Big Bull Sheds


Long Time Member
Found this set this week.

The live pictures i believe are of the same bull from 2014. Hasn't changed much. In 6 years.

His right side is kinda stunted, every point is shorter than the left side. But he would still gross 355-360 if he wasn't broken. If you double the big side he would be mid 370's.



2014-11-07 17.52.00.jpg

2014-11-07 17.53.48.jpg

2014-11-07 17.50.22.jpg

Sweet find! How far apart were they?

They are both in the picture of them in the snow. Only about 7 inches of the rights sides 4th point was sticking out of the snow. If you look close you can see it sticking up out of the snow just up and to the left of the main horn in the picture. I didn't see it until I got over to it.

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