Leftover Re-issued tags August 3..


Active Member
It’s anybody’s guess what to expect on August 3..( THE QUESTION ) Is there even going to be any good tags available???? All we can hope for is maybe some of the youth or adults didn’t pay for their second draw tags? Or somebody drew out for a different state and they’re turning their tag back in for re-issue? It’s too early for the landowners to start turning in unused vouchers. So your guess is as good as mine? And I did talk to somebody at Colorado Parks and wildlife. I asked him if they were really gonna wait till the first part of August to release the list. And they said they’re hoping to get the list out by the end of the week next week. But did not want to commit on a date.. P.S. I did not look in the brochure or read the regulations !!! Because the answer is not in there….????
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Yes there will be good tags available. The CPW doesn't post this in the regs book BUT it would look something like this......

The Anatomy of Leftover On Sale Day

1. CPW posts list with a few great tags and a bunch of PLO doe/cow tags.

2. Everybody gets all excited, threads get made and we all anxiously wait for the on sale day.

3. People take time off work to be in front of their computer or go stand in line for hours.

4. On sale time comes and everyone on their computer gets put into a virtual waiting room and watch the little man walk slow as death.

5. People in line at the CPW watch the first 2 people in line take 15 minutes to buy their leftover cow/doe tags for them and 3 buddies.

6. People on their computer have their walking man in the waiting room finally reach the finish line 20 minutes later and get the message "There are no tags available for your selection", OR the system crashed crashed long before that.

7. The rest of the guys in the CPW line finally get to the counter and the nice lady at the counter tells them the same as above.
"There are no tags available for your selection"

8. All the pissed off people run to Monster Muleys or Bowsite and complain about how the system is rigged, CPW employees grabbed all the good tags, they need to change the system next year, etc.

9. The lucky 1%'s get online and say the system works perfectly stop complaining.

But seriously, It seems to take the CPW months to process a returned tag and put it on the leftover list. Many people who want their points back will have turned their tags in after the Secondary draw too.
Yes there will be good tags available. The CPW doesn't post this in the regs book BUT it would look something like this......

The Anatomy of Leftover On Sale Day

1. CPW posts list with a few great tags and a bunch of PLO doe/cow tags.

2. Everybody gets all excited, threads get made and we all anxiously wait for the on sale day.

3. People take time off work to be in front of their computer or go stand in line for hours.

4. On sale time comes and everyone on their computer gets put into a virtual waiting room and watch the little man walk slow as death.

5. People in line at the CPW watch the first 2 people in line take 15 minutes to buy their leftover cow/doe tags for them and 3 buddies.

6. People on their computer have their walking man in the waiting room finally reach the finish line 20 minutes later and get the message "There are no tags available for your selection", OR the system crashed crashed long before that.

7. The rest of the guys in the CPW line finally get to the counter and the nice lady at the counter tells them the same as above.
"There are no tags available for your selection"

8. All the pissed off people run to Monster Muleys or Bowsite and complain about how the system is rigged, CPW employees grabbed all the good tags, they need to change the system next year, etc.

9. The lucky 1%'s get online and say the system works perfectly stop complaining.

But seriously, It seems to take the CPW months to process a returned tag and put it on the leftover list. Many people who want their points back will have turned their tags in after the Secondary draw too.
Damn you’ve done this before..???
Most of the good unpaid tags already went into the secondary draw. There will be some, but not like years past.
And that doesn’t answer the question ??? Is there gonna be any good tags available?????????? And I reworded my post so it is easier for you to understand…??

It did answer one of your questions to the best that's been posted on cpw's site so far. I wouldn't expect the list till the 2nd of August. And since they added the unpaid tags into the secondary draw, I would expect the pickins to be slim.....
It did answer one of your questions to the best that's been posted on cpw's site so far. I wouldn't expect the list till the 2nd of August. And since they added the unpaid tags into the secondary draw, I would expect the pickins to be slim.....
If you reread my post it was not a question …. It was a statement….?? I just said I called them and talked to them about the timeline of the list.. I only asked one question on my post..??
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If you reread my post it was not a question …. It was a statement….?? I just said I called them and talked to them about the timeline of the list.. I only asked one question on my post..??
It did answer one of your questions to the best that's been posted on cpw's site so far. I wouldn't expect the list till the 2nd of August. And since they added the unpaid tags into the secondary draw, I would expect the pickins to be slim.....
So one of them guys.. That are real quick trying to prove somebody wrong… But not real quick at admitting when they’re wrong… ?
So one of them guys.. That are real quick trying to prove somebody wrong… But not real quick at admitting when they’re wrong… ?
He was kind of right I thought from the exchange.

You said:

P.S. I did not look in the brochure or read the regulations !!! Because the answer is not in there

And he showed you where it said it would be posted at the beginning of August. I see your point that that wasn"t your question, but you said you did not read the regulations because the answer is not there, but in fact it is there, beginning of August. I guess if it is posted earlier, you win sort of.
He was kind of right I thought from the exchange.

