WY Shed Season and NR Restrictions...


Long Time Member
Well, there goes that tradition for my family...
Why not go after the 7th?
Well, in truth, maybe we will. But, May 1st has been like Christmas for my family for a long time. We travel to WY, eat at one particular restaurant, stay in a hotel (most years), get up early and go lookin...

I've been to "our" area twice on the weekend following May 1st... have found two 2-point antlers only, and lots of boot tracks. Going a week later than residents won't produce as many antlers... ?
Well, in truth, maybe we will. But, May 1st has been like Christmas for my family for a long time. We travel to WY, eat at one particular restaurant, stay in a hotel (most years), get up early and go lookin...

I've been to "our" area twice on the weekend following May 1st... have found two 2-point antlers only, and lots of boot tracks. Going a week later than residents won't produce as many antlers... ?
Don’t cry.

Just go back to Utah and get yourself a 7day resident shed hunt in Utah. Make that your new tradition.
I don't go so don't really care. More power to you!!

I'm struggling with the viewpoint. The state thinks they own the shed, but only if it falls in a certain area. Land owners can get a tag to harvest a state animal on their property, they don't own that animal though. How the state is claiming ownership of something, that is not living, on federal ground is a bit beyond my grasp.
I don't go so don't really care. More power to you!!

I'm struggling with the viewpoint. The state thinks they own the shed, but only if it falls in a certain area. Land owners can get a tag to harvest a state animal on their property, they don't own that animal though. How the state is claiming ownership of something, that is not living, on federal ground is a bit beyond my grasp.
They also state in the statute that “collect” also means to “look for” and “locate”.
I’m not so sure that can be right. How can they make it illegal to look at something?
I don't go so don't really care. More power to you!!

I'm struggling with the viewpoint. The state thinks they own the shed, but only if it falls in a certain area. Land owners can get a tag to harvest a state animal on their property, they don't own that animal though. How the state is claiming ownership of something, that is not living, on federal ground is a bit beyond my grasp.
Just politicians trying to stay relevant, why they make petty laws just to look important is beyond me, what a waste of taxpayers money
I’d suggest calling all your businesses you frequent and explain what is happening. Like it has been stated residents don’t care, but I’m sure business owners and others who gain from out of state revenue would care. The fact they can say it’s illegal to look at wildlife is beyond me. I guess that’s the world of politics. Scratch someone’s back over here but forget about the other people who it directly affects.
I’d suggest calling all your businesses you frequent and explain what is happening. Like it has been stated residents don’t care, but I’m sure business owners and others who gain from out of state revenue would care. The fact they can say it’s illegal to look at wildlife is beyond me. I guess that’s the world of politics. Scratch someone’s back over here but forget about the other people who it directly affects.
Id reason to bet aside from a few gas station burritos and fuel, what all do you Non-res contribute to our economy during shed hunting? cause i know where im at, hundreds of NR trucks show up overnight or early morning, sleep in their truck, then hit the hills having brought food and drinks from their home, and then leave that afternoon. . you cant really think you contribute that much during a few days of May do you?
They also state in the statute that “collect” also means to “look for” and “locate”.
I’m not so sure that can be right. How can they make it illegal to look at something?
Here's another good one for ya! In Wyoming, if you aim your weapon at some critter, that can be considered "intent" by a GW and you could be cited for attempting to kill that critter!
What they conveniently don't tell you is you have to buy a nr Utah hunting license. Bastages!!
Yeah I live about 2 miles from the Utah line so I already by a combo license there every year. They are getting plenty of money out me just in that much less my expo donations.
Sounds like the woke mob and reparations.
Sure glad that I do not thrive on that much hate that a bone would drive me mad. People love to pick a fight for any and every reason.
The good news about all of this is that Utah and Wyoming shed seasons open on the same day now so people from Utah don't have to travel as far to shed hunt anymore. We all know everyone down there will wait until opening day.

I didn't ask for this rule but it's definitely a nice perk of being a resident. I may help recover some of the pay cut I took to move here.
The good news about all of this is that Utah and Wyoming shed seasons open on the same day now so people from Utah don't have to travel as far to shed hunt anymore. We all know everyone down there will wait until opening day.

