkass, here's one of the bucks I saw.

Looks like he took a tine in the eye while fighting.


Proud member of the Wolfpack!
That's because every mature buck in that area got shot this year. It was a slaughter. At least 8 that I know of. It was just starting to come back a little. I'm surprised you saw that many two points.
Saw a bunch of 2 year old bucks doing the breeding in my CO area. Acting like big old studs. Only two 3 year old deer seen. It was tough.

Better here in Wyoming. Bigger bucks running around like dummies. Great time for pictures.
I spent a few days chasing elk on the Wasatch late elk. I thought there were a lot of nice bucks compared to past years. My only concern was the lack of yearlings. I think the later dates for the rifle hunt spelled big problems for the herd in the future. But I do believe that the number of good bucks was much higher than normal for the areas I was in.
>That's because every mature buck in
> that area got shot
>this year. It was a
>slaughter. At least 8 that
>I know of. It was
>just starting to come back
>a little. I'm surprised you
>saw that many two points.


But Hard to believe all the Decent Bucks Got Shot?

Gotta be a Few Bigger Survivors but what I Seen over this last weekend was Sad!

So KG?

Are You & Your Son Responsible for a Couple of the 8?:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
I have been bow hunting the Wasatch Front and there are some nice bucks around.

Hopefully I can get an arrow in one this week-------->

My kid ended up tagging one, we passed up a few that ended up getting shot. I guess that's what I get for letting a few walk. Always next year I guess. Sounds like you guys had some good luck?
A few days ago I made my first ever trip to the Book Cliffs to scout for upcoming bison hunt. Just about every group of does we seen had buck(s) with them. I was also surprised at how many small rutting bucks were with the does. Lots of small bucks, but only saw one "shooter". Not too impressed.
It is interesting. Still warmer than normal here... During the day in town and out in the wilds the little bucks seems to be running around and chasing etc. But at first light and last light there are many big bucks showing up and running the show.

On Sunday we looked at tons of deer and never saw a decent buck until the last 1/2 hours of light. All the sudden every group had a 3-5 year old buck with it and all the forkies were acting lost.

The big bucks literally were just appearing out of the trees and then running the show. Temps that day here were in the mid 50s.
Was down on the Manti this week. Seen more deer grouped together than I've ever seen before. One group I counted over 100 deer. Another group was just shy of that. Plenty of mature bucks in the group. Mature bucks were breeding. There were some dinks trying to get in the action as well. Bigger bucks kept pushing them out. Fun times!

Maybe you missed the best rut action if you are just heading out last weekend?

My brothers and I spent some time out chasing cow elk. On 11/11 we saw a ton of rutting action, and some big bucks out and about. I killed a cow on 11/15, and didn't see as many deer, and no real big bucks, but still some rutting action. By 11/19, my brother reported seeing lots of herds of does with no bucks with them at all, and some good bucks all off by themselves, no does in sight.

This of course is just one area, and not the South Slope. But it is possible you just are late and missed it.
>My kid ended up tagging one,
>we passed up a few
>that ended up getting shot.
>I guess that's what I
>get for letting a few
>walk. Always next year I
>guess. Sounds like you guys
>had some good luck?

Glad your Boy Got a Buck!

Tough Huntin & Where The Hell did all them MuzzleLoader Hunters come From?

Took 12 years to Bring it Back Just a little & Probably take another 10-12 to see it again!

We also Found another ATV SPIKE!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
>Maybe you missed the best rut
>action if you are just
>heading out last weekend?
>My brothers and I spent some
>time out chasing cow elk.
>On 11/11 we saw a
>ton of rutting action, and
>some big bucks out and
>about. I killed a cow
>on 11/15, and didn't see
>as many deer, and no
>real big bucks, but still
>some rutting action. By 11/19,
>my brother reported seeing lots
>of herds of does with
>no bucks with them at
>all, and some good bucks
>all off by themselves, no
>does in sight.
>This of course is just one
>area, and not the South
>Slope. But it is possible
>you just are late and
>missed it.


Didn't Miss it Vanilla!

Been Wasting lots of Fuel just to see what's taking Place!

I Seen Rut Activity as early as the Middle of Rifle Season,it was Minimal but seen some!

Last Weekend I'd Say was middle of Full Rut on the Deer I've been Watching!

And I'll agree them Bigger Bucks(The Few that are left around here!)still Ain't Stupid even at Rut Time!

But To Glass as far as I have been looking early & Late & not see no more than one Good Buck SUCKS!

Granted,You'll never see them All!

There's some Major Rut Activity here with the MOTL/PISSCUTTERS doing most of the Breeding!

