Bighorn Sheep


Very Active Member
Reaching out to see if any fellow MM fellas have any expierence with area 3 Bighorn sheep in Wyoming. I contacted the biologist that used to be over that area but he has moved to Jackson. Talked to the new guy over the area briefly at the meeting in Green River. He hadn't moved up there yet he is coming from baggs area. So I will contact both again. Also have a few fellas that hunted it before gonna go over my map with me and give some suggestions. The drainages I was considering for opening sounded like sheep don't move in there till oct. If I can get it done I want to harvest early so I can get back to help son with moose. I'll keep my research on to make this happen hopefully, any way if anyone else has any tips be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
Ouch :).

DoubleDrop is a stand up guy!
He's waited a long time for this tag so I hope some guys on here can help him out like he was so willing to do for me as an internet stranger when I played the MM roulette and openly asked about a tag I drew. He helped tremendously. He deserves the best chance possible to come out of this with a great ram!
Haha Thanks wyobc!! Your pretty swell to. No need to say ouch cause not only does it not hurt it don't even sting a little lol. Any way I feel the purpose of forums is to help the fellow hunter out guess not all see it that way but if I can help I will!! Good luck on upcoming draws and I'll be in contact to see how that turns out for ya!!
I offered to take time off, fight off grizzlies and bust my butt to help with turning up a big ram but I'm all for road hunting 180's, haha.
LAST EDITED ON May-15-17 AT 10:00PM (MST)[p]I was thinking we would have funner living with the grizz and come out with a 100" er . That's only 80" less. So that would cut down on weight lol
Now if somebody would just give us the gps coordinates, haha.

I know how excited I'd be if it were my tag. I just some guys come through for ya with some help or least a good story or two about the area.
Red hair was a flattering comment as its mostly gray now.

I'll ask around for ya and get some info. Harvest data is your friend...
Haha FC I am greying up quite nicely must I say so my self. And thanks!! Ya I will be getting me some harvest data reports for sure!!
Good luck Double!

A close friend had the tag last year. He killed a dandy 169" ram in late October after three horseback trips, total 21 days in the field. Eight hunters, including 4 NR guided were unsuccessful. Good area that can be tough for sure. Make sure you have plenty of time to hunt.
If 4 guided hunters went unfilled last year in 3 they must have been 117 years old. this is getting to be a problem. and of course some folks are just quitters once they find out how tough it can be.

There are lots of sheep in 3 , I cannot imagine having a problem unless you can't physically hunt or you hold out for a 180.

I wish WY kept track of scores rather than just one length and a base measurement . I think it would be a lower score than most hunters leave the trail head looking for.

Good luck, any sheep tag in WY is a good tag and area 3 is better than most.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Yup not this guy, score don't matter to me I'm shooting first one I like the looks of. I would like 160+ but if a lesser ram looks good to me I'm shooting !!
OhchocoKid is right about the aging of the hunters. I had an outfitter complain to me a couple years ago about having two hunters in camp that were almost incapable, due to age, to walk more than 100 yards from the horses. He was trying to saw out an old trail on Pilot Creek so that they could ride a horse to where he had seen a couple of rams. I later heard, they both came up empty on their tags.

Last year, I ran into an old fellow (older than me) driving down the Sunlight Road in his pickup. I asked him what he was looking for. He had an Area 2 sheep tag he had waited a long time for. He couldn't afford an outfitter and he had no horses. He said he couldn't walk more than a few hundred yards and that was on flat ground. I really felt bad for him. I thought his best bet was to hang close to the road along the North Fork of the Shoshone River. I have actually seen a few decent rams within a few hundred yards of that road both in Area 2 and Area 3. This is usually late in October after a storm. I don't know how it turned out for him.

I am grateful that I can still cover some ground. I have a gimpy left leg that is getting better after some forced marches that bring nothing but pain. Today I covered about 8-9 miles in some steep country and actually saw a ewe. I have the entire season to take a sheep in Area 1. I am going to get it done or die trying. DIY or tag soup.

