How's your city/county doing?


Long Time Member
Humboldt County, CA has had 50 total positive cases of COVID-19. No deaths and 3 hospitalizations. Currently no one in the hospital, and no new cases detected for the past 4 days. The population of Humboldt Co. is 140,000.

How is it where you are?
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Contra Costa co Ca.
530 confirmed cases.
11 deaths.
up 4% from yesterday.
Population 1.144.863
Co co county here as well. So I guess I have the same report. I know the hospitals are pretty much empty but are trying to be prepared if there is a surge.

FYI I am in Martinez.

Rio Blanco County Colorado. Population 6k. 1 case and no hospitalization. Mask, shelter in place, social distancing, blah blah blah... AA sponsors are getting hard to find cuz they are all taken. My liver hurts, waist line is growing, wife is grumpy, dog is whiny, and the crappies & catfish ain't biting yet. Sounds like a county music song on the makings...
0 cases
0 deaths in the state.
Was 1 confirmed case in the county but that was 3 weeks ago.
Fremont county is bad. Last i knew around 270 cases statewide. Here is a list
My county Dona Ana in New Mexico 49 cases one death. A man in his 50's. Do not know if he had underlying health issues.
I have a cousin in-law in the hospital on a ventilator. My sister in law lost her grandma to it. I train dogs with a gentleman who lost a relative to it in Colorado no health issues. But hey they were gonna die some day anyways.
Be safe ladies and gents. I don't wanna hear about any of you die from it. It has to be a miserable lonely death drowning in your own fluids with no loved ones by your side.
Lassen Co. CA.
0 Cases through this whole thing. Some people up here were terrible ill back at the end of December, first of January. Before we really knew what was going on, so who knows if they had it or not. Talking to a couple of them, they think they had it. Seems weird if they did that it would have died out?
Co co county here as well. So I guess I have the same report. I know the hospitals are pretty much empty but are trying to be prepared if there is a surge.

FYI I am in Martinez.

Same county I live in Oakley. Last I heard there’s 7 at Kaiser in Antioch.
For what its worth we where one of the first places in California to lock down.
Blaine County Idaho, 460 cases- 2 deaths that I know of. I believe there are 20,000 people in the county. The second home owners are still flying in.
Navajo County, AZ
335 cases
8 deaths.

I’m sure there’s more. There are 2 major Reservations and they seem to report those differently.
My county, population 73,000, has 5 cases and no deaths.
The State has 611 cases and 8 deaths. Three of the 8 deaths came from one nursing home. 24 people on ventilators, most of them will die.
Mitchell Co TX, 1 case fully recovered. County population 9k. Population density obviously a huge factor. Glad to be living in the pasture.
Wyoming had its first death over in buffalo. Had a heart attack and corona so the labeled it a corona death
Blaine County Idaho, 460 cases- 2 deaths that I know of. I believe there are 20,000 people in the county. The second home owners are still flying in.

wow.....those numbers are nearly Identical to my county....Kern, Ca but we have 900,000 people
My wife's friend has a daughter who's husband went into the hospital as he didn't feel good. They took him back into the emergency ward and she has not seen him since.

They did not say anything and she has not heard from him since. Really weird and she can't find anything out as everyone is too busy to help her.
Hey Oilcan I am in Antioch as well.....
My wife's friend has a daughter who's husband went into the hospital as he didn't feel good. They took him back into the emergency ward and she has not seen him since.

They did not say anything and she has not heard from him since. Really weird and she can't find anything out as everyone is too busy to help her.
Hey Oilcan I am in Antioch as well.....
That would really make me angry. I believe I would have a hissy fit.:mad:
Finally had a corona death in Wyoming...meanwhile I-80 truckdrivers still keep stackin' up....
Gunnison County Colo.
100 cases positive.
3 deaths
I have a cousin in hospital.
We banned visitors including 2nd home owner's...looks like the Texas AG is fixing to sue us.....
Idaho has 1453 cases, and 33 deaths. We are pretty low over here on the East side in Bonneville Co.
Still about the Same here as far as we know:



Yuba and Sutter county CA. we are next door to Butte Co. above.
39 cases, 3 deaths, 6 in hospital, 11 recovered.
Population of both counties under 200,000.
1 more case in Humboldt Co, CA after 5 days of 0 cases. I was hoping to stop at the bar for a beer this summer, dang it! Maybe next year.
Eel get a piece of cardboard and write, I need beer, and hold it up to your window with a can of Coors lite. Get it posted on facebook and youtube and Coors will come to your rescue like they did with that 92 year old grandma. She got 10 cases of Coors lite beer delivered to her front porch.




