Recent content by publichunter1

  1. publichunter1

    CO GMU 4, 14, 214, 441 3rd Rifle Deer

    The bucks I saw were lower around 7-7.5k elevation. I camped on the BLM on the west side of the unit and killed my buck on the same section I was camped on. Seemed to be a decent number of deer but a lot of hunters. I hope he draws and has a great hunt. PM me if you need anything else.
  2. publichunter1

    Unit 66 VS 67 Mule Deer

    Glad you are are getting out there. That part of CO is some of my favorite to visit. I hope you have a blast this fall! Make sure to let us know how it goes.
  3. publichunter1

    This should be interesting to see how it plays out

    I can’t believe THIS!
  4. publichunter1

    Sheep raffle

    That’s interesting. I haven’t heard that one but I’m no tax expert. In this case it would be worth more than 300x the ticket costs so taxes would be due.
  5. publichunter1

    WY Shed Season and NR Restrictions...

    Sadly it takes common sense and decency on both sides and too many times it’s neither. And once again the few hurt the many.
  6. publichunter1

    WY Shed Season and NR Restrictions...

    Yeah I always find myself in the middle on these topics. I hate seeing laws made that are used to overreach but I also hate seeing the idiots out there that is forcing the need for a law to be made.
  7. publichunter1

    WY Shed Season and NR Restrictions...

    I definitely agree that there is no way in this world one should be restricted from glassing from a open public road. That is flat out ridiculous.
  8. publichunter1

    Sheep raffle

    You and me both, but just wanted to remind people before applying that's part of the deal. Marriages have ended over way less. Ha
  9. publichunter1

    Favorite Back to Civilization Meal

    Just something hot, preferably greasy, and not healthy for you. Usually ends up being a big burrito with chiles, pizza, chili burger, etc.
  10. publichunter1

    Sheep raffle

    Yeah, I assume it is. I love the thought of winning a hunt like this but know you are going to be paying somewhere around 24-37% of the overall package value to federal taxes and plus your state tax value. This package seems to be around $40k total so that's 10-15k plus state taxes. It's worth...
  11. publichunter1

    Sheep raffle

    On these kind of raffles, I'm assuming if you win it's treated like winning the lottery where you have to pay taxes on the value on everything you received. Does anyone know if that's correct?
  12. publichunter1

    Free hunt for a youth dealing with Leukemia

    This is awesome. Kuddos to you and your company! Can't wait to hear how it goes.
  13. publichunter1

    WY Shed Season and NR Restrictions...

    Sadly it's like most every other law, it's an attempt to get people to quit doing stupid things that aren't good for them, animals, etc. The problem is the ones already doing the dumb things usually don't care if they are breaking the law or not so they are only hurting the law-abiding citizens...
  14. publichunter1

    WY Shed Season and NR Restrictions...

    I will say that is the biggest negative I see with this when a lot of your buddies/family are NR. I mean they can join 7 days later but still I get how that part sucks. Again I didn't ask for this one but it does make it more exciting to get my kids out with the hope of them having a better...
  15. publichunter1

    WY Shed Season and NR Restrictions...

    Just to be clear I am not in this. I go like twice a year. ?
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