You said:

P.S. I did not look in the brochure or read the regulations !!! Because the answer is not in there

And he showed you where it said it would be posted at the beginning of August. I see your point that that wasn"t your question, but you said you did not read the regulations because the answer is not there, but in fact it is there, beginning of August. I guess if it is posted earlier, you win sort of.
After looking at it again I see where I made my mistake. I should’ve put the P.S. right after my question about would there be any good tags available on August 3rd. Because that was the main question I asked.. And as far as my P.S. about not looking at or reading the brochure and regulations was a total joke.. Because so many posts referred to it in the past.. And obviously you can’t find the answer to the question about what tags are going to be available in the brochure or regulations. Lol .. And then I should’ve followed up with I talked to Colorado Parks and wildlife about would they really wait till the first part of August to put the list out or try to do it sooner….. So I can see the confusion… So my bad on the P.S. placement .. And trying to make a joke.. ?
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What’s interesting is I just got a text from my leftover app saying there are some specific good tags available on the “list”. Where are they getting their info?
I don’t really get the hype around the third chance to get tags. I prefer to get tags in the first draw, my b list cow tag was a second choice as is my archery deer tag. I drew a pronghorn buck tag with one point too. Moose? I am a 22 time failure.
What’s interesting is I just got a text from my leftover app saying there are some specific good tags available on the “list”. Where are they getting their info?
After looking at the leftover watch app.. I forgot the list is actually on the app.. So that’s how they get their information. It’s tied in to their system.. I believe I got the alert before the list was even posted on Colorado Parks and wildlife website..
So it says u can log in after 8, but usually if u don’t do anything on there it kicks u off after about 10 min. Idk if there is any real hope of getting a tag
How does it work? Is it the first guy that clicks the unit and goes into his cart? How many Hunts can you put in your cart? Can I put a hunt code in for as many species as I can? Just curious how it works.
How does it work? Is it the first guy that clicks the unit and goes into his cart? How many Hunts can you put in your cart? Can I put a hunt code in for as many species as I can? Just curious how it works.
Honestly who knows this yr. they change it every yr. in the past u had to actually get your CC info and submit payment before u were given the tag. This yr their website says u have to have it in your cart and then u have 15 min to complete. Yes u can apply for multiple hunts and multiple species all under the sane transaction. There will be drop down boxes for each species as well as multiple choices. Keep in mind the longer u keep adding choices the less chance u have. All the good tags will be gone in a fraction of a second
I have always seen it crashes and till it comes back up again all the tags I wanted is gone :( How is it this time around , who knows maybe my luck will change
How does it work? Is it the first guy that clicks the unit and goes into his cart? How many Hunts can you put in your cart? Can I put a hunt code in for as many species as I can? Just curious how it works.

No, you don’t have the tag until you check out completely. Just because you get it in your cart doesn’t mean you have it. Whoever checks out completely on that particular tag first gets it.
No, you don’t have the tag until you check out completely. Just because you get it in your cart doesn’t mean you have it. Whoever checks out completely on that particular tag first gets it.
I am pretty sure they have changed that this year. If you get it in your cart you have a set amount of time to check out. No more racing or multiple people with it in their carts.
That will be great if that is true! Hope you are right. So frustrating to think you have it and not get it
Southpawshooter & Thomas11 are right.. I was just reading up on it yesterday. I copied this from the website.?
After purchasing begins at 9 a.m., when you enter a hunt code and confirm it, that hunt code is “held” for you in the cart for 15 minutes or until you process the transaction, whichever comes first.

There will be a timer in the upper left corner of your screen that will let you know how long you have to finish processing your transaction, as well as pop-ups with 5 minutes left and when the time has expired. If the time is allowed to expire, another customer can hold/purchase that hunt code.
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Is there a video out there that shows how to ? So it looks like you need to log in by 0800 go no further than resident to get a spot in the queue then at 0900 complete your log in. What happens after that? Can I put ten hunts in my cart then pick one within the 15 minutes? Can I put deer and elk in my cart? Can I buy deer and elk in the same season?
Is there a video out there that shows how to ? So it looks like you need to log in by 0800 go no further than resident to get a spot in the queue then at 0900 complete your log in. What happens after that? Can I put ten hunts in my cart then pick one within the 15 minutes? Can I put deer and elk in my cart? Can I buy deer and elk in the same season?
Yes to all your questions but the key point u r missing is if u try to add all those hunt codes someone else will already have added it to their cart before u and it won’t be available when u click add to your cart.
Glad to see they are taking the Wyoming approach and letting people complete a transaction if they are the first to get it in their cart. It was ridiculous that they let multiple people put the same tag in their cart at the same time.
Well as far as I can get with information on their website is log in at 0800 and don't go any further than the resident page until 0900. What happen after that who knows? I have done my research I know what tags I would want, listed the tags in priority. So tomorrow I am going to call them and ask questions.
I noticed their current list was last updated Wed. July 28th at 1:48 pm so guessing there may be more tags available than what is currently shown.
I noticed their current list was last updated Wed. July 28th at 1:48 pm so guessing there may be more tags available than what is currently shown.
I don’t think so. If there available they will show on list. They may some to add but my guess that will be following week
The instructions say you may log onto the system one hour early for the LEFTOVER sale. But I can not find where they are say that about re-issue tag sales starting next week. Anyone know if you can log in an hour early?

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