Blaine County Idaho- 458 cases-5 deaths. Everyone is going back to work on Monday. I was working this week, none of the younger 20s to 30s are wearing masks or gloves in stores, they lift the quarantine and a lot of people think it’s all over. Slid into Napa Auto for some parts yesterday and was the only one with a mask on. I guess will see if there is a second wave of this virus it will happen here first. I hope your all back to work soon.
One Thing that is amazing to me is:

For as Quick as it Spread Worldwide I'm Amazed More People didn't get it?

And Ya I Know it's not over with yet!
Bobcat, there is new information coming out that a far greater amount of people did get it, but did not show any symptoms and were totally unaware they contacted the virus.
The testing of people for antibodies is confirming this new evidence of a far greater spread of the virus.

Ya I Know RELH!

The Testing around here has been Minimal!

But They Think that the Carona Mighta been Hitting Here for a Few Months now?

Not Sure anybody knows for sure?
Bobcat, there is new information coming out that a far greater amount of people did get it, but did not show any symptoms and were totally unaware they contacted the virus.
The testing of people for antibodies is confirming this new evidence of a far greater spread of the virus.


That Stanford study is claiming possibly as high as 80x the number infected as the number tested positive.

That would seriously change the death rate, and the serious case rates.
heres what its like on the east coast just so you guys can get the flavor of the situation here. I live in Bucks Co. Pa. this county is next to and above Phila. its a 25 min drive to center city from where I live.
Bucks Co has 1977 cases with 99 deaths. I know 4 people with confirmed cases and quite honestly I'm shocked that 2 of them weathered the storm and are recovering, the other 2 were just diagnosed and are in NJ, towards NY.
Those 2 were from work, we monitor everyone as they enter the building. I was sick myself a few weeks backs, was tested and found negative, there is a minor cold/flu like illness making its rounds too which mucks it up some.
better times are coming , good luck in the draws
I like the reports from the front lines. We have been holding at 13 cases here in Montezuma County (50/100k)for about a week now. Either that or we ran out of tests. LOL

I've been to town twice in the last month (I usually only go once a week until the golf course opens), for shopping and to check on some business. The stores are just weird - empty and sold out at the same time, the construction sites are like nothing ever happened. I have been trying to avoid Walmart my entire life, so no surprise that I havent gone there.

The best are the dispensaries. The one on main street has a dude sitting outside taking your order, and people (probably 20 when I drove by) standing oddly positioned about 8 feet apart in the parking lot. Looked like one of those giant chess boards they have in parks only with real people.

I noticed my living expenses have been drastically reduced.
Looked like one of those giant chess boards they have in parks only with real people.

That's a perfect description. People shopping in grocery stores look like Zombies in masks. People keeping their distance and nobody talking.
Hookers,Russia,Ukrain,Impeachment and a Pandemic. Let’s skip Socialism and give these dumb folks some Communism
Valley County Montana has had zero cases, zero deaths and nothing really changed except my wife is teaching from home . Office is still open but we are supposed to limit people to less than 10 in the office at a time. I don't think I ever had 10 people in an office at once except for an office party.

Closest cases are 75 miles away so far.

Blaine County Idaho- 473 cases- 5 Deaths, people back to work and a lot of people running around like nothing really happened
Kern County, Ca....990,000 people. 695 confirmed....4 dead

My favorite cafe has reopened and I went there 3 times yesterday.....
We have 3 more in our little county now, expecting more . I guess the story is a mother, daughter, and granddaughter ( who is an adult ) in a town just down the road have tested possitive, and refuse to quarentine. 2 of them, the mother and daughter, were at the local gas station, and walking down the sidewalk to go to another store , when police stopped them, and told them to reture home , or go to jail. Later that day they were seen walking down the sidewalk again, and were told again to return home. There is now a cop car parked in front of there home. 2 employees from the gas station that helped them are now quarentined , 1 is in her 60s and the other is young with 3 kids. Now dad is home watching the kids and mom lives in their camp trailor for the next couple weeks........
We have 3 more in our little county now, expecting more . I guess the story is a mother, daughter, and granddaughter ( who is an adult ) in a town just down the road have tested possitive, and refuse to quarentine. 2 of them, the mother and daughter, were at the local gas station, and walking down the sidewalk to go to another store , when police stopped them, and told them to reture home , or go to jail. Later that day they were seen walking down the sidewalk again, and were told again to return home. There is now a cop car parked in front of there home. 2 employees from the gas station that helped them are now quarentined , 1 is in her 60s and the other is young with 3 kids. Now dad is home watching the kids and mom lives in their camp trailor for the next couple weeks........
Stupid is as stupid does.
We're doing really, really well in Humboldt Co CA
52 total, no deaths, only 2 active cases and no new cases for about a week now.

