Please post your kids ages!! Questions about hunters safety


Long Time Member
My son and I love to look at the kids out hunting on this sight. HOWEVER, he wants to know how old they are so he has something to compare himself to, he is 7. Also, how old were your kids when they did hunters safety? I was thinking next summer we would go take it, he will be 8 and while I don't worry about the shooting test, how did your younger kids do with the written side? Do they let you help them with words they might not be able to read or words they don't understand? Its been almost 30 years since I did it so I don't remember.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Hoss: try checking your states website for an on-line version of the hunters safety course. Here in Cali they have one that is damn good. It has a voice speaking to the student just like being in a hunter safety class.

If your state does not have this type course bring up the Cali course and you can help your son learn the information together. The course is free and you can log in and study at no charge until you are ready to take the certification test. I am sure most all states hunter safety requirements are similar.
This on-line version will help your son get ready for the test.

Good reading :)

LAST EDITED ON May-05-13 AT 07:19PM (MST)[p]Hunter Safety check out the Cali on-line Hunter Safety Course if your state does not have an Internet HS course. It has a audio explanation of information that is great for kids.
Hey Hoss! My oldest 2 daughters took it together. One was 12 the other was 8. They discouraged me from putting my 8 year old in the class saying she wouldn't be able to hold the gun. She out shot the whole damn class. Open mouth insert foot! :)

It's always an adventure!!!
I should have said I was in Utah, sorry. AWLB, mine has a little breakdown 10/22 and we go shoot golf balls with it so I don't sweat him passing the shoot. He shoots a ton of .22, which lately means dad is needing a second job!!! I kinda think 8 will be good, Thanks for the info!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
I took hunters safety when i was eight and i didn't have a problem with it, but me and my dad think that the soonest age that you should start taking it is when you are able to read. But once you take hunter's safety you can still hunt small game, and then when you turn 12 you can start hunting big game.
And it would be a great idea to take it next summer, but make sure to do it in the actual class just make sure that you don't do it online. And the written test they will ask if you want to come out into the hall or something like that and then have them read it to you, and then they will just circle the answer that they think is correct also it is really good to study before the test and just the basics. and the shooting part of the test is usually pretty easy as long as he has a 22 that is his size, and it is also good to go practice a couple of times shooting before the test.
The on line course is a method to learn and practice the hunter safety course. To help someone not familiar learn some basics in advance so when you actually take the course in person the person is more prepared. You can not take the course on line and get certified and get a hunting license. Some give credit for the on line course and reduce the physical amount of class time like with the archery certification test.

My girls took it together at 11 and 13. I work with the instructor he's a nice guy but real dry and a little slow but it was fun listening to the kids in the class some them couldn't wait to get in the woods. My youngest has always struggled reading. One of the other parents was assigned to read her questions on the exam. I did it for a boy in the class as well. Instructors were good about making sure the kids who needed help got it. Riley the 11yr old missed almost every shot on the range. One of the instructors figured out she was closing the wrong eye! They didn't care about accuracy just safety they told all the parents that the shooting proficiency was going to be our responsibility before the kids got in the field.. Get them started now because idaho and Arizona have some great opportunitys for kids. Even nonresident. Oldest has gotten a bear ,two cow elk, three does, and two bucks in three years. The youngest has a turkey,one buck and a cow elk in same time. They keep freezer full for me and the wife.

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