Youth hunt mistake


Long Time Member
Hi everyone,
I plan on calling Game & Fish tomorrow, but I would like to know if anyone knows if I can fix my bonehead mistake.
Last night I messed up and put my son in for a deer point with his sister instead of the youth hunt I have been applying him in for the last few years. This should be his year to draw. I just realized my mistake today. He is 15 and was looking forward to this hunt the last couple years, but has not been able to draw. Hope I did not completely mess this up for him. Anyways, will Game & Fish allow you to change your choices after applying on line?


Sorry, but AZ G&F is probably NOT going to let you change that application.

Just the way it is. If you applied him for a point, then just plan on him going next year.

But at least you didn't loose his points..

That's the main thing.

Don Martin
You are right Don. I called this morning no corrections once submitted. What a bonehead move on my part. We thought after we took the NR class with you a couple years ago that he would draw that year, but more people keep putting in for it. With 5 points I think this year would of been his turn. At least he is 15 and still can apply next year.

Here's a suggestion. Buy him a bow and take him archery hunting. He can buy a tag and has time to learn and take some lessons in a shop.. You also could have him apply for left over firearms tags but I don't remember if he loses his bonus points for that (I don't think he does)call to verify. In either case he could go hunting this year and honestly the archery idea opens him up to going hunting almost every year with the over the counter tags. Just some food for thought and though difficult archery hunting will improve his skills and give him quality time in the field both of you will look forward to. It will give both of you a new way to hunt and something your daughter can learn as well. Let's face it firearms tags aren't getting any easier to come by and archery is a good alternative that can increase your time in the field. The bows made today will allow both of them to use the same bow if like handed so it's very easy to hand down as they grow. They're priced reasonably and it may be some of the best money you ever spend. Archery can be a family activity and fun can be had by all.
LAST EDITED ON May-21-15 AT 09:06PM (MST)[p]

if the app period is open it will if you can get them to cancel the app. I'd have a story lined up as well as find out who I needed to convince prior to the call. I don't know of a state that won't let you cancel when the app period is still open but I haven't checked on AZ.
Bob, I have never heard of "Canceling an application."

Are you saying that is possible? If so, please enlighten all of us out here!

I've been teaching Hunter Education for 20 years now and I've never HEARD of that.

Don Martin
Bob, I've been teaching AZ Hunter ED for over 20 years and I've never heard of being able to cancel an application.

If you know it is possible, please tell me how to do it!

Don Martin
AZ Hunter Education
Region III
LAST EDITED ON May-27-15 AT 10:53PM (MST)[p]
I said "..if you can get them to cancel the app." My question to them would be how can they not let you withdraw the app if the app period is still open? It's a std procedure for the states I have been applying to. Seems like a no brainer....
Didn't it used to be that if you got your application in early enough, and they found an error on it, they would try something like 3 times to contact you to correct it? Maybe that was only regarding CC issues? Either way, if you know you have made a mistake now, it sure seems as though you should be able to contact someone to correct it...or at least cancel it so you can start over. That sure seems like common sense...UH OH, your screwed!
The dept eliminated the "paper app correction period" last year. If your credit card bounces they will call 3 times.

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