I didn't ask for this rule but it's definitely a nice perk of being a resident. I may help recover some of the pay cut I took to move here.
This sounds like a good time to have a Utah vs Wyoming public land shed contest. Largest set wins.
In all honesty, I've seen the photos and vids of the "rush" around Jackson Hole, and I can see why residents would want to change that fiasco... no matter how much fun many people think that is...

I think I just feel unwelcome now... or worse, that we were never really welcome. ?
This sounds like a good time to have a Utah vs Wyoming public land shed contest. Largest set wins.
I think Utah would win that one hands down which makes it even more befuddling why someone would want to come here to pick up sheds when they have even bigger ones down there closer to home. I hate to see people like Cooper so upset but like I said their own home state opens the same day and I can assure you I wouldn't care if they blocked us for a week, month, whatever.

I have never been to the Jackson Hole shed opener but I can promise you its pretty rough in a lot of other places throughout the state too. I saw a guy on a horse almost run over a 10-12 year kid last year trying to beat him to a shed. No idea if he was a R or NR. This stuff is just crazy.

We go hit places with lower likelihood of success just to have a good time. That can be done in any state on any public ground.
The good news about all of this is that Utah and Wyoming shed seasons open on the same day now so people from Utah don't have to travel as far to shed hunt anymore. We all know everyone down there will wait until opening day.

I didn't ask for this rule but it's definitely a nice perk of being a resident. I may help recover some of the pay cut I took to move here.

Selling state property... Seems like a fineable offense!!! lol

In all seriousness if they view this as part of the animal, why is resale allowed. To my knowledge you can't sell wild game meat. Again I don't give two hoots, just find it interesting.
Selling state property... Seems like a fineable offense!!! lol

In all seriousness if they view this as part of the animal, why is resale allowed. To my knowledge you can't sell wild game meat. Again I don't give two hoots, just find it interesting.
I really wish they would ban the sale of them. I love having them around the house.

I have sold a few pair to buy more tags but I still hang on to the ones that mean the most.
To be fair we need take off on an adventure in a totally random spot spend 3 days and who ever has the best wins you still game?
They also state in the statute that “collect” also means to “look for” and “locate”.
I’m not so sure that can be right. How can they make it illegal to look at something?
Locating is what I got a warning for. I never walked to a shed or touched a shed and all I did was glass from the road but they still considered it illegal. My fault for not reading the rules but I assumed as long as I was just glassing from my truck on open roads I was ok. It did make the shed room a little better now framed and hung up in there?

In my opinion these shed rules are dumb. I love shed hunting and so far I've never had a issue with not finding enough sheds even with non residents here. I guess I'll find more now but won't be much fun by myself without my cousin and dad being able to go.
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Locating is what I got a warning for. I never walked to a shed or touched a shed and all I did was glass from the road but they still considered it illegal. My fault for not reading the rules but I assumed as long as I was just glassing from my truck on open roads I was ok. It did make the shed room a little better now framed and hung up in there?

In my opinion these shed rules are dumb. I love shed hunting and so far I've never had a issue with not finding enough sheds even with non residents here. I guess I'll find more now but won't be much fun by myself without my cousin and dad being able to go.
I will say that is the biggest negative I see with this when a lot of your buddies/family are NR. I mean they can join 7 days later but still I get how that part sucks.

Again I didn't ask for this one but it does make it more exciting to get my kids out with the hope of them having a better opportunity of finding some.

Either way this year I will be out of the country the first two weeks of May so it's irrelevant to me either way.
Locating is what I got a warning for. I never walked to a shed or touched a shed and all I did was glass from the road but they still considered it illegal. My fault for not reading the rules but I assumed as long as I was just glassing from my truck on open roads I was ok. It did make the shed room a little better now framed and hung up in there?

