
Long Time Member
When They Legalized This BS In This State I Just Shook My Head!

And still Do!

We Got Any Bikers Here On MM That Partake?

I wonder How Many Mirrors Have Been Ripped Off Of Vehicles With This BS?

I got on my first bike, a shovelhead, in 66 or so. Never dumped a street bike, but dumped every trailbike at least once.

I never did lane splitting. I guess it's cool for making better headway, but I'm unwilling to take that calculated gamble.
Wife and I were headed east out of Spokane a few years ago and a lane splitter flew by us. Traffic was fairly slow but the thing is he was also doing a wheelie probably about 70-75 .

By the time we got close to the Idaho state line traffic came to a standstill. About an hour of stop and go for 10 miles we came to the crash sight. You guessed it. It was him .

It was a sad situation. He didn't survive. Made me think a bit. Could of easily been me years ago and probably many of you. Not necessarily riding the bike but some of the other not so smart stunts you sometimes pull when your young and think your invincible.

Pretty quiet ride the rest of the way home.
Wife and I were headed east out of Spokane a few years ago and a lane splitter flew by us. Traffic was fairly slow but the thing is he was also doing a wheelie probably about 70-75 .

By the time we got close to the Idaho state line traffic came to a standstill. About an hour of stop and go for 10 miles we came to the crash sight. You guessed it. It was him .

It was a sad situation. He didn't survive. Made me think a bit. Could of easily been me years ago and probably many of you. Not necessarily riding the bike but some of the other not so smart stunts you sometimes pull when your young and think your invincible.

Pretty quiet ride the rest of the way home.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. The amount of times I've ripped into a biker for almost causing wrecks and them trying to justify it is astounding. There's a reason cops pull bikers over at such a high Rate.....because I'd say atleast 75% of them are a hazard.
I see more motorcycle accidents from lane splitting the freeways in Los Angeles. I even saw 2 fatalities on 2 different freeways in one day. You have to be nuts to ride the freeways now a days.
I can recall when a biker lost control of his bike and slid under a fully loaded cement truck. He was run over by the rear wheels.
Parts of his body looked like squirrel getting run over by a car. Needed a flat head shovel to scoop him up.
I've seen a lot of lane spliters in NorCal. Many many close calls.....these guys are asking for a crash. Russian roulette on a motorcycle.
Might Wanna Re-Think That!

I Know Filtering Is A Little Different Than Splitting!

The State Where We Live Where Everything Is Illegal & They Allow It Here!

States where lane filtering is legal
From sources across the web​


































New Jersey







There's a reason it's illegal in nearly every state in the country.
Gives me anxiety just watching the video, wow! Bikers be like "no big deal, happens all the time." But if he's not killed or maimed he gets to work 5 minutes earlier. When they were talking about passing the law in Utah they said it was to avoid bikers from getting rear ended. Seems to me most crashes occur at intersections, drivers don't SEE motorcycles! Now in the blink of an eye a bike is zipping down the white line. Brilliant.
You couldn’t pay me to ride a motorcycle on the street. I can never understand why anyone who’s ever been on a road or observed the average driver is like “yeah, riding my little bike around these people sounds like a good idea!”
That's the main reason I don't have a bike. Think I'm gonna trust little Ricky with his 100k f350 super duty and a 2in pecker to watch out for me?
That's the main reason I don't have a bike. Think I'm gonna trust little Ricky with his 100k f350 super duty and a 2in pecker to watch out for me?
I had a dumb ass merge into me on 84 at 80 mph wide open road, no one around and I’m in a 2500 HD Crew cab ram bright white on 35’s…. Yeah, not getting on a bike. Hell there not even cool anymore. Every D bag on a Harley is a pharmacist or account in shiny new leather.
Saw an idiot doing it get truck pressed just south of Spokane a few years back. the only thing about it that bothered me was I was stuck there for over an hour while I gave a statement and they scraped him off the freeway.

I didn't know it was legal anywhere. I looked and OR just passed a law permitting it but only at speeds of 10 MPH or less. I presume most state's laws are similar so not quite what these clowns are doing.
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