And Believe me they Are JUNK Genetics!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
You might be right. For what it's worth, another friend was chasing bucks on the extended last weekend and saw no rutting activity at all. Does without bucks. Bucks in the vicinity that had zero interest in the does. So at least in the area he was at on Saturday, rutting was done.
>Elk ass you should just stop
>hunting seems like all you
>do is b**ch about it

Not Beaching at all!

Cold Hard Truth Must Piss People like you off!

Read My Next Post!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Went Back Up This Afternoon with Jr & We Counted Deer!

(((Shoulda Been Counting Wild Horses,We'd Have Higher Numbers!:D)))

Bucks Rutting Perty Hard!

Stayed Till way after Dark!(Waiting for the Big Boys to Show their Faces but to No Avail!)

Here's the Talley:


12-Forked Horns/MOTL Bucks!

11-2 Points!

2-Smaller 3 Points!

1-Small/18" 4 Point!

27 Bucks Total!

152 Does & Fawns Total!

Even though I Don't Care for the Buck to Doe Ratio's the DWR Boasts,We Counted Just about what they Reported Last Fall,About 18 Bucks Per 100 Does in the area We Were in!

Problem is,what We Seen wasn't what We Shoulda Seen!

We'll be doing more Counts in the Morning!

There's A Fresh Skiff of Snow that will Help My Blind Eyes see the Bigger Bucks!:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Not the size you are hoping for, but still cool to see deer like that.

Hopefully your morning yields some 'bigger' results.
Back at it 1st thing this Morning!

Decided to take the SWARO Spotter in Hopes of it Showing me more than My TASCO's have lately!

CRISP,CLEAR,COLD 19 Degree's this Morning with 1"-2" of Fresh Snow on the Ground!

4- Spikes!

24- Forked Horns!

20- 2 Points!

6- 3 Points!

2- 4 Points!

369- Does & Fawns!

A Slightly Lower Buck to Doe Ratio this Morning at about 15 Bucks Per 100 Does!

Did the SWARO Help?:D

Well Vanilla!

Not a Prospect 'Shooter' in the Bunch for Next year!

(((South Slope AKA the Most Hunted Out/Ground Pounded Place I know of anywhere!)))

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Most of my "hunting" since I don't have a tag is with video camcorder or camera. My favorite haunts are all within 15-20 mile radius of Pioche, NV (Nevada Area 231). Lots of deer seen, fair amount of rutting behavior...not even glassing, just driving around! Here's a few of the bigger bucks:






Hey...yeah, elky: I know these are "pisscutters", but when you haven't tagged out since 2010 like me, these would all be opening day "shooters" for me. And I know they're not all that spectacular, but I was glad to see them all ardently chasing does!
That snow storm on Wednesday really had them grouped up yesterday morning.

Mostly 4x4's with a few lil bucks hangin' close.

No arrow released by me but I am back up this AM.

Plenty of deer on the WF (Wasatch Front)

>Hey Elk....what is the diff between
>a forked horn and 2

Hey Longun!

A Forked Horn is Basically a Glorified Spike with a Tiny Branch on Top of the Antlers!

A 2 Point is a Buck that Might Possibly turn in to something if He Lives a few more years,the Bucks We Listed as 2 Points are a little Bigger & probably not Sucking on Mom anymore!

There probably isn't any Forked Horns in Wyoming!:D

But in TARDville they are considered Trophy's by Some!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]

The deer in Manila are definitely still rutting. A couple pretty nice ones too! Not sure if they'd tip the scale for elkassassin or not. But it was a cool sight driving through.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-16 AT 10:08AM (MST)[p]The bucks I were seeing a couple weeks ago were pretty high up on the mountain and only with a few does each.
I was going to go out this morning down lower on the flats but I just didn't want to deal with the high winds we are having right now.

Also, I never knew there was a difference between a 2 point and a forky. They are both the same thing to me, no matter the size.

Proud member of the Wolfpack!
I seen more big 4 points this year then years past on my 2 days of muley rut watching. I seen a buck that was over 200". But I seen alot fewer small 2nd year bucks.
>The deer in Manila are definitely
>still rutting. A couple pretty
>nice ones too! Not sure
>if they'd tip the scale
>for elkassassin or not. But
>it was a cool sight
>driving through.

Glad some of you are seeing some Decent Bucks!

Doesn't take much Vanilla to Tip My Scales but you seen My Lists!

Keep em coming Guys!

I know there were Many People out looking at Deer this last week!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
In defense of Bess, we have always differntiated between forkies and 2 points. They are different.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Just a question Genetic from a GOOD buck is still the genetics in him when he is small. So not all them small bucks will stay small, all the does will not have bucks.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]

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