In my opinion these shed rules are dumb. I love shed hunting and so far I've never had a issue with not finding enough sheds even with non residents here. I guess I'll find more now but won't be much fun by myself without my cousin and dad being able to go.
Not okay to glass from the road to look for antlers, but looking for bucks still packing and taking pictures is just fine.:rolleyes:
You can go walk and "hunt rabbits" all you want to. Again to me the shed laws are all messed up and just going to get worse. What's going on now is just going to open up a can of worms between all the states I think.
Sadly it's like most every other law, it's an attempt to get people to quit doing stupid things that aren't good for them, animals, etc. The problem is the ones already doing the dumb things usually don't care if they are breaking the law or not so they are only hurting the law-abiding citizens.

There would be no need for a law restricting shed hunting in general if people weren't out harassing wildlife to get them. And yes they are the minority but still puts game and fish in a bad spot either way no matter the state.
Locating is what I got a warning for. I never walked to a shed or touched a shed and all I did was glass from the road but they still considered it illegal. My fault for not reading the rules but I assumed as long as I was just glassing from my truck on open roads I was ok. It did make the shed room a little better now framed and hung up in there?

In my opinion these shed rules are dumb. I love shed hunting and so far I've never had a issue with not finding enough sheds even with non residents here. I guess I'll find more now but won't be much fun by myself without my cousin and dad being able to go.
You got a warning? Wow!! I can't see how a citation could ever hold up in court for "looking" at stuff on public lands, whether it be antlers, sagebrush or dirt. I understand the point of the rule, but sometimes these laws, that in my opinion violate ones first amendment, are too much. They just flat out go too far in trying to control people. What's next, a rule that makes it illegal to look at the deer on the winter range?
You got a warning? Wow!! I can't see how a citation could ever hold up in court for "looking" at stuff on public lands, whether it be antlers, sagebrush or dirt. I understand the point of the rule, but sometimes these laws, that in my opinion violate ones first amendment, are too much. They just flat out go too far in trying to control people. What's next, a rule that makes it illegal to look at the deer on the winter range?
I definitely agree that there is no way in this world one should be restricted from glassing from a open public road. That is flat out ridiculous.
You got a warning? Wow!! I can't see how a citation could ever hold up in court for "looking" at stuff on public lands, whether it be antlers, sagebrush or dirt. I understand the point of the rule, but sometimes these laws, that in my opinion violate ones first amendment, are too much. They just flat out go too far in trying to control people. What's next, a rule that makes it illegal to look at the deer on the winter range?
In WY you can be charged with poaching a deer without pulling the trigger. Happened to some evanston peeps awhile back.