Personally I wouldn't take anything under 160" in 3, or 1 or 4 for that matter. unless you are short on time.

I passed on several 150 type rams in area 4 a couple years ago , I ended up with a 166" 9 year old ram which I was very happy with. a couple times I wondered if I made a mistake but I set my goal at 160 and stuck with it and it paid off.

In area 3 I'm confident 160 is very doable. unless you're younger than me I'd go at this as if it was your only shot.

What is an average ram in WY ? 160 I suppose?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Good question but I would think 160 would be a good average ram for Wyoming. Never tried scoring rams before so it will be a good learning expierence. Never been on a sheep hunt with any one. But hopefully after this year my kid and nephew will draw in near future so I can accompanying them.
Congrats DDMuley
And it sounds like Mightyhunter also got lucky in the draw!
Hunting Rocky Rams in the Wyoming Rockies is definitely special. My 2004 hunt was in area 4, so I can't help with area info. But I saw 32 rams in 5 days hunting with Fritz Meyer's outfit and he echoed what has been said about shooting a ram you like the looks of. My ram was a 10 year old that doesn't quite break 160, but he is old and heavy and I still get a smile on my face when I look at him on the wall.
Congrats gents, and best of luck. We will all be excited to hear how it goes.
Keep us posted.
Thanks LBH and Robb. Looking forward to it. Now if this damn weather would cooperate. Seen a new born antelope couple days ago enjoying the weather with a little momas milk now today 29 degrees and snowing.Hope little fellas make it alright!!
Big Horn are magnificent animals. Always wanted to hunt for one myself in the Rockies.
Not likely in my budget, though.
Good luck guys.
I'll be in the same area as sheep area 1 hunting elk this fall. Hope you all success and hope I can at least see a ram while I glass for elk.
Congrats on the tag. I been trying for 17 years for that tag. I also guide in area 3. Over a 160 ram is likely with a lot of scouting time put in
Hello, I am a outfitter in the area. We spend a lot of time in area 3. It's a great unit and we have taken many great rams from there. Most of the area you can hunt with out a outfitter will be late October hunting if the weather helps you out. Itaste a great unit with lots of rams. I know there was a few guys that did not fill because the weather never came. Saw a few residents on the road. We had great season and saw a bunch of rams in there.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-17 AT 06:15PM (MST)[p]Thanks lostcreek, ya I am a resident so I'll be able to hunt all the area without a guide. Getting research done for where I want start and getting pumped!!! Hopefully get it done early without the weather but I'll go back up if needed. Got any pics of rams you have taken? If ya don't mind sharing.
That's great! If you look under lost Creek outfitters on Facebook we have a bunch of photos. My web page is down but will be back up soon. I just purchased lost Creek from Griz turner. I am very excited for the season. I got to spend some time in three with Bjoe Coy. He knows three very well. If you need any help look us up or a place to put horses. I have a place on the north fork.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-17 AT 05:11AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-17 AT 05:10?AM (MST)