Our reward? Starting tomorrow, Face masks are required in all places of business. Protests on public property are banned, and no permits will be given.
We're doing really, really well in Humboldt Co CA
52 total, no deaths, only 2 active cases and no new cases for about a week now.

Our reward? Starting tomorrow, Face masks are required in all places of business. Protests on public property are banned, and no permits will be given.

Seems odd that we have to get a permit to protest
We are set to start "Phase One" reopening statewide coming this Sunday the 26th with Churches starting and schools can reopen at the discretion of the local school board.




In a "front line" state here and still feel things are way overstated from a national emergency/statistical sense. It has really been very city or community specific, with HUGE percentage in more urbanized areas, especially care facilities and also a HUGE percentage in people with serious underlying conditions. Naturally, there are many people in those circumstances, but they also are in peril the other 365 days of the year from numerous causes, sadly so. The headline stories, healthy or younger people, and this goes true even if you are or know one, are a slim minority. The whole county took a look at the giant red bubbles they placed over NY and NJ on the Johns Hopkins map and collectively freaked out and went all jackboot. I LIVE in the red bubble and am furious with the ham-handed one size fits all approach. But I am really DISAPPOINTED in more rural and conservative states taking the bait and not thinking it through just a little bit more. Once this is all done, I think people will have some serious questions for our leaders, or at least I hope so. Politically, all is lost over here.... but I had always held out hope that I could escape one day. I assure you, I am not one of the future migrants you should worry about dragging crappy politics your way... but now maybe there won't even be a place to go, if this is all it takes for the more red states to roll over to authoritarianism. That said - PLEASE do not take any of that our on doctors, nurses, etc. who wherever they are located are all putting themselves individually at far more risk than you or I. I sense the media trying to drive a wedge between medical and first responders and those who question the lockdowns. There is no wedge on this matter and both groups are full of valid ideas.
Davis, Weber, and Morgan counties are going to start opening up some on the 1st.

I'm celebrating with a haircut(local gal, has only 1 chair, not sure why she ever needed to close). And dinner reservations. Can't imagine a cleaner, more sterile place around than a restaraunt on opening night.

Might have to sport my fancy facemask and designer gloves that night.

I'm sure there will be a spike, and the "Nancy's" and soccer mom's will be all over FB, and I'm sure the SLC media will run with it 24/7, but once again, and for the record, I think the Governor has done a real fine job with the hand he's been dealt.
Here’s the best map I saw so far of the “front line” in NJ. Most suburban and rural areas are not so bad but in vicinity of NYC the spillover effect is obvious and the corridor down to Philadelphia shows a pretty strong pattern as well.




No change... Other than Rangely is alive, burning gas, running hills, crappie fishing, bbqing, and getting back to normal. Still really could use several microbrews and some fish tacos though...
Well the last time I looked Blaine County Idaho had around 480 cases. This is my 3rd week back to work in the construction business, 1 to 2 subs on a job with masks and gloves, I can’t wear either with the work I do, I’ve washed my hands more in one month than I have my whole life. I went in the Valley Country Store yesterday afternoon to grab an ice tea and I was the only one out of 30 people in the store with a mask on. The Chinese Corona Party is over here, I know it just didn’t just disappear, but everyone needs to get back to work
We are bordered on the south by the Navajo Nation, where there is an extreme breakout (I'm not saying it has anything to do with their government furnished health care :rolleyes: ). The incidence rate is something like the 3rd worst in the nation.

As far as numbers, my county 19 cases, 2 dead. The neighboring county to the south, San Juan NM, 844 cases, 66 dead.

My town is a border town where these folks have to come and shop. It's only a matter of time before it gets me in the feed store or golf course.

Interesting to note that the Navajo Nation numbers don't appear to be included with some state totals. So Az, Nm, and Utah may require some pencil whipping to see the real story. Surprised? :rolleyes:
Humboldt County had it's first Covid-19 death yesterday. A 97 year old woman in an assisted living facility.
Utah outside of West Stabbington (West Valley) is pretty calm.

Which im pretty sure is 100% the result of the "Nancy's" which we have lots of.

On a side note. Anyone else noticed a new symptom if Corona?