I know what youre thinking, it wasn't a utah guy. Im still shocked too :D
I definitely agree that there is no way in this world one should be restricted from glassing from a open public road. That is flat out ridiculous.
Look at all the control government agencies could have if they get to make it illegal to look at things!
They say "Collect means to search for, locate,...". Couldn't they also just change poaching to "Poaching means to search for, locate,...". Not a huge leap here.
I'm just venting when I see lawmakers going too far to control whatever they want. I understand a lot of people benefit from rules like this, but it sure seems like too far to me and eventually what goes around comes around.
Look at all the control government agencies could have if they get to make it illegal to look at things!
They say "Collect means to search for, locate,...". Couldn't they also just change poaching to "Poaching means to search for, locate,...". Not a huge leap here.
I'm just venting when I see lawmakers going too far to control whatever they want. I understand a lot of people benefit from rules like this, but it sure seems like too far to me and eventually what goes around comes around.
The only way they could give you any kind of citation or warning is if you admitted that you were looking for antlers otherwise anyone driving down the road that looks out there is in trouble ?
Look at all the control government agencies could have if they get to make it illegal to look at things!
They say "Collect means to search for, locate,...". Couldn't they also just change poaching to "Poaching means to search for, locate,...". Not a huge leap here.
I'm just venting when I see lawmakers going too far to control whatever they want. I understand a lot of people benefit from rules like this, but it sure seems like too far to me and eventually what goes around comes around.
Yeah I always find myself in the middle on these topics. I hate seeing laws made that are used to overreach but I also hate seeing the idiots out there that is forcing the need for a law to be made.
The only way they could give you any kind of citation or warning is if you admitted that you were looking for antlers otherwise anyone driving down the road that looks out there is in trouble ?
Thats where I screwed up I did admit to it but at the time I had no idea that I was in the wrong. The way they asked was more saying I had been out stashing them so I told them no that I had just been glassing them from my truck. I was told it's a unfair advantage for me to be doing that and that's why it's in the law that way. I asked them what the difference was with me scouting a deer in July to go shoot in Sept or October. This was a few years ago so I don't think they are adding scouting to a poaching list yet ??. That's when I was told hunting rabbits is better than me glassing from the road.
Yeah I always find myself in the middle on these topics. I hate seeing laws made that are used to overreach but I also hate seeing the idiots out there that is forcing the need for a law to be made.
I 100% agree but until they can even enforce the one they have now I don't see what adding more laws is going to do besides hurt the honest guy. And unless there's a 240" muley hanging out in a spot I have yet to see a fish and game officer on the winter range.
Thats where I screwed up I did admit to it but at the time I had no idea that I was in the wrong. The way they asked was more saying I had been out stashing them so I told them no that I had just been glassing them from my truck. I was told it's an unfair advantage for me to be doing that and that's why it's in the law that way. I asked them what the difference was with me scouting a deer in July to go shoot in Sept or October. This was a few years ago so I don't think they are adding scouting to a poaching list yet ??. That's when I was told hunting rabbits is better than me glassing from the road.
Honestly it sounds like they targeted you because you’re a ginger. I thought we got past that as a country but I guess not. Contrary to popular belief gingers do have souls.
The only way they could give you any kind of citation or warning is if you admitted that you were looking for antlers otherwise anyone driving down the road that looks out there is in trouble ?
The problem is that if you’re honest you get in trouble. If you’re comfortable lying, you get an advantage over the honest guy who is abiding by a rule that is quite likely unconstitutional in the first place.

The honest guy ends up feeling totally screwed. Where’s that most likely going to lead?
Honestly it sounds like they targeted you because you’re a ginger. I thought we got past that as a country but I guess not. Contrary to popular belief gingers do have souls.
It's true.... That must be why they never choose me for Wyoming draw tags too. Im going to propose a ginger only draw to add to all these new bills ?. on the bright side though I don't have to wear orange during the hunts ?? I
The problem is that if you’re honest you get in trouble. If you’re comfortable lying, you get an advantage over the honest guy who is abiding by a rule that is quite likely unconstitutional in the first place.

The honest guy ends up feeling totally screwed. Where’s that most likely going to lead?
Sadly it takes common sense and decency on both sides and too many times it’s neither. And once again the few hurt the many.
Did the antelope island shed thing once with my nephew, we ran into one of the mosssack boys, he had a load of antlers, he told us he gos up early with his big eyes climbs to the top and locates them early. Then when we got back to parking lot Mr Mosssack himself was waiting for the rewards in the parking lot, Utah get your shizzits together and make locating and looking illegal , get a rein on these douche bags ??? And yes from Wyoming so I’m all for this 7 day thing ?. And if I remember we had to pay $60 bucks a piece to participate and get a room the night before .
So when is Utah gonna put a 1 month head start on non res shed hunters? Gotta fight fire with fire…

Heck, I see a huge money maker opportunity for dnr to collect a shed fee from non residents…

Make em pay $500.00 to compete on the Utah opener. Otherwise, wait a month and pay $100.00

After all, this is the “Divided States of America.”
So when is Utah gonna put a 1 month head start on non res shed hunters? Gotta fight fire with fire…

Heck, I see a huge money maker opportunity for dnr to collect a shed fee from non residents…

Make em pay $500.00 to compete on the Utah opener. Otherwise, wait a month and pay $100.00

After all, this is the “Divided States of America.”
Right there’s sooo many people going to Utah to shed hunt.
What bloodtracker said is what I think is going to start happening in every state now that this has been proposed. It's already dang near impossible for me to draw a LE deer tag in Utah and if they did what bloodtracker says I wouldnt go on my yearly couple day Henrys shed hunt (which is fair with what Wyoming is doing) so I'm really not complaining about it. Just sucks that its all gotten to this point.
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What bloodtracker said is what I think is going to start happening in every state now that this has been proposed. It's already dang near impossible for me to draw a LE deer tag in Utah now I wont be able to go on my couple day Henrys shed hunt (which is fair with what Wyoming is doing) so I'm really not complaining about it. Just sucks that its all gotten to this point.
Why can’t you go on your Henry shed hunt?
Why can’t you go on your Henry shed hunt?
Oh I can I just mean if they did what bloodtracker said and made you pay to shed hunt utah I probably wouldn't do it. I've only found 6 sheds off the Henry's over the years that I would consider worth paying to shed hunt ?.