Thanks Man!! Ya I looked lostcreek up, tried webpage first and seen it was down then went to see if you had a Facebook page and kaboom got to see some sheep pics. Looks like some dandys? Congrats on getting the outfit that's cool stuff there!!!
Well after some consideration I decided to hire a guide to help me out with the task of harvesting a ram. With not much time to scout or learn the country I figured it was in my best interest to go that route to give me better odds of getting it done. Finally on oct 4 2017 it all became a reality and harvested a good mature 8 yr old ram!! I would like to give a big thank you to fellow members that helped me out with this quest. BHBO, WYOBACKCOUNTRY and a Big Thanks to MIGHTYHUNTER. They all helped out and didn't lead me astray lol. If I would have had time to go DIY im sure with the info they contributed I could have got it done. Ended up hunting same drainages they pointed me to and even harvested the ram in one of them!!! Thanks again fellas!!
Congrats DDM! Well done. Post up a pic of the ram! Might as well post up a pic of the buck you shot that was eating my maples.
Thanks nfh, can't believe I didn't mention you in the post, you've been a good person to talk to not only on sheep but all hunting, thanks again for your input!!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-10-17 AT 07:06AM (MST)[p]ttp://
Ok fellas here he is!!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-10-17 AT 07:10AM (MST)[p]
Ok fellas here he is!!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-10-17 AT 07:15AM (MST)[p]
Ok mulecreek here is the mulecreek maple mauling Muley!! Wife said we needed table fair this year so I figured mise we'll get one that's already maple flavored so I didn't have to buy wood chips for the smoker!!
Ok little bit of the hunt. Drew the tag In May, made plans with a few guys to go with me. Well ended up changing jobs late July and couldn't make the time to scout. So first days off my kid, wife and I ran up to give it a go with the research that I received info from a few guys on MM. Didn?t locate any sheep. So I was getting a little nervous because with the schedule change others couldn't change there vaca. So after talking to this cool chick ( my wife) I got to try and hook up with a Outfitter.
Most were booked but said if they got done early they might be able to fit me in. And with help from a friend that has contact with a few outfitters up in cody I was finally able to get booked. I was scheduled to go oct 20-25 but one of the guides called me up said he got done early with one of his hunts and asked if I could come early. As luck would have it I was just about to go on 4 days off!! I was working grave yards. So Sunday morning opening morning of deer close to the house I got off work ran home grabbed gun went on mountain behind the house seen the buck first thing and wife wanted some meat this year so shot it took it to butcher and was back at home by 11 am. Had to get some rest as had 1 more grave a head of me!! Got it over came home took a 3 hr nap then headed to cody to meet with the guide. Met at a convience store. Took me to his cabin and got me set up. Next morning went to a drainage. Dang same one me and the family had glasses. We hunted there all day seen 30+ sheep including 4 rams. I would have shot biggest one but guide thought we could do better. So I told him I'm counting on you F&??er lol. We laughed. Next morning we went to a different drainage, the first one that was on my agenda for DIY. Hmmmm ol well lol. On the way the guides seen a falling star said there's my sign.
We got up on the ridge we were gonna glass. After a while one of the guides spotted some tracks way up high in the deep snow. Him and I were gonna go check them out and the other guide was gonna go down ridge to glass. While on our way the lower guide got a hold of us told us there was 6 sets of ram tracks and they were fresh so we turned mules around and caught back up with each other. Formed a plan and me and one guide got in tracks and started following them. We stopped to glass and he spotted them laying down. We all got together and they ranged them at 500 yds and asked me if I wanted to shoot told them I'd rather get closer. So one guide stayed there on the spotter. Me and the other went down ridge always and found a pile of rocks which ended up being the best rest ever with his pack lates across. He ranges it at 350. That will work. We layed there and watched waiting for them to stand. The smaller ones each took turns standing and I kept picking one and practicing my squeeze. Finally 2nd biggest stood and I got ready. It was about 45 min and of watching and my ram finally stood up!! He took a few steps for broad side and the ultra mag roared hitting right where I was aiming. Guide said he's running you missed which he likes to tell everyone but I heard the sound of a solid hit and was watching him roll. The other guide said hope he don't roll off that cliff but that's excactly what he did. But came out of the fall in good shape! Finally got to him and finally felt a whole lot better!!
It was a pleasure exchanging emails with you all Summer and Fall. Great story and a great ending for a sheep hunter. Thanks for all your positive encouragement.

Dido MH!!! Appreciate all the help and it's a expierence I won't soon forget!! Learned a lot about sheep hunting in the day and a half.. hopefully get to do it again one day for myself or with someone else!! Thanks again!! And good luck on your future adventures!!
Great sheep! I'd love a ram like that. I'm afraid my knees and feet are going to prohibit me from hunting that kind of country, by the time I draw.

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