Go hit a grocery store about noon.

Either their is a yoga convention in town, or lots of couped up "mommies" are getting dolled up in their Sunday best yoga gear and hitting the store.

Hit the Smiths in Kaysville and there was nothing but stretched tight yoga gear, lots of plastic Being pushed up as high as it would go, eyelashes everywhere(I'll assume lips were botoxed but masks and all).

Being a scientist I was forced to gather data and returned 3 more times to grab lunch.??

I guess coughing, shortness of breath, and spandex are the symptoms in the high class neighborhoods?
Same ol same ol here in Harris Co. Texas. Bunch of people got it and some died. What is different is petty crime has gone through the roof. I would imagine violent crime will start to skyrocket soon. Unemployment here is horrible. The worst I have ever seen it in my lifetime. Tons of people aren't paying their rent or their mortgages. The grocery stores are having all kinds of shortages. Getting dam near impossible to buy raw chicken. My wife went to one grocery store in Bryan Tx. She wanted to buy a couple of steaks. The guy in the meat department says they haven't had beef steaks in 6 days.

I can't buy latex gloves anymore. Everybody that was scared of Kung flu and the federal government have snatched them all up. So now me and my guys have to handle carcinogens with our bare hands. We'll probably all get cancers so some hoarding soccer mom can feel better opening doors.

Luckily our governor has finally pried his head out of his butt and seen the writing on the wall. Someone still needs to stuff a sock in Leena Hidalgo's mouth. She keeps getting on the TV and telling people their employers are greedy and trying to kill all of them and that working is suicide.

The whole nation went full retard.
In my county, Yuba, there has been only 22 cases with two deaths. Both of them elderly with major medical problems. Meat is beginning to show less in the major stores. I am willing to bet that that the small local meat processors are doing fine as they normally have several small ranches they buy their beef and pork from and should not see any shortage.
We have been using one of those small meat processors for the past 10 years to purchase a half of beef from when we need it. We purchased a half of beef just prior to this coronavirus crap and are set up fine for meat for many months down the line.
I hope the barber shops open up soon as I am beginning to look like a long hair hippie and I do not trust my wife to cut my hair.
As for our governor prying his head out of his rectum, that will never happen as he takes his marching orders from his Aunt Nancy Pelosi who want s the economy to tank in order to have a chance of unseating Trump in November.

My sister owns a business here and she got one of those PPP grants and has been paying her two employees their full pay for about 6 weeks. The rules have relaxed enough that if proper procedures are followed she can open back up. She filed a plan with the city and she held a meeting with her employees to discuss what needs to be done and to start work next Monday. They both said they were too afraid to come back to work so they both turned in their resignation. I've never seen her so pissed!

You'd think my sister asked them to change diapers at a virus infested nursing home!

Dr. Fauci's and Nancy Pelosi's plan is working.
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My sister owns a business here and she got one of those PPP grants and has been paying her two employees their full pay for about 6 weeks. The rules have relaxed enough that if proper procedures are followed she can open back up. She filed a plan with the city and she held a meeting with her employees to discuss what needs to be done and to start work next Monday. They both said they were too afraid to come back to work so they both turned in their resignation. I've never seen her so pissed!

You'd think my sister asked them to change diapers at a virus infested nursing home!

Dr. Fauci's and Nancy Pelosi's plan is working.

Evil buisness owners!

Im betting until the funds got deposited she probably covered them out of her own pocket.
Evil buisness owners!

Im betting until the funds got deposited she probably covered them out of her own pocket.
She did. She's ready to retire and wanted to offer one employee the option to take over the business, but not now. It's a solid business too.

People think owning a business is all a bed of roses but I know better. It's why I opted to be a good Indian and not the Chief. I liked sleeping at night.
My sister owns a business here and she got one of those PPP grants and has been paying her two employees their full pay for about 6 weeks. The rules have relaxed enough that if proper procedures are followed she can open back up. She filed a plan with the city and she held a meeting with her employees to discuss what needs to be done and to start work next Monday. They both said they were too afraid to come back to work so they both turned in their resignation. I've never seen her so pissed!

You'd think my sister asked them to change diapers at a virus infested nursing home!

Dr. Fauci's and Nancy Pelosi's plan is working.
I believe it is because they are on unemployment and getting the bonus $600 per week. I have Construction workers doing the same. With the extra money they get why go back to work. I'll bet if they cut that people will go back to work quickly
When they realize that if they refuse to work the unemployment and surplus get cut off their attitude will change But then it will be too late

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