I edited the other post to make more sense.
Oh I can I just mean if they did what bloodtracker said and made you pay to shed hunt utah I probably wouldn't do it. I've only found 6 sheds off the Henry's over the years that I would consider worth paying to shed hunt ?.

I edited the other post to make more sense.
Oh gotcha.

I’m likely wrong on this but I doubt Utah would do a resident only shed season like WY. Why? Because the problem is their residents. It would make more sense in UT to have no shed restriction for non residents and keep a shed season for residents. If you’re a NR you have till May 1 then it opens to everyone. Sounds ass backwards but that would make sense. Aside from antelope island which is already a draw how many NR really shed hunt Utah? No one knows but it’s not many.

Utards can’t even use trailcams anymore. The simply can’t have nice things. They even lost their right to bait deer because they can’t control it. One day they will probably lose rifle scopes. Sounds crazy but you never know.

I hope ID CO and NV give their residents a head start for shed hunting. Then maybe they could reach an agreement with WY and leave Utah excluded. ?
Oh gotcha.

I’m likely wrong on this but I doubt Utah would do a resident only shed season like WY. Why? Because the problem is their residents. It would make more sense in UT to have no shed restriction for non residents and keep a shed season for residents. If you’re a NR you have till May 1 then it opens to everyone. Sounds ass backwards but that would make sense. Aside from antelope island which is already a draw how many NR really shed hunt Utah? No one knows but it’s not many.

Utards can’t even use trailcams anymore. The simply can’t have nice things. They even lost their right to bait deer because they can’t control it. One day they will probably lose rifle scopes. Sounds crazy but you never know.

I hope ID CO and NV give their residents a head start for shed hunting. Then maybe they could reach an agreement with WY and leave Utah excluded. ?
Yea I can’t imagine people from out of state wanting to go to the Henry’s or other limited entry units looking for horns. Utah should follow the same lame laws that Cryoming is proposing
Alright, I’ll revise my UTAH idea to say:

You have to take a flat brimmer survey to determine your species. Once determined through test results, you will automatically qualify for the “Flatty late season shed hunt and your CC will be charged $10,000.00 to shed hunt the month of July in California only.

Non Res Flatty’s are double the price and their season starts second week of July, running through end of that month in California only.

Utah Residents who are normal, can hunt sheds year round as a reward for their ability to live amongst idiots but still make good choices.

Seniors over age of 60 get a Western States shed pass to collect when and wherever they want so long as they have never worn a flatty or exhibited flat brimmer behaviors.

Seniors caught in the field wearing a flatty will be fined $10,000.00, thrown in prison for 10 years and will have their shed pass revoked permanently as well as all sheds confiscated. Once out of prison, they will be forced to move to California never to leave again.

DNR is gonna be rich after they implement my ideas and the “good” portion of the Utah public will have less to worry about not having to compete with the IFES (Ignorant Flatty Entitlement Society).
Yea I can’t imagine people from out of state wanting to go to the Henry’s or other limited entry units looking for horns. Utah should follow the same lame laws that Cryoming is proposing
What makes the henries so special? The top end bucks get killed every year. It’s a long ass drive from WY. @Wyo_Roadhunter is the first resident of WY I’ve heard driving all that way. Likely due to him being from Utah? And his family still lives there? If you’re trying to say a handful of people driving to Utah is any comparison to the mobs that flood WY every weekend that’s laughable at best.

Henry mountain shed trip! Sounds like f— waste of time. ??
What makes the henries so special? The top end bucks get killed every year. It’s a long ass drive from WY. @Wyo_Roadhunter is the first resident of WY I’ve heard driving all that way. Likely due to him being from Utah? And his family still lives there? If you’re trying to say a handful of people driving to Utah is any comparison to the mobs that flood WY every weekend that’s laughable at best.

Henry mountain shed trip! Sounds like f— waste of time. ??
Well Cliff Clavin if you haven’t heard of it than it definitely didn’t happen ?
Well Cliff Clavin if you haven’t heard of it than it definitely didn’t happen ?
Utah is ban happy. For focks sake they banned trail cameras. They hardly give out any non resident tags. If there were people going to Utah to shed hunt in any noticeable numbers you god damn well it would of been addressed by now.

You can be upset with WY regarding the shed season but Utah has been a shitty ass neighbor for a long ass time. This is long overdue.

Go ahead and retaliate utah. Keep those 5 people from WY going to UT to shed hunt. That will show them!!!
I don't mind giving residents an advantage. After all if you don't like being a nonresident, become a resident. This crap of making it illegal to "look for antlers" or how we let our state game and fish departments control in anyway shape or form the collecting of shed antlers is crazy. There are already laws on the books on game harassement. Just enforce them. This is ******* America, and we are being told we can't look at sheds on the ground. ******* insane. And some of you are in favor of this ****. No wonder we are where we are as a nation.
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Rather than a permit to pick up sheds, I'd rather see a permit to buy and sell sheds... a hefty permit. I don't shed hunt to sell 'em... I have every shed I've ever picked up, some displayed quite nicely in my home. Isn't that what shed hunting is about.? Not chew toys or aphrodisiacs for asians...

Aside from an "opener" date, I'd rather see no regulation, but like so many things, someone always finds a way to pervert it.
"Rather than a permit to pick up sheds, I'd rather see a permit to buy and sell sheds... a hefty permit"

Hell yes do it then I can sale my brown elk sheds for $60lb pass that big fee right onto the tree huggers for the dogs to have a treat!
You know you’re totally disconnected with the shed “issue” if you think restricting the sale of antlers in any capacity will decrease pressure in any noticeable form.
The only reason I sale sheds is cause I would have been out of room years ago!
I give away a bunch but it doesn’t take long for 25 lbs moose antlers to become a burden. Thinking maybe instead of selling them I’ll just make a big arch sometime. Then post it on the internet and watch the utards cry.
To many people and not enough resources.
People can complain about freedom and laws but it simply comes down to that. States should provide for their residents first when there is not enough for all. After the behavior I have observed here in Wyoming recently while shed hunting I think NR’s are lucky to have any season at all.
You know you’re totally disconnected with the shed “issue” if you think restricting the sale of antlers in any capacity will decrease pressure in any noticeable form.
Okay, what is the issue I'm missing.?

If a permit to buy/sell antlers cost $1000 each year, it wouldn't impact antler gathering.?
To many people and not enough resources.
People can complain about freedom and laws but it simply comes down to that. States should provide for their residents first when there is not enough for all. After the behavior I have observed here in Wyoming recently while shed hunting I think NR’s are lucky to have any season at all.
I feel fortunate that I haven't seen bad behavior when I've been out looking... I shed hunt a sort of "2nd tier area" so most people are elsewhere on the opener... where I go gets hit after most people's first choices I'd say... maybe thats why I've avoided issues.

Also, I have always felt lucky to be outdoors on my kind of "treasure hunt", no matter the state I'm in... :)
I understand the frustration from the Wyoming residents. The majority of guys looking for horns are from Utah and Idaho (mostly Utah). However, I just don't get why there is so much hatred toward non-residents. If we had some dang land in Northern Utah to Shed hunt, I would stay here all the time. However, there are very few places to run around on public land in Northern Utah and shed hunt. Wyoming has endless BLM I can walk and miles of winter range that deer use.

It's only natural that people are attracted to Wyoming's winter range (and amazing hunting too). It's nothing personal, so don't make it personal.

Be glad you don't have to in a state that ties up all the prime hunting land and shed hunting land in CWMUs. They even tie up the public land and include into the private land. It shouldn't surprise anyone to see Northern Utah guys trying to find other places to hunt and shed hunt. We are just trying to get out and enjoy the outdoors like everyone else.

Go ahead and start the bashing SS :)

Okay, what is the issue I'm missing.?

If a permit to buy/sell antlers cost $1000 each year, it wouldn't impact antler gathering.?
Yes it wouldn’t change anything. Very few people out there are doing it for solely for the money. I’ve never met one and the antler buyers I stay in contact with never have either.

It’s just too much fun. Ban the fun and you’ll get a decrease in pressure.
I kept every antler I found when I first started until i filled up an entire spare bedroom in my house then I got tired of them taking up the space for no reason so I sold them and now I've sold em ever since I keep a few here and there.
I understand the frustration from the Wyoming residents. The majority of guys looking for horns are from Utah and Idaho (mostly Utah). However, I just don't get why there is so much hatred toward non-residents.
Not sure where you are seeing all this hatred from residents. It's not hatred to want to protect opportunity in your own state. And yes, a few off the wall comments stir the pot. It works both ways.

IMO I see more hatred from NR. I understand that some aren't happy with change, especially when that change means less for them, but we are all experience less opportunity in hunting and I doubt that trend will reverse.
Not sure where you are seeing all this hatred from residents. It's not hatred to want to protect opportunity in your own state. And yes, a few off the wall comments stir the pot. It works both ways.

IMO I see more hatred from NR. I understand that some aren't happy with change, especially when that change means less for them, but we are all experience less opportunity in hunting and I doubt that trend will reverse.
Not saying the "rule" is hatred, just the general Wyoming opinion seems to be pretty harsh toward Utah guys. Not all of us are flat brimmed little punks. Lots of us are strong contributors to wildlife projects and groups in Wyoming. We genuinely care about Mule deer in Wyoming. Just sayin.....Don't judge all of us based on a few of us. I know some awesome Wyoming guys that will always stand up for some of us "Tards", but others just seem to think all Utah guys are wieners.

It does go both ways, you are correct.
Don't judge all of us based on a few of us.
Not sure where this came from based on my comments. I have friends that live in Utah. Yes, some people say things that cause discontent and it happens from both viewpoints.

As far as Utah being picked on, I guess. But it certainly seems to me that during hunting season in western Wyoming, Utah is represented more than any other state. Maybe that has something to do with it. In the past I had a couple of negative encounters with NR and both were Utah guys. Had positive encounters with Utah guys too. I don't cast broad brushes on people. Never have.
Not sure where this came from based on my comments. I have friends that live in Utah. Yes, some people say things that cause discontent and it happens from both viewpoints.

As far as Utah being picked on, I guess. But it certainly seems to me that during hunting season in western Wyoming, Utah is represented more than any other state. Maybe that has something to do with it. In the past I had a couple of negative encounters with NR and both were Utah guys. Had positive encounters with Utah guys too. I don't cast broad brushes on people. Never have.
It wasn't based on just your comments, it was just a general thought.
I understand the frustration from the Wyoming residents. The majority of guys looking for horns are from Utah and Idaho (mostly Utah). However, I just don't get why there is so much hatred toward non-residents. If we had some dang land in Northern Utah to Shed hunt, I would stay here all the time. However, there are very few places to run around on public land in Northern Utah and shed hunt. Wyoming has endless BLM I can walk and miles of winter range that deer use.

It's only natural that people are attracted to Wyoming's winter range (and amazing hunting too). It's nothing personal, so don't make it personal.

Be glad you don't have to in a state that ties up all the prime hunting land and shed hunting land in CWMUs. They even tie up the public land and include into the private land. It shouldn't surprise anyone to see Northern Utah guys trying to find other places to hunt and shed hunt. We are just trying to get out and enjoy the outdoors like everyone else.

Go ahead and start the bashing SS :)

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Maybe you're just interpreting the frustrations for hatred?

I don't know a single person that lives in WY that contacted anyone to get the wheels going on this 1 week shed season head start. In fact most of the serious shed hunters I know didn't know anything about it until it passed.

I believe the whole "issue" regarding western wyoming is a perceived problem. Nothing more, nothing less. We had a perceived problem up here in AK. Every year at our Board of Game meetings there were guys complaining about crowding during their sheep hunts. There were too many people sheep hunting! They wanted NR and R restrictions. They did a bunch of working groups with residents, guides etc all over the state. Come to find out it was such a small % complaining out of the total hunters. They used this data to leave things alone. 10 years later we had a bad winter and it killed off most the sheep.

ok so the ending sucked but you get the point :)

Utards are a sensitive bunch, the good ones and the bad ones. All that salt water makes ya soft.
I one time had a couple utards completely blow a 190 typical out of a basin after politely asking them not to. That's why I don't care what utards think also I don't plan on hunting there for sheds or anything else. And every campsite in the Grey's river area is occupied by families of them pretty much anytime the weather is decent. And every two track or pull off is infested with them in the winter grounds come may first
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Maybe you're just interpreting the frustrations for hatred?

I don't know a single person that lives in WY that contacted anyone to get the wheels going on this 1 week shed season head start. In fact most of the serious shed hunters I know didn't know anything about it until it passed.

I believe the whole "issue" regarding western wyoming is a perceived problem. Nothing more, nothing less. We had a perceived problem up here in AK. Every year at our Board of Game meetings there were guys complaining about crowding during their sheep hunts. There were too many people sheep hunting! They wanted NR and R restrictions. They did a bunch of working groups with residents, guides etc all over the state. Come to find out it was such a small % complaining out of the total hunters. They used this data to leave things alone. 10 years later we had a bad winter and it killed off most the sheep.

ok so the ending sucked but you get the point :)

Utards are a sensitive bunch, the good ones and the bad ones. All that salt water makes ya soft.
I don't know anyone that pushed for the head start either. In fact the first time I saw the bill was when I was just browsing through the 2023 proposed legislation.

I'm sure there was grumblings within the G&F about the circus on May 1st. Eventually that gets to someone who gets the ball rolling. No doubt, the head start is going to decrease the crowd on May 1st and no doubt this fiasco of shed seasons caused all this BS. We warned them that shed seasons would open a can of worms they didn't want opened. They didn't listen.
Maybe you're just interpreting the frustrations for hatred?

I don't know a single person that lives in WY that contacted anyone to get the wheels going on this 1 week shed season head start. In fact most of the serious shed hunters I know didn't know anything about it until it passed.

I believe the whole "issue" regarding western wyoming is a perceived problem. Nothing more, nothing less. We had a perceived problem up here in AK. Every year at our Board of Game meetings there were guys complaining about crowding during their sheep hunts. There were too many people sheep hunting! They wanted NR and R restrictions. They did a bunch of working groups with residents, guides etc all over the state. Come to find out it was such a small % complaining out of the total hunters. They used this data to leave things alone. 10 years later we had a bad winter and it killed off most the sheep.

ok so the ending sucked but you get the point :)

Utards are a sensitive bunch, the good ones and the bad ones. All that salt water makes ya soft.
Hell of a story ?
Most Utah guys don’t mind the wind or the whining of Wyoming guys complaining that they can’t find horns cause they didn’t get a head start. Both are constant
Hell of a story ?
Most Utah guys don’t mind the wind or the whining of Wyoming guys complaining that they can’t find horns cause they didn’t get a head start. Both are constant
Well we're getting a head start next year so sit tight pilgrim
Hell of a story ?
Most Utah guys don’t mind the wind or the whining of Wyoming guys complaining that they can’t find horns cause they didn’t get a head start. Both are constant
Go ahead and share a link to such, since it seems to be so constant. Post up or shut up.
Just wondering if nonres can still hike the hills and place way points on every shed they find (and/or stash) prior to the nonres opener? Seems like nonres really have no reason to wait and have ways to get around the crazy wait reg?
Just wondering if nonres can still hike the hills and place way points on every shed they find (and/or stash) prior to the nonres opener? Seems like nonres really have no reason to wait and have ways to get around the crazy wait reg?